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10046076 No.10046076 [Reply] [Original]

What works of his should I read regarding linguistics or the use of language itself?

>> No.10046083

he tried to destroy whiteness and the west through jewish subversion. try the redpill if you want the truth on the matter of judeo-Derridean destruction

>> No.10046098

false flag

>> No.10046107

none, he's a charlatan.

>> No.10046108

Don't bother at all with Derrida or Foucault

>> No.10046109

I'm unironically intrigued anon, I'm really curious about this dude, since some of my friends are always raving about how the absolute madman he was. Also, I think an ex girlfriend mentioned him in a couple of conversations.

>> No.10046116

He tried to ruin the foundation of white logic and rationality through bolshevik dialectics to undermine meaning in an attempt to show that women are inherently superior to men, and that they should produce children with black men

>> No.10046117

I'm too much of a brainlet to understand anything he ever wrote, but Plato's Pharmacy is a good start I guess

>> No.10046118

I'm currently reading "Society must be defended" care to explain why?

btw, none of this is trolling, I'd really like to read about different views on him and his work.

>> No.10046119

That's fucking nuts. So this is why wikipedia label him as postmodern? Am I wrong?

>> No.10046123


>> No.10046129

Yes, that's essentially what postmodernism is meant to do, i.e. actively working for the eradication of the white race, which you'll find out if you watch some of Jordan Peterson's videos.
This is how Jews have always done it, and Derrida was a Jew. They want to undermine traditional white values and culture through the popularization of degeneracy such as black athletes, black musicians, getting blacks in white movies etc. It's an attempt to brainwash and Derrida has sadly been one of the best at it in the 20th century.

>> No.10046138

Thanks a lot for your input.

>> No.10046174

Is this bait or are you intensely reliving the parts of your life when blacks kids bullied at school while on an Adderall overdose right now ?
I mean, seriously, just cite a part of one of his books where he says "we need to eradicate the white race by promoting interracial breeding".
At least say he was a French charlatan like Lacan and talk about the Sokal affair if you want to undermine him without having read him, because this is just the same old unsubstantial /pol/ memes, and it's boring as fuck.

>> No.10046194

Try reading Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, he proves it.

>> No.10046207

Read "Structure, Sign, and Play," "Differance," and then watch the Yale open course lecture on it. That should give you a good grounding. You can find them by google.

>> No.10046217

Is this ironic responses to ironic shitposting? Is nothing real anymore?

>> No.10046268

They're actually real sincere responses. One could say "retard" but who cares really.

>> No.10046277


>> No.10046290

"The Supplement of Copula" is a pretty interesting essay, where he argues against linguistic determinism in relation to philosophy.

>> No.10046292

Does he have any real insights into linguistics?

>> No.10046302

Jesus Christ, there's been a lot of anti*semitism on this board lately. I wonder why

>> No.10046316

Time you wake up, cuck

>> No.10046319

As an actual linguist and fan of Derrida's work I would say that his insights are largely specific to semantics, and when he occasionally uses the word "linguistics" you can most of the time substitute in the word "semantics" without changing the meaning. However, I've gained more from his analysis of conceptual structure which doesn't have much to do with linguistics in specific (although it could, and in my opinion does, have implications for scientific practice and views about the purpose of sciences).

>> No.10046329

peterson told me he was evil

>> No.10046339

Specters of Marx

>> No.10046340

the only thing that is real anymore is jewish subversion of white values

>> No.10046348

Do you come from /pol/? Give me some insight in this situation, please.

>> No.10046352

There's a Detrida PoMo thread here every other day, don't listen to some /pol/ster who learned about him through youtube intellectuals

Irony or retarded?

>> No.10046357



>> No.10046359

/pol/ meets newfag