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/lit/ - Literature

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10054480 No.10054480 [Reply] [Original]

Prose or Poetry?

>> No.10054487
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>> No.10054493

where mah prose bros at?

>> No.10054506

i think thats a turkish girl actually

>> No.10054507

Poetic prose
Prosaic poetry

>> No.10054514

read poetry write prose. i've lost the youthful enthusiasm that let me devour giant novels. i do miss my days of stephen dedalus level autism though.

>> No.10054522

i have a hard time reading poetry, like it just won't go in. I was reading the prose edda the other day and whenever i got to one of the little poem bits I had to really engage the old nog-nog to process the informacion

>> No.10054529

Prose is supposed to capture the syntax of a normal conversation. Poetry is more like music since its like listening to a rhythm or beat.

I love poetry but I still get more of a kick from reading prose literature

>> No.10054863
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>> No.10054998


>> No.10055003

Read Kerouac, proesetry

>> No.10055203

>it just won't go in
Keep in mind - always use a lot of lube and start slowly. Not with Eliot and Marinetti, but with Poe and Dylan.

Drama belongs to a classification unrelated to prose and poetry. Your comment in meaningless.

>> No.10055237

Close, Azerbaijani. You're observant, Anon.

>> No.10055281

This girl is so fucking cute and pretty I want to die.

>> No.10055315
File: 119 KB, 1440x1080, Turn A Gundam Sochie Heim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels ennui when confronted with an archetypical qt. A cute girl is the most pleasing and most tormenting thing in the world.

>> No.10055327

Have solace in the fact that they don't care about anyone that browses /lit/

>> No.10055331

she looks like she has grave's disease

>> No.10055332
File: 36 KB, 872x625, 1422152296327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's worse when one knows a girl who looks just like her (face and hair) and she tells you "let's just be friends" and then one goes along with it for a while, pretending to be interested in a friendship while secretly only being near her to appreciate her beauty and eventually cutting contact completely once he realizes it will never go anywhere and he's torturing himself.

I am a fucking retard.

>> No.10055476

Sparrows were feeding in a freezing drizzle
That while you watched turned to pieces of snow
Riding a gradient invisible
From silver aslant to random, white, and slow.

There came a moment that you couldn’t tell.
And then they clearly flew instead of fell.

>> No.10055496

forgot the title

Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose And Poetry

>> No.10055524

Say it out loud. Don't read it in your head.

>> No.10055588

If you knew anything you'd know it's simply called prose-poetry faggot

>> No.10055653

I wonder what it feels like to be a brainlet

>> No.10055659

Maybe if you were successful, driven and charismatic girls like her would be attracted to you

>> No.10056364

apparently a year of piano practice can raise your iq by 3 points, if you start now in a few decades you might be able to feel it for yourself

>> No.10056383


>> No.10056404

I hate poetry but I secretly want to understand and write it

>> No.10056422

I'm reading On The Road right now and I do not get it. I have to force myself to read through mindless partying, drinking, hanging out with friends. These are foreign concepts to me and I cannot abide by Kerouac's style of writing.

>> No.10056450

Poetry is the preferred literary praxis of the partisan

>> No.10056506

Any books on suppressing the attraction to qts, aside from Neet-che?

>> No.10056562


>> No.10056675


>> No.10056698

Spotted the nigger

>> No.10056768

try the Dharma Bums, that might click with you instead. I wouldn't recommend it outright to anyone but if you're trying to plough through On The Road and not 'getting it', then Dharma Bums may be more your style.

>> No.10056788

she's lucky she didn't step in something
>that filename
>in front of that poster on the wall

>> No.10056818


>> No.10056824

Paraverbal expression

>> No.10056836
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1525, Zonaro_GatesofConst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That woman is Turkish

>> No.10056839

I don't know.

>> No.10056872 [DELETED] 

No Azerbaijanis are Iranian

>> No.10056887
File: 463 KB, 1225x850, TURAN PRIDE WORLD WIDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azarbaijan is TURAN

>> No.10056892

Got mixed up with Kurds

>> No.10056904

Would LOVE to masturbate to her in that pose, but she's a middle schooler, amirite?

>> No.10056907


>> No.10056909

I have no idea officer, looks about 18 to me

>> No.10056912

They're in a middle school class

She's clearly underage

>> No.10058026

It's okay just imagine it's art

>> No.10058058

Why the fuck does this always happen in Russia? Are they more passionate about literature or just more violent?

>> No.10058076

well I fucked that up, I must be dumb after all

>> No.10058105

>Why the fuck does this always happen in Russia?
It doesn't, we just have more creative newsmakers.

>> No.10058158

brb moving to Russia

>> No.10058162

Any kind of thinking activity will do that though. You might as well just skip right to the poetry.

>> No.10058912

Apart from becoming a full on bears-only homo, there is no escape. Just accept that the path of true grill aesthetics is one of pain and longing.

>> No.10058921

The anon to whom (you) responded was merely being descriptive, senpai. There's a poetic element in ALL true literary writing; in fact, this is what distinguishes it from other types (not styles) of writing. The second part of his statement is more tendentious- he's basically telling [us] that he prefers narrative poetry (from Homer to Milton; Wordsworth's Prelude to Ammon's Garbage).
Though the distinction (you) drew is a real one in the sphere of prose proper, it doesn't at all apply to the distinction in question here. Not all poetic prose (literature) is a prose-poem.

>> No.10058931

i did that with a girl i fall in love with and i regret it, she was a good girl, i just had to not be a fucking retard and accept that she will never be more than a friend. Friendship is really underrated, and now i know.

>> No.10058953

Kush and Pussy

>> No.10058957

Henry Miller >>>>>>>

>> No.10058964
File: 146 KB, 1181x709, 1486525657227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck?

If she's hot and your dick knows it then why stop yourself? Are the sharia police going to show up and arrest you for rubbing one out?

>> No.10059727


>> No.10060609

Big sir as well

>> No.10060827

Couldnt read on the road for the exact same reasons, but miller engaged me, so try tropic of cancer

>> No.10060831

john milton

>> No.10060860

idk, im pretty attractive desu

>> No.10060993

kys degenerate

>> No.10062368

The sharia police would be more likely to arrest you for her being too old.

>> No.10062632 [DELETED] 

Peotry is for fags unless you're old