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/lit/ - Literature

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10024678 No.10024678 [Reply] [Original]

Worst book you've ever finished?

>> No.10024708

The Martian was decent light reading.
I don't really have an answer, though, since I just don't finish books if I don't like them. I'm not an English major, so no one is forcing me to read. If I'm not getting anything from a book, why continue with it?

>> No.10024737
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>> No.10024768
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>> No.10024793

Trash book, but that cover is aesthetic af.

>> No.10024801

Can't choose between The Sound and the Fury
and Mrs. Dalloway
Both are pretentious modernist garbage. But I forced myself to finish them so I can say I read them.

>> No.10024818

The road by cuck mccucky

>> No.10024838

You would have to pay me at least $1000 to read Austen, Bronte(s) or any of that other chick lit trash.
You must be a masochist if you read the whole thing.

>> No.10025007

I only read it because - to me - it flowed better than Pride & Prejudice up until the last 100-or-so pages, which were just fucking painful. I've since vowed to never read Austen again.

>> No.10025843

Best book you never finished?

>> No.10025925

/lit/ really is full of disgusting plebs

but no-no-no, you're right, graphic novels DO have literary merit and we all need to keep sharing the same rare pepe jpegs wow very individual and unique

>> No.10025949

you're favorite book

>> No.10026787
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this whole fucking series

>> No.10026805

The Bible Code

>> No.10026808

"The Book" by Alan Watts.

>> No.10026829

I'm incredibly regretful because I thought The Martian was an incredible book. I read it at age 16 and I was even empowered by normies around me and normie teachers. Everyone considered it an amazing book, but now a few years later it's mind boggling how anti-intellectual the hype was. I'm genuinely glad I moved on from this onto works of literature, but sadly I can't look normies in the eyes anymore and not twitch while they tell me how amazing their YA fiction is. /lit/ has both opened my eyes and corrupted me, don't know whether to be thankful or not considering I have always been a shut-in.

>> No.10026977

Fuck I bought Mansfield Park.

You trigger me, boy, I liked Mrs Dalloway and bought Sound and Fury Everyman's hardback because of that.

>> No.10026983
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>> No.10026993

Why is Jane Austin considered a classic writer then?

>> No.10026996

Nothing wrong with this book, it's just some good fun, especially if you dig the sciencey angle and ignore the overtones of reddit
t. high schooler
say that to my face motherfucker I fucking dare you

>> No.10027000

I usually don't finish books I don't enjoy but I got through American Gods and it was a cringe fest.

>> No.10027001
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Probably some piece of shit I was forced to read in high school. Or objectively, probably one of the Star Trek books I read as a kid. Outside of that, probably pic related. The subject matter was interesting and the facts and research were solid, but the dude's choice to novelize the story was his undoing. Some of the most cringeworthy dialogue I've ever read.

>> No.10027013

you are illiterate

>> No.10027408

how fucking dare you

>> No.10027418

Because she's good. She just doesn't appeal to men because she deals with themes of gender and class that mostly lie outside their perspectives.

>> No.10027426

I'm a Buddhist and I really dislike Alan Watts. He diluted our religion with drugs and hippie bullshit.

>> No.10027446


>i'm a pleb and illiterate because I don't want to read 500 pages about some dumb bitch wondering "does he like me? i really hope he likes me!"

Women should never have been allowed pens.

>> No.10027453

I bought "The Martian" for like $1.99 in 2012 when it was self-published on Amazon with a shitty cover. I was going through a sci-fi binge at the time, bought stuff like Haldeman and Scalzi, and saw it on the recs.
The dialogue was so fucking painful that I didn't get past the first few chapters.
Then come three years all of a sudden it's reddits favorite meme and it's got a new cover and my aunt has it next to her bed and it sells more than a million copies
I appreciate the hard science involved, and the idea is decently compelling (I enjoyed reading about how he established contact,) but the dialogue made me cringe.

>> No.10027481

i was gonna say between the world and me but i have to be honest and say vineland

>> No.10027501
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I only read good books, but this may be the worst of all the good ones

>> No.10027504
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>> No.10027526

My diary

>> No.10027819

This is definitely a contender for sure. Definitely one of the worst books I've ever read, but surprisingly enough it kept my attention. Read it in two sittings across one day.

>> No.10027845
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Absolutely insufferable. I literally finished it just so I could say it was shit. And yeah that probably makes me insufferable as well. You don't care. You're on an anime board

>> No.10027852
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>> No.10029461

i understand skipping austen, but skipping wuthering heights is a sin. it has the most alpha character in all of literature

>> No.10029477

I do a lot of drugs, and trust me, new agers who try and mix "exotic" (i.e. eastern) spiritualities with their drug use need to be lined up and shot.

