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10017344 No.10017344 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he include an underage gangbang in it?

>> No.10017348

Why don't more books?

>> No.10017359
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he has severe fetal alcohol syndrome
what did you expect?

>> No.10017369


>> No.10017394

Why is it necessary to create this shit thread again? How about read some other books for a change.

>> No.10017488
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The secret key to 4chan.

>> No.10017595

>Never read SK before except for gunslinger and drawing of the three
>Sex scenes are rather mild
What happened in IT that you had to create another thread to talk about it? are they shocking that perturbed you? or is it that you aren't used too teens having sexual interest?

>> No.10017608

'viral' advertising for the new movie

>> No.10017610

Some people seem incapable of grasping that kids have sex

>> No.10017622
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>> No.10017624


We run the same threads every day, practicing and rehearsing our marks until we manifest the Platonic Ideal of, for example, a Stephen King underage gangbang thread.

>> No.10017629


>> No.10017669

Man I wish I had gangbangs in the sewers as a kid
Guess I missed out

>> No.10017707

>At 8th grade.
>Had 4 friends that played mtg during recess
>One of them doesn't show up, we figure he was with her gf, which was unusual because recess was always for him to play with us
>Recess is over. We get to class and he doesn't show up.
>He came 15 mins late to class and sits down
>10 minutes later his gf enters class and sits at the other end of the room from him
>She starts sobbing rather loudly
>Teacher had to stop class and asked her what was wrong
>She says something but we didn't hear exactly what
>Teacher comes to us and asks my friend that if something was wrong
>He says its fine
>Teacher insists that he should get out of class and talk with her gf because something was wrong
>"Are you telling to actually get out of class to talk about personal matters"
>Teacher says he should get out and talk with her
>Both get out and don't come back.
>Next day he acts normal
>At recess again, he actually join us and we asked him what happened the other day
>She broke with her
>"I didn't like her blowjobs"

>> No.10017715
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It's not a gangbang. A gangbang would be all of the guys going at her simultaneously. Instead, she stays receptive while the guys fuck her individually, one after the other. That's not a gangbang; that's running a train.

>> No.10018455 [DELETED] 


>> No.10019702

>he was with her gf
>talk with her gf
>she broke with her

>> No.10019827

Uridon is in /lit/ too? He's one of the worst namefags I've seen on 4chan.

>> No.10020662


>> No.10020723

Because here people are, some thirty years later, still talking about it.

>> No.10021148

wouldn't they get grossed out by getting eachothers jizz on eachothers dicks?

>> No.10022002

No you virgin almost any group sex is considered a gangbang

>> No.10022026

>write the scary book about evil clown murdering children
>people are horrified and scared of one of most lighthearted scenes

what did americans mean by this

>> No.10022050

> what did americans mean by this
Let me explain to your retard self:
a) evil interdimensional magic clowns is a thing that doesn't actually exist
b) middle-aged rich cocaine-addled men grooming and raping kids is a thing that actually exists.

But by all means, please continue to be scared of the thing that doesn't actually exist.

>> No.10022058

is this the new lolita of /lit/?

>> No.10022060

that scene is the only time he wrote art considering all of peoples reaction. you know that feeling of scandal you have. every artist who ever lived lives for that. wish he took more risks like that cause people are too dumb to 'get it' and its funny.

>> No.10022064

what are you gay?

>> No.10022095

>social tolerance of pedophilia and the total collapse of civilization and community is less scary than a couple cartoonish and obviously fictional murders
Americans simply have higher moral standards than the more feminized peoples of the world

>b-but it feels good to be a pervert!
If you think violence is scarier than widespread sexual dysfunction, then there's clearly something wrong with you

>> No.10022101
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The act of sex if portrayed correctly can do wonders to express the loss of innocence. (Could be viral marketing in this particular case, I'm talking about the book itself though)

Now don't get me wrong, I didn't care too much for Dr. Sleep or Cell, however 11/22/63, full dark no stars were very good.

From my understand the reason IT is great is because it's more of a coming of age story portrayed through a horror lens. It tries to capture the childhood fears of leaving the nest, becoming a man, taking on responsibility, becoming fully sentiment and espouse them.

>> No.10022107

Sentient* damn it.

Also, childhood nostalgia.

