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/lit/ - Literature

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10068862 No.10068862 [Reply] [Original]

>current book, etc.

>> No.10068881

Why are you doing this

>> No.10068901

>the art of war

>> No.10068903 [DELETED] 

>Infinite Jest

>> No.10068912

>Water Margin

>> No.10068924

Ima have to press X to doubt

>Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.10068957

These threads are always pointless but if I go into the archive it’s possible to chronicle my meaningless life by searching for my prior participation in these threads

The Sword of the Lictor

>> No.10068959

>google advertisers tying your ip to you personally
These type of threads are made by veekyforums and the like guys. Don't fall for it, they are IP hunting.

>> No.10068960

Why is age and location necessary you data harvesting TWAT?

>> No.10068961

>A Personal Matter - Kenzaburo Oe

>> No.10069040


>> No.10069045

>north cackalacka
>the recognitions

>> No.10069046

Kéraban-le-Têtu by Jules Verne

>> No.10069071 [DELETED] 

> 17
> Brazil
> Thus spake Zarathustra

>> No.10069080

>Upstate NY (not to be confused with that parasite slowly killing our state
>A Set Of Six

>> No.10069082

NICE, one of the most powerful books i've ever read

>> No.10069119

>Fellowship of the Ring

>> No.10069151


>> No.10069164

>snow country

>> No.10069172

>Bleak House

>> No.10069173

>complete works of plato

>> No.10069179


>> No.10069189
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Pretty much hilarious, I am definitely going to read Don Quixote then re-read this at later date so I understand the humor that isn't just "muh rocinante"

>> No.10069190

Just east of rochester, small town.

Im not a fan of cities.

>> No.10069195

>À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleur

>> No.10069209

SYR reporting in

Is Upstate NY *the* most literary place to live? I think it is:
>no employment opportunities
>rampant poverty and drug abuse
>great landscapes

>> No.10069210

Don Quixote

>> No.10069211

Citadel of the Autist

SotL is the best tho

>> No.10069213

datamine thread but what the heck
>Jacksonville, FL
>THotDaFotRE, Revolt Against the Modern World, Ulysses, The Hobit
I'll read a few chapters at a time and switch between books.
which area?

>> No.10069218

>no employment opportunities
>rampant poverty and drug abuse

leave the city >:(

But yes to everything else, i have a constant desire to take a notebook and just fuck off to the mountains.

>> No.10069247
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>tfw Thoreau purchased all of his supplies to live at Walden pond for $28
>tfw, accounting strictly for inflation, that would be approx. $893 today
>tfw the globalist desire for profit has made it almost impossible to legally go innawoods if you're born in a city

>> No.10069257

>culture of critique

>> No.10069263

leave the city >:(

>> No.10069315

>great Satan
>infinite meme

>> No.10069371

>not posting fake info to bamboozle the mossad
>Not being a disinformation warrior in 2k17
>39, New Jersey, How to Clean Practically Anything

>> No.10069403
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>Emotions Revealed by Ekman

>> No.10069417

>implying the Mossad doesn't already have all that info
Yeah amazon TOTALLY keeps your book orders a secret

Posting false info just has them go "oh look at this man trying to keep secrets lets spy on him harder from now on"

>> No.10069422

>Literary Essays of Ezra Pound

>> No.10069498

>The Fault in Our Stars, John Green

>> No.10069513

No kidding? I've rarely met anyone else who's read that one.

The Sound of Waves (Yukio Mishima), The Vegetarian (Han Kang)

>> No.10069528

>Dubliners (just finished)

>> No.10069529

1. Twenty-Six

2. London

3. My Friends by Emmanuel Bove.

>> No.10069537

>>>Literary Essays of Ezra Pound
You're 18, you'll just end up having to reread it

>> No.10069553

>you'// just end up having to reread it


>> No.10069572 [DELETED] 

>Zettel's Traum

>> No.10069576

To young just read the canon and work your way up like you're supposed to

>> No.10069582 [DELETED] 

>the jewnited states
>jordan peterson's autobiograghy

>> No.10069583

Yeah it's my first Oe book and I'm really digging it so far. Nice to see another Minnesotan on herem also the Sound of Waves is fantastic.

>> No.10069672


>> No.10069797


>> No.10069799


>> No.10069826

>New Jersey
>The Arcades Project

>> No.10070019

As I Lay Dying

Looking for a job as a humanity degree is worth fuck all.


>> No.10070032
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>Goosebumps Horrorland: Welcome to Horrorland- A Survivor's Guide

>> No.10070040

>Leaves of Grass Deathbed Edition, Acts of Light: Poems

>> No.10070064
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Some short stories by Saki, Modern Moral Philosophy by WD Hudson, some chapters about Italian Renaissance from a random art history textbook, some poems by LM Panero, V Aleixandre and shitty coevals of mine every now and then. It's been months since I last focused on seriously reading a book. Hope I can do it soon desu.

