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1003438 No.1003438 [Reply] [Original]

I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker, show me a rational female philosopher.

>> No.1003442

Ayn Rand

>> No.1003443 [DELETED] 

Ayn Rand

>> No.1003448 [DELETED] 

Ayn Rand 

>> No.1003451

Not a troll answer: Philippa Foot

>> No.1003454

Emma Goldman

>> No.1003450 [DELETED] 

Ayn Rand  

>> No.1003457


and so is every freshman in college

>> No.1003458
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Shiiit, negro, that's all you had to say.

>> No.1003459

Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.1003456 [DELETED] 
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Ayn Rand

>> No.1003472

g e m anscombe
my cute sociology ta

>> No.1003474


>Female Sartre

I don't think so.

>> No.1003479

itt: modshit

>> No.1003481

only real answer in the thread

>> No.1003487
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>Impying /lit/ has mods

>> No.1003504

fuck you

>> No.1003496

No. Philippa Foot and g e m anscombe are the only serious answers

>> No.1003506
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cute ta is a serious answer as well.

>> No.1003509

oh and emma goldman is great.

>> No.1003512


Pick one.

>> No.1003519

On a more serious note, Rand is a pretty rational philosopher. Humans are selfish and forced altruism goes against our biology.

Objectivism makes perfect sense even if you don't agree with the sentiment at its core.

>> No.1003523

herp durp anonymous misogyny is kewl

>> No.1003526

the irony here is that all the hurr females dumb guys here don't know any of the female philosophers posted.

>> No.1003530

no. it's stoopid and so is your analysis.

>> No.1003531

Show me a rational female.

>> No.1003533

Show me a female.

>> No.1003535

Show me.

>> No.1003545


I love women, but rationality is not a trait common in women. Because emotions are not rational and most women think with their emotions.

You'd never find a female Peter Singer, for example.

This is why Rand is a good female philosopher. Because her philosophy is based in common sense and so divorced from emotion that the dickheads in this thread, such as yourself, even feel the need to whine about it.

>> No.1003569
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>I love women, but rationality is not a trait common in women. Because emotions are not rational and most women think with their emotions.
It seems we also found a men who doesn't think.
Seriously? That woman-emotion, men-rationnal bullshit? Again? You know you're using a XIXth century argument here, right?

>> No.1003574

>Hurr durr women think with their emotions hurr durr I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about I spout popular misconceptions that fly in the face of all logic as well as scientific evidence.

Shut the fuck up. Any point you had to make was completely invalidated by that asinine statement absolutely ignorant of gender role psychology.

>> No.1003584

Rand is a horrible example of a rational female philosopher not driven by her emtions if you know ANYTHING about her personal life.

There are plenty of examples of women philosophers in this thread that are actually academically respected and made major contributions to the field of philosophy. If that isn't rational I don't know what is.

>> No.1003593

amagad female logician unpossible


>> No.1003595

Ayn Rand was no more a philosopher than Humpty-Dumpty was a lexographer.

>> No.1003600
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nice roman numerals

>> No.1003601


It's true. It's not politically correct to say it now. That's all that's changed.

The time I've spent around women has made it very clear in my mind that common sense is not something women inherently have.

>> No.1003607

Really now...have you read For The New Intellect? If not please do and then we can discuss Rand and her philosophical nature.

>> No.1003611

Out problem is that we have forgotten - ten thousand years ago it was all matriarchy - culture frozen, bitter and vicious lives lived under the hands of the alpha females.

It took generations and many, many lives to subjugate the women. Then civilization could begin.

Now we've forgotten, and have unleashed them on the world again. We will pay.

>> No.1003621

"19th" is forbidden by the French Academy, and I do like the Academy.
Seriously though, that's some kind of rule : roman for centuries, arabic for years.

>> No.1003622

You do realize that insecurity and MAN-RAGE count as emotions right? And the insatiable need to fuck everything falls even below the spectrum of emotion. Just because men are emotionally-retarded doesn't make them anymore rational. It just makes them put on an emotionally-retarded display of stoicism whilst pretending to make a rational decision.

>> No.1003628

Nah man, I could tell you the women I know are more rational than the men, and that would be also true; but it depends what kind of people we live with.
It changes from places to places, and stereotypes give you the impression it's the same everywhere.

>> No.1003636

Oh all the time he's spent around women. So he's passing a judgment on 50% of the world's population based solely on behavior he's observed in his mommy. Not THAT'S rational!

>> No.1003644

if you read a page of rand and still can't tell she's a joke, you are the problem.

>> No.1003648


Women are the kind of people who think eating meat is not a good idea because they care about the animals.

