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10024244 No.10024244 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder Schopenhauer is the only philosopher worth taking seriously

>> No.10024248

>t. unloved loser

>> No.10024256


He's one of the best for sure, but certainly not the only one.

>> No.10024279

While your post is intentionally provocative, I'll add that Schopenhauer would disagree with you. Just for another seven (that are all quoted throughout Schopenhauer's works): Plato, Aristotle, Seneca, Horace, Shakespeare, Goethe, Cicero. That being said, I've been going through Schopenhauer for the first time in a while and God is he great.

I've gone through him in a reverse order, starting with On Women (go figure), and then finishing his essays. Volume 3 of TWaWaI I've also finished, and holy shit is he spot on on so many points. The Metaphysics of the Love of the Sexes is a precursor for Darwinism but for me it goes further than that. I'm not gonna pretend I have more than a rudimentary knowledge in evolution, but Schopenhauer attempts to describe love, and fuck does he nail it. I honestly can't do it justice since I've only read it once and today, but it's a must-read. I love how he mentions that rarely has a philosopher tackled "Love," and never accurately, quoting Plato as someone coming close but only using myths, and then Spinoza as someone entirely off altogether.

I wouldn't necessarily call OP that. In the beginning of On Women Schopenhauer quotes Byron and Schiler of the praise of women and what our life would be like without them. He is obviously aware of their attraction.

Also, I'm a big fan of stoicism and it was great to see Schopenhauer discuss the true, practical merits of Stoicism, and then attack its critical flaw: one becomes wooden (and the philosophy is altogether highly incompatible with Love).

>> No.10024377

fanboy detected

>> No.10024832

>requesting Butterfly

>> No.10024890

>Just for another seven (that are all quoted throughout Schopenhauer's works): Plato, Aristotle, Seneca, Horace, Shakespeare, Goethe, Cicero. That being said, I've been going through Schopenhauer for the first time in a while and God is he great.
How the fuck do you not say Kant?

>> No.10024896

It's a pseud tradition to either not acknowledge or possibly even not understand that Kant is the single most important philosopher of all time and quite literally the apex of Western (in a Spenglerian sense) thought and aesthetic.

>> No.10025323

if i was a necromancer i would bring back schopenhauer

>> No.10025328

fuck, my bad bros. I'll read him next.

>> No.10025334


Good writers, but hardly interesting philosophers. The latter two are only of interest for historical reasons, because they preserved Hellenistic doctrines. Shakespeare is totally irrelevant.

>> No.10025913 [DELETED] 

He actually got more pussy than you ever will.

>> No.10025921

Why the capitalization my friend?

>> No.10026087

Because it's a fucking name you spastic, do you write Santa without capitalisation?


>> No.10027215

How did you not read him first? Schop even basically says right in the intro to Will and Representation that "anyone who doesn't read Kant first, and actually read his actual books, is a fucking pseud that won't understand my thought".

>> No.10027242
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daily reminder that he was so often right that he made it an art

>> No.10027255

Schopenhauer was a complete pseud, and jealous of Hegel.

>> No.10027394

Thats like...your opinion bro

>> No.10027758

No philosopher is worth taking seriously. Read the guy and move on.

>> No.10027975

Shakespeare is the ultimate relativist. By saying he's totally irrelevant I take it you're either baiting or you have no soul, which is something Schopenhauer (idk if you're a fan) would have qualmed with. I suggest critically reading a selection of Shakespeare's plays (i suggest specifically, as a starting point Hamlet, Shrew, Henry IV [emphasis on CRITICALLY and as a START), and tell me he's not a philosopher (even if that doesn't mean in the strict sense [i.e., he defined himself as such]). Regarding Cicero and Seneca, they're interesting because they teach you a practical way of life--a practical wisdom if you will-- which, according to me, Schopenhauer, and many others, is valid and interesting philosophy. You're telling me that achieving happiness through life is not interesting? Well, then we better write away some of Plato and Aristotle and Schopenhauer and the Romans and God(>>10025921) knows who else. Plus, how are De Amicitiae, De Senectute, De Officis, De Natura Deorum not interesting? What kind of philosophers do you get down on? Read Seneca too, anon:

>Nemo tam praesentibus miser est.
>Nulli potest secura vita contingere qui de producenda nimis cogitat.

Like I said, I started with his essays. Kant is not required at all to get into these, just like The Organon is not required to get into Aristotle's Ethics or Poetics. Even less so, actually.

>> No.10027983


>he doesn't understand women, and allows himself to be bitter about this
Schope is the patron saint of 4chan.

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