>> No.10070086

> 27
> Florida
> IT

normally not my kind of book but the movie was pretty fun so I thought I'd give it a shot

>> No.10070105


>The Stranger (again)

It's a comfy book, and Im gonna watch the Visconti film tonight

>> No.10070106

how are you liking it so far?

>> No.10070119


It's pretty good honestly, but I'm a slow reader & this is the first book I've picked up in a year or so, so I've barely made a dent in it.

I don't read a lot of King's stuff, the only other King novel I've read was The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon which was I liked alright.

>> No.10070151

Ivan Denisovitch

>> No.10070159

where in florida? In Miami there are skinny neckbeards holding IT every other block.

>> No.10070181

> 24
> Norway
> Bouvard et Pécuchet

What do you think of the Vegetarian? I read it last year. It wasn't a perfect book, but it's been rattling around my head ever since.

>> No.10070183

>Book 4
Not far in but it seems good so far. Turns out most messiah stories involve caves, deserts and resurrections.

>> No.10070384

>slow reader
>stephen king

what are you even doing here you massive plebian?

>> No.10070436

A Canticle for leibowitz

>> No.10070490

Reading through an English poetry anthology

>> No.10070551


>> No.10070561

>Schelling's "System of Transcendental Idealism", and this textbook "Introduction to Topology"

>> No.10070568

God, reading these makes me really glad I'm not 18 anymore and I'm not from Latvia or Minnesota.

No offense to you guys.

>> No.10070572

The Dharma Bums

>> No.10070646
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>The Bonfire of the Vanities

>> No.10070841

Michel Foucault - Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison

>> No.10070876


>> No.10070930

ayyy I thought I was the only one

>> No.10070935
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>Blood Meridian

>> No.10070955

Los Angeles
The Pale King and Anna Karenina

>> No.10070960

what makes you say that, Anon?

>> No.10070964


>> No.10070988

lol there's plenty of drug addiction and poverty outside of the city, possibly even more.

>> No.10070991
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>Walden, The Republic and The Culture of Critique

As a New Englander, Walden is making me homesick but good lord what a comfy book.

>> No.10071000

>Beyond Remembering: Collected Poems of Al Purdy

>> No.10071006

>Love in the Times of Cholera

>> No.10071008

Not the other anon, but do you go to FIU?

>> No.10071087
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>East of the Rockies, West of the rest
>Just starting Portrait Of The Author As An Old Man

>> No.10071108

>zizek - on belief

>> No.10071115


We obviously have crime everywhere, but cities are literal hives for those that require others to fulfill their needs. Its a recipe for disaster, cities are like echo chambers for crime.

There are of course towns that act as hubs for certain crimes due to a verity of circumstances. Take the 'town' of lions for example, practically an inner city without the city around it. But besides the expected low and stable crime level, smaller towns that are of sufficient distance from the major cities simply do not suffer from the high crime levels that major population zones do.

>small town = less crime, more jobs
>large city = more crime, less jobs

In before muh outliers

>> No.10071121

>The Magic Mountain

>> No.10071154

Also, and i cant believe i didn't say this in >>10071115


you are on lit plebeian, do us a favor and try at the very least.

>> No.10071210

Minnesota is a pretty cozy place, man.

>> No.10071237

somwher'e in south america
>current book
Presocratic philosophers
feeling like kms almost every day nowadays tbḩ

>> No.10071337

>sydney Aus
>Psychology of Love

>> No.10071443

I'm a high school senior doing dual enrollment at MDC, shit is cake and I don't have to pay a cent for credits.

>> No.10071460

You're the guy from upstate, correct? Have you ever been to rehab? I have, and 50-60% of the people there live in rural areas.

>> No.10071464

>Iliad and Mindfulness in Plain English

>> No.10071472
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>Brisbane, Australia
>Don Quixote (print) and The Idiot (audiobook)

>> No.10071494

>de gaulle memoires de guerre

>> No.10071522

>La peu de chagrin

>> No.10071525

>Anchorage, Alaska
>How To Read a Book

>> No.10071789

>St. Paul

>> No.10071792

>Washington State
>The Sot Weed Factor

>> No.10071797

>Compton, California
>The Four Archetypes - Jung

>> No.10071803

>Robinson Crusoe

>> No.10072076

>he doesn't understand economics and sociology.


>> No.10072130

São Paulo
Infinite Jest

>> No.10072280

>crime and punishment

>> No.10072339

>Unknown little piece of Europe
>one hundred years of solitude

>> No.10072362

>Peloponnesian War

Recently started with the greeks

>> No.10072377

literally all of 4chan is rehosted there as well
old news

>> No.10072386

>art of war

>> No.10072433
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>blanchot's récits, beckett's "unnamed"

>> No.10072544

rural =/= away from the city


>> No.10072549

>he thinks he understands economics and sociology

fuck outa here son

>> No.10072565

sub m8, where u from

>> No.10072644

>History of Rome By S.I Kovaliov

Never read a book about the roman empire before, but i think this one is good to introduce yourself into the romans

>> No.10072651

>a cave in Transoxiana
>the exact same extract of Ulysses over and over every day

I can now move objects with my mind.

