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10074549 No.10074549 [Reply] [Original]

>articulate yourself as succinctly as possible
>dad tells you to stop being a dickhead

>> No.10074553

can you explain what you mean or give an example?

>> No.10074563

Lmao better than embarassment

>> No.10074565

lad this is a thread in which we complain about using words such as acquiescence in a sentence, please keep up

>> No.10074571


Then you grow up repressed and end up being a recluse on 4chan rather than a successful YA writer.

Thanks dad

>> No.10074573

You are probably autistic in someway OP and didn't realize that you failed some social cue.

Tell us what happened and we'll help you figure out what you did wrong.

>> No.10074592

post some of your work

>With a flick of her wrist, the flick of a switch, a breach of the still air and a snap, the room sprung to life. "Better to wallow in a dusky, dusty room than a dark one" Hermoine said as she started to deepthroat Harry's pg tips smelling, rock hard, slightly purple cock.

>> No.10074593

>articulate yourself as succinctly as possible
>daaaaaaaaad, you just don't understand, Stephen King is pleb shit I only read the classics because of purple prose normie normie cuck normie Gravity's Rainbow is the pinnacle of literary achievement normie cuck pleb

>> No.10074605
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>dad says something
>point out the implications of what he has actually just said
>dad tells me that I'm like my mother because I always try to see to much in what other people say

Do people think that I am supposed to take whatever they say at face value?

>> No.10074612

Generally men do, yes. Unless you have a practical reason not to.

>> No.10074619

Bit what if I can see the blatant dishonesty that lies behind what they have just said? Should I just stand there and eat it up? You have to have some nerve to expect this from other adult human beings.

>> No.10074621

parents often mean what they mean no matter the medium or way they phrase it

if your dad wants you to do well then he wants you to do well

>> No.10074627

Pick your battles. If you make it your mission to point out phoniness every time you see it you will basically be ripping everyone a new one in nearly every conversation. You're not jesus christ, anon.

>> No.10074628

>The sky is blue
>but what do you mean by that?

Do you not realize how annoying that is?

>> No.10074638

Eh, I know that this is just me wanting to be always right, but I'll be honest: I'm really good at it, and I can't help but noticing it every single time. It's as if most people talk to me while assuming that I'm stupid, I can just see so clearly through their words.
Is this the common condition? Is everyone just like me, but more proficient at hiding their indignation?
Sorry for the blogposting anyway.
This is a ridicolous example, I would have no quarrel with such a statement.

>> No.10074644

>This is a ridicolous example, I would have no quarrel with such a statement.
You read too much into things yet you interpret a hyperbolic statement to make a point as literal. Maybe you're just dumb or something.

>> No.10074647

You know in movies or highschool there's that loner nerd kid that overanalyzes everything and acts smug telling people the mistakes they are making? That's you lmao, stop being so autistic.

>> No.10074660

Gotcha, you guys will just assume that I'm some edgy kid playing the >to smart card.
My bad, it's clearly not the right place to discuss these matters.

They hyperbole does not refere to anything, it's not an exageration of what I have actually described. Whatever, it's wasted time.

>> No.10074666

Honestly, and I don't mean this to be rude, but talking honestly is REALLY hard. My guess is that the reason you don't notice it in yourself is that your not paying attention to what you say OR you don't even attempt to express deep things about yourself, only what's wrong with others.

>> No.10074669

>That's an exaggeration of what I actually do
>It's hyperbole
>Then why isn't it an exaggeration of what I actually do?
Man, you ARE dumb.

>> No.10074677

I'm not assuming anything, I'm telling you what you sound like to other people since you seem to lack self-awareness.

>> No.10074687
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As Dave said in Authority and American Usage, maintaining a high level of eloquence is not necessarily a sign of verbal competence. In fact you're failing to adapt to the lingo of your peers and thus deemed defective. Try to speak like everybody around you and keep your polysyllables to your diary and academic writings.

>> No.10074701

That assumes what your priorities of speech are.
What if I want to make people feel dumb and hate me

>> No.10074703

then why bother articulating
oi u alrite m8 u neva fakkin guess what but our pauline has just had a fakkin baby, what about that ay???
wew pauline just had a kid, mental innit

>> No.10074712

I try to be as honest as possible, and I choose my words and arguments very carefully.

You seem inclined to give absolute value to your impressions, which in this case are based upon 2 posts written by a stranger who can barely speak English.

You are the dumb one nere. If your hyperbole does not relate to the account I've given, the fault is on you, which is to say that you could have typed out any other possible unrelated "hyperbole" achieving the same exact result: nothing, something that is onky semantically linked to its original context. You are probably too stupid to realize your rethorical ineptitude.

>> No.10074716

I thought the OP expressed sadness due to having his efforts belittled. If you want to feel superior using "big" words is obviously the way to go. Just don't be surprised when you're shunned or ridiculed.
Associate with better people or something, I don't know, man...

>> No.10074737
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Your dad sounds cool

>> No.10074799

>Trying this hard to sound smart in a 4chan post
>Still making spelling mistakes


>> No.10074822
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>Tell dad about philosophical concept I've been wrestling with
>"Just pray about it"

>> No.10074868

you really do sound insufferable m8

>> No.10074890
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>> No.10074907

If you talk to other people, do take into account that you are, in fact, talking to other people. You are trying to cram information through their filters.

