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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 333x500, Conjure Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1006691 No.1006691 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think of Conjure Wife?

>> No.1006695

>urban fantasy

What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.1006699


Basically, it has magic and sometimes other fantasy elements (such as vampires or elves or some shit) but it takes place in modern Earth.

>> No.1006703
File: 22 KB, 352x400, Donotwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1006710

It's a taste thing.

>> No.1006714

Why would anyone want to read such novels when most people haven't even read world classics?

>> No.1006715
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>> No.1006718

its set in the now - well, 1940s since that is when it was written
rather than a made up pseudo-historical world (Conan, Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser, Elric, etc) or historical world (The Broken Sword, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Arthurian stories, etc)

>> No.1006723

see >>1006710

>> No.1006739

>do not want
>I haven't read it or heard of the author but it appears to be fantasy so I'll act like a typical e/lit/ist with unread copies of Nabokov and Dostoyevsky on his shelves

>> No.1006742
File: 54 KB, 630x630, getthefuckout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1006753

>the use of reactionimages and popular hatedom makes me cool, right guys?

I'm not much into urban fantasy myself. But, nevermind the troll. I've never heard of it. What's it about, OP?

>> No.1006756
File: 48 KB, 387x259, facepalmlaptop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1006764

an anthropology professor whose work specializes in deconstructing primitive myths and beliefs discovers that his wife is practicing witchcraft
and that it is quite real
and the other faculty wives are too
and they're locked in battle to protect & advance their husbands

>> No.1006774


>> No.1006776

shouldn't you go dust all those literary classics you've got?
wouldn't want anyone to think they're unread the next time you photograph them

>> No.1006780

this isn't some LULZRANDOMXDHARDBOILEDVAMPIREDETIVEEROTICA this is a quite serious work

>> No.1006791
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>> No.1006817

Rule number one of the internet: Don't feed the trolls.

Hmm. It's one of the only books of his I don't have, I think. I dunno how much he's written.

>> No.1006823
File: 80 KB, 500x400, facepalmbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1007111

You should be able to find it, its his only other work besides the Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser series currently in print - the OP picture is the cover of a new edition
And there is always second-hand bookshops