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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 500x667, 1492001596544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10010664 No.10010664 [Reply] [Original]

why does postmodernism gets so much hate?

>> No.10010668

Their ideas don't mean anything

>> No.10010676

because the modernists are used to fighting teddy boys

>> No.10010678

His best contribution to music is helping record Ys, he didn't even produce it.

>> No.10010691

Cause they're hacks.
>Lets just cherrypick what has and doesn't have value, then ignore these other values over there that we still have

>> No.10010698

t. never read any theoretical/critical work on postmodernism
t. never knew Starobinski

>> No.10010699

>this is your brain on Peterson

>> No.10010701

what is postmodernism?

>> No.10010705

Cause they won't stop poisoning western civilization

>> No.10010708
File: 63 KB, 1086x724, jordan-peterson-portrait.jpg.size.custom.crop.1086x724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa Memerson's programming, basically.

>> No.10010717

It's ugly, and ugly art serves no purpose.

>> No.10010724

>>Lets just cherrypick what has and doesn't have value, then ignore these other values over there that we still have
that's modernism, dearheart. it's what the postmodernists were trying to stop. you should try stopping posting.

>> No.10010726

Thx, I'll add him to my 280+ philosophy/politics/economics to read book list.
>The Invention of Liberty, 1700-89
>Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Transparency and Obstruction
Most of it seems to be untranslated, I guess that says everything about his/her importance.

>> No.10010731

So postmodernist are just modernists?
I didn't claim choosing values was bad, the hypocrisy of saying that you don't, Is.

>> No.10010751

What are some good books that will objective in defining and examining modernism and post-modernism? I'll worry about criticism later.

>> No.10010759
File: 29 KB, 400x324, 1445713509287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>15 years ago, it's the year 2002
>be me in school, 11 year old impressionable kid
>teachers calls themselves liberals, and impart knowledge onto me:
>treat everyone fairly and with respect, no matter which culture and place they come from
>skin color is irrelevant, we are all human beings and love and tolerance is all that you should preach
>in unity, we are strong

>fast forward to the present, it's the year 2017
>be me, bitter 26 year old
>co-workers and passerby protesters call themselves liberals, and impart knowledge onto me:

>> No.10010763
File: 61 KB, 736x492, 2dc5cbef542e13355bcf8409de807158--japanese-architecture-architecture-design[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sucks

>> No.10010766

no, darling, the postmodernists were fighting against saying you don't. you really should stop posting until you consult a dictionary at least.

>> No.10010769


>> No.10010770

>sacrificing alliteration to get 'meme' in there

not the artistic choice i would have made for that post

>> No.10010773


radical leftists are devoid of any artistic talent

>> No.10010775

>mfw its essentially the opposite

>> No.10010779
File: 8 KB, 194x260, 1504898078187[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it triggers brainlets and intellectuals alike.

brainlets can't understand it...intellectuals understand it but see its endgame

>"post" debates

its not 1994 anymore

>> No.10010782
File: 138 KB, 1152x432, picasso-s-guernica-madrid-spain+1152_12979804554-tpfil02aw-3818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't do culture

>> No.10010786
File: 648 KB, 736x492, jst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10010787

The the question and then that post again... We are still on /lit/ aren't we?

>> No.10010789


the endgame is postmodernism is power through chaos

the ruling elite trotting it out are using chaos to stir hatred among the commoners, setting common folk against each other

that's why the wage gap is increasing, because people are too busy hating each other to do something about the ruling elite

>> No.10010790

Because there is no refuting it. There is only digging your head on the sand and shouting
Postmodernism is not a set of "ideas". It is an inevitable realisation of the relativity of ideas.

>> No.10010791

Because people haven't actually read them.

>> No.10010795



get that pleb garbage out of here

give me Michelangelo and Da Vinci any day over that ,

>> No.10010797

Peterson once used deSelby as an architectural reference without realizing what he'd done. Naturally, it attracted the type of critics deSelby inevitably does.

>> No.10010798

Kek! Literally the only two artists you've heard of.

>> No.10010799
File: 62 KB, 570x800, Kalervo Palsa 2 xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat artist's shit and admire Kalervo Palsa instead

>> No.10010807
File: 88 KB, 783x533, awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that this is still Peterson's biggest mistake to date

What the fuck was he thinking?

