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/lit/ - Literature

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10015613 No.10015613 [Reply] [Original]

the best writer

>> No.10015619
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>> No.10015625

It's astonishing to me how few people have heard of Shakespeare on this board.

>> No.10015634

Why create a thread to just restate what everyone knows is fact

>> No.10015636
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>> No.10015641
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Los angloparlantes dejenmelos a mí.

>> No.10015660

He is a good author but he constantly makes his books worse by implementing political statements that are unnecessary and out of the place. You end up with whole chapters of political critique in a book that has nothing to do with it. It is what bothers me the most about his works, but I haven't read all of his books yet.

Good example is the beginning of the fifth part of Crime and Punishment, he goes on for 20 or 30 pages about modern day thinkers and even introducing a new character (that doesnt really have any other major role) just to critique modern ideology. The book is about the psychological effects of murder and being poor, not a political critique. Another example would be the whole 2 + 2 equals 4 critique of socialism in notes from the underground - it is a good analogy and critique, but it doesnt fit the story nor the characters and just seems out of place.

It is a major flaw I see in Dostoyevsky's writing. I do not mean that political critique is necessarily bad in a book, but Dostoevsky does it in a seemingly random way and without much meaning to the rest of the book.

What I would consider a good way of political or ideological critique would be The Kreutzer Sonata by Tolstoy - the old man has a discussion with a woman in the beginning in which he ridiculed the idea of women being the same as men and throughout the book he continuous to make remarks that fit this believe. The critique that Tolstoy wanted to make fits the rest of the books, but most importantly it fits the character and the way he acts in the story, it is not just a random political statement thrown randomly in a chapter, but it has a whole character built around it.

>> No.10015719

No actually they're perfectly fine where they are, it is you who is out of place. Dostoevsky writes about Russia and that is his only responsibiity

>> No.10015737

Weak argument. What I stated is a major flaw in his books, and shows that he is not the greatest writer ever, Tolstoy does what Dostoevsky does just better.

>> No.10015748
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>> No.10015761

thats not john williams

>> No.10016882

yeah, if you are a teenager

>> No.10016888

Is the Idiot good?

>> No.10016891

moralist tripe, ayn rand of "classier" people

>> No.10016893

No. It goes beyond being good, it's a masterpiece.

>> No.10016916

When I first read Dostoevsky I thought he was the best writer I'd ever read. Then I read Chekhov.

Don't get me wrong I can understand why people would prefer the former but for me Chekhov has him beat for writing ability and competes in pathos, albeit in a more subdued and less shamefully lurid way. Chekhov mediates his thoughts with greater subtlety through his characters whereas with Dosotevesky it is always clear which words are coming directly from the horses mouth.

>> No.10016965

Proust is a bad writer, not to mention a jew, and that picture of him holding his chin up with no support under his elbow is retarded. Take it to reddit.

>> No.10016979

i do agree. it does feel a bit forced and comical when he does this. feels like he was being held at gunpoint.

>> No.10016986

he trying to do an einstein

>> No.10017094

>not to mention a jew

go back to pol and read some Ebola

>> No.10017107

"He Was A Prophet, A Claptrap Journalist And A Slapdash Comedian" Nabokov btfo Dostoyevsky a long time ago. This is /thread stillborn.

>> No.10017200


>> No.10017362

I know 95% of thw posts in this retarded board are memes, "just preteding to be retarded" and baits but there is no such things as "the best author", "the best book" etc. This is basic to anyone that have read more than 10 (good) books and /lit/ doesn't meet the criteria

Also OP is a faggot

>> No.10017381

babys first "real" literature

>> No.10017409
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*Lee Corso voice*

not so fast my friend!

>> No.10017415

All of his major works are essentially political. Crime and Punishment was written in the midst of a political debate about whether crime was a social or individual issue. Notes from underground was a direct parody of and response to Chernyshevsky.

CnP is also about the source of murder.