>> No.10022112

>an edgy scene in a mediocre horror novel heralds the "total collapse of civilization and community"
What does it feel like to think dumb shit like this?

>> No.10022115

>Americans simply have higher moral standards than the more feminized peoples of the world

>> No.10022139

It's an extremely popular horror novel with a film adaption that is set to make hundreds of millions of dollars worldwide

Like him or not, Stephen King is representative of modern Western culture. He creates thoughts and images that millions of people enjoy and incorporate into their lives

>> No.10022183

It's a gangbang if there's only one female and the guys aren't fucking each other

>> No.10022378

lead us out of the cave, brother

>> No.10022391

Sounds genuinely real.

>> No.10022396

Glad you didn't found that other scene of his.

>> No.10022411

Either you're a liar or all the gay porn I've been watching has been misinforming me.

>> No.10022431

If the jizz is on your dick, it's not in her uterus. In fact, the more cum that's on your dick and the less of yours that's replaces by other people's, the higher your chance of genes becoming part of a baby, not something the children would want, but something that's a biology drive. So, it can be deduced that if you don't go in last and pump the cum of all your fellow children out of that hole like an alpha, you're a low test cuck.

>> No.10022438

Zero-tolerance of pedophilia is relatively new, bucko.

>> No.10022442

If the jizz is on your dick, it's not in her uterus. In fact, the more cum that's on your dick and the less of yours that's replaced by other people, the higher your chance of your genes becoming part of a baby, not something the children would want, but something that's a biological drive. So, it can be deduced that if you don't go in last and pump the cum of all your fellow children out of that gloopy hole like an alpha, you're a low test cuck.

>> No.10022764

Advocating being the "last pump" cuckold.
I wouldn't want to reproduce with a woman who takes other men's seed in the first place.
>Not intimidating the other males away
>Not conditioning the woman to only want your jizz

>> No.10022768


>> No.10022770

t.virgin who watches waay too much porn

>> No.10022771

>Why did he include an underage gangbang in it?
Dues Ex Machina

>> No.10022782

I guess is rather obvious that English isn't my mother tongue

True story. The girl was 7/10 but had some issues. She didn't have too many friends. She used to be the gf of one of the other guys of our group for 1 year, but the break up was in good terms. Also, I have another not so interesting story buy can still btfo the anon who thought teens don't think about sex.
>Months after the break up with mr "i don't like her bj technique"
>Starts flirting with another of my friends, this time one that is close to me.
>One day, while I was talking with him, she approaches us and asks if she can borrow him for a while.
>He goes and talks to her and another girl, her friend
>My friend returns hastily and says "let's go"
>"Wait, what happened?"
>"Nah, nothing. Anonette said that her friend have never seen a penis in her life and asked me if I was up to it"
>"wtf? her friend asked you that?"
>"I don't think so. She was shy, so anonette probably pushed her"
>"And what did you said?"
>"No. I'm not showing her my dick. I said if she wants to see one she should ask her brother"
My friends were nerds but way more alpha than I was.

>> No.10022790

He regrets adding it now, you know.

>> No.10023142

lmao, he did? wtf Stephen

>> No.10024154
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I'm no SJW but it's really embarassing how King writes Bev.

>> No.10024164

No he doesn't. He more puzzled why people are fixated on it.

>> No.10024217
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senpai notice me

>> No.10024316

When the Kid rapes trash can man with the gun in The Stand: Extend? That scene fucked me up when I was 10.

>> No.10024482

Jesus Christ, I thought people were just exaggerating, but he really does write like a sex offender.

Also, someone explain to me what the difference is between IJ and IT, please.

>> No.10024488

Best part desu

>> No.10024502

>Zero-tolerance of pedophilia is relatively new, bucko.
>Implying the middle or lower classes thought positively of pedophelia
It was something warlords and rich assholes engaged in, it was never accepted.

>> No.10024519

Giving a shit what plebs think is also relatively new.

>> No.10024526

>Americans simply have higher moral standards than the more feminized peoples of the world
You know the Potomac River has so much estrogen in it, the fish are turning into hermaphrodites? The fatter you are, the more estrogen too. Just sayin'

>> No.10024564

I got my degree in molecular biology but I took some courses on animal reproduction along the way. The ridge around the head of the penis is called the carona and it's shaped that way to scoop other men's semen out of the vagina before your own is deposited.