Men are the kind of people who would not eat meat because red meat could be unhealthy for you.

And the "men think with their dicks" argument is far more retarded and unfounded than a "women aren't rational" argument.

>> No.1003656


I know easily over 1,500 women and that's all that is needed for a fair survey.

>> No.1003658

my experiences are the most fucking important and your statistics mean nothing. man math works by power, not logic.

>> No.1003662
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>> No.1003664

I shall reply to this by quoting Jeanette Winterson:

"'Women always bring it back to the personal,' said Handsome. 'It's why you can't be world leaders.'

'And men never do,' I said, 'which is why we end up with no world left to lead.'"

>> No.1003673

Obvious troll is obviously going to enjoy tonight.

>> No.1003683


Why do you want personal in a political environment? Taking away personal bullshit is why we still have working societies.

>> No.1003681
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Hannah Arendt

Admittedly her opinion on segregation was nonsensical.

>> No.1003684



>> No.1003694


And the world is still here. Thus, her statement is rendered false.

Way to fuck up, woman.

>> No.1003698
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>fails to understand substantive moral thrust of passage
sure is typical

>> No.1003708


Op here, I was in fact genuinely curious about a female who was truly rational and could deliver arguments that would remain valid in syllogical form. The only female philosophers I've read are de Beauvoir and Arendt, and they both built their conclusions on various logical fallacies, much like just about every woman I've ever known.

>> No.1003712

>And the "men think with their dicks" argument is far more retarded and unfounded than a "women aren't rational" argument.


>Women are the kind of people who think eating meat is not a good idea because they care about the animals. Men are the kind of people who would not eat meat because red meat could be unhealthy for you.

They're also the kind of people who would insist that their grandmother buy a .45 semiautomatic pistol that's prone to jamming rather than an easy-to-use, reliable .38 revolver because semiautomatics look way cooler. Who cares if nana dies while trying to fight off the burglar? At least she died looking cool!

Believe me, this is the mentality of the men I work with on a daily basis.

>> No.1003721

check out
but it will probably go over your head.

>> No.1003732
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Rosa Luxemburg

>> No.1003739


And women aren't likely to buy any gun because "a gun is a gun"?

Any normal man would give thought to the properties of a weapon such as a gun rather than its look. The men you work with are stupid and seeing as there are stupid people in both gender groups, they are irrelevant.

>> No.1003750

On a related note, "smart women" are often not very smart at all. They simply have an "air of intelligence" which is a facade of large words slightly incorrectly used and regurgitation of social commentary that hides their inability to interpret and reason events and data into logical arguments.

>> No.1003754

at least they are smarter than you appear to be, anon.

>> No.1003758
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>On a related note, "smart men" are often not very smart at all. They simply have an "air of intelligence" which is a facade of large words slightly incorrectly used and regurgitation of social commentary that hides their inability to interpret and reason events and data into logical arguments.

You're clearly generalising.

>> No.1003765

Christine Korsgaard

>> No.1003769
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>> No.1003778

Nancy Cartwright

>> No.1003793

Iris Murdoch

>> No.1003795


Clearly not.


No. Women would like to think that the reason most of the world's great authors and academics and scientists are men is because of a lack of opportunity.

This argument does a great disservice to the legions of men who armed with a computer and phone started their own multi-billion dollar companies or sat down and wrote great works on their typewriter in their house over a summer.

Women have houses and computers, don't they? Then they should have no excuses.

>> No.1003916

>The men you work with are stupid
No argument there. But even the smart one will screw around on his girlfriend then refuse to let her go out with her gay best friend because he's afraid she'll cheat on him.

>And women aren't likely to buy any gun because "a gun is a gun"?
No, it usually has to do with all the horror stories they hear about children or suicidal teenagers getting a hold of their parents' weapon and shooting themselves with it. But trying to protect your young, that's totally irrational, right? Then again, the women who do come to shoot on the range usually shoot better than the men because they actually learn how to shoot it right rather than imitate what they see in the movies. That is unless they come with their boyfriend who will inevitably get her the biggest hand canon he can find so that he can demonstrate how much bigger and stronger he is.

>> No.1003919

i find it remarkable taht you are so dumb yet you are still compelled to reply.

>> No.1003945


I find it remarkable that you don't even respect yourself enough to obey the laws of grammar.

You are obviously a woman.


I've never seen any of these men imitating movies at my rifle range. I see sportsmen who enjoy shooting and have high safety standards.