I think it would be unfitting if the contrarian underground man didn't mention the fact that no political or social structure would satisfy him.

None of it is random. It all has basis in real things people really said and believed in Russia at the time. Read Joseph Frank if you don't believe me.

>> No.10017970

Hmm I never thought of it that way anon.

>> No.10018317

Almost everything he wrote sounded like he was being held at gunpoint, especially Crime and Punishment's ending.

>> No.10018414

Jesús esta complacido

>> No.10018445

The ending is so absurd it's almost tongue in cheek

>> No.10019249

What was wrong with the ending? I thought it was good.

>> No.10020360

Pushkin my friend

>> No.10020371

Dostoievsky only wrote to lick the tsar's ballsack for sparing him

>> No.10020445

Where's a good place to start?

>> No.10020462

Bronze Horsemen. But, in my opinion, Pushkin is very overrated.

>> No.10020463

Truly the Rick and Morty of literature

>> No.10020467
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You take that back, you little whore!

>> No.10020469


>> No.10020792


>> No.10020896


Proust is the greatest writer of all time, although Joyce and Dostoevsky are very close

>> No.10021091

Nabokov was trash.
Just kidding. But his theories on other writers is often trash because he had an enormous ego and he was trying to elevate himself above them and he was smart enough to know there would be internet autists on the internet who would choose to read him instead of another author because he said something funny about them. And he was an aesthete, which is kinda gay. Don't get me wrong he was one of the writers who best understood the importance of aesthetics, not just in physical presentation, but in the way the reader's mind actually consumed the book, but being a complete and total aesthete only goes so far and, I think, held him back from being even better. Also, it's kinda gay.

>> No.10021141

You sound like you are more than just "kinda" gay.

>> No.10021799

>that elongated head
The flaws in middle age portraiture are no excuse. Cervantes was ayylmao.

>> No.10021803

Turgenev, my friends.

>> No.10021806

I agree, but only because he trashed Faulkner, and infuriates me.

>> No.10021846

But he was an anti-nihilist and Rick and Morty is based on shallow teenage nihilism

>> No.10021859
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i disagree

>> No.10022042

Any The Grand Inquisitor illustrations?
When I google "The Grand Inquisitor" it gives me images of some lightsaber moron...

>> No.10022651


The emotional conceit of the show is dissecting and controverting the psychological makeup of a nihilistic personality. You should watch the show. Don’t base all your opinions on 4chan maymays.

>> No.10022686

He sucks, too much Christ-insanity.

>> No.10022703

>not to mention a jew
Go back.

>> No.10022727

Dosto is the best for a certain demographic...very emotional and solipsistic in a young male way

>> No.10022733

Nabokov is the literary equivalent of David Lynch. Anyone who mentions him in a serious context should be embarrassed.

>> No.10022734

There is no best writer you idiot

>> No.10022748

Too far.

>> No.10022759

How do I ascend past being this demographic? I'm 22.

>> No.10022783

That's what all the high school 'intellectuals' think. Until they read the 'Possessed', that is. Then Fjodor Mihailovits become the syonym for hardcore, right-wing reactionary.
But they rarely read it. Their professors don't recommended it.

Said novel, 'Idiot', 'Dead house' and 'Crime..' are good novels no doubt and only Solzenitsyn have managed to follow in the same trails (similary Shalamov can be compared to Tsehov of course).

I don't understand the praise for 'Brothers Karamazov'. It's uncomplete, it doesnt offer anything that Idiot doesn't, so what is the selling point?

>> No.10022854

Ha! Excellent quip, good sir. +1

>> No.10022939

t. communist

>> No.10023284

Agree with you, Proust is one of the greatest. Although Dostoyevsky also comes close.

>> No.10023485

>What if like, everyone is responsible for everyone's sin? WOAAAH

>> No.10023493

>I'm 22.
Get laid

>> No.10024752

Picked up a copy of Brothers Karamazov today for 37¢. What should I expect? Are there any prerequisites I should read?