>> No.10024615

one of them is about mundane america with subtle horror, the other is about mundane america with overt horror

>> No.10024642

Except pederasty was only legal in context of the local age of consent, which means it wasn't children being diddled it was teenagers, the lowest age of consent being 12.

Even then, people of elite status were disdainful of the practice, Tacitus very famously as he said that the Germanic tribesmen of the North were a moral society for drowning their gays and pederasts in bogs.

>> No.10025955

Come on, it's not a gangbang.

(1) No simultaneous penetration takes place, making the term "gangbang" technically inaccurate.

(2) Beverly is not treated as an object of and tool for the male partners' masturbatory abuse but serves as a vessel of some divine force that protects the children from It. Using the term "bang" is not only emotionally inaccurate, it's almost blasphemous.

>> No.10026753

IT is about our greatest fears. At that point of your life sex is one of the scariest unknowns. They are facing their biggest adolescent fear, together. Beverly is taking her sexuality back from her father and using it with the people she really loves.

And I do think the gangbang happens in the movie offscreen, but its the first thing they begin to forget.

>> No.10026796

Are you french by any chance?

>> No.10026813

what the fuck lmao

>> No.10026967

What the fuck is your incorrect example, it was sex between two minors.

>> No.10027286

No, Mexico actually. Not as high as the french, but latinas are up there in the slutty scale.

>> No.10027703

That explains how you were talking about how all the kids you knee were depraved and degenaret sexual perverts. Third world countries do not count.

>> No.10027735

It's telling how so many people here are mislabeling the scene as pedophilia and pederasty. It's five underage boys sequentially having intercourse with an underage girl in a fucked up rite of manhood to give them all the courage to escape the pitch-dark sewer tunnels that they had just fought an alien spider from the outer reaches of space in.

Nowhere in this senselessly contrived scenario does an adult come into the picture, which means it's not so much that the scene is a portrayal of pederasty as it is that some project their own sexual insecurities onto the scene as they virtue signal in the hopes that no one will see them for the kiddy diddlers that they secretly aspire to be.

>> No.10027759

>I-it's not pedophilia, it's just an erotic sex scene involving six prepubescent children going at it in a sewer!
>I bet YOU'RE the pedophile!

>> No.10027782


>Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children

Tell me where the adult is in the gangbang scene? The only pedophilia here is that which is read into it by those who have a kneejerk reaction to the scene and are quick to label anything with children in uncomfortable situations as pedophilia. The scenes where Bev's father expresses his subconscious desire for his daughter through his overbearing and abusive mannerisms can be interpreted as pedophilia. There scene where the hobo possessed by It accosts Stan (Or the geek asthmatic, forget which one) for a blowjob can be seen as pedophilia. This underage gangbang is not pedophilic in nature.

>> No.10027808

I just watched a film where two 10 year old boys diddled each other. I guess I'm not a pedophile?

>> No.10027811

post link

>> No.10027815

Nice try, Mr. FBI man.

>> No.10027906


You wouldn't be a pedophile unless you were aroused by the scene, no. It's a distasteful scene to be sure, but not inherently pedophilic.

You did not provide context for this scene, either. Was it a pornographic film that you were watching for the express purpose of getting off to children, or was it an incidental scene, non-explicit, in a work otherwise devoid of eroticism? There is a difference here.

>> No.10027986

Maybe so one day he could sit back and joke with other writers about how he wrote a best selling novel that had a child gangbang in it.

>> No.10028226

Trump. please. /pol/ is that way.

>> No.10028334

Go back to /tv/ with your reddit letter media horseshit

>> No.10028788
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>> No.10028804

>what is hygiene

>> No.10028990

he's a pedo and he happened to accidentally write in one of his desires. It's just like John Green's creepy obsession with his oneitis who died when he was young and whom he based Alaska on. Poor girl not only did she die early but her memory was tarnished by that faggot

>> No.10029019

To sell copy.

>> No.10029051

I've never read a Stephen King novel and honestly never tried. I have actually tried to sit through his shitty movie adaptions, IT not included. Is this book actually good? I unironically liked his son's book "Heart-Shaped Box".

>> No.10029347

How is it pedophilia? They're having sex with others around the same age.