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File: 22 KB, 250x341, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10050328 No.10050328 [Reply] [Original]

>The best argument against religion is a five-minute conversation with the average believer

>> No.10050348

>The best argument against the state is a five-minute conversation with the average believ- voter
Really makes you think....are fanatical people typically low IQ or is it more to do with Maslows hierarchy?

>> No.10050373

>Something isn't true because unintelligent and inarticulate people exist.

>> No.10050375

Upbringing, fear, comfort - and not being able to accept your ignorance all contribute!

>> No.10050377

>the best argument
>the average

>> No.10050385

The "average believer" is a statistically similar phrase to the "average person," who we all know to be an idiot and not an authority on anything.

>> No.10050402

Why do you care?

If he's not harming you with his beliefs, and is happy with them, let him be.

>> No.10050419


Matter of opinion. If a person harms another person (but not me) I feel I should act.

So if of the opinion that religion isn't a force for good, even if it isn't harming me, I feel I should say.

That quote about good men doing nothing and all that.

>> No.10050444

Right, and whether you think someone is harming someone else is ... a matter of opinion.

So how about we leave it to the individual to decide for himself whether he is being harmed. If he thinks someone's religiosity is harming him he can make it known himself.

>> No.10050463

The best argument against atheism is a five-minute conversation with the average non-believer

>> No.10050472

Why are you tards getting angry over a silly quote?
Its pretty obvious he didn't' use this as a formal argument.
Why are so many of you theists such sensitive brainlets anyways?

>> No.10050487
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Lol Hume bud... try a 5 minute conversation with pic related and you'll be on your knees praising Jesus

>> No.10050490

Who says it isn't their opinion I'd make my judgement from?

And, if an intelligent person, if you say you've never seen someone harming someone else & someone else doesn't realise yet, is trapped or scared in the situ... you're lying, lucky or sociopathic!

>> No.10050536

It's 2017, if you aren't seeking God/a higher power through study of faith and a semi ascetic lifestyle that rejects worldiness then you're part of the cult of hedonism and have no reason to exist.

>> No.10050539

The best argument against heterosexuality is a five-minute conversation with my dick.

>> No.10050548

We get it, you're a loser who can't get pussy or find any fun friends to do drugs with, and so you need to rationalize your lack of a social life, and the existential boredom of your existence, through ancient myths. But saying that others who do have those things have no reason to exist is kind of retarded.

>> No.10050562

gotem nigga

>> No.10050563

God or a higher power? Which one, as you separate them. And which God?

If you don't pick the right one, surely you are just as pointless...

>> No.10050565

>The best argument against this argument is a five-minute conversation with OP.

>> No.10050568

the best argument is a fallacy?

makes me think

atheists killing the logic game........

>> No.10050579
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Nah, actually I'm a guy who used to take steroids, fuck hoes and do a decent amount of rec drugs ( mostly psychs and stims ) however that life is extremely empty and mindless hedonism loses its novelty quickly, unless you are nothing more than an animal and lack any sembelence of higher mentality.

Pic to show I'm not bullshitting. You're preaching about leading an empty meaningless existence like it's something admirable. I hope for your sake you mature one day.

>> No.10050593

It took believing in a deity you don't know exists to make you fulfilled?!

Lucky boy, shame it isn't that easy for us all.

>> No.10050596

And what are you supposed to pursue instead?
I don't do any drugs and have been with the same woman for years. Besides attempting to achieve literary goals there's nothing much to strive for in this life for me. Life is unfulfilling no matter how you live it. All you're doing is masking the futility with ancient gods, and once the doubt starts to creep in it'll all be downhill again.

>> No.10050616
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>> No.10050621

Every man sees a firmament in the sky at night and in his dreams when asleep.

>> No.10050632

I don't know whether you are intentionally using a strawman or are genuinely completely ignorant of the rich intellectual library of spirituality to be found in various religious authors/scholars.

You're looking at it from a worldly perspective. You aren't supposed to seek fulfilment through religion or spirituality, you are supposed to use it to guide you into the path of a life that will let you transcend worldly desire. Fulfilment in the sense that you imagine it isn't what should one should seek, you should simply wander spiritually and explore for its own sake, until that in and of itself becomes enough.

