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/lit/ - Literature

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10048549 No.10048549 [Reply] [Original]

What country are you from?
Who is the most overrated author?
Who is the most underrated?

>> No.10048579

Paulo Coelho that faggot
Machado de Assis, not that he is underrated, but he is the greatest Brazilian author in my opinion.

>> No.10048592

I like him

t. Poland here, I will never forget this

overrated: Olga Tokarczuk
underrated: Jerzy Krzysztoń

>> No.10048598


Dietmar Dath that pretentious boring shit - or Charlotte Roche that vapid writer - or Helene Hegemann, 14 year old hyped up copy-pasted trash, essentially all 'new' German literature.

underrated: Walter Moers. He's written off as a fantasy writer for kids but he's very intertextual, lots of links to German classic literature, way less pretentious than the average German writer. Perhaps too commercially successful for the feuilleton to like him.

>> No.10048605

what about Christa Wolf?

>> No.10048620

I don't know who could be overrated.
Karinthy Frigyes or Weöres Sándor. They both get played down because one wrote "le funny parody" and the other wrote "le kid poem".

>> No.10048643

>What country are you from?
>Who is the most overrated author?
He was a contrarian faggot who thought Dante was a simpleton and who despised the only writings that make him relevant today.
He also almost shamed Bocaccio into burning the Decameron, so there is that.
>Who is the most underrated?
He's mostly regarded as a meme, but people seem to forget that behind his daredevil actions he has surprisingly sweet poetry.

>> No.10048644
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same with Julian Tuwim in Poland.
He wrote a poem called "Bambo the black child"

1. Everyone forgets his other poems because herp derp he's a child author exclusively. (who cares his language level is the highest in PL history)
2. Today SJWs consider his poem racist and don't like him.

>> No.10048650

Not sure yet, I've only read a few of her poems

Seems to be very much steeped in GDR history and atmosphere of the time so probablydidn't age well

>> No.10048654

is it true that marquis de Sade is a descendant of one of Petrarca's women, Laura?

>> No.10048749

Mark Twain for prose, Emily Dickinson for poetry
I guess Robinson Jeffers

>> No.10048756
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I don't kno 2bh. Maybe on of those sooial realis writers that were so common here. Still, they were very influential to latin american literature.
Maybe Pablo Palacio. He was rejected and dismissed as crazy for his writings, because he was writing avant-garde shit while others were just writing social realist literature. He was very ahead of the times.

>> No.10048770

the answer to both is Ayn Rand

>> No.10048797
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>> No.10049733

Marcel Proust obviously
Frédéric Dard aka San Antonio

>> No.10049739


>> No.10049770

but She was Russian . . .

>> No.10049963

She was born a Russian. She died an American.
-2/10 dumbest possible reply

>> No.10050021

Overrated: Tough to say. T.S. Eliot maybe, since I'm not generally a fan of modernist poetry. Or perhaps Orwell, who I actually rather like but more for his non-fiction than for his most famous fictional works, which are trash.
Underrated: Even though he's world-renowned as the greatest writer of all time, Shakespeare. Every time I read one of his plays I'm simply in awe at his brilliance. It shouldn't be humanly possible. But if Shakespeare's too cute an answer, then William Hazlitt, who is probably the finest essayist in the English language.

>> No.10050054

Machado de Assis, surely the most normie pick for greatest author, albeit he's not bad, just not the best.
Darlon Trevisan, this man takes minimalism to an obscene extreme and makes misogyny incredibly entertaining. His books made me love Curitiba too.

>> No.10050089

Ivo Andric
Bora Cosic

>> No.10050128

Overrated - Jane Austen
Underrated - China Miéville

>> No.10050190

George Orwell, Martin Amis, Will Self, Graham Greene, Zadie Smith
Anthony Burgess (only known for A Clockwork Orange but he wrote much better stuff), John Fowles, J. G. Ballard

>> No.10050440

>widely appreciated but still underrated as they should be recognized as among the very greatest
Aragon, Verlaine

>> No.10050446

>Most overrated is Machado
>Not fucking Paulo Coelho

Maybe I have a different perspective because I'm in the US and the Alchemist is the most overhyped BR book here, but my god. Fuck that dude.