>> No.1004132

J.K. Rowling started writing the Harry Potter series on napkins. But you're right, lack of opportunity doesn't necessarily lend itself as an excuse, though we can all agree that it's hard as hell to start a business whilst raising five screaming children. After all, if Shakespeare had spent half the amount of time raising his kids as he did writing plays, he would have gotten a lot less work done.

Now, American women were granted the right to vote in 1920, however it wasn't really until the 1970s that they began to break out of that "wife and mother" mold. That means, even if you count the 1920s as the beginning of the women's lib movement, you're still pitting a whopping 18 decades of female emancipation against thousands of years of unrestrained male intellectual and creative freedom. On top of that, now that women have come to the realization that being forced to raise the children of their oh-so-successful male counterparts has been keeping them down, men are getting butthurt over their rational decision to terminate pregnancy in the womb. Why? Well, have you no heart, woman? You're killing your own child!

>> No.1004137

i for one welcome our new feminine overlords.

>> No.1004149

No,of course not. You're to busy scoffing at the fact that your delicate little girlfriend can't handle a 12 gauge on her first try and laughing about her petty "feelings".

>> No.1004151


>unrestrained male intellectual and creative freedom

lol you think this is how it was

>> No.1004165

*too busy
Pardon me.

>> No.1004184


There are millionaires in this world who made their money before they were even 18. You assume children are the cause of this, but not all young women have children.

>> No.1004191
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>> No.1004210
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Even if the slaves and farmers were kept down, the opportunity to become intellectuals was still only allotted to the men of the upper classes.

>> No.1004226


lol you think the educated had unrestrained intellectual and creative freedom

>> No.1004235

how about virginia woolfe

>> No.1004247

Simone de Beauvoir?

>> No.1004265

kant was pretty much a girl

>> No.1004290

You're assuming that young women always had the luxury to choose whether or not to have children. You're also making examples of very uncommon circumstances and measuring success by wealth. How typical of a man.

>> No.1004311

If you're referring to Galileo, he was only stopped by the Church, also a body of men with unrestrained power.

>> No.1004347

Didn't your mother teach you that's not a nice name to call any girl.

>> No.1004354

Please, people, stop responding to trolls. Hint: you can detect them because they make no/invalid arguments in every single post and write in a trollish manner. Thank you.

>> No.1004405

Iris Murdoch
Mary Midgely
Elizabeth Anscombe

>> No.1004406



Anscome is the only answer. Foot is reasonable. Ronna Burger if you want someone not hella old.

>> No.1004667


I measure success by creation and exploration. Creation of art, wealth, buildings, exploration of sciences, our world, etc.

>> No.1004722

Humans are insanely complicated creatures and any attempt to simplify human nature to one trait is pointless and insulting. "Humans are naturally good!" "Humans are selfish bastards!" Both are right, and both are wrong.

>> No.1004729


I never said they were bastards. But humans do look out for themselves by nature. It's survival. To deny it, you're only lying to yourself.

>> No.1004736

AYN RAND, oh rational, nevermind then

my captcha was shanango richard, my name is richard, what the fuck does shanango mean?

>> No.1005300

Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.1005306

breaking the rule, but ayn rand?

tempting the fury, I know.

>> No.1005313

I'm not going to bother to try when the only possible outcome is failure.

>> No.1005320

Gayatri Spivak

>> No.1005359

Simone de Beauvoir
Hannah Arendt
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein
Cynthia Freeland
Noël Merino
Martha Nussbaum

>> No.1005508

I just wanted to point out that this is the biggest load of crap in this thread.

>On top of that, now that women have come to the realization that being forced to raise the children of their oh-so-successful male counterparts has been keeping them down,

Children of their male counterparts? I'm sorry but aren't they also children of their own? We, men and women, have equal stakes in the kids, we both want our genetic material to survive. So how do you dare to say you're just raising the man's kids? I think you'll make one pretty bad mother.

>men are getting butthurt over their rational decision to terminate pregnancy in the womb. Why? Well, have you no heart, woman? You're killing your own child!

Wait, it's men who are against anti abortion as part of some huge battle of the sexes conspiracy to keep women down?

Finding these statistics wasn't that easy but here they are according to Reuters, 8 jan. 2001

>By gender, men and women's feeling were statistically the same - 51% of both men and women agreed that abortion destroys a human life and is manslaughter while 37% of men and 33% of women said that abortion neither destroys a life nor is manslaughter. While 7% of men and 9% of women agreed with neither statement, 5% of men and 7% of women were not sure.

So what now, claim Reuters is part of the male conspiracy?

where the hell is my sammich?

>> No.1005538

Judith Butler is the most obvious answer and hasn't been stated in this thread.

>> No.1005580

reading isn't your thing, eh?