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/lit/ - Literature

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10048260 No.10048260 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophers do I need to be familiar with before reading Evola? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10048266

Ibn Batuta

>> No.10048279

particular works?

>> No.10048303


>> No.10048309


>> No.10048341
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All works relating to metaphysics

>> No.10048344

Nick Land

>> No.10048519


None in particular. You just need to be familiar with general philosophical and spiritual concepts.

>> No.10048528

Depends on what you want to read. I started Introduction to Magic and was lost within a few chapters. Ride the Tiger and Fascism viewed from the Right are self-explanatory.

>> No.10048573

Read Guenon as everything depends on Tradition. The rest is secondary at best.

>> No.10048586

This OP, although I would point out Plato, Nietzsche and Kant perhaps

>> No.10048653

OP here, thanks for the reply, where do you recommend starting with Guenon?

>> No.10048723

Just read it. It will have very little to offer unless you already have some understanding of what he's talking about; in other words, if you feel totally at ease in modern life and around your peers, Evola will appear as something very foreign to you.

>> No.10048806

Crisis of the modern world.

>> No.10048846

He was heavily influenced by Guenon.
Blavatsky is also important, while Guenon hated theosophy, Evola followed her Aryan Nordic root race Kali Yuga idea.
Familiarity with Fascism and Hinduism is important.
He's also a sort of transcendent Nietzschean.
Right wing aristocratic western Hindu esoteric racism basucally.

>> No.10048862

Guys I think I rode the tiger too far and got this chick I am not dating preggers. Did I fail Evola?

>> No.10048906

You failed hard, Evola never had kids and he adressed why in an interview. Now you got to be a wagecuck and not a glourious ascetic knight of Tradition.

>> No.10048918

What did he say about never having kids?

>> No.10048940
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He was too ugly: even if he could have managed to convince one woman to have sex with him (and we both know he couldn't) he still did not want his son (or even worse, daughter) to be as deformed as his dad.

>> No.10048950

Around 50:55, basically having a family is constraining from point of view of existential freedom and Evola is Trad Chad not a virgin conservative.

>> No.10049177


>right wing aristocractic western Hindu esoteric racism basically

This is actually a great way to put it, though remember Evola put the spiritual man ahead of the racial man. He recognized the reality of race, but that the spiritual character of the man was much more important. I agree. While I think multiculturalism/modernism is the death call of this planet if it continues, having white skin means nothing if you watch NFL football and other negro games while you're a fat shit who has never had a thought in his head.

>> No.10049345

Yup, war is already lost. I'm vibrating on that higher plane right this second brother. I am apalled, it is decadence of the highest degree masquerading as piety. It is ignorance, deliberate ignorance, acting as higher knowledge.

Is there hope for us? I'm afraid it will get me. The great pit of slime that grabs any rut you have not filed off your soul and drags you down into the depths of spirit death.

If you're where I am right now. We are the doctrine, we are the natural reality. Death grins through the face of family showing your loved ones trapped so insidiously that the chances of liberation are impossible. It gibbers prewritten talking points past any conscious filter.

Will we make it? Is there hope for us?

>> No.10049404


>Will we make it? Is there hope?

Transcendence is the hardest thing possible for a human being to attain, but I do believe it is possible, and there are cases in history of those saints who have - my background is more in the East, so I am thinking of those like Ramana Maharshi, Anandamayi Ma, Nisargadatta Maharaj, or the Russian G.I. Gurdjieff (best one for a Western mind). Unless you are born a god-man, you really do need a guide, a teacher, most especially when the modern world is so hostile to the development of the soul.

They still exist on this planet. I was lucky enough to find one, but even with his assistance (which has helped enormously) I wonder if I will make it sometimes.

>> No.10049457
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>Get on the tiger! There's no time to explain.

What do?

>> No.10049564

I've lost faith in metaphysics and transcendence. I'm going full right-accelerationist and gonna indulge in liberalism eating itself alive.

On the otherside, maybe the great brotherhood will rise again.

I'm just going to separate myself from the mass culture, allow the perennial manifest in my personal life.

Death Cult

>> No.10049593


Why have you lost faith? I'd say you've given up too early. You can't be that old if you're posting here.

But, yes, in regards to human life, let this awful world devour itself. It hurts us to be overly obsessed about it. I'm trying to setup passive income online and just move to a nice, quiet mountain town right now. To hell with this world.

>> No.10050438

Crisis of the Modern World, Introduction to the Study of the Hindu doctrines, Symbolism of the Cross, Miscellanea, The Great Triad, The Multiple States of the Being, The King of the World

in something like that order

>> No.10050694

>No background in philosophy
>read first chapter of Ride the Tiger

It speaks to me. I hate modern, feel-good, social media, John Oliver/Samantha Bee/Trevor Noah-esque social liberalism but is surrounded by it constantly and I need a goddamned antidote. I feel like I have more in common with the idiots from leftypol even though they'd have me killed if they ever got into power because at least they don't believe in idpol.

>> No.10050711

Rejection of all things bourgeois doesn't require a programmatic ideology or viewpoint. The stink of bourgeois cancer is everywhere in this post-historical hell. Insightful people, and people whose souls tend toward some kind of asceticism for one reason or another, can simply tell that something is fundamentally wrong with our society.

It's not John Oliver that's annoying. It's that everyone is John Oliver, and John Oliver is just an echoing back of John Oliverness onto itself.

>> No.10050726


Goddamn. One post on /lit/ has more wisdom than I've seen in months.

Not that I follow any particular ideology, but I do respect leftypol's rejection of idpol.

>> No.10050747

What you impregnate a woman and then leave her?

>> No.10051168
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This is also one of the better posts I've ever seen on /lit/. Well said, especially how "everyone is John Oliver" and this is a "post-historical hell." I'm using that one.

>> No.10051383

Evola's thought has much substance, but he is altogether too much of a magnetic personality to meaningfully engage. In the words he has cited, don't mistake the finger pointing toward the moon for the moon itself; if you want a way out, join a tradition. Metaphysical principles are supplementary to meaningful practices. As Evola said, these are "sacred sciences." In other words, as interpretations of physical theories are physically equivalent, interpretations of the metaphysical order are metaphysically equivalent.

Metaphysics can no way be opposed to "exoteric" religion; it is interested in the universal order that particular practices participate in and embody. Without a grounding in a tradition, you will do no further than fill your head with mythical and detached discursive entities that serve as their own Guenonian "psychic residues" and do more harm than good.

>> No.10051407

>join a cult

Lick my balls, Islamist. Keep your sufi egregore out of the West.

>> No.10051414

I'm a Catholic.

>> No.10051530

>setup passive income online
Are there any options for a poorfag to escape this material and existential nightmare? Is forsaking my current life to join a Buddhist monastery in Sri Lanka an option?

>> No.10052404


Yes, there totally is. Also, I wouldn't suggest the monastery life for something to do other than a few years. It is not a natural existence long-term at all, as you deny so much of your human existence, primarily your sexuality, which will come back to bite you in the end with all that repression. Minus the child prostitution, I've heard great things about Sri Lanka though. Much cleaner and better maintained than India.

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