>> No.10050447

Probably Paulo Coelho.
I wish my Portuguese wasn't so shitty now so I could read Pessoa or some other Portuguese literature. It would probably take me forever to read anything of it nowadays.

>> No.10050459

I'm italian as well and I second this. can't really stand petrarch.
the most underrated i can think about right now is either landolfi or manganelli

>> No.10050471

Mario Vargas Llosa
César Vallejo

>> No.10050480

I know how you feel. My parents are from Portugal but because they wanted me to be a successful American businessman or whatever, they taught me very, very little growing up and spoke english at home to try and integrate as best they can. Now I practically have to teach myself portuguese. I get by in most respects, but when you get to flowery prose or Camões or Dom Afonso Henriques you're just lost because you don't have an adequate base to go off of.

>> No.10050481

Gabo is too overrated to the point that he makes the other authors look underrated. There are many good authors unknown internationally due to shit of magic realism of Gabo.

>> No.10051147
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>IDK, Germaine Greer or Tim Winton maybe
>Patrick White

>> No.10051153
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Thomas Keneally
Gerald Murnane

>> No.10051193

Pessoa is great precisely because he wrote great stuff in a very popular and unpretentious way, regardless of how much of a hipster douche he may strike you as when you read him.

Being born and raised in Portugal, Camões can still be a bitch to understand. Try starting with something more modern so you get used to reading in the language. Work your way down.
In any case, the best thing you can do to learn the language is to come over and speak it. Even if for only a month or something.

>> No.10051203


Most overrated: Margaret Atwood, Alice Munro, Rohinton Mistry, Leonard Cohen

Underrated: Ethel Wilson

>> No.10051226
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That's a really neat painting, I need to check out more Finnish art!

Canada (British Columbia)
Margaret Atwood
Anosh Irani or Rohinton Mistry.

>> No.10051230

It seems we are at odds my beaver loving compatriot

>> No.10051241

Petrarch was a hack

>> No.10051265

I respect Atwood 100%. I have read a few of her short story collections and quite enjoyed them. Atwood is quite talented but I just wish the average bookshopper could name a Canadian author other than her. I might be biased for working at a Canadian bookstore though.

Whereas I rarely hear Anosh Irani's name dropped and Bombay Black, and more recently The Parcel are fantastic in my opinion.

>> No.10051313

I agree with you as far as Atwood, I read Oryx and Crake and I've tried a short story by her but found her story crafting poor and her prose mediocre at the best of times. Her poetry, on the other hand, demonstrates her talent. I suppose I should try her again but given past experiences it's not a high priority.

I read Swimming Lessons by Rohinton Mistry and found his prose poor and disengaging. His politically correct post colonial approach doesn't have much immediate appeal. Could you recommend something by him that might better represent his abilities?

I feel our country celebrates mediocrity in literature because of a lack of contribution. I like some of our older writers, though.

What book store do you work at, and where?

>> No.10051340

Murial Bosch

>> No.10051542

This is like those "post a book with a name" threads, in which only those with the popular/Burger names take part.
What if I come from a country with 800.000 population, whose works have never been translated to a foreign language?

>> No.10051549

Laura Gallego and Carlos Ruiz Zafon
But she writes YA so thats obvious and he writes YA for pseuds which makes him something close to George Martin.
Id say Camilo José Cela is overrated too but I think that it may be my brainlet speaking, that fucker wrote some weird shit I fear Ill never understand
Underrated Perez Reverte. Memes aside, hes written the best series of young adult books in Spain and probably the world but his temperament and quickanger has gained him a "le franquist Manolo" fame.

>> No.10051550

The answer is git gud and stop looking for sympathy points you commie

>> No.10051572

Mio nero

>> No.10051591

Did you only read swimming lessons or all of Tales from Firozsha Baag? It's a novel built out of short stories so they're not as good out of context, though some are stronger on their own right. The Ghost of Firozsha Baag if I recall correctly stood out on its own; The Collectors too. While I haven't read it, I know several professors of mine often recommend and praise his novel "A Fine Balance".