>> No.10029484



>> No.10029494

>he's never been hungry for some shitlit

>> No.10029497
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>> No.10029504
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welcome to the fold, brother

>> No.10029517

druggies need to be lined up and shot

>> No.10029530

sounds to me like you're just an aspie

>> No.10029556

The book of the gods trilogy by Fred saberhagen.

Literally ended with " there was a great flash of light and everyone appeared in a field completely unharmed" after a shittily setup battle.

>> No.10029667

you're really stupid

>> No.10030179

I am not a Buddhist but I do have a daily meditation habit and I am reading through the Gita and frankly it's a crime that some people waste time reading Watts' books and never get around to the East's real contributions.

They guy was an idiot. He died of alcoholism. How anyone could see him as a role model or wise-man is baffling to me.

>> No.10030230
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just the first 2. dropped the last one.

>> No.10030268

Absofuckinglutely this, what a tedious, mind numbing piece of shit.

>> No.10030336

Any of the Dune books written by Frank's son and Kevin Shit Anderson.

>> No.10031384
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Black people aren't real

>> No.10031409

I don't think it's the worst, but Royal Assassin,
direct sequel to Assassin's Apprentice actually made me angry when I finished it. The prose and characterization were nice, and I enjoyed the world-building, but the basic plot was so stupid even the protagonist commented on it. Basically, the bad guy revealed at the end of the first book gets off scott free for his treasonous crimes, and to nobody's surprise, he tries again. Not to mention like some fantasy books, it's unnecessarily long. I swear, some scenes seemed to happen twice.

>> No.10031534
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>Foreword by Seth Rogen

>> No.10031917

Not the worst book I've ever read, but the worst one I've finished was Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis. The only reason I bothered finishing it was because it's so short and I was already 75% through by the time I realized it was shit.
There was no real plot, which would've been fine if there was something else going on in the novel, but there wasn't. The characters were uninteresting and shallow, there was no character development, no interesting or poignant insights, it was just pointless drivel. At least with other books where there's no real plot the characters are what make the story. But not in this case. There are other books like Catcher in the Rye with an (arguably) unlikeable and annoying main character, but at least Holden is funny and has some semblance of personality. But the characters in this book aren't just annoying and uninteresting, they're completely two dimensional and empty.
I've liked most of the other Ellis books I've read, and this one has decent reviews, so I feel like I'm probably missing something. If any of you have read this book I'd love to know what you thought about it.

>> No.10031927
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This piece of crap. I don't know why I gave him a chance. I must have missed somewhere that he was raising a son as a daughter, and that all his books have to have some faggy character who is 'mithunderthood."

>> No.10031930

Name of the Wind.

>> No.10031937
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Reddit Player One. Easily some of the shittiest dialogue in any book i've ever read. Anyone who enjoys this while claiming to have good taste should be whipped until they collapse.

>> No.10031943
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>> No.10031956
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and you guys memed me into reading it

>> No.10031960

If reddit ever suggests a book it should be unironically burned. Reddit is a cesspool.

Ony sites I take my book recommendations from

>> No.10032088


>> No.10032204
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Pretty much everything I hate about postmodernism.

>> No.10032428

I just grabbed this out of a free pile for my kid, wanna talk me out of it?
Damn, I like that guy. Is that the one where they kidnap/rescue the rapidly infantilizing Hitler?

>> No.10032480

>willy wonka meets the matrix

>> No.10032506

Yo bait!

>> No.10032691

Eye of Minds, same guy that wrote the Maze Runner. My Mom bought me this for my birthday because "I like books" despite being 24 and reading philosophy for fun she decided to get me children's books.

I didn't want to disappoint my mom, so I made sure to read the entire book in the living room. The book was basically >>10031937 but maybe worse because it's YA. Big mistake though, because now I have the entire trilogy.

>> No.10032714

What's wrong with the scarlet letter

>> No.10032748

Travels in the Scriptorium

The Bad Girl (Vargas Llosa) - wanted to punch most of the characters the whole way through, and was upset that the narrator didn't also get cancer and die at the end. It may have just been the (French) translation but the style was atrocious throughout.

>> No.10032781

> be self proclaimed bhuddist
> have strong likes and dislikes
> characterize other people's work as bullshit
> worry about your "religion" being "diluted"
>evidently have no clue about the core tenets of Buddhism
>tfw ego still entrenched
>tfw haven't even begun in the path towards enlightenment

>> No.10032819

Naked Lunch

>> No.10032840

my respect for that site's user base finally ceased when the top-voted response (by a large margin) to the question >"le who was the smartest person to ever live" was salman khan, founder of khan academy.