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File: 15 KB, 537x360, albert-camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10062506 No.10062506 [Reply] [Original]

>But then I realized you can just *choose* to be happy!
How the fuck did myth of sysyphus get published?

>> No.10062563

Camus' """""""""""""""""""""philosophy"""""""""""""""""""""""" or PILE OF SHIT as i like to call it only works if you think going a few months without sex is monumental suffering.
It's basically for slightly neurotic mediocre bourgeois who feel a slight discomfort, vaguely grasp the nullity of their lives, but are too lazy to do anything and so they decide to believe in a cheap and cheerful """"""""""""philosophy"""""""""""" that is basically a delusional cowardice devoid of any real answers

>> No.10062600

Absurdism only leads to happiness if the source of your sorrows was the lack of an inherent meaning or value to all things, including life.

Camus's absurdist man is happy because he has accepted the lack of meaning and the constant but fruitless and ultimately meaningless search for one. He accepts the "void" and doesn't let it bother him. He realizes that the source of his sorrows does not necessarily lead to an unhappy life.

According to him, it's not much of a choice, but a conclusion reached by logic. He also wrote that suicide is a valid conclusion. Not choosing that, now that is a choice, but not the idea of rebelling against the absurd.

>> No.10062616

There's zero difference between the lifestyles of an existentialist, a nihilist and an absurdist, if you consider the latter a valid subcategory. Calling absurdists lazy is bretti fuging stubid when they do the exact same thing as literally everyone else who's not a practicing believer of some faith or a try-hard virtue-signaling philosophy freshman who just found out about the greeks.

>> No.10062618

there are real situations that can fuck with your happiness but being a NEET loser isn't one of those for the most part you can choose to be happy and ride that choice into a better life.

>> No.10062650

>There's zero difference between the lifestyles of an existentialist, a nihilist and an absurdist
>existentialist, a nihilist
You do know that half of the existentialists are Christian right?

>> No.10062822

Absurdism is basically the philosophical equivalent of Rick and Morty

>> No.10062832

In the end he's right. It's a lot easier said than done, but you're really the only one who decides how you feel.

>> No.10062842

>even treating Camus' work as philosophy
I won't add anything more than what this gent said >>10062822

>> No.10062847

I don't even get how the meaning of life is even a coherent concept.

Disbelieving in natural teleology is fine, but how do these "dude life is like really meaningless and stuff this is deep bro so just do what you want lol" retards even become famous?

>> No.10062862

>this is deep bro so just do what you want lol
Why is Camus subject to so much hate by people who have never read the works in question that they are criticising?

>> No.10062871

I'm trying to conflate him with Sartre

but honestly in the end that's pretty much what he said, if you get past his memeing about rebellion

>> No.10062899

You can't do what you want though. You can't act in a way that denies the Absurd.

>> No.10062901

not doing what you want is pretty absurd tho

>> No.10062926

You're conflating two different definitions of the word absurd.

>> No.10064096

I always read it as one MUST imagine Sisyphus happy, like a command

>> No.10064427

It's more like you should be an Absurdist, there is no must in his philosophy. One must imagine Sisyphus happy is just a literary device.

>> No.10064434
File: 166 KB, 1500x922, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, just choose yourself absolutely in your eternal validity, lmao.

>> No.10064450
File: 197 KB, 2000x1000, albert camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up boulder* my name is albert but u can call me t3h d0N ju4N!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very absurd!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet absurd ppl like me ^_^... im 46 years old (im dead 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 kill arabs w/ my girlfriends (im unfaithful if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite absurd action!!! bcuz the sun is SOOOO hot!!!! jean-paul is absurd 2 of course but i want 2 meet more absurd ppl =) like they say we must imagine sisyphus happy!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

EXISTENCE BEFORE ESSENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein absurd again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!

plague and revolvers,

* ~t3h d0N ju4N~*

>> No.10065223

How does that change anything? That just means the same thing except with more emphasis, what was the point in even mentioning that?

>> No.10065341

Most philosophy is targeted to white people without real problems aka. the entire first world. A child slave in Asia or Africa doesn't have the time nor energy to waste on reading any of the shit.

>> No.10066047

>zero differrence
>implying nihilists would follow Kierkegaard's or Camus ideas about how to lead a happy life

>> No.10066077

ITT: "i haven't even finished the second chapter of The Myth of Sysyphus and don't even know about the existence of his other works but i will shitpost anyway because i'm so much smarter than him right guyz?"

>> No.10066101


>> No.10066251