>> No.10024861

I'm about half way through it. If you haven't read any before the russian names can get a little confusing, but there aren't really any prerequisites. Although If it's your first Dostoevsky book I might start with something a little easier/shorter.

>> No.10024910

Thanks for the pointers! I'm entirely new to Dostoevsky and Russian lit. I'll check out his earlier stuff. Any recommendations?

>> No.10025010

I would say crime and punishment or notes from the underground. But it doesn't really matter too much. Just start with whatever sounds most interesting to you.

>> No.10025869

Be familiar with the Bible. That's it.

>> No.10025883

I think I feel real hate here

>> No.10025885

Brothers Karamazov is the greatest novel ever written.

>> No.10025933

sure, if you've read ten novels in your life

>> No.10026708
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Well, let us look through writing. It seems like you are really contused, mentally injured imbecile. I can say it face to face, how about you come and listen? All this bullshit that you wrote is just plain and simple fucking lie, you indoor Rambo. Your life would not get better just because you wrote a lot. Bullshiting is not a hard job, lots of fags like you thawed out in a spring. People say about fags like you: 'Mom did not want it, dad did not even try'. Read my message to you closely, try to analyze it and make some conclusions for yourself.

>> No.10026731

The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment

>> No.10026758

I was reading up on it and saw this: "It is a spiritual drama of moral struggles concerning faith, doubt, judgment, and reason, set against a modernizing Russia, with a plot which revolves around the subject of patricide." That doesn't ruin anything, does it? No more than knowing of Cain and Abel?

>> No.10026768

Oh fuck me I misread it. I thought it read fratricide not patricide

>> No.10027541

But it's the Communists who go from praising Fjodor Mihailovits to hating him after reading the Possessed/Devils?

The Dead house is a camp memoir, very easy read and especially interesting - alongside with Tsehov's Sahalin notes - if you're gonna read Solzenitsyn's Arhipelag GULag, since he repeatedly compares the old 'Archipelago' to the new (Soviet) one.

>> No.10027578

>but he constantly makes his books worse by implementing political statements that are unnecessary and out of the place

that's what i thought reading his books

>> No.10027630

For fucks sake, how can you write a book about nineteenth century Russia without going into politics? You cannot describe Peter of the said century without radical student circles, all the revolutionary ideas of them and so forth. Thats like writing about Russia without vodka, muzhik, footwraps and lapti.
And especially if the writer himself was a part of radical intelligentsia, who in time realized the complete idiocy of Russian fanatic maximalist attitude.

Just admit it: it's because he's critizing the political ideas which you're so fond of, but which eventually caused unlimited suffering. If he went and critized the muh evil reactionary capitalists (which didn't exist before the last two decades of 19th Century in Russia), you woudn't mind.

>> No.10027638


>> No.10027917

Where my Gogolbois at

>> No.10027962

Same here. Faulkner is one of the few authors I'll defend to the death. Pure genius.

>> No.10028076
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10028140

It's a good telenovela. And also one of the best books ever written.

>> No.10028146


>> No.10028185

Dostoyplebsky is the ultimate author for pseudo-literates and pseudo-philosophers. If you are too intelligent to read genre and too retarded to read (an objectively superior writer like) Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky is your guy. The first time I had the misfortune of deciphering one of his scribblings, I thought to myself, "was this written by an autistic teenager trying to emulate what great literature of the past must have seemed like to him?" I soon discovered that it was the exact opposite; this endlessly moralizing and sometimes downright inexcusable "prose" was written by a much older failure of a man, who is now lauded by academics and the denizens of internet forums such as this one. Truly sickening.

>> No.10028201

I feel the same way about most of the political parts (hell, he even shows some kind of self awareness in The Demons), but in my opinion you don't read Dostoevskij because he's written formally perfect books, then a little political blab doesn't disturb that much.