I agree, there seem like so few authors that even make it to national recognition. probably because often writers centers their works within local lore/history/interest so they don't resonate past the city, regional or provincial levels. I think Canada's strength lies in producing theatre and poetry, although we do have some apparently stellar literature, much of which I haven't even read though.

>> No.10051611

All the living; and all the dead Harlem Renaissance, Beat Generation, Modernist writers.
Gene Wolfe, David Foster Wallace, Harriet Beecher Stowe.

>> No.10051618
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>> No.10051624

Prove me wrong. I'm genius.

>> No.10051636

Over: Kundera
Under Kundera

>> No.10051685

>Our only Nobel prize winner is underrated

>> No.10051711
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Paulo Leminsky.
Proto-hipster who thought poetry is making puns.

Raduan Nassar.
Greatest prose stylist in Portuguese language.

overrated - Ana Cristina Cesar (basically an 80's, somewhat more talented rupi)
underrated - Ferreira Gullar (consistently innovative poet, gets shit on for not being marxist)

>> No.10051772

Romania. Mircea Cărtărescu is way too overrated.

>> No.10051787

Too many Americans in this thread are naming off authors who don't match this criteria. The truly overrated ones are Dan Brown, John Grisham, and their ilk.
Probably Ezra Pound. His influence on poetry is without parallel since the time he started writing. He should have won a Nobel Prize.

>> No.10052034
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La Fontaine

>> No.10052111

What? How do I actually git gud if I'm named Artan? Do I change my name to John?
>sympathy points
Freudian slip much?

>> No.10052131


I move in poetry circles (being a published author myself), and EVERYTHING is overrated. Most modern poets are just well-known and best-selling for their mass-appealing garbage. Irene X, Luna de Miguel, Escandar Algeet, Carlos Salem. Absolute utter shit.

Underrated? Me, of course. Won't disclose name, lmao.

>> No.10052435

If you're not gonna give us your name, why mention it? Haven't even said which ones are good.

>> No.10052447

I don't know....
I don't know....

I don't know....

>> No.10052451

Je n'ai lu que les fables de La Fontaine. Il a écrit d'autres choses?

t. américain

>> No.10052454

Overrated: Jo Nesbo
Underrated: Gabriel Scott

>> No.10052471

Les grenouilles le trouvent drôle quand les américains parlent le français, alors arrêtes-toi !

La seule question à demander en français aux français, c'est "où est la salle de bain?" après avoir vu la Joconde au Louvre.

t. le connard américain.

>> No.10052489


I've read this year Nothing like the Sun by him. It was really good and I had a lot of fun reading it. The man really upped the play on and with words.

>> No.10052493

I dont know

>> No.10052495

I don't know

>> No.10052501

I don't know

>> No.10052503

I don't know..

>> No.10052507

I don't know

>> No.10052509

I don't know

>> No.10052567

None of us know. Gtfo

>> No.10052576

I don't know

>> No.10052581
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Shitted bread?

>> No.10052592

Fucking kek

>> No.10052602 [DELETED] 

I dont know

>> No.10052608 [DELETED] 

I dont know??

>> No.10052612

Nigger faggot

>> No.10052613 [DELETED] 
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I dont know

>> No.10052617

Wuaw I thoughte only I don't knowe frens

>> No.10052622

Donald Horne
Percy Stephensen

>> No.10052623 [DELETED] 
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Mfw forgot pickchure.exe

>> No.10052624 [DELETED] 


>> No.10052633

Is Jon Fosse any good? Apparently he's a front runner for the Nobel

>> No.10052665

I don't know, do any of us truly know

>> No.10052667

The United States of America
Overrated: William Shakespeer
Underrated: Ted Kaczynski

>> No.10052670


>> No.10052671

I don't know

>> No.10052673


>> No.10052676

I don't know

>> No.10052680

I don't know

>> No.10052683
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I know don't

>> No.10052685


>> No.10052688

I don't know

>> No.10052713
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I Don't Know

>> No.10052714

I know.

