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/lit/ - Literature

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10053240 No.10053240 [Reply] [Original]

Years of browsing /pol/ turned me into an intolerant, bitter human being

I want literature that'll teach me how to respect other races and cultures, how to appreciate diversity and progressive values

>> No.10053248

You've come to the wrong place.

Things fall apart

>> No.10053258

Things Fall Apart is about how an invasive culture obliterates an indigenous one by siphoning its young people away from it and destroying all its traditions. It's /pol/ as fuck.

>> No.10053262

Theres charts that lit has for black lit, chinese lit, jap lit etc...

The best way to combat this is to see yourself in the other.
Examine how they talk about their inward and outward expierences. And try to find the common thread between your thoughts and theirs.

>> No.10053270

Clash of Civilizations

>> No.10053273

Instead of learning to appreciate other cultures you should just learn not to alpreciate you own. Baudrillard

>> No.10053289
File: 252 KB, 550x768, Y_0DClSb6G81Jj3BpecHgYj_Rh0rSHAAH2oZhCvuTF0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those are some big words for little boy, anon.

>> No.10053339

Thanks for the input so far, anons.

I don't know about that, anon. I have a new job and Martha (our diversity consultant) told us there's no such thing as white culture. I'm inclined to believe her

Also, I forgot to mention this in my OP, but it was something Martha said that made me start to question my /pol/tard education. While she was briefing the candidates on workplace language in a multicultural environment, some dude asked "why should we have to deal with immigrants? they're not my problem". Martha replied: "They're not immigrants: they're humans, like you and me, and we should help each other". The room erupted in a deafening round of applauses and cheering. I could barely contain myself and excused me to the bathroom stall and broke down in tears. I'm such a hateful human being

>> No.10053714
File: 27 KB, 317x474, 41E3KHQXFKL._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get woke my friend

>> No.10053767

Listen, if I'm not in the screenie, my whole discord room is prepared to downvote every single post you make for the rest of the year.

>> No.10053871
File: 69 KB, 246x369, On-the-Jews-and-their-Lies-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only unironic answer ITT

>> No.10053885

my diary desu