>> No.10028219
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Step aside, old farts.

>> No.10028501

Nabakov was just butthurt, he shit talked everyone for no reason

>> No.10028739



>> No.10029565

Dostoevsky is abused by pseudo-intellectuals, sadly.
The most well-read and well-educated persons I know all respect Dostoevsky, probably as number 1.

>> No.10029588

>No dejadmelos

>> No.10029604

Dostoevsky and Shakespeare are probably the top tier writers.

>> No.10030062

>internet autists on the internet
>internet on the internet
>internet internet.

>> No.10030637

This doesn't mean anything, though. The most well-read people you know can be plebs for all we know.

>> No.10030765

Here friend. However Checkhov is also based.

>> No.10031685

It's not good, it's fantastic.

>> No.10032642
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>> No.10032671

Best book ever written.

He named it The idiot because anyone who doesn't like this book is an idiot.

>> No.10032678

Ayyyyyyyy mijo

>> No.10032869

yet Tolstoy thought Dostoyevsky was a genius

>> No.10032910
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why is it that all french people seem to have bulging eyes?

>> No.10033913

Yes, you're very good.

>> No.10034016

you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.10035580

their great great grandmothers were whores for moors. Just like Sicilians.

>> No.10035796
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Toplel, m8

>> No.10035806

Pasta From the Undergound.

>> No.10035826
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>> No.10036024

Just recently read about how Tolstoy and Dostoevsky never met each other. They had mutual acquaintances, they admired each other's works, they both even attended a lecture once and maybe saw each other in the crowd, but were not introduced.

But in 1881, a relative of Tolstoy who was acquainted with Dostoevsky, read to him one of Tolstoy's letter to her. It was the time when Tolstoy had his spiritual crisis which resulted in his anarcho-christian teaching, and in the letter, Tolstoy had described his newly developed views on Christianity, his rejection of miracles described in the Bible, including the Christ's resurrection itself, of any clerical authority, his perception of the Christ only as a spiritual teacher, and other points of Tolstovian doctrine.

Hearing this, Dostoevsky was grabbing his head and was desperately repeating "Not that, not that!" («He тo, нe тo!»). As this Tolstoy's relative recalls in her memoirs, by the end of the letter Dostoevsky looked like he was determined to argue against Tolstoy's point. It was just weeks before Dostoevsky suddenly died.

>> No.10036046

Why do I feel like he would've completely btfo'd Tolstoy out of this galaxy if he only had the chance?

>> No.10036060

>even comparing these two
what the fuck

>> No.10036215

I've read The Double, Notes From Underground, Crime And Punishment, The Gambler. They were all good, except The Gambler, which still had its better moments. Did anybody mention the inception of The Gambler? From wikipedia

>Fyodor Dostoyevsky then agreed to a hazardous contract with F. T. Stellovsky that if he did not deliver a novel of 12 or more signatures by 1 November 1866, Stellovsky would acquire the right to publish Dostoyevsky's works for nine years without any compensation to the writer. He noted down parts of his story, then dictated them to one of the first stenographers in Russia and his wife-to-be, young Anna Grigorevna, who transcribed them and copied it neatly out for him. With her help, he was able to finish the book in time.

The article doesn't mention how close a thing this was. The publisher deliberately evaded Dostoevsky, who then figured that he could satisfy conditions by having a duty policeman produce a receipt for the manuscript.- at ten a.m., two hours by the deadline.

>> No.10036219

>at ten a.m.,
that should say PM

>> No.10036946

Where did you read about this, bub?

>> No.10036978

I first came across the story from Ignat Avsey's extended material in the Dostoevsky books in the Alma Classics line

>> No.10037066
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dosto sure is great.

>> No.10037094

Thanks lad.

>> No.10038267


>> No.10038296

Gainsbourg and Proust are Jews.

>> No.10038298

colorization has come so far