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/lit/ - Literature

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10062220 No.10062220 [Reply] [Original]

WHY DO MY STORIES KEEP BEING REJECTED. They are fucking better written than anything these magazines publish. They are full of imagination and humor and ideas. Who the FUCK are deciding these things and what qualifies them to have so much power over other peoples destinies?

>> No.10062242

i guess you just aren't one of the chosen ones

>> No.10062259

post sample plz

>> No.10062265

1. Either they're not as good as you think
2. Or you're sending them to the wrong place
3. Or you're a misunderstood genius

These are the three possibilities, about in that order.

>> No.10062278


>> No.10062306

No one is gonna take you seriously until you post an excerpt

>> No.10062315

Proust was rejected by Gide

>> No.10062329

And ended up having to self-publish the first book, lol.

>> No.10062381

jews, silly.

>> No.10062382

well, there is a chance you will be a famous writer when you're dead.

>> No.10062388

They went to Oxbridge, Philips academy, Philips Exeter, ivy league, and English public schools you low IQ pleb. They are smarter than you and almost all of lit. Go self publish on Amazon like a good little brainlet

>> No.10062391

Kafka was just a banker

>> No.10062393

Pretty sure their job is to reject trash that won't make them money or benefit them.

How's your throat game, anon?

>> No.10062451 [DELETED] 


My guess is that people who make decisions need to know you have an audience before they publish you. Put yourself in their shoes. There are 200 stories on your desk - one of which is Anon's, who apparently hasn't even won so much as a short story contest. You're a risk, and you need to achieve a degree of demonstrable success on your own before a pro outfit will invest thousands of dollars, their time, resources and expertise in you, at which point you might think, "Hey, why the fuck to a need a publishing house to take 95% of my cut when I wrote the book, have found my audience and am expected to do all the promotion?!?"

I might be wrong, though, and there're always exceptions.

>> No.10062460


My guess is that people who make decisions need to know you have an audience before they publish you. Put yourself in their shoes. There are 200 stories on your desk - one of which is Anon's, who apparently hasn't even won so much as a short story contest. You're a risk, and you need to achieve a degree of demonstrable success on your own before a pro outfit will invest thousands of dollars, their time, resources and expertise in you, at which point you might think, "Hey, why the fuck do I need a publishing house to take 95% of my cut when I wrote the book, have found an audience and am expected to do all the promotion?!?"

I might be wrong, though, and there're always exceptions.

>> No.10062467

Who are you sending to?

>> No.10062547

kafka went to a private jewish school and then an elite college

no one wanna publish an uneducated trumpy gentile, just give it up

>> No.10062829

My acceptance rate for poetry is about 5%

Submit a lot. Make sure you find the right market for the story. Oh, you only submitted to the New Yorker and other tier one markets?

Get feedback from people who aren't your mother.

>> No.10062838


You're probably sending to big name magazines. They only publish other big names. It's very incestuous. If you want to be published, use the small press world.

>> No.10062845

They judge your work based on its appeal to their stupid audience.

Intellectuals are not mainstream today and therefore rejected for the purpose of sales.

>> No.10062870

I get about a 2/3, 3/4 rejection rate but almost everything gets published eventually. I think it really depends a lot on what sort of theme the publication is or that issue is. Paying attention to what sort of subject they want to publish matters more than *just* quality. Like you could write the most amazing thing in the world on the subject of love but if they're working on an issue about lemongrass they'll still turn you down.

>> No.10062925

Self publish you pussy

>> No.10062955
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>> No.10063002

This really depends. It can be the way to go, but if your writing can't make it through the normal publishing filters, it can be a sign you're not ready too. It still depends if you goal is to do great work or just publish.

>> No.10063080

>They went to Oxbridge, Philips academy, Philips Exeter, ivy league, and English public schools you low IQ pleb.

Go to bed Robert Greene.

You sound like one of the university wits that you criticized Shakespeare for wanting to be more than a simple ignorant hick.

>> No.10063100

>Harry Stecopoulos
>Ethnicity unknown

gee I wonder where he's from

>> No.10063128
File: 7 KB, 215x250, 1502681955786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're a woman, an ethnic or a faggot of some tier you have no chance nowadays of winning any current writing competition.