>> No.10052715
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I don't know

>> No.10052717
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>> No.10052730
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I know not

>> No.10052732

Je ne sais pas

>> No.10052734

No you don't know and I don't know..I don't think anyone on this board knows.

>> No.10052739

no sé

>> No.10052748

I am unable to provide an answer for I don't not have the knowledge on this subject.

>> No.10052759
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I don't know...

>> No.10052762
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I if I know but do not tell. Is that the same as knowing not?

>> No.10052765

What was the question again?

>> No.10052808
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Well I don't know

>> No.10052819

I don't know...

>> No.10052822
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How can I know for sure that you don't know?

>> No.10052830
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>Mfw I don't know

>> No.10052851

idk honestly

>> No.10052856

I really don't know

>> No.10052893

How did the I don't know meme come into being?
>inb4 you don't know

>> No.10052906

I really don't know.

A shitty /b/ raid that /lit/ quickly adopted as its own.
Now it's a self-perpetuating shitty meme

>> No.10052908

I don't know...

>> No.10052944

I don't know

>> No.10052952

Fosse is good in Norwegian, but I'm not sure how well he translates. His works are very poetic and rely heavily on archaic and regional words to set the tone. But he has a lot of short works, so you can easily check him out before he becomes mainstream.

>> No.10052974
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Mario Vargas Llosa
Julio Ramón Ribeyro

>> No.10053166

I do not know.

>> No.10053192

>I move in poetry circles
Opinion discarded.

>> No.10053204

In from Switzerland

I think J.K Rowling is a bit overrated

Dimitri Alexejewitsch Gluchowski is a bit underrated

>> No.10053238


Gabo is literally shit. He has two decent books and one good book (Protip: is not One Hundred Years of Solitude. Its Chronicle of a Death Foretold).

I'm in between Alvaro Mutis and Andres Caicedo. Efraim Medina is gud but his edgyness gets boring real fast.

>> No.10053321

>I move in poetry circles

You have just ruined the rest of my day by writing that, loathsome cretin.

>> No.10053456

Il a écrit des contes et fait d'autres vers, mais je le considère surtout sous-apprécié en ce que ses fables sont prises comme faisant partie d'un paysage culturel basique, avec l'accent mis entièrement sur leur aspect moralisateur, alors que sa dextérité avec la langue est prodigieuse

>> No.10053473

good taste.
also good taste.
kekkkkk, good kek

>> No.10053558

Is this what Jews think Christmas is?

>> No.10053566

Ivan Cankar
Vladimir Bartol

>> No.10053645
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>I move in poetry circles
this is some kind of interpretive dance?

>> No.10053656

mediocre bait

>> No.10053724

David Markson

>> No.10053726
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>> No.10053737

Nabokov, he's great don't get me wrong, but he gets memed way too hard.
Strugatsky bros

>> No.10053743

Nabokov is considered as american literature desu

>> No.10053752

I suppose.
Can't really think of another overrated Russian writer, they all seem to be in their proper place.

>> No.10053755

maybe Andrei Makine? (though he writes in french)

>> No.10053761

Yeah, probably.
For underrated I should've gone with Bulgakov too. Everyone knows Master and Margarita but none of his other equally good work.

>> No.10053764

I always hear that Bulgakov is praised for those who know shit about russian literature. And he's very overrated.

and Brioussov is actually a good poet

>> No.10053784
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They're overread not overrated. Nobody actually respects either of them.

>> No.10053786
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>South Africa
>every single "author" that isn't NP van Wyk Louw
>NP van Wyk Louw

>> No.10053793

Augusto Cury
João Guimarães Rosa

>> No.10053804


Most overrated: Upstart yong female writer Lise Spit.

Underrated: Maybe Peter Verhelst. You never hear anything about him.

As far as non-fiction goes, the most overrated are a bunch of post-modern "philosophers" who can't stop masturbating to the scientific community and pissing on their philosophical (and poetic, religious, cultural) heritage. Underrated are the philosophers who don't write petty columns every day and don't appear in shitty talkshows and only experts and their students know.

>> No.10053873

cat... easy on the meth......

