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10016892 No.10016892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how the FUCK do i get a qt 3.14 gf
how come in the long history of mankind, considering every single one of our ancestors had sexual intercourse and raised children, there's not a SINGLE fucking guide on how to get a gf
the only shit online is absolutely retarded pua advice bullshit that only the most gullible and subhuman woman fall for
can /lit/ offer any help to countless others such as myself on this urgent matter and recommend some actual good books?
>inb4 go out and practice
yea, i would if there was a correct way to practice it.

>> No.10016896

If you need a guide you don't deserve to get a gf :^)

>> No.10016903

>doesn't like pua advice
>doesn't know how to practice
ffs OP

>> No.10016904

what is this logic
humans have had guides from their inception
from parents to teachers to professors to bosses to people you imitate
why is asking for a guide bad thing

>> No.10016918
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>fucking 2017
>believing in no fap

>> No.10016931

The better PUA guides actually work. Not sure why you don't think they don't, unless you have been reading garbage. They aren't even particularly ground breaking if you dig past all the bullshit and tricks.

They basically break down to some combination of:

Physical attraction: keep fit, dress well.

Psychological attraction: be confident, even to the point of overconfidence. If you can't be confident, do confident boosting activities like competitive sports, lifting, and martial arts.

Social attraction: being a good conversationalist, social networking, flirting, body language, sense of humor.

That's pretty much it, apart from bedroom activities, which there are books on as well.

>> No.10016940

can you recommend some good pua books?
reading blogs like chateau heartiste and return of the kings makes me feel like these pua artists live in another dimension

>> No.10016945

Stop being such an insecure misanthropic asshole and open up your heart to the pull of love. You don't use love, love uses you. Open yourself up to feeling it, then it'll take you wehere you need to go.

>good books
The poetry of EE. Cummings

>> No.10016950

Reading PUA books just turns you into a misogynistic sleeze bag

If all you want is sex just pay for it, it's more dignified. If your idea of proving your masculinity is to fool women into sleeping with you, you have a poor understanding of what being a man is

>> No.10016952

redpilled nibba

>> No.10016961

Books won't do shit. Women can tell when you are talking to them as a potential sex object. No amount of book reading is going to get you past that.

>inb4 go out and practice
>yea, i would if there was a correct way to practice it
There isn't a "correct" way to practice because different things work for different people. So you have to just get out there and practice by talking to random people with no goal in mind other than having a short fun conversation. If you don't want to do that step then why bother reading the books since they won't do jack.

>> No.10016967

That's just good ol' self-development/improvement.

I was into the PUA for a couple of years in my youth and your suspicion that only the most gullible and subhuman women fall for is dead-on.

Basically, if you can delude yourself into conveying supreme self-confidence, you can 'pull' chicks, and even then, most strategies and tactics from PUA is developed around screening for the sluttiest girls.

If you want actual quality girl for a meaningful relationship, become a guy you yourself would want to date. It's the only way to earn your supreme self-confidence and self-esteem without deluding yourself or faking it (not that you can fake it long-term).

Read any and all of the books on self-esteem by Nathaniel Branden.

Body language and sense of humor to a degree will take care of themselves when you have earned confidence through high self-esteem and self-respect, and then you can go on to conversational and listening skills.

Imagine the person you yourself would be proud to date, and become that person.

>> No.10016972

Jesus. Act like a decent and vaguely interesting person. Hang out with women and talk to as many as you can.

You may not ever get good at talking to them, but one might actually like you. It's a numbers game. Even I have a girlfriend and I hang out with you miserable fucks all day.

Man the fuck up and talk to some girls until one actually accepts your ass.

>> No.10016999

just b urself

>> No.10017018
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>wasted tirps

>> No.10017024

thank you for the book recommendation, senpai