>> No.10063762

most of the publishing industry is women m8

if your writing is too masculine they reject is on principle, you have to be a female, gay, ethnic minority or know someone inside to get published now

>> No.10063767



>> No.10063782

An editor's thought process:

1. Is the author's name clearly Jewish? If yes, publish. If no, proceed to 2.

2. Is the author's name clearly ethnic? If yes, publish. If no, proceed to 3.

3. Is the author's name clearly female? If yes, publish. If no, proceed to 4.

4. Do a Google search. Is the author disabled or some manner of sexual deviant? If yes, publish. If no, proceed to 5.

5. Reject.

Notice that at no point is the submission ever actually read.

>> No.10063918

post a brief sample of your writing. I'm not here to roast you, I've been part of some lit magazines, I know the diff between personal taste and real quality.

>> No.10064065
File: 184 KB, 600x248, Lol_Agent_Smith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't you posting your work on livejournal, or reddit, or any of a thousand web forums?

you want to be PAID? HAHAHAHAHAAaa, oh, that's precious.

>> No.10064354

Whiny faggot no one wants to read your shite prose

>> No.10064379

If he's pushing out something that would fit in a magazine, he could be posting to Medium and shilling from there. This is 2017, and online publishing seems like the way to get out a there.

But he's PLAYING PRETEND. There's a reason he hasn't already written Medium articles and shilling them here.

>> No.10064398

>Who is Dickens

>> No.10064459

The reason the Jews tend to be so wealthy and have such high positions in various establishments is because they were shunted into those positions by Christians in the late middle ages who considered banking and money making to be un-christian.

>> No.10064480

good places for ausfag to submit?

>> No.10064513

No one buys this bullshit anymore, shlomo. Jews are nepotistic desert rats, that's why. Start packing your bags.

>> No.10064530

What is selection bias?

I'll take 'Misunderstandings That Form The Basis Of /pol/-Tier Conspiracies' for $800, Alex

>> No.10064559

>See, stupid goyim, it's YOUR fault we oppress you.

>> No.10064595

See the Jew is inferior to white people in every way. They are so inferior that they manage to as a minority control every country they reside in as well as the international community. Only a people who are truly inferior could outsmart the much superior whites.

>> No.10064610

Never been to /pol/ but Jewish ethnic narcissism and nepotism is hardly a conspiracy, it's right out there in the open.

>> No.10064627

But when we gassed you, you weren't so cocky you fucking rats. Its when we act good to you that you backstab us but nowadays even the minorities are starting to hate you and your future isn't that bright, unless you count the fire in the ovens.

>> No.10064634

>Only a Jew makes fun of poltards

>> No.10064639

Use a jewish name, you fool.

>> No.10064640

I feel you, bro. Fucking ridiculous system we have here where artists are selected by accountants rather than the other way around.

>> No.10064649

You must have a extreme inferiority complex and I'm sure that even the shills won't degrade themselves that much, or would they?

>> No.10064651

the smallest dogs yap the loudest

>> No.10064656

>something that happened
>we wuz
Why are liberals so incompetent, is it the soy or the complete reprogramming to not react on threats? Its like the became slaves for free.

>> No.10064662

The Egyptians "happened" too dumbass. The point is that blacks claim credit for it to make up for the inferiority complex aroused in them by white people. Almost the exact same motivation drives the Stormfag to impotently cry about muh rope day muh second holocaust. At least the Nazis were competent.

>> No.10064665

>He thinks the holocaust happened
>Believing (((their))) lies
Cucked beyond all hope of recovery.

>> No.10064669

BTFO from all possible timelines.

>> No.10064673

>The Egyptians "happened" too dumbass
Of course it did but the only time nigger ever "ruled" it was the Nubian dynasty and guess what, they DESTROYED it completely.
>not taking pride in gassing the jews and striking fear in them
Truly a pussy who is trying to make himself non-guilty as if that will save him

>> No.10064712

You're writing for the wrong reason. Literature is stagnant. You're probably trying to be clever instead of honest. Being published would make you Hamilton. Your destiny is to be a faggot until the end of time. The list of reasons goes on and on.

>> No.10064766

the chutzpah of these kikes is incredible

>> No.10064786


Second time I've seen that. What do you mean?

