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/lit/ - Literature

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1006407 No.1006407 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen a few tripfags here; what are the pros and cons of having a name and a tripcode?

>> No.1006410

Pros: None

Cons: Everything imaginable

>> No.1006411

Cons: You get to a false sense of importance and we all remember every stupid fucking thing you type.

Cons: You get to be the same category as Stagolee and CLT.

>> No.1006413

>Cons: You get to be the same category as Stagolee and CLT.
>implying that is a bad thing

>> No.1006414
File: 190 KB, 1000x1000, tripfags block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pros of having a tripcode: I don't have to put up with your bullshit ever. You're actually doing me a favor when you use a tripcode.

>> No.1006412

Stagolee is fucking annoying, but who is CLT?

>> No.1006415

OP's gif is from possibly the hottest scene in any movie, ever.

>> No.1006416

Pros: Attention
Cons: none.

>> No.1006419

and what movie is that?

>> No.1006420

Even though Capsguy's posts aren't a problem, I hate the fact that he's posting in all caps. I wish he just used a name/tripcode so that I could block all his posts. Doing it manually is a pain in the ass

>> No.1006424

One of my favourite movies from one of my favourite directors:



>> No.1006425


>> No.1006428



>> No.1006430
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>> No.1006431

Please don't link to tvtropes on this board. Thanks

>> No.1006433

Me too.

>> No.1006437
File: 38 KB, 400x560, Irreversible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1006438


>> No.1006440


Quit béing a faggot.

>> No.1006458


Deal with it.

>> No.1006466


Well, there goes three hours of my life I'll never get back.

>> No.1006469

/lit/ doesn't have bad tripfags, except for Stagolee. He's so retarded nobody ever takes anything he says seriously, though.

Aside from the shame of realizing that you have an alternate personality on 4chan, go nuts OP! It's kinda like choosing to give up any attempt of having a respectable existence in reality, and allowing yourself to drift into the fucked up realm of 4chan as one of it's proponent personalities.

It's a really good idea. You should go for it.

>> No.1006477

irreversible sucks its just a rape spectacle big deal you wouldnt like it if you actually got raped and rapists arent ever happy either it is just a sad empty kind of voyeurism

>> No.1006478


Plus a guy get's pureed by a fire extinguisher.

>> No.1006487

Please stop with that stupid 'hurr durr TVtropes makes you lose your time', it's really fucking old now

>> No.1006497

Would you mind actually watching the film?

>> No.1006508


Butthurt unilingual Amerifags.

>> No.1006513

Conversations are much easier to follow

Everyone hates you forever

>> No.1006515

i have watched it, and to be honest i like some of the new extreme films, but irreversible like so many of the films in rape/revenge or new extreme fall into the cliche trap of using shock value to overcome boring plots and scenarios. anyway i think anyone who liked irreversible should see the film baise moi instead.

>> No.1006516


Bet you sick fuck fapped to Baise-moi as well.

>> No.1006522

this thread suddenly became oversensitive crybaby

>> No.1006534

Nope. I'm fluent in four languages.
U jelly?

>> No.1006542

The cons is everyone knows you're retarded.
Like when Arcueid said that Jabberwocky was harder to understand than Finnegans Wake.

>> No.1006540

what are they?

>> No.1006544

But that's actually right

>> No.1006545

Get the fuck out.

>> No.1006547


Baise-moi mind.

>> No.1006548

Why does it matter?

>> No.1006549

Because I want to know

>> No.1006551

Didn't Stagolee admit to being underage? Why isn't he banned yet?

>> No.1006553

Because he is quite possibly the most important member of this board

>> No.1006555

No one deserves to know.

>> No.1006556

1. There are no mods
2. Nobody gives a fuck
3. You're a nigger.

>> No.1006558

He speaks English, Pig Latin, Ghetto, and four or five Spanish curse words he heard used against him.

>> No.1006563

Pro: It gets me more fans

>> No.1006564

If hes anything like he is on 4chan in real life I want to know why no one has IRL B& him yet.

>> No.1006568

Stagolee is a Sandnigger

>> No.1006570
File: 80 KB, 615x461, 1279386730655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1006575

rape meat doesn't count

>> No.1006580

Stagolee is top dog, no one can compete.

>> No.1006599

It was so nive of Stags sister to pose in that picture for him.

>> No.1006616

Pro: After I've noticed your handle hanging above a really shitty post often enough, I know to stop reading anything you have to say.

Con: Not enough people do this, so your posts are sometimes treated as if they were not absolutely worthless.

Perhaps you could open with an all-caps disclaimer about how you are an utterly useless cunt above every post

>> No.1006622

lol, what a win, all the retards in one thread, someone get the flamethrower

>> No.1006627

I just like having a trip. There's no big reason to have one, but it does make conversations easier to follow.

capcha: or chasms

Good start to a pun.

>> No.1006651

Pros: After a while people immediately know whether or not they care to read my posts, as I'll have to develop some level of predictability. Also, it makes conversations easier to follow.

Cons: Whether you are or you're not, you are immediately labeled as an attention whoring shitposter, because that's what 90% of tripfags are. Your posts are at least twice as likely to be the target of a troll. Just your presence in a thread can turn it into an anon vs tripfags shitstorm, effectively derailing it.

>> No.1006656


>> No.1006658
File: 5 KB, 149x172, jogo5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1006666

Ugh, fuck off. You only post to reassure your status as a tripfag from /mu/. I've never seen you posting about books.

>> No.1006675
File: 61 KB, 193x288, girl-eating-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1006676

I usually post anonymously, actually. I only trip on this board when I think I might end up posting continuously in a thread. I only even tripped in this thread because, well, it's about tripfags.

I think you're the only one who fusses about me being from /mu/. I'd personally like to forget the board even exists.

If you really can't stand me, don't read my posts, or use the tripfag ignore tool thing. As I said before, I trip so that you know as soon as you see my name you know whether or not you care to read my post.

>> No.1006684

i like to have a cute name, speaking as a goldfish is fun

>> No.1006687

