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File: 33 KB, 800x430, Hack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10042261 No.10042261 [Reply] [Original]

Big fan of cheap metal blocks with no aesthetic quality to them whatsoever

>> No.10042271
File: 127 KB, 620x413, high-rise-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the aesthetic quality of commie blocks are any better

>> No.10042333
File: 79 KB, 750x1000, A7844D7D-2F78-4AC6-B6F1-5D3792D484C0-12228-000010BE064243B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay for modern Life. Living in a fucking box is even less depressing than all these "efficient" buildings made by these autistic fucks with their unnatural fuckfests of unnatural straight lines and surfaces in monocolor.

Its almost as if human beings were never meant to live like a bunch of pigs ready for slaughter in our efficient little boxes and cubicles.

In glad pharmaceutical research has at least evolved as quick as achitecture has devolved in full on efficiency self masturbatory autism, so we can at least be sedated and wasted on medication while enjoying our newly found lives as slaughter cattle as we, the People, wait for our meaningless but Oh so necessairy end to this emptiness, which isnt either suffering or pleasure, but just a numbing and empty existence in this indifferent, eternal, automatic and utterly useless replacement System of being Born, fucking and dying like a bunch of insects. All these useless consolations, emotions and reasonings aside, because they wont change anything ever in this by Universal laws highly restricted environment, I, myself am more a supporter of the Art nouveau style.

>> No.10042349


>> No.10042516

t. pampered fist worlder

>> No.10042531

Give me a better, more viable alternative. I'll wait.

>> No.10042539

having choices and rights, dumbfuck commie fag

>> No.10042560

Then do something about it. Nobody has as much power over any of that than you.

>> No.10042564

Democratic socialism. Google it.

>> No.10042567

Replied to>>10042531
When should have replied to>>10042349

Also, solve capitalism and if you can't that means capitalism is best fallacy.

>> No.10042574

>rand liked skyscrapers
>i don't like skyscrapers
>therefore her philosophy is wrong
what passes for high level discourse on 4chan

>> No.10042576

>Give me a better, more viable alternative. I'll wait.


>> No.10042579

Being a responsible citizen in a democracy by looking out for the interests of working people and not dropping to your knees every chance you get for the billionaire class which feeds you every bit of information you get to hear/see.

>> No.10042586

>what passes for high level discourse on 4chan

Idiot. She describes Skyscrapers as a real world manifestation of her philosophy, an achievement of it. Attacking the Skyscrapers is to attack the aesthetics of them and thereby, attack her philosophy.

>> No.10042589

He said communism, not socialism dumbass. i for one am a fan of democratic socialism.

>> No.10042593

Greentext doesn't substitute an argument. OP isn't arguing against skyscrapers but that they're a flimsy symbol of human accomplishment and a shitty plot device.

>> No.10042631

What's with all the capitalism/communism related architecture threads today? Do some YouTube faggot upload a video or something?

>> No.10042754

She looks like that one guy from Whitest Kids U Know

>> No.10042758
File: 360 KB, 504x461, rip it good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol they're all the same thing

>> No.10042759

>arguing about a pseudophilosophy based in resentment over a chad.


>> No.10042920

>OP can't into symbolism


>> No.10042992


I don't actually live in one of those shitty buildings, gladly, however, reasonably the world population will only grow and I fear 70% or more of people in the near future will live like this and will be seen as nothing more than a number in a unit in a block in a district in a city in a province in a nation in an alliance. Nothing more than a statistic within a system that doesnt care about people but the production and the consumption until they are ready to be disposed of into some even more depressing elderly home which is just the same but even more "efficient" (ie even smaller rooms with automatic cleaning and food dispository systems).

I mean lets be honest here. At this rate of our "technological advancements" human life will be utterly miserable through technologies that make us look like cattle to be fed and used for our governments or corporations (or both). Life will not get better in the original sense of happiness. It will merely be a system to satisfy certain standardized needs in a most efficient way.

The future will not be this beautiful utopia where everyone lives in a luxurious apartment or villa with a beautiful garden with lots of space and flying parks with ponds and beautifully sculpted statues that you will be flown to in a flying car.

It will just be the most basic shit like these kind of blocks build in the most efficient way to store away as many people as possible.

It's not surpising people are more and more depressed, suicidal and sometimes even go psycho. This shit wasnt meant to exist.

>> No.10043028

so just slow-paced communism?
>m-muh politicians will use the money to educate everybody
kill yourself cuck