>> No.10053922

I sincerely think your answer regarding the most overrated author was better than >>10048579's. Use to find it cool when i was a kid reading the dream seller trilogy but when i got to buy a newer work by him it fuckin disappointed me that he recycles the same fucking basic storyline

>big greedy guy/girl is generally a cunt
>something happens/he meets someone that changes every fucking vision he had in life
>he/she turns into this kind of happy/chill "mad wise man/woman" and he starts to surprise everyone he ever met
>happy go lucky ending


>> No.10054032

inb4 Coetzee Disgrace

>> No.10054066

Disgrace sucks. All it's good for is to be an illustration of pathological white guilt.

>> No.10054165

t. Superuovo

Baricco is a fucking hack and the fact that he believes he deserves a Nobel is laughable
In Italy definitively Landolfi. I don't know abroad, but I'd probably say Eco just because I sometimes hear plebs comparing him to Dan Brown

>> No.10054206

I agree with Baricco being a hack but Eco is definitely not underrated, he's one of the most famous in the Anglo world.

>> No.10054230

The fact is that I really don't know how Italian authors are perceived abroad honestly, I should look into that. Pirandello did nothing wrong honestly, he just suffered the terrible destiny of being canonized as an high school classical

>> No.10054240

Jacob Grimm

>> No.10054241

> What country are you from?
> Who is the most overrated author?
Knausgaard or John Nesbo
> Who is the most underrated?
John Bing

>> No.10055025

overrated: paco ignacio taibo
underrated: s. balir
>idk honestly
bursa and milosz are p dope

>> No.10056123

Altamirano esta cool o no?

>> No.10056126


>> No.10056133
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Hłasko leży płasko

>> No.10056188
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Ioan Slavici, fucking simpleton literature.
Max Blecher, literary genius. Died too early God bless his soul.

>> No.10056336

Why do your people so much of Cartarescu

>> No.10056344


Italy. That pompous hack called Calvino

>> No.10056348

Underrated: manganelli

>> No.10056352


>> No.10056369

Heart of a dog is very good, just like master and margherita

>> No.10056782
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>> No.10056795

>Compared to Brown
not a l'envers...

burgers are fucking R.E.T.A.R.D.E.D.

>> No.10056838
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>pompous hack

I'm sorry that you don't understand what a genius he was. Also Calvino really appreciated Centuria.

>> No.10057329

Brecht, this fucking commie scum
Ehm Welk

>> No.10057331
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>> No.10057341

Naziland hehe
any female author desu
Wilhelm Raabe

>> No.10057368

Vallejo is praised by everyone who reads it desu. He's my favorite poet

>> No.10057400

Gaddis lol

>> No.10057408

Nice, just picked up one of Murnane's books the other day out of curiosity. Hadn't even heard of him before but I skimmed through a few pages and liked what I read.

>> No.10057457

Jorge Amado, the books of this guy are the worst. People loves him, and i will never be able to know why.

Aníbal Machado, best Br short stories volume i've ever read. He was a kind of b-side modernist.

>> No.10057505

Holy shit dude, this Aníbal guy must be a pretty obscure one. Never heard of him. And I heard about some pretty underrated guys. Was he only famous on your state or what ?

>> No.10057585

Yooo my fellow Serb! I agree about Andrić, but sometimes it seems to me that a man needs to pass certain age to truly undrstand Andrić, and Meša Selimović as well. Also, i would add some overrated: Miroslav Antić, Dobrica Ćosić, Matija Bećković, Momo Kapor... And some underrated: Danilo Kiš, Borislav Pekić

>> No.10057625

Look. I read il barone rampante ( dunno the English title, look it up if you want) back in high school and I thought it was trite, pretentious during the second part, boring at parts, and the "action-focused" scenes were static.

I tried se una sera un viaggiatore, but I didn't make it free the opening pages

>> No.10057650

O c'mon. Gadda won a nobel (deserved) and canne al vento was her only great work of her.