>> No.10074959

I know somebody that when I do this acts offended and tells me 'Not to assume' or 'I never said that'. Fair point, but when they do it repeatedly, only to go on to prove exactly what I pointed out it just seems pointless. The assumption was correct, but somehow the very fact that I assumed is bad in some way?

>> No.10074979

this is actually good

>> No.10074989

>tfw have a hard time articulating myself clearly most of the time

>> No.10074997

You may not see this, but sometimes less is more.

>> No.10075008

There is no absolute value, read this carefully my man: you SOUND like an insufferable faggot. Maybe you can work on sounding less like this and you will be received better. Why don't you try replying in a way that doesn't give off this impression?

>> No.10075012

>articulate my points perfectly in mind
>imagine possible responses I will get
>have great counters to the points they could raise
>actual conversation takes place
>they word a response slightly differently than I imagined
>my argument falls apart instantly for some reason
>remember it 4 years later and mutter under my breath

>> No.10075016

fuck anon

>> No.10075023

This is what happens when you think too much.

>> No.10075026

>group meeting of people that are already acquainted
>New member so I introduce myself
>Use my submissive voice

Fuck now they'll always look down upon me, FUCK

>> No.10075029

Next time say something then you sperg

>> No.10075414

My dad killed himself. Instead of trying to articulate yourself as sufficiently as possible whenever you talk to him, be a normal human being and speak your mind to your father not build up speeches, Jesus Christ.

>> No.10075456

if you try to speak with the masses around you and they fail to understand, it's not your problem

>> No.10075517

It's your problem if you want to be understood by them, it's not if you don't.

>> No.10075527

No offence but your dad was a pathetic loser.

>> No.10075539

you're seriously going to die like a bitch on nature's or some doctor's terms, laid up in bed with an oversized turd in your bowels that needs surgical removal because your guts don't work right?

>> No.10075574

>no dad

>> No.10075591
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stop being an angstqueef

>> No.10075598

Yeah, I can accept life because I am not a huge pussy. Id do it twice if I could.

>> No.10075605


>I am not a huge pussy.

you clearly are tho.

>> No.10075619

ITT: dorks get owned

>> No.10075622

Because I won't kill myself like your dad? ok..

>> No.10075625

this is how you identify the autist

>> No.10075628

>I feel strongly about suicide

It's more likely you just have aspergers and want to be rude on the internet.

>> No.10075636

At least I am not defending suicide

>> No.10075638


different anon m8. it's because you're a try hard edgespectrum who needs to build up your self-esteem at the expense of suicides. that is how insecure you are.

you're a spaz, kid.

>> No.10075647

>defending suicide

I'm not the immature one here.

>> No.10075656

>not articulating yourself as succinctly as possible with allowances to avoid other people thinking you are a dick head

>> No.10075668


have a pity (You) for the road.

>> No.10075671

>says the guy who pities those who kill themselves

>> No.10075680

I'm the guy who posted that, and he was; he was a loser and a coward.

>> No.10075682

Implicature is based on the cooperative principle. If the implicature carries no weight or illocutionary act in context and you're inferring "hidden" things rather than which the cooperative principle of the conversation would pragmatically assume, then stop being a fucking dickhead putting words in their mouth.

>> No.10075683

Thank you.

>> No.10075696

He ran away and didn't have the audacity to stick around to see who I'd become it even attempt to be a real part of my life. The fact that he offed himself left me with something I can never truly fix, so fuck him. I said it because people shouldn't over analyze family members, they should just be themselves with each other and love each other because you never know when it's going to end. And it's always going to end.

>> No.10075704


yeah but you're allowed to think that because he hurt you personally which is entirely understandable. but don't let any other fag talk shit about your private life. you are subjugating yourself to them without realizing it.

>> No.10075743

No, I fully believe there are no everyday excuses for suicide, you're a coward if you do it unless your life is legitimately unlivable. You hurt so many people and you ultimately deny yourself. Death is earned, not an escape.

>> No.10075748

And he clearly wasn't shit talking, he was being real.

>> No.10075810

Your dad’s right.

>> No.10076057
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>> No.10076075

He was absolutely right. Faith in God makes you more rational

>> No.10076127
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lol, look at this submissive beta male
>dude just don't question other people's motives
>yeah, I can see through their lies and inconsistencies, but I won't ever point them out because they might hate it xD
>yes mate, there is no problem whatsoever in repressing your istinct of telling the truth for the rest of your life only due to societal conditioning :D stop being so annoying and take my lies at face value!

>> No.10076192

>articulate yourself as succinctly as possible
>say what you mean

words ought to be suited to the purpose

>> No.10076203
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>> No.10076210

it's certainly not the masses' problem

>> No.10076401

well now I don't know who to believe

>> No.10076546

Man's words can be scarce, sparse, dry, few, distilled, unelaborated.
But only a fucking faggot does express himself "succinctly".

>> No.10076558

mate when was the last time you talked to another human being outside of your parents, be honest

>> No.10077518

You just sound like an insufferable teenager. I had exactly the same thought vices when I was 13.

>> No.10077530

Not him but, like, fifty minutes ago, and he's right, people are insincere to the point it smells like addiction.

>> No.10077568

Second anon. This passage keeps skipping and if just not very good.

>> No.10077570

OP soon enough you will learn tact, until then you're just Pseud Jr.

T. Did the same shit