>> No.10050657

Depends if you link intellectualism to evidence, logic, considered thought & searching for something people can see/understand or not.

Yes' some very intelligent people are religious. I bet loads are doubtful, not so religious behind closed doors- etc. But blindly following something there's no proof of makes me doubt anyone.

>> No.10050670

A five minute conversation with "the average" anything would amount to a pretty good argument against it. This holds true even in STEM subjects.

Even the average PhD is an abominable advocate for their field.

Hume confirmed for brainlet.

>> No.10050671

Imo organized religion has done nothing but draw lines in the sand. A church\temple\ mosque\ excetera should be so good that you only need a single attendance to get the point; not to feel the need that you need the facility to be righteous. Left feeling that you haven't arrived yet when you have been here the whole time

>> No.10050674
File: 24 KB, 324x450, tommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having a 5-minute conversation with Thomas Aquinas

>> No.10050680

Beautifully put!

>> No.10050682

I mean this without any hostility towards you, but I sense that you haven't seriously studied theology in any respect. You rejected an extremely simplistic manner of viewing religion and spirituality because on the surface it made sense to your contextually ignorant mind.

To reduce any major religion to blind herd mentality is to look at the average " believer " and reject your perception of their faith. And to claim that logic and the ability to " prove " through the scientific process is the ultimate arbitration of the worth of a spiritual lifestyle is once again your simple prejudice blinding you to its richness

>> No.10050695

These two people arguing just prove it

>> No.10050713


This is barely coherent, and that's not how you spell "et cetera."

>> No.10050718
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*crushes your atheistic delusions and drags you kicking and screaming into the sheep fold*

Hehe, nothing personal kid ...

>> No.10050719
File: 72 KB, 779x960, jesuschrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did this site get so many butthurt cuckistians?

>> No.10050744

Ok bruh get rekt lmao 420 praise kek

>> No.10050761

Do you have any thing productive to say?

>> No.10050767


I'm giving anon some helpful feedback, how is that not productive?

>> No.10050774
File: 78 KB, 311x593, 1505424694270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Tis not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole world to the scratching of my finger.'

>> No.10050792

hey faggot - your posts suck.

>> No.10050793

That is true, I apologize, thank you for the correction and advice. I shouldn't have reacted so negatively.

>> No.10050848

The best argument against ____ is a five-minute conversation with the average _____

>video game player
>book reader

>> No.10050864
File: 28 KB, 540x304, Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best argument against humanity is a five-minute conversation with the average human.

>> No.10050873

>If he's not harming you with his beliefs, and is happy with them, let him be.
If only. Religion is constantly being used as a political tool in many conservative countries, such as mine. I'm a faggot, and going by the belief of some of my fellow citizens, I should be stoned, which obviously harms me. But, from their viewpoint, I am the one harming them (destroying traditional marriage/being disgusting or whatever it is that deserves a stoning). The truth, if there is one and we find/have found it, has to be upheld by the state. Otherwise, opinions and philosophies will diverge and sooner or later will contradict and clash. And that, just leaving everything up to personal preferences, is practically ethical relativism, you just covered it up with some utilitarianism.

>> No.10050875
File: 34 KB, 316x410, faggot_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miracles don't exist because miracles are impossible

Why was Hume such a tautological fag?

>> No.10050882
File: 289 KB, 2235x932, fagfacts5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a faggot

Good to know I can ignore your opinion, you fucking vermin.

>> No.10050898

But faggots getting AIDS doesn't harm you...
(I'll probably end up as a permavirgin so I'm immune to it anyway :^)

>> No.10050905

i fuck with you homie aha

>> No.10050911

Oh my god, the fucking aids and the gay muslim child rape gangs are destroying the white society that the ancestors built from their blood and toil of one thousand yeeears what will we doooo


>> No.10050917

fucking roasties probably make guys shoot them up because they're lazy and incompetent

>> No.10050929

>that filename
how does it feel to be so bitter about the way another man chooses to lead his life? i have always wondered? is it just that you're trying desperately to suppress your inner homosexual, as various studies have shown?

