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/lit/ - Literature

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1003165 No.1003165 [Reply] [Original]

So I went to see a movie with some friends, we were a bit late and had to get tickets to a showing later than we had hoped.
We all decide to pass the time just walking around (this was in a pretty large shopping center), so we decide to stop by a Books-a-Million.

I peruse through the isles, and then I saw something horrendous.

I walked into the 'teenager' section, Vampire books EVERYWHERE, I do mean EVERYWHERE, I would guess that about 90% of the books were all vampire related, and they had a whole section full of Twilight.

What the fuck is wrong with this generation?

>> No.1003173

nothing. there has been no really ''literate'' generation. ffs The Sorrows of young Werther was the proto-twilight and it had a idiotic fandom too (at least they had the decency of killing themselves).

>> No.1003178

It's just the fad with YA literature right now. It seems a lot of new YA books are leaning towards dystopia now though.

>> No.1003179
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Wait, are you comparing The Sorrows of Young Werhter and Twilight?

>> No.1003183
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>> No.1003184

You are what's wrong with this generation. Instead of not caring you ran to the internet to have a drama-queen freak out.

>> No.1003187

But did they need to fill replace an entire section with it?
I mean good god, what did they do with all the non-vampire related books?

>> No.1003193

I freaked out?

>> No.1003208

I'd rather some fat teenager read a book he/she enjoys than see one of your idiotic "omg i'm so sophisticated! i hate vampires lol!!!" posts again.