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/lit/ - Literature

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10029924 No.10029924 [Reply] [Original]

How do you give up video games and other nonsense hobbies to commit yourself to reading and writing?

My mind feels fat. When I have free time, I spend it playing Magic Online or watching Youtube. I've been trying to meditate more but never feel like I'm getting much out of it.

I dunno. It's a strange place to be. I feel so bogged down in my habits and coping mechanisms. I remember spending afternoons reading stuff like Eragon with no desire to watch TV or anything else. Just quietly reading. I miss that. And I wonder if Millennials are starting to think of things like reading in the same way Emerson viewed society and nature. Back to basics. Spend your time in the woods of a book instead of skyscrapers.

I wish I could know what things trigger a real, concrete shift in my subconscious to motivate and truly cause me to devote myself to self-expression and developing my voice. I want that. I want to have a voice that is my own. A voice I worked for and earned.

For what it's worth, I'm 24, an English major, taking 12 hours, working a part-time job, need financial aid because I called my dad out when he referred to the money from my grandfather's passing as my mom's "loot," and have about 400 pages I need to read this weekend.

>> No.10029936

I simply hid Youtube from my sight. That fixed my Youtube addiction.
For games, I never really enjoyed them anyway so it was easier for me to give up

>> No.10029939
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How do I spend less time on /lit/

>> No.10029946

Set a schedule for when you are allowed to access your phone/computer

>> No.10029949


>> No.10029959

Work a job and/or go to school. I rarely come on 4chan these days. Getting in touch with the "real world" (I really hate this term but it explains what I'm talking about concisely so) helps a lot with escaping 4chan.

With that said, 4chan will always have a place in my heart or whatever. I was here during a pretty dark period of my life. If you're here regularly, don't worry. It's a place for growth, rehabilitation, etc. It's just that this place is designed for cynical, depressed people too jaded to be reached via optimistic channels of rehabilitation.

>> No.10029976

What board is the best one for motivation?

>> No.10029978


>> No.10029986
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Just try sitting for a few hours & doing nothing. See where your mind goes. Try & still it. Try to focus on something small & seemingly insignificant. Then try to magnify it in your thoughts, import great significance to it. Then do the same with something towering & monumental. You should probably go to the wilderness for this since you seem to have trouble unplugging of your own accord.

>> No.10029994
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I go to school and have a job but can't make any friends. I'm polite but too shy. I'm worried about saying the wrong thing and I don't know how other people see me: I don't want to be too familiar with someone who thinks I'm just a "random."

My family thinks I have autism.

>> No.10030022

:( dont take it too hard, just try to make small talk with class mates
people are more than likely to realize if your a nice guy
im pretty awkward a lot of the time but i find that people find it charming and sincere
just take it slow and,easier said than done, try not to overthink
it comes with practice
also join an interest group! good luck!

>> No.10030048

I had general/social anxiety and agoraphobia (agoraphobia undiagnosed). A friend recommended co-ops to me when I was deciding on housing. I live with about 18 other people and it's amazing. It feels like a non-dysfunctional family. People, for the most part, communicate. No door slamming. We have parties, eat dinner and do homework together. Look up co-ops in your area. It may take a while to get used to being around a dozen or so people on a regular basis, but it's incredibly effective exposure therapy.

And don't be so self-conscious man. Joining a club or talking to people in class is great, but it pales in comparison to living in a co-op. Seriously, check if there are any in your area. It could change your life.

If you find a co-op you like, don't expect it to be easy though. It was pretty rough for me in the beginning. But now it feels like home. And that means a lot.

>> No.10030056
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Oops...I just posted a similar thread because I didn't see this one and yours takes a far better approach. Well, regardless, I'm interested to see here this goes!

And Eragon is a fuckin awful novel.
I spent a lazy afternoon reading through it happily too... :(

>> No.10030068


After I graduated (also an english major) and stopped needing to read for school it became much easier to read for pleasure again

>> No.10030078

Say you want to read one day but you've been on the computer for a long time, watching YouTube videos or playing games. Instead of grabbing a book immediately after leaving your computer, do something mundane like washing dishes or cleaning your room. If you can't think of anything to do, just sit still as >>10029986 said (though a few hours is excessive), or take a walk. The important part is that you take a break from your computer and phone. Then try reading. You'll find that you have a lot more patience than if you had gone straight from the internet to your book.

>> No.10030115


thanks anons

>select all jaguars

>> No.10030174

Gave up video games for reading and studies
Then realized my pursuits are pointless if I'm stuck in wagecuck life
Gave up reading and studies to earn more money

>> No.10030181

It's called discipline, OP. Reach down to where your balls should be and try to find some. Buy a wrist watch and use it to organize your days.

>> No.10030192

Sad. I use the skills I acquire reading and studying to further my career.

>> No.10030207

hey kiddo. don't take it too hard. you're what, 20? 23? people in college are figuring out how to be decent human beings. don't take their judgments seriously at all. just be yourself, try to cultivate a genuine interest and fuck what the other kids say. they're morons, or motivated by pecking order high school bullshit. trust me.

t. older kid