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10039375 No.10039375 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for lads?

>> No.10039419

The first half is the most boring part of the entire series. You might not even make it. But if you do and you enjoy worms and fighting sandniggers you're in for a good time. Dune 2 is an epic action packed thrill ride. Although my favorite is the last one. Reeeeeee cliffhanger ending though.

>> No.10039636

Bad writing, terrible poetry, interesting concepts. Some of the stuff he tries is unintentionally hilarious. I'd like to think he was trying hard and failed but he was just a sloppy hack.
>Orange Catholic Bible

Don't listen to this man, he's dangerous and he wants to hurt you. Everything after the first book is a cash-in made successful by a rabid fanbase. Remember that Herbert was a pulp writer, he was paid (very little) to pump this shit out by the pound. Dune is one of those books that manages to rise above for some reason. It lives on through people that hate life so much they've retreated to an imaginary one. You should still read it though.

Also we have this thread every day. At least it's not an IT thread.

>> No.10039639

A really cool story told by a very bad writer

>> No.10040038
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed my mind, starting with the Greeks instead. Following this flow chart

>> No.10040071
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>> No.10040096

Lawrence of Arabia in Space, with underlying themes of religion, ecology, and economics. That's not me dismissing the book, it's a great high concept and Herbert's research fills the pages with a depth and believability most authors only wish they could bring to the table.

>> No.10040243
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That's very ambitious of you as even Hamilton is a slog. If you'd like a break I'd try pic related.

>> No.10040309

Reading it like 4 times to get all the subplots and then reading it a 5th and realizing you missed a few. >>10039419 has it right on Dune 2, though Heretics=#1

>> No.10041073

comprehensive look at a dark messiah

>> No.10041092

>the sarlacc's mouth is the entire creature

>> No.10041120
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>> No.10041137

basically this

read this as isis propoganda

>> No.10041390

The stories entertaining. I read it a while ago when I was young, so now I can say that the themes and symbolism were a bit hamfisted. But all in all entertaining

>> No.10042161

have some water handy

>> No.10042180


>> No.10042217

Pretty good book. FIrst 50 pages are boring as fuck and a chore to get through (a lot of...what the fuck are they talking about here?) but it's worth it. It's a decent sci fi novel with a good amount of lore. Kind of falls into le heroes journey territory at the end, but at the time that was pretty new. Second book is way better.

Can't deny it. IT's a great song. That sword sample is lit af senpai.

>> No.10042218

Game of Thrones without the explosive diarrhea.

>> No.10042233

I really wish there was a subset of Allahu Akbar cancer memes that use saleel and clips from Lynch's Dune

>> No.10042242

Shigga wire

>> No.10042258

mah nigga, i've always felt the same way about heretics

>> No.10043483

I'm beginning to make a sizable dent into this chart. Anyways, it only lists one of three great tragic playwrights. Euripides deserves more than an honorable mention, and Aeschylus is not present at all. Personally, I would favor chronology and list Hesiod directly behind Homer as well.

>> No.10043502
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>tfw you were born too early to fight for the distant future Islamo-Buddhist space Jihad.


>> No.10043515

Just read the Harkonnen chapters.

Paul Atreides is probably the most boring Mary Sue protagonist ever.

>> No.10043639

I know this is the kind of music that's used in ISIS propaganda but what does the music actually say?

Is it just death to the west-core with some blasphemy involved or what?

>> No.10043651

It's about Islam. It's like church hymns only badass.

>> No.10043735

>hasn't heard Gregorian chant

>> No.10043892
File: 14 KB, 196x257, 1481255322448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think Paul is a mary sue wait until you see his son

>> No.10044247


One of the main concepts is that of a superman. I for one find him inspiring.

>> No.10044361

>implying the House of Atreides weren't Greek

>> No.10044397

It's basically a repertoire of right wing ideologies: there are right wing critiques of capitalism, there's social darwinism, there are unequivocal overman undertones, islam...

>> No.10044434

Herbert began writing Dune by extrapolating his newspaper article on US trying to stabilize literal dunes with plants. Based on this idea, he expanded the concept: what if you have an entire planet of sand dunes and people there want to terraform it. How would it work? What kind of people could survive there? What animals can live there? He was amongst the first to really apply ecology to the a fictional world, complete with a food cycle and how Man is intertwined with it and potentiallt destroy it. Previous authors wave away such things unexplained. The politics, religion and warfare arose from these core concepts. I don't think Herbert set out to espouse any political dogmas.

>> No.10044447

I think of fremen more as shias


>> No.10044492


That's an actual right-wing perspective, friend, especially the part about how man is intertwined with his ecosystem. Herbert may not have consciously set out with a right-wing agenda, but certainly he was this type of man or the book wouldn't have ended up the way it did.

>Without doubt, man is the most dangerous microbe imaginable. He exploits the ground beneath his feet without ever asking whether he is disposing thus of products that would per-
haps be indispensable to the life of other regions. If one examined the problem closely, one would probably find here the origin of the catastrophes that occur periodically in the earth's surface.

-Hitler's Table Talks

>> No.10044521

Gregorian chant is fucking boring.
Nasheeds are HYPE.

>> No.10044530

It's like a fantastically intricate and thought out pop-up picture made of cardboard.

>> No.10045845

plans within planes within plains

>> No.10045904
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>> No.10045964

A fun ride once you get to the part where the Harkonnens wreck shit.