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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 241x360, Catch22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10068526 No.10068526 [Reply] [Original]

>Yossarian jumped. Nately's whore was hiding just outside the door. The knife came down, missing him by Catch-22 inches, and he sped off.
What WAS Heller thinking?

>> No.10068596

>Maybe the real Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man was the friends we made along the way

And you people talk about Joyce as if he's the king of literature or something

>> No.10068602

"...and it truly was Mein Kampf."

Fucking really, Hitler?

>> No.10068604


>> No.10069268

>"...and it truly was Mein Kampf."
What mine doesn't end like that

>> No.10069651
File: 89 KB, 640x640, 46CB153F-6058-4A3B-90C9-F8789C16BBC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Oedipa settle back, to await the crying of lot 49.”

fucking seriously?

>> No.10069842


So disappointed in that book overall

>> No.10069866

stopped reading there, what absolute drivel

>> No.10070929
File: 1.87 MB, 1484x1024, di 'if dubu 'iw (pbuh).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it occurred to you that these tropes were not yet cliché, and were actually once able to evoke sentimentality and wistfulness, rather than cringe?

Welcome to the water.

>> No.10070937
File: 7 KB, 176x213, tolstoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and, after it all, I realized that I finally knew the meaning of both War and Peace
Honestly /lit/ memed me

>> No.10071045

the shit about walking around admiring buildings still made me laugh out loud when i read it

>> No.10071074

>BIFF to Linda, as he takes her in his arms and lifts her away from the grave: Pop died the death of a salesman. Come on, pal, let's head back home.

>> No.10071134

>Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
>I took the one less traveled by,
>And that has made all the difference.


>> No.10071200

road less travelled is satire tho

>> No.10071757
File: 62 KB, 464x464, 1482421457444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically The Makioka Sisters by Tanizaki Junichiro:

>Yukiko's diarrhea persisted through the twenty-sixth, and was a problem on the train to Tokyo.

Imagine reading 500 pages meticulously rendering the cultural milieu of pre-war Japan, and this is what you end on. It's probably one of my favorite endings I've ever read, though. It actually makes sense in context.

>> No.10073146

Damn, that's... that's an ending.

>> No.10073148

>For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Romeo and Juliet
William Hackspear, more like.

>> No.10073364

>So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past, until we have ourselves become The Great Gatsby

>> No.10073452

>And finally back home with his wife, he could say it was truly quite an Odyssey
How did this translation get published?

>> No.10073468
File: 151 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MRS. ALVING. Ghosts! When I heard Regina and Oswald in there, it was as though Ghosts rose up before me. But I almost think, truly, that we are all of us Ghosts, Pastor Manders.

— Ghosts

>SOLNESS. [Laughs.] No, no—of course not! Heaven forbid! Only think—to be Solness, The Master Builder!

-- The Master Builder

>DR. STOCKMAN. ...Let the whole country perish, let all these people be exterminated!
>VOICES FROM THE CROWD. That is talking like An Enemy of the People!

— An Enemy of the People

>NORA. And you’ve always been so kind to me. But our house has never been anything but a play-room. I have been your doll wife, just as at home I was Daddy’s doll child. And the children in turn have been my dolls, in A Doll's House.

— A Doll’s House

>GREGERS. Isn’t it a duck ?
>EKDAL.[Hurt.] Why, of coarse it's a duck.
>HlALMAR. But what kind of duck, do you think ?
>HEDVIG. It's not just a common duck
>GREGERS. And it's not a Muscovy duck either.
>EKDAL. No, Mr. — Werle ; ifs not a Muscovy duck; for it's The Wild Duck !

--The Wild Duck

>PROFESSOR RUBEK. Oh, Irene--that might have been our life.--And that we have forfeited--we two.
>IRENE. We see the irretrievable only when--[Breaks off.]
>PROFESSOR RUBEK.[Looks inquiringly at her.] When---?
>IRENE. When We Dead Awaken.

—When We Dead Awaken

>Bernick: And we--we have a long earnest day of work ahead of us; I most of all. But let it come; only keep close round me you true, loyal women. I have learned this too, in these last few days; it is you women that are The Pillars of Society.

— The Pillars of Society

>It is a hot summer’s day. PEER GYNT, a sturdy youth of twenty, comes down the path…

--Peer Gynt

>LOVBORG. [Repeats softly.] Hedda Gabler!

--Hedda Gabler

Ibsen was the ultimate hack

>> No.10074103

i hate reading this book. what the fuck is supposed to be so great about it? sure ive had some chuckles along the way but cmon

>> No.10074124

>...and that's when she turned and said, "tractatus logico philosophicus."

i can see where the analytic backlash came from

>> No.10074893

>No question now what has happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.

d e e p

>> No.10075480

>and God said "truly this is the bible"

fuck christians desu

>> No.10075483

my same reaction

>> No.10075515
File: 963 KB, 1000x1200, 1504717518399-lgbt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Who are you people?!"
>"We're the Brothers Karamazov!"

Does anyone else love title drops while reading?

>> No.10075544

It was good until they started calling themselves "The Travelling Karamazovs" and doing circus acts. I mean, what the fuck?