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10028621 No.10028621 [Reply] [Original]

Americans of /lit/, who's your favorite writer from your state?

>> No.10028626

Cormac McCarthy is from my city

>> No.10028629
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>> No.10028661
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Or Hilda Doolittle.

>> No.10028664

Henry James

>> No.10028670

twain is from my town

>> No.10028671

Tommy P

>> No.10028677
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I suppose I could, as a Texan, be like this guy >>10028626 and say McCarthy.

But you know what? Nah.

>> No.10028720

I live only a few minutes away from Oak Park actually.

>tfw you're living in one of the worst states in the country but you can still be proud of Papa

>> No.10028724

Phillip Roth.

>> No.10028734
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our only other option

>> No.10028811
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>> No.10028828

Edgar Allan Poe

I used to like Mencken a lot, but I guess I've grown out of him. Still like his prose, though.

>> No.10028831

Orson Card

>> No.10028894








>> No.10028907

Wallace Stevens desu

>> No.10028914

Being from Maine I have to go with Stephen King.

>> No.10028925

Ginsberg and Williams don't count?

I'd go with Williams?

>> No.10028930
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William Burroughs! I wish I was old enough to have encountered him hanging around the 39th street diner and his other usual haunts.

>> No.10028944
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>> No.10029000

Mein negro

>Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

>> No.10029083

same fuck fitzgerald

>> No.10029121

ginsberg definitely counts, but I thought we were considering good writers only. I may be embarrassing myself here but which Williams are you referring to?

>> No.10029127

O. Henry

>> No.10029157
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>> No.10029190

William Carlos

>> No.10029202


>> No.10029205

>fuck fitzgerald
nigga you crazy as hell

>> No.10029235

who the fuck is from north carolina

>> No.10029241

Oh duh, true.

>> No.10029266
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>> No.10029330

Breece J'D Pancake

>> No.10029387

Tennessee here. If I can claim McCarthy then him, but if not I have no clue.

>> No.10029414
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I suppose I could be a Rhodesian and be like this guy >>10028626

But you know what? Nah

>> No.10029417

Hannibal, Missouri? I passed through there about 10 years ago and it was a dump. Good luck.

>> No.10029418

Angels' camp?

>> No.10029436
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Normally I would put Bukowski, but I'll put Chandler since he died in San Diego County. Not many authors lived or died here.

>> No.10029442
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hitler hat nichts falsch gemacht Ich liebe Hahn

>> No.10029445

John Grisham is from my city

>> No.10029457

Bradbury, with Hemingway being a very close -near tie for first- second.

But really, fuck my state. Those two and Lincoln are the only good to come of it.

>> No.10029466
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>> No.10029471


I know what I meant pseud. RI inability to choose a good name is not my fault.

>> No.10029478

no love for Jim Thompson?

>> No.10029501

Rhode islander sounds fine to me, desu fambalam

>> No.10029537

who is even from michigan? elmore leonard, thomas ligotti? joyce carol oates and hemingway both spend important time here

>> No.10029539

Ralph Ellison

>> No.10029547

Phillip K. Dick

>> No.10029566

Why its Mister Pynchon of course!

>> No.10029587

Trust me, any decent Illinoian spends at least one good moment in Michigan, and most surrounding states. Considerably, as a collective, an amount of time which equals to no time spent in Illinois.

>> No.10029632

>tfw Floridian

>> No.10029704

Thomas Wolfe

>> No.10029711

Maryland writers?

>> No.10029717


A.R. Ammons. Check him out. Start with "Sphere"

>> No.10029732
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A bit of a pinko, but a damn fine writer and a good Coloradan.

>> No.10029753

Daniel Handler is cool, I guess. Aka Lemony Snicket. I kinda like his going off on tangents

>> No.10029809

He's "Southern" but not in the way that you mean it. Obvious because of how you dismissed Baltimore and Maryland.

>> No.10029818

Hemingway died here

>> No.10029854

Ambrose Bierce.

>> No.10029855

ANNE RICE IS FUCKING GARBAGE and we have no one else that I recognize.

>> No.10029866

I'm floridian and can't think of anyone

Probably some author retired here, probably no natives

>> No.10029880

Thomas Ligotti? That's the only author from Michigan I can think of whose work I enjoyed.

>> No.10029940

Sinclair Lewis. Fuck Fitzgerald and Bob Dylan.

>> No.10029951

I never realised how shit-tier American literature was before I read this thread

>> No.10029961

American lit is pretty bad tbqh. Moby Dick is its only saving grace.

>> No.10029973

John Updike

>> No.10029984
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It would probably be a toss up between him and Robert Lowell. Hawthorne seems like someone the gods spoke through and my one regret with him is that I was assigned to read The Scarlet Letter in high school (and not House of Seven Gables, the far superior work) and so hated it by default.

Jack Kerouac is unquestionably the worst writer of any renown to come out of Massachusetts. As Nabokov said of Hemingway, he's a "writer of books for boys." He's great to read while your in college and not much else.

>> No.10029995

This is only because very few people from New York or Massachusetts are posting. Most of the greatest authors came from there or did most of their work there. Most writers who made it in California were from a fly-over state or MA or NY.

>> No.10030008

I grew up in Durham, Maine where Stephen King spent his formative years (I believe.)
I also lean toward horror in my writing.
Isn't that sad?
I've never made it through one of his books, though I plan to some day.