>> No.10064885

there are none. trrrrrrrrrust me.

if you want a truly depressing experience, join the Victorian Writer's Center. get their newsletter. check out the four pages of competitions that you can't enter because you aren't a homeless teenaged lesbian disabled Torres Strait Islander.

>> No.10064895

spot on.

>> No.10064919

>Hey, why the fuck do I need a publishing house to take 95% of my cut when I wrote the book, have found an audience and am expected to do all the promotion?!?
Therefore, self-publish?

>> No.10064985

Post something yours

>> No.10065387 [DELETED] 

>Therefore, self-publish?

I wrote that little paragraph up there. Self-publishing appears to be the logical conclusion for an unknown wannabe author, although I obviously understand why people wouldn't want to do that. You want the validation and quality of a release with a big publishing house, but to me that seems to be a few steps up the ladder, something you have to earn by proving yourself beforehand. Write something brilliant, find an audience and actually sell copies. The resources to do this do exist. Then you can go to a publisher with a new book/idea, a track record and a valid business proposal. Except for rare cases, there are no short cuts to success. You have to pay your dues, as they say.

But as I said, if you've already found a way to sell your work, maybe there's an argument to stay self-employed. Keep your freedom and all the income. At that point you're the MD of your own company.

This is all theory, so feel free to tell me I'm talking out of my ass!

>> No.10065399 [DELETED] 

>Therefore, self-publish?

I wrote that little paragraph up there. Self-publishing appears to be the logical conclusion for an unknown wannabe author, although I obviously understand why people wouldn't want to do that. You want the validation and quality of a release with a big publishing house, but to me that seems to be a few steps up the ladder, something you have to earn by proving yourself beforehand. Write something brilliant, find an audience and actually sell copies. The resources to do this do exist. Then you can go to a publisher with a new book/idea, a track record and a valid business proposal. Except for rare cases, there are no short cuts to success. You have to pay your dues, as they say.

But as I said, if you've already found a way to sell your work, maybe there's an argument to stay self-employed. Keep your freedom and all the income. At that point you're the MD of your own company.

This is all theory, so feel free to tell me I'm talking out of my ass!

>> No.10065407

>Therefore, self-publish?

I wrote that little paragraph up there. Self-publishing appears to be the logical conclusion for an unknown wannabe author, although I obviously understand why people wouldn't want to do that. You want the validation and quality of a release with a big publishing house, but to me that seems to be a few steps up the ladder, something you have to earn by proving yourself beforehand. Write something brilliant, find an audience and actually sell copies. The resources to do this do exist. Then you can go to a publisher with a new book/idea, a track record and a valid business proposal. Except for rare cases, there are no short cuts to success. You have to pay your dues, as they say.

But as I said, if you've already found a way to sell your work, maybe there's an argument to stay self-employed. Keep your freedom and all the income. At that point you're the MD of your own company.

This is all theory, so feel free to tell me I'm talking out of my ass!

>> No.10065426

hamilton is garbage but also critically acclaimed, so it would mean that you would be garbage. if your goal is only to make money, then write garbage, not something that is good.

>> No.10065539


Or he finally snaps and kills people.

>> No.10065591
File: 13 KB, 380x250, 1505256963148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He fell for the major publishing meme

Self-publish, assclown. You won't be getting the le Harry Potter bucks, but you'll be reaching an audience that can appreciate good quality writing. One of the benefits brought on by the digital age is the viability of a self-published work of literature.

But, that's assuming your writing is any good in the first place. If it isn't, then I guess you can free-post on DeviantArt lmao

>> No.10065623

Your stories are garbage.
Do you really think his writing is too masculine? The spastic is whining on a vietnamese cartoon image board.

>> No.10065637

real talk, i've never read anything self-published. who the fuck does?

>> No.10065687

One thing no one has brought up is that in a lot of cases, depending on where you're submitting, it's grad students of highly variable sensibilities doing the reading. Sometimes good stuff doesn't make it past these slush readers and into the hands of the editors.

If you're talking BIG magazines, well, these places generally don't publish just anybody.

>> No.10066181


>> No.10066325

I thought the nazis didn't gas anyone Fritz? Which is it?

>> No.10066674

Good point. :(

>> No.10066694

I've read two.

So there.

>> No.10066739

what exactly are you suggesting? people could self-publish before the internet. are you saying he should make print copies of his work then sell them online? no one would care. do you send review copies to critics?