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/lit/ - Literature

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10018453 No.10018453 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't read at least 1 McElroy, coover, hawkes, federman, Bernhard, Stein, barthelme, or Gass your a fucking pleb and should an hero.

>> No.10018569
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>Burger, burger, burger, burger'n'freedom-fries, author, burger, burger, Burger

>> No.10018633

Barthelme is a hack.

>> No.10018637

Kys faggot. I'm English and refuse to read translations until I'm out of English works to read. sorry only Americans are pushing English literature forward. I'M FUCKING STUCK IN HERE WITH PLEBS

>> No.10018644

Gas yourself. His short story collections and the dead father were amazing.

>> No.10018687

>dude read these authors that i like or kys lmao

If you had asked nicely or given some positive critique of their works, I honestly would have considered reading them. I really did buy a work from a relatively unknown author at the urging of one anon.

But you. You're the reason why no one takes art seriously. You're the reason why even when great works exist, they go unappreciated due to their "fans" (if you can even call them that) being truly autistic, incapable of understanding how being an abrasive ass will make people ignore you.

>> No.10018695

>Then Daumier looked at Celeste and saw that the legs on her were as long and slim as his hope of Heaven and the thighs on her were as strong and sweet-shaped as ampersands and the buttocks on her were as pretty as two pictures and the waist on her was as neat and incurved as the waist of a fiddle and the shoulders on her were as tempting as sex crimes and the hair on her was as long and black as Lent and the movement of the whole was honey, and he sank into a swoon.

>> No.10018730

Agree with all except McElroy. Style over substance is the lowest of plebbery wank.

>> No.10018731

>reading burgerpomo


>> No.10018758

feel when got tricked into reading 500 page richard nixon erotic fanfiction

>> No.10018779


>> No.10018878
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>> No.10019190

Hawkes is underrated.

>> No.10019650

You use the phrase "style over substance" and then accuse others of being plebs? lol

You should add Jason Schwartz to your list OP.

>> No.10019657

Hawkes is SHIT
reddit tier garbage

>> No.10019673

Go read Ian McEwan then. Americans are the only one pushing the English language forward

>> No.10019929

Remember that there was a time when you hadn't read them either!

>> No.10020865


you misspelled Stanley Elkin, faggot.

>> No.10020878

Wow thanks nigger I actually forgot I need to read him. Any other authors you want to throw my way.

>> No.10021714

The Tunnel is the most tumescent, turgid bullshit I've ever read. Complexity and density doesn't necessitate quality when your prose is shite.