>> No.10050934

I don't think he's gay, but he's just viscerally offended at the idea that a man would insert his penis into another man's anus, which is way funnier.

>> No.10050946

Hey, we have a positivist here! Go back to school.

>> No.10051295

>Arachanophobic? You must secretly want to fuck spiders.

>> No.10051299

useless opinion.

>> No.10051304

Nice one OP.

You got a lot with that lure.

>> No.10051305

>he can't determine fear from disgust.

Liberals are retarded. i swear.

>> No.10051381

Are you >>10048984?

>> No.10051487

>the best argument against listening to pseuds is a five-minute perusal of the average /lit/ thread

>> No.10051543 [DELETED] 

>I have absolutely nothing to do with you or your life but you have disgusted me from a distance and that's a problem
Was hoping that in the few months I stopped browsing this board the /pol/ trash on here would have lessened but I guess it's still a trend

>> No.10051553

I'm not religious and I hate hedonism, specifically chinks.

>> No.10051561
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americans are so sad

>> No.10051563
File: 1.47 MB, 353x448, 1504883349830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typically David Hume is taken to represent the unalloyed forces of secular rational criticism against the traditions and propriety of religious belief ... this picture of Hume ... [is] something of a retroactive secularization of the historical record as well as a grave distortion of Hume’s position on religious matters. It should be clear from his Natural History of Religion that Hume does not reject religion en bloc. He is careful to make a distinction between true and false religion and their respective models of ultimate reality. He attacks the latter, but endorses the former. The beliefs constituent of true religion are rationally justified, in Hume’s view, but easily bypassed, overlaid and perverted by the all-too-human propensities at work in false religion. Thus Hume’s criticism of religion is more akin to the prophetic tradition, in which false religion is denounced in favor of true religion, than to the wholesale rejection of religion we should expect to find in the work of an unreserved atheist.

>“Happily,” Hume writes, “the first question, which is the most important, admits of the most obvious, at least, the clearest solution. The whole frame of nature bespeaks an intelligent author; and no rational enquirer can, after serious reflection, suspend his belief a moment with regard to the primary principles of genuine Theism and Religion” (Hume 1993b , 134).

>> No.10051569
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>> No.10052120

Hume is underrated as fuck. When he isn't being logical and methodical as all he'll, he's just straight up savage and funny as all hell. Quotable as hell, that's for sure.

>> No.10052207
File: 178 KB, 321x265, catbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw these two posts summarise my life

>> No.10052212

>english philosophy

>> No.10052215

you took roids and were still small asf? haha what

>> No.10052236

The best argument against atheism is a five-minute conversation with the average fedora

>> No.10052271

If atheism is so great how come it's on the decline worldwide? Really makes you think.

>> No.10052327

/thread. hume can go soak his head

>> No.10052424

because the big majority of people are sheeple?

>> No.10052437

Yeah, that's like one year of semi-serious work for a skinnyfat person. Must be low test (and this idiot has tiny testes and a hormone imbalances now lmao).

>> No.10052477

Catholicism is ruined by the Catholics.

>> No.10052763

please poz my neghole

>> No.10052920

Kek get fuck brainlet

>> No.10053040

>islam is great because its growing so fast!

>> No.10053069

Do you believe in a personal God?

>> No.10053092

define personal god

>> No.10053097

I dont know
I do know only god is the christian bible god

>> No.10053126
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>> No.10053130


>> No.10053139


>> No.10053140

This right here. I tried to read the bible and learn its message and value, but then you walk in a church.

>people with their eyes closed hands in the air
>they start speaking in gibberish
>wow they are speaking in tongues wow the holy spirit is with us! oh muh jaysus!
>people all falling over
>pastor gets up and reads a few lines of scripture slowly saying praise jesus after every single line.
>the money patrol walks around begging for money for jesus

I mean really guys this is ridiculous. It's embarrassing to be associated with this stuff.

>> No.10053142

>atheists are incels
>believers are vocels

lads, is there a third way?

>> No.10053152

Why didn't you see a choir at an ancient cathedral you fucking pleb what did you expect