And Pirandello is a genius

>> No.10057833

Is he really that overrated? I hear him mentioned sometimes but he's never cited in any of my books as a master of anything, like how T. Mann is always brought up when there's talk of irony and narrative. Granted, I'm not German although I read and speak it, and I can maybe imagine Böll gets a lot of mention in Germany because WWII takes up a lot of room in his works. Is he that big a part of the curriculum? I'm ready to believe it because I was told to read 'Wanderer, kommst du nach Spa...' in German class here (Denmark), I can see how stories like that could take up a lot of time in a classroom south of the border.
Not to say that I don't like Böll, I've read many of his short stories since then.

>> No.10057846

Forgot to add:
It's neat you mention Wieland as well, I love his Agathon.

>> No.10057854

>Hans Christian Anderson

I mean, he is fine. All his stories are the same though

>> No.10057901

I'm from Fyn so I'm as fed up with H.C. Andersen as anyone but I'd still say Kierkegaard as I think people are too ready to give his philosophical literature or 'novels of ideas' like Enten -- Eller a pass just because they're deep, which they are, but meanwhile the literature suffers under the slightly hamfisted philosophy.
And to his credit, H.C. Andersen did write some of the best fairy tales ever even if I'm so fucking tired of them.

>> No.10057955

Kobenhavner here.
Atleast Kierkegaard has a bit of diversity in his ideas, even if they are all heavily tainted by his angst or whatever.
My problem with HC is that his stuff has been force fed to every child in the country and his stuff is particularly deep or interesting. Might be slightly very biased.

>> No.10057972

>stuff is
fuck. Meant to say "isn't"
Shouldnt be posting while doing other stuff

>> No.10057973

Sten Nadolny. Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit is p good, but everything else frequently gets lost in le ebin ironic self-indulgent observations

Not really underrated as a philosopher, but people often take for granted how incredibly well Schopenhauer wrote. Just compare him to pretty much any other German philosopher pre-Nietzsche and it should be obvious that he manages to evoke powerful emotions even while detailing out-there stuff such as metaphysics.

Wrong on all counts

>> No.10057988

I don't think anybody ranks Böll as highly as e.g. Thomas Mann but my mother and my teachers all loved him. One of his works was assigned to me in school, so he definitely is somebody you might come across in a curriculum, but he's not a cornerstone of German education like Goethe. I'd be very surprised if there were any German who graduated Gymnasium without having read Goethe, this is not something one can say for Böll. I don't think my brother had to read even a short story of his. I've read Ansichten eines Clowns and some short stories and I find him really boring, in fact so boring that I can't even think of any criticism. I just remember that a few years back I was thoroughly unimpressed with his writings and haven't had the desire to revisit them since.

>> No.10058074

Well Goethe deserves a substantial part of the credit given to him, when I think of someone who's overrated I think of someone who scores cheap points by saying the right things, like a Böll or a Brecht, or maybe Kafka by being so much of a 'Unikum'. On the other hand, Goethe was truly a polymath, but then again his reputation is at least ten times that of almost any other German author so I guess maybe he'd be a contender for 'most overrated' as well.

>> No.10058088
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>Shitting Knausgård
That's it, I'm gonna rant about you for 40 pages in my next book.

>> No.10058115

You might be right, maybe we're only arguing semantics because when I read 'author' I think of literature strictly speaking and not philosophers with a literary nebengesjæft. But you're definitely right on everyone being stuffed to the brim with H.C. Andersen, being from Fyn it was particularly bad around his bicentennial, and every time you go to Odense you'll still see his fucking silhouette everywhere on the lampposts and elsewhere, which is only going to get worse seeing as they're catering more and more to the Asians who fucking love him for some reason.

>> No.10058117

I never meant to imply that Goethe was overrated. In fact I wanted to clarify that Böll does not have the same status as the Dichterfürst himself. I wanted to state that some Germans might read Böll's works in school, but all Germans will be taught at least one of Goethe's works. My intention was to answer the question concerning Böll's place in the curriculum.
I understand the personal dislike somebody might have for Brecht and Kafka, but I think they demonstrate their talent quite proficiently. Böll on the other hand just does nothing for me.

>> No.10058134

Then I think I agree with you, Böll showcasing exactly what I mean by scoring cheap points, and I haven't read his novels but I'd imagine them being a tough read if they're in the same journalistic and sparse prose that works much better in his short stories.

