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1005758 No.1005758 [Reply] [Original]

Did any else enjoy Colbert ripping on Laura Ingraham over her stupid book on last night's Colbert Report? He really nailed her on this remark.

Colbert: Listen to what he says about his wife! Obama writes about Michelle’s daily food intake. He says "Michelle’s lunch was baby back ribs. Afternoon snack, more ribs. Bedtime snack, the last three ribs!" I thought it was supposed to be a post-racial America! Obama is making the most hideous, hackneyed racial stereotypes in here!”

>> No.1005762

take your propaganda to america, american
obama was predicted by gramsci. the capital uses a blackface to expand to africa and the middle east.

>> No.1005770

>predicted by gramsci. the capital uses a blackface to expand to africa and the middle east.

go on, learned sage. be so kind also to sauce?

>> No.1005836

It bothers me how much she is profiting so much on something that is more or less a poorly written blog in book form.

>> No.1005861

from the prison notebooks:
One further henomenon in the United States is worth studying, and that is the formation of a surprising number of negro intellectuals who absorb American culture and technology. It is worth bearing in mind the indirect influence that these negro intellectuals could exercise on the backward masses in Africa, and indeed direct influence if one or other of these hypotheses were ever to be verified:
1.that American expansionism should use American negroes as it's agents in the conquest of the African market and the extension of American civilisation (something of the kind has already happened, but I don't know to what extent); 2. that the struggle for the unification of the American people should intensify in such a way as to provoke a negro exodus and the return to Africa of the most independent and energetic intellectual elements, the ones, in other words, who would be least inclined to submit to some possible future legislation that was even more humiliating than are the present widespread social customs.

>> No.1005866

This development would give rise to two fundamental questions: 1. linguistic: whether English could become the educated language of Africa, bringing unity in the place of the existing swarm of dialects? 2. whether this intellectual stratum could have sufficient assimilating and organising capacity to give a "national" character to the present primitive sentiment of being despised race, thus giving the African continent a mything function as the common fatherland of all the negro peoples? It seems to me that, for the moment, American negroes have a national and racial spirit which is negative rather than positive, one which is a product of the struggle carried on by the whites in order to isolate and depress them. But was not this the case with the jews to and throughout the eighteenth century? Liberia, already Americanised and with English as it's official language, could become the Zion of American negroes, with a tendency to to setiself up as an African Piedmont.

end of quotation.
american capitalism has done a pretty good job out of surpressing socialist sentiments in the negro masses replacing them with a negro nationalism. obama was put in power together with rising interest to develope african oil by us-american companies.

>> No.1005886

>I thought Obama was smart and educated but this diary is the most poorly written, cliche-riddled thing I've ever read.

>It's amazing how the Obama presented in his diary lines up with how the conservative right is attempting to portray him!

Colbert tore her to shreds.

>> No.1005892

As a rule I tend to avoid books with a smug, supercilious photo of the author on the front cover, because more often than not the book itself is a piece of shit.

Unless it's something like an Everyman Hardback edition.

>> No.1005898

>#1 New York Times Bestseller

This is why we can't have good things, America.

>> No.1005899

That was a hilarious interview, she was visibly embarrassed.

>> No.1005926


Publishers like this will often buy mass copies of the book to get themselves on the list.

I know that sounds all tin-foil hatty, but Palin did it.

>> No.1005929

who could Gramsci have been referring to in his parenthetical, anon muses? regardless, thank you, kindly.

>> No.1005960

Know it doesn't sound like a tin-foil hat conspiracy.

The same thing happens in the music industry.

See Jay-Z

>> No.1005964


sorry :(

>> No.1005968
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The dating Keith Olbermann joke was the harshest dig he made, I think.

>> No.1005979

>The dating Keith Olbermann joke was the harshest dig he made, I think.

Yeah he said it right before they ended the interview so you could tell that he really hates her guts. I didn't know about Ingraham-Olbermann before yesterday though. I'm surprised they let her on Fox News premises knowing she has been stained by his liberal seed.

>> No.1006131

What I don't get, is why is this considered non-fiction?

>> No.1006151

Isn't she part of Fox's brigade of softcore porn actors?

Why would ANYONE take her writing seriously?
98% of "Americans" won't stand up for God.
Be one of the 2% that will, copy this in your signature.

LIE-BRILS: If YOU don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand IN FRONT of them.

i'm a hArDcOrE (xXx†hXc†xXx) Christian fiRsT, AnD i b3lEve iN ev0luTion Wh3n mY MuDkIp rEaChEs Lv 18.

>> No.1006157

>Complain about mainstream media
>Poorly written smear piece gets to #1 Bestseller

Stay classy, conservatives.

>> No.1006166

people ITT need to gb2 /new/, the board which is like the cake you leave out for the wasps at a picnic

>> No.1006178

>strawman argument about conservatives as a whole
Stay classy, liberals

>> No.1006181

>implying that most of the conservatives in this country don't believe that they're a persecuted minority.

>> No.1006182

stay butthurt, namefag

>> No.1006198

Butthurt? But I didn't even vote Republican.