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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 537x360, the-famous-pose-of-albert-camus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10056770 No.10056770 [Reply] [Original]

what did this faggot mean by "rebel"? did he just arbitrarily cram the hero archetype into his absurd worldview and call it a day?

>> No.10056895

Who are you to judge what is and isn't arbitrary? Act as if something is holy, lo' it is!

>> No.10056922

The guy's wasn't a rigorous philosopher and he said as much.

>> No.10056935
File: 36 KB, 424x429, 12 Angry Men.avi_004824116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh. Albert "I-I swear I'm n-not an existentialist" Camus.

>> No.10056943

>implying he didn't exist
he did

>> No.10056950


>> No.10057034

Are absurdists existentialists?

>> No.10057077

not even that, they're demagouges and criminals who spend all day cursing the gods

>> No.10057109

was his literature good or was he just a meme philosopher for plebs?

>> No.10057120

It's not bad and all his books are really short. It's very accessible but if you're interested don't let that put you off. You could literally finish The Stranger in an hour to decide what you think.

>> No.10057147


He was specifically analyzing the mindset of violent people like terrorists, insurgents, and political extremists. Nechayev and Princip are rarely considered heroic.

>> No.10057160
File: 40 KB, 498x615, a3b27d91923b4955bcc86e7ae87dfcd3--fight-club--tyler-durden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

essentially someone like pic related. just without the anarchistic ideology

>> No.10057545

>Makes the argument that suicide is the best viable option for the conscious mind
>Doesn't kill himself

Gee, Martin, we found a bug!

>> No.10057808

How does an anarkiddie like him come up with the most class collaborationist answer to the absurd
>dude, just imagine him happy
>rebel by existing m8
wtf is this bourgeois liberal shit, its like something a STEMfag would come up with and call "optimistic nihilism"

>> No.10057860

I don't think absurdism means you have to accept your surroundings, it's more about never succumbing to defeat.

>> No.10057912
File: 16 KB, 220x299, Celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why /lit/ speak about this shitty writter when he's irrevelant in the french litterature of this century ?

>> No.10059404

>hasn't read Camus
wew lad, he argued against suicide

>> No.10060684

he completely misunderstood Stirner, I felt embarrassed for him.

>> No.10060785

not very convincingly. Nagel is much better on absurdism and it only took him a dozen pages.