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/lit/ - Literature

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10066472 No.10066472 [Reply] [Original]

Why are idiots the most eager to spread their opinion?

>> No.10066476

Weren't given enough attention as children.

>> No.10066477


>> No.10066479

you think /lit/ have better opinions than this?
Then you are also an idiot

>> No.10066482

true, actually. /lit/ faggots just parrots the opinions of better men, and when asked to justify them, always respond with "the prose was great" or some pretentious sentence with a vague relation to the themes of the book

>> No.10066485

Ugly women like her essentially live pointless quiet lives where nobody gives the least concern to their thoughts. It makes sense they resort to being a broken sewage pipe of contrarian resentiment

Here's one now

>> No.10066486

Have your favorite pulp novel made fun of champ? :(

>> No.10066489

She's not very pretty but I wouldn't call this woman ugly. She's like a 5 or 6. Average.

>> No.10066500


>> No.10066535 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ get some standards, the bags under her eyes are bigger than balls

>> No.10066536

>live pointless quiet lives where nobody gives the least concern to their thoughts. It makes sense they resort to being a broken sewage pipe of contrarian resentiment

you've just described yourself senpai

>> No.10066542

Jesus Christ get some standards, the bags under her eyes are bigger than my balls

>> No.10066543
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>> No.10066553

No there's a key difference, I'm an intelligent white man, not a mousey mediocre woman. I can read the works and critiques of great minds and see my own opinions reflected in them. Feel part of a long project even if I should never contribute to it myself.
She on the otherhand doesn't and like her dyke and minority compatriots feel bitter in seeing the canon they could never had a hand in creating and so spend their days in a self defeating luciferian rebellion against it

>> No.10066554

the more you learn, the more you realize you don't know

>> No.10066558
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This isn't literature desu

>> No.10066565

Based Hunter dropping major red pills

>> No.10066567

>I'm an intelligent white man

you are neither of these 3 things,just a stray mixed dumb fagget

>> No.10066569

you must have tiny balls and low T and are therefore unqualified to judge this 8/10 literary goddess

>> No.10066572

Don't make fun of my balls

>> No.10066574

Let's just sum this up so you can stop shitting up the thread:

You are autistic.

You are a roastie.

>> No.10066575
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He's a good, lad

>> No.10066578

slightly below average, plain looking

of course she is probably american so would be considered 7/10 because she weighs less than 300lbs

>> No.10066584

once enough girls fall for the alt-right meme neckbeards will go back to being being liberals due to women like this

kinda funny really

>> No.10066586

Got to always stay three steps ahead of the dialectic

>> No.10066592
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>> No.10066647

>'mutters to self, addicted to caffeine'
boy oh boy! she sure is craaazy! xD
such a nonchalant bio xD wow, so rand00m

>> No.10066653

It gets brought up often, but that's the main reason.

>> No.10066655

essential caffeine-addict-core?

>> No.10066677


>when you casually, by no fault of your own, stumble upon an interracial porn video, and watch it until the part with the rimming - all for research purposes in order to blame the jews

Oh /pol/.

>> No.10067330

>You are a roastie
Only in my fantasies

>> No.10067676

>kills people for entertainment
s-she's just joking right?

>> No.10067677

>I'm an intelligent white man
Is that what you think?

>> No.10067679

more like dumbthing-kreddit

>> No.10067686
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>I'm an intelligent white man

>> No.10067703

Im already reinventing my political beliefs because conservatism (which I never serious was) has become lame and the cringey alt-lite faggots turned whatever movement there was back into a classic American boomer conservatism. I never wanted repeal and replace, I just wanted to BTFO the left and build a meme wall.

>> No.10067709

>a masters degree in library science

>> No.10067885

Brokeback Mountain is a solid short story.

>> No.10067894

>dead old white men suck each others dick for 5000 years of western culture
>it's not gay cause we're INTELLIGENT WHITE MEN

sorry we just wanted to stop sucking crusty old white dick and maybe want some vaginas and some huge black dicks once in a while

>> No.10067898

just because you dont agree with them doesnt make them idiots. But I'm kinda being a hypocrite, because I think most of /lit/ consists of idiots eager to give their opinions. Such as yourself

This thread is pretty ironic, actually

>> No.10067904

>white man
Oy vey, as a fellow white man I see need no need to express this.

>> No.10067908
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>> No.10068294

>I never wanted repeal and replace
And that's not what you're going to get anyway, because trump is an incompetent politician

>> No.10068305

>I'm an intelligent white man
Had a great laugh anon. Thank you. Tell me, do you feel euphoric and wear a fedora or trilby?

>> No.10068342

>I'm an intelligent white man
>I can read the works and critiques of great minds and see my own opinions reflected in them.
>Feel part of a long project
>even if I should never contribute to it myself.
I'm laughing my fucking ass off here

>> No.10068343

Is it a work holiday on reddit or something?

>> No.10068351

Everyone is laughing at you. It should be something you are used to in life. Tell me more about how you are part of a long project.

>> No.10068357

Laughter is the released recognition of a feared truth.
Feel free to give me an actual argument and I will consider posting more

>> No.10068409

because we are scared that we are going to die for nothing and nothing we have ever said or done really matters in any important way.

so we have strong opinions about things in hopes of being remembered, even for a small portion of time, we have power over reality.

>> No.10068417

Bareback mountain is pretty good-the short story, dunno about the movie

>> No.10068422

Why do you care about some random small town girl?

>> No.10068425

I don't know OP, you tell me

>> No.10068465

>Laughter is the released recognition of a feared truth.
Keep telling yourself that, bud

>> No.10068470

Being remembered for a few generations more doesn't mean you won't be forgotten when humanity dies out eventually.

>> No.10068542

Yeah but people are stupid and don't grasp this easily, they run to escape the tide and pay no attention to the flood

>> No.10068545

Nobody can escape the flood. It's not something that can be escaped. You trying to escape the eventual extinction of humanity, escape the heat-death of the universe? You're dumber than they are.

>> No.10068557


>> No.10068573


>> No.10068598

We'll see about that entropy cuck. I'll be laughing at your decaying protons with my eternal waifu

>> No.10068614

wtf, she's like a 3 if we're being generous.

>> No.10068632

Ugly roasties trying to back each other up

>> No.10068722

Calling The Snows of Kilimanjaro a "pretentious piece of crap" was an unexpected enough characterization to make me chuckle.

>> No.10068730

One of my childhood friends had almost that exact smile, and he was the kind of guy no girl would touch with a barge pole. I'd be amazed if he ever found a girlfriend. The last time I saw him was when we were 19, which is almost half a lifetime ago. This chick is well below average-looking. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.10068750

This is the truth.

>> No.10068766

Stop cluttering /lit up with opinions about books, we're trying to BTFO cucks in here.

>> No.10068767
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The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.