>> No.10030061

The difference between Hawthorne and Kerouac is most people come to Kerouac by choice and Hawthorne by school. I don't mean this as a jab at Hawthorne because I recognize his genius, but you shouldn't deal such a slight hand to Kerouac. Kerouac has broad popular appeal without pandering to plebs.

It's always been a bit strange to me that very few great writers came from the South during the 1840's and 50's. There's Poe, but anyone else? Even Poe spent most of his life in Yankeedom.

>> No.10030069

We've got Joan and Chabon.

>> No.10030089

Edgar Allan Poe

>> No.10030092

utah was a mistake it's nothing but garbage

>> No.10030121

Fuck you Utah, Montana is the best goddamn state in the Union and we haven't done shit for it. Have some state pride you little prick

>> No.10030125

Hah! I had always thought she was from the East Coast. Chabon on the other hand is thoroughly east coast and not from here, not that I hold that against him.

Actually coming up with a list of native Californian writers is fairly hard. John Steinbeck is the only one who comes to mind. Most people come here and leave.

>> No.10030128

I've thought of another: Jack London.

>> No.10030131
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>North Dakota
>Gass or Chuck fucking Klosterman
As much as I hate Gassposter(may he rest in peace) I'll have to go with the big guy.

>> No.10030135

Happy to hear this. I plan on moving to Montana within the year.

>> No.10030145

I don't know any writers from Minnesota. Fitzgerald doesn't count since he's a modernist writer.

>> No.10030169

You all have better schools. For examole in the south there are nice lazy prep schools like in Memphis but nothing like Andover. You all inherited love of knowledge from your puritan fathers.

>> No.10030172

>because he's a modernist writer

>> No.10030193

Seriously? Sinclair Lewis.

>> No.10030200

Oh, I'm sure he will say something equally asinine, such as "he doesn't count because he's an atheist socialist."

>> No.10030206

I don't like modernist writers is all. Literally everything else is fine, even stupid stuff like postcolonialism.

>> No.10030210

Please explain. Compare and contrast modernism and postcolonialism.

>> No.10030220

You're asking me to explain my subjective preference. Well, there's no reason held in my mind for whether to like a particular movement other than through unconscious desire and its conscious notice: the desire is unknown.

>> No.10030224
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As long as you replace the Californians, you're good m8. Anyone is better than the californians, even the shit tier people who move here from New York to "be a cowboy lol"

>> No.10030272
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my high school algebra teacher wrote this literary masterpiece

>> No.10030985

>Florida, Missouri
>Population: 0

>> No.10030999

She wasn't from there, but Kate Chopin wrote a lot of stuff placed in Louisiana :)

>> No.10031058

Probably best to begin with Garbage or the lyrics imho. But a great, great poet. North Carolina also claims Thomas Wolfe.
Virginia checking in. It's tough but I'm choosing William Styron.

>> No.10031068

Mencken! Barth! C'mon dude!

>> No.10031075

He's totally from there and Suttree's his best novel. He's all yours brah.

>> No.10031383

Not a fan of Toole?
I thought everybody on this board loved Toole.

>> No.10031583
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too many good ones to count: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/art/iowa-writers-workshop-turns-75/

>> No.10031654

What the FUCK!? Same here, anon! I'm autistic too, by the way.

>> No.10031687

He's more of a normie writer.

>> No.10031719

Technically Poe is from Texas since he was born there.

>> No.10031721


>> No.10031740

Charles Portis

>> No.10031806

Ah, Steinbeck would have been the correct choice.

I don't know if Chabon feels that east coast-y. Sure Kavalier and Clay was quintessential New York, but wasn't The Yiddish Police Man's Union quintessential Alaska?

>> No.10031823

I haven't read him. I just mean to say that he doesn't spring to mind when I think of California authors. Joan Didion didn't seem Californian to me just because she reminds me of an old New England WASP. Yet if I recall correctly, she did indeed go to Berkeley just like me.

>> No.10031881

Kipling lived in NE and married an american so he's mine.

>> No.10032334
File: 240 KB, 1280x1434, FlanneryPeacockbyJoeMcTyre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flannery O'Connor has some really fucking good short stories, patrician catholic waifu

>> No.10032462

>tfw no choice but Frost

Could be worse

>> No.10032545

Mark Twain, oddly, was born in Florida, MO, and T. S. Eliot was born in St. Louis. Also, W.H. Gass has spent much of his writing life there and lives there still if I'm not mistaken. MO's not hurting for talent!

>> No.10032649

whats wrong with californians dude

>> No.10032679

Californians have Clark Ashton Smith and James Ellroy.

>> No.10032705

James Merrill. Though that's the shoreline which is practically a different world from the rest of the state. Maybe Gaddis too, he spent some time here and he got the atmosphere right.

>> No.10032733

New York, Don Delillo

>> No.10032929

I love his short stories. Very overlooked

>> No.10032974

I agree, staying in Key West doesn't really count

>> No.10033032


Howdy, Connecticut bro.

Arthur Miller is the only one on my radar, although admittedly I haven't cared enough to read others.

>> No.10033234

American poetry >>>> American literature

Still not saying that much....

>> No.10033712

John steinbeck

>> No.10034006
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It's so hard to choose. I mean, James Franco is from my state.

>> No.10034031
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>> No.10034042

Ezra Pound

>> No.10034097

You're misunderstanding him. He's a flyover state hillbilly who's butthurt that Californians have moved into his state.

Smoke some black cock. Our literature is doing much better than English and French literature these days. If you're from neither UK nor France, it's laughable that you think your country's literature even rates with ours.