>> No.10058141

>Asians who fucking love him for some reason
Try going to see the little mermaid. If you didnt know better, you'd think you were in hong kong bay. Those people love them some H.C

>> No.10058156

Also I didn't mean to say I personally think Brecht was overrated, but I did have one teacher in high school who was all about DDR and communism and concrete who told us to read a lot of Brecht, and when we were on a trip to Berlin she had us walk 'through his footsteps' and visit where he lived, where he had his theater ensemble, where he drank, all that stuff.
Now I've learnt to look past the 'worker and parasite' politics and I think his plays/poems are fucking funny.
I actually live in KBH, those bastards are everywhere, but the tourist market is slowly expanding outside of KBH and it's so painfully obvious whenever I return 'home'. Not the gooks in themselves (although they are some of the more annoying tourists), it's the pandering that gets me.

>> No.10058246
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You confuse Gadda with Deledda.

>> No.10058292

Overrated: Don DeLillo
Underrated: Stephen King

>> No.10058343

Kek, I see this board still deludes itself with petty contrarianism.

>> No.10058633

No, it doesn't.

>> No.10058681

The Netherlands
Harry Mulisch/Hugo Claus
Kader Abdolah

>> No.10058816

Oh shit, you right

>> No.10058831

I read opinions of a clown in Italian. I dunno. Some parts were strong, the pace was pretty good. But I didn't like that narrative voice, the protagonist

>> No.10058839

Also, I only know the short story of his about a young soldiers without legs and arms who get rescued in his former high school

Any other short stories?

>> No.10059165

Chcyalbym to przeczytać

>nives celzijus kek
underrated - well he is not really underrated but if he was from USA, UK, Italy or Germany he would really be top tier writer - Miroslav Krleža

>> No.10059171

Ivo Andrić

Classical fucking stealing croatian culture

>> No.10059265

>not Kafka
It seems like you didnt enjoy that jew-german enough in high school

>> No.10059294
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He is from Rio. Was befriended with Drummond, Murilo Mendes, Rosa, etc. Pic of this most famous book.

>> No.10059345
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But Kafka is so good and original!

>> No.10059459

Underrated post

>> No.10060076

>Ivo Andric
>Serb and Overrated
Delicate bait

>> No.10060205

Nobody knows about him though.

>> No.10060221

Country: Iceland

Most overrated: Halldór Laxness

Most underrated: Pretty much everyone else

>> No.10060304

>back in high school
That's your problem. Any "classic" author in any high school program gets butchered by incompetent teachers and a saturation of low quality critique. Go read some more and go back to him, your taste will definitively change. I'm not saying you will like it but at least you will stop saying bullshit like "he's overrated"

>> No.10060314


>> No.10060409

Vallejo underrated? Aprende chibolo

Julio Ramón Riveiro
>underrated (actually not but not that known)
Enrique López Albújar

>> No.10060551

>Walter Moers
My man. His books got me into reading.

>> No.10060556


>> No.10060576

overrated:David Foster Wallace
underrated: i feel like they all deserve their obscurity

>> No.10060613

You can't even spell his name.

>> No.10060615

Unironically this.

>> No.10060738

>Alice Rosenbaum, daughter of Zalman Wolf and Hannah Berk
I wanna take a War and Peace and stuff it up your niece.

>> No.10060779

My niece doesn't have anything to do with this! Leave her out! Leave her out, I say!

>> No.10060879


>> No.10060933

Ismail Kadare
Dunno prefer not to read a lot of albanian literature. It's either from 1800-1900 about Albania itself or some boring shit from the last 50 years.

>> No.10060975

Juha Itkonen
Leena Krohn

>> No.10061398

Mika Waltari
Paavo Haviko, Sinisalo

>> No.10061449

Nwanda Umabenge
Shivor Tutaile

>> No.10061833

Johanna Sinisalo is overrated genreshit whereas Waltari is a genuinely great writer

>> No.10061859

Maybe, if you dont hear about him every fucking literature lecture.
God i hated literature at grammer school.

>> No.10061872

hello duvalier

where is laferriere

>> No.10061892