>> No.10072676


>> No.10072680

Tropic of Capricorn - Henry Miller

>> No.10072711

>mcq 18, de São José do Rio Preto e comecei IJ ontem
Está lendo no original, anãozinho? O que está achando até então?

>> No.10072719

>Stalingrad, Art of War, Money Miners (some book about history of corruption in Australian mining)

>> No.10072733

>philosophy and non-philosophy
not into it, kind of want to read more fiction or take a break

>> No.10072985


>> No.10073040
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please write me
viber, what's up, sms, whatever

>> No.10073045
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>All the Bright Places

>> No.10073237

You filthy reddite ways are showing through.
Skimming a site(an image board at that), changing post numbers to randomly generated names, removing the images, and changing any previous mention of the site to the new site is not "rehosting", you fucking newfag. Neck yourself from the nearest implement used in the crossing of large bodies of water.

>> No.10073370


>In search of lost time

>> No.10073391

The Plague

>> No.10073416

>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.10073604

>The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care

>> No.10073723


>> No.10073749


A sadder short story than "Never Worn"

>> No.10073756
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>The Conquest of Bread

>> No.10073767


>> No.10073768


>> No.10073775

norwegian wood

>> No.10073783

>Cleveland Browns History, On Being Brown, Browns Town 1964, Things I've Learned From Watching the Browns, and Winsberg, Ohio

>> No.10073791

peter frankopan - the silk roads

>> No.10074115

>100 years of solitude

Almost finished. Really diggin it

>> No.10074183

The selfish gene

>> No.10074448

>Complete Fiction, by Bruno Schulz

>> No.10074461

Don't speak spanish sorry

>> No.10074468

>The Netherlands
>American Psycho

Saw the film first. Spiked my interest. Discovered it was written by the same guy as Less Than Zero. Just started reading it.

>> No.10074535

The sound and the fury

>> No.10075020
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I'll be your friend, anon

>> No.10075054
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23, chicago, one flew over the cuckoos nest

>> No.10075056
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>From The Shadows by Robert Gates fmr. DDI of CIA, Bipolar Disorder A Guide For Friends & Family by Mark Mondimore Francis, (3rd time) The Republic by Plato,

>> No.10075059

Wizard here, 100 pages in. Im the same age and from Europe.
How do you like it? Apart from the detailed descriptions of attire I find it a really fun read.

>> No.10075120

Damn, I'm from Coral Gables
>bout to finish Hyperion

>> No.10075165

>Boston, MA
>Suttree, by Cormac McCarthy

>> No.10075166

All the names

>> No.10075192


>Pinecrest (Miami)
>On the Heights of Despair

Cioran is such a guilty pleasure.

>> No.10075202

>Orgy of the Will

>> No.10075205

The Origins and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumann

>> No.10075247

Let me know if you finish it I dropped it after his uhhh...."forest jaunt"

>> No.10075298

>the idiot

>> No.10075629
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>The Plague

>> No.10075635

Will do. I'm barely on the first chapter still, but I'm loving how McCarthy drives the description. Its so dense but it all flows so well.

I'm hoping for some fun hick shennanigans to come soon

>> No.10075640

>The killer angels (Haven't gotten too far on it.)

>> No.10075653

>Fathers and sons

>> No.10075657

Yes its a book by Sun Tzu

>> No.10075676

Nope. Its a bunch of scrolls you no brain.

>> No.10075933

So the illiad isnt a book either?

>> No.10075974

>Dune, The Secret of the Golden Flower

>> No.10075983


can't put it down

>> No.10076006

>The Concept of Anxiety

>> No.10076022


> 25
> Paris
> first as a farce then as a tragedy, Zizek

It's utter shit. However, I force myself to read books from ideologies I despise. Rorty is a hundred times better than Zizek.

>> No.10076040

The Stranger - Albert Camus

>> No.10076056

notice only the white guy is smiling

>> No.10076105

The naked dude was white if I remember right

>> No.10076182

I can understand not liking Zizek, but what about as a secondary reading of Hegel?

>> No.10076187

>New Zealand
>A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness

>> No.10076200


>> No.10076216

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10076282

Catch-22 (reread)

>> No.10076289

>Rosicrucian Questions and Answers - Harvey Spencer Lewis

>> No.10076308

are you from Kosovo or something why do east europeans always have this crazy inferiority complex

>> No.10076331

>Illuminatus! Trilogy

>> No.10076410

>>Halifax, Canada
>>Funny Papers by Tom DeHaven