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/lit/ - Literature

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10014862 No.10014862 [Reply] [Original]

*singlehandedly saves western thought from itself*

heh, no problem kiddo..

>> No.10014868

Because if you can't solve the is/ought problem, just speak as if it doesn't exist and no one will say a word

>> No.10014871


>> No.10015150
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>> No.10015152

Yes problem

>> No.10015153

>can't have an ought from an is
Yeah, that is a problem. It's called hypocricy.

>> No.10015159

Do you have that hilarious comic of Harris fighting Hume with his other New Wave Atheist buddies?

>> No.10015161
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>> No.10015163

Bless you

>> No.10015168
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I don't need your childish "blessings" you backwater retard I am fucking euphoric right now.

>> No.10015173
File: 59 KB, 406x316, Sleeping-Pills-Dormicum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>his voices is doing the same job for me but not in a pleasant way.

Voice modulation is 1 very important part of language and its practical execution should be tought as such in order to fulfill Logos mission in the most effective and aesthetically way.

He miserable fails regarding his voice modulation or he intentionally is using his "soft" voice as a form of rhetoric to appear morally superior and trigger the hell out of me. Upboat if you cant handle his softener impregnated voice.

t. Ad hominem but it was not avoidable.

>> No.10015184

I disagree with a lot of what Harris says, particularly philosophically, but I genuinely enjoy listening to his voice talk about anything

Works on me, anon

>> No.10015217

And are you "loud and proud" or still in the closet?

>> No.10015246

Woud and crowded

>> No.10016463

*attempts to "save" western though"
*slips on a banana peel*

>> No.10016874
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As much as he's a pseud, I can't hate the guy because he triggers his own reddit fanbase.

>> No.10016901

found the faggot nerd

>> No.10016909
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>> No.10016932

Considering what buddhists are doing in Myanmar maybe he is right

>> No.10016947

He never claimed to solve the is ought problem. He says we start with the ought that we value our own wellbeing, and we can derive other oughts from this ought, that is, if we value our wellbeing, we can measure the value of other things in terms of how much wellbeing they give us.

>> No.10016949

be honest, if i offered to trade his life in return for bringing Christopher Hitchens back to life you'd take the trade.

shit, you'd take the trade if I offered to bring Phil Hartman back.

>> No.10016993


>dennett is an eliminativist about mental events
>he doesn't understand heterophenomenology

reminder that undergrad continental snarklords aren't scholars

>> No.10017000


can you bring back chris farley

>> No.10017013
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Well, you see comrade, I'm still very much alive.

I'm having drinks with Trotsky and the good Doctor Johnson as we speak. There's a fine and neverending selection of fine liquor and booze here in... - oh, what's that? Mother Teresa is blind drunk and arm wrestling that old queen John Francis? This I got to see!

>> No.10017046

Giving a concept a nine syllable label doesn't make it any less mistaken.

>> No.10017047

That would take about five Sam Harris'.

>> No.10017055

Name 1 (one) philosophy or religion in which its adherrents never committed horrible acts

>> No.10017059


>> No.10017060

Buddhists, they are doing the right thing

>> No.10017064

>khmer rouge was a good thing
what did he mean by this?

>> No.10017151

Does he literally just ignores Hume's law, or has he ever tried to refute it?

>> No.10017163

You're disgusting. Even if you are "joking".

Um, Mormons maybe? Although they did do that whole digging up Jewish Holocaust victims and baptising them "thing".

>> No.10017172


He derives an ought from an ought in his book The Moral Landscape, he doesn't try to refute Hume. People just read the subtitle of the book and think they know what he means.

>> No.10017881

>People just read the subtitle of the book and think they know what he means.

Isnt this what /lit/ is about?

>> No.10017972

why did I laugh at this

>> No.10017986

It's funny.

>> No.10018212

I'm a Buddhist and I think you're wrong. Look at Imperial Japan, or even Feudal Japan. Compassion was handwaved away with vague references to anatta.
Buddhism is not about a "people". The self is somewhat dubious, let alone such religious group identities.

The Khmer Rouge suppressed Buddhism, as did Chinese Maoists.

>> No.10018355

>joking is disgusting
Why do you have to be a thoughtless parody of politically correct totalitarianism?

>> No.10019301

Yes, let's train more soldiers to not fear death so they can fight properly!

>> No.10019424
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>buddhists have never committed horrible acts

>> No.10020258

this desu.

>> No.10020509

>He says we start with the ought that we value our own wellbeing
the most dubious ought of all time

>> No.10020524

Killing muslims is a beautiful thing

>> No.10020529

>this is what white "people" actually believe

>> No.10020532

does this guy think he invented utilitarianism?


>> No.10020537

yeah lol