>> No.10010808

>wait as he Google's "patrician art"

>> No.10010812


>leftist "art"

absolutely repugnant

>> No.10010814

>postmodern film

>postmodern literature

>postmodern architecture

>postmodern painting

>> No.10010815

I thought it was kind of them to not mention his reference to Dr Kurt Unruh von Steinplatz; say what you will about deSelby criticism, they respect a man's right to a Jungian outlook on meeting the dead or otherwise beyond the veil, and seem to have taken his at his word he met the good doktor himself.

>> No.10010818
File: 679 KB, 1345x1400, 9697dcffeb2abf6b404ae0998951ac30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say the same about this?

>> No.10010819

What do you mean?

>> No.10010820
File: 177 KB, 1200x803, kalervo palsa śmierć xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave Kalervo alone
Primitivism, bitch!

t. Nikifor Krynicki

>> No.10010827

that reddit spacing
that /pol/tard namedropping
that random comma at the end
what a sublime bait

>> No.10010832


Fucking brilliant.

I love this type of imagery. Otto Dix's triumph of death mixed with his plates on the trenches come to mind, as do The Disasters - Goya

Who is this?

>> No.10010834

That's not postmodernist.
No matter what the artist claims it is.

>> No.10010835


>he did more

peterson is too smart not to realize that this looks like he's intentionally trying to align himself with the alt-right

>> No.10010836

>All ideas are relative. Except this one.
Yawn. Pomo is brain cancer.

>> No.10010840

how do you refute a non-argument?

>> No.10010841

t. can't into shellac

>> No.10010842

>Otto Dix
I know what is so great about this artist if you know what I mean hehehe

>> No.10010844

abstract expressionists are modernists
About as much as the Greeks. Better off mentioning the footnotes if you're trying to seem non-retarded.

It's like you really hoped the things you didn't like about the humanities were postmodern and never bothered to check. Do you go to /mu/ and tell them you hate The Beatles because you can't stand metal?

>> No.10010845
File: 133 KB, 630x428, GoyaLosDisparates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is Dix. Goya is my favourite artist, it's good to see another fan.

>> No.10010851


>(((le))) reddit memespacing is over 9000 kekekek do fit in yet (((guise))) lol remember lolcatz???? lol milhouse is not a maymayyyyyyyy

>> No.10010852

He's been on Joe Rogan 3 times.
He's safe.
He's transcended chastisement.

>> No.10010855

>T. Postmodernists

>> No.10010856


>> No.10010859

>I know better than the artist

Would it surprise you to know that Dix's work featured in the Nazis' "Degenerate Art" exhibition, towards the start of the regime?

They spoke about art in much the same way you /pol/ tourists do. Although, you probably knew that.

>> No.10010861

>abstract expressionists are modernists
>implying I wasn't talking about neo-expressionism

>About as much as the Greeks
t. has read neither postmodern lit or the greeks

>> No.10010865

As I said, it's not an idea. Learn to read. Me noticing that you see an object from a different angle that I do is not a philosophical position, it's an observation.
You can't, that's my point.

>> No.10010872

>Dix's work featured in the Nazis' "Degenerate Art"
not that guy, but that's even further proof it isn't a postmodern work

>> No.10010874

He was talking about "leftist" art. Though the distinction is probably lost on him.

>> No.10010875

>not liking neo-expressionism
m8 it's neither hard to understand nor really the type of thing that engenders hate. if you really have a vendetta against it, never have kids.

>t. has read neither postmodern lit or the greeks
Why are you pretending to be Finnish on a board that knows the difference theatrical and Socratic irony? Do you think that the people with real educations believe you despite years of schooling, or are you hoping to be friends with people as ignorant as you? You might want to fish somewhere else if it's the latter.

>> No.10010877

Sorry for the caps lock but all those performative contradictions are making me really tired. Pomo is brain cancer.

>> No.10010889

You can't refute it but you can't prove it either because that would tequire to instantiate logic in a realm where something are not relative.
Pomo is hide and seek disguised as a valid framework.
It's so passé imo

>> No.10010892

Um, no, sweetie, it is you, who is, the brainlet.

>> No.10010893
File: 277 KB, 929x653, 970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know better than the artist
Is objectively aesthetic. It's self evidently beautiful. No forced thought or emotion is required. There's nothing to find, it's all there immediately.

That's the difference between art and "art". Postmodern "art" can't be self-evident. If it is, it's no longer postmodern.

>> No.10010898

>It's so passé imo
it really is
shit was already done by the sophists

>> No.10010899

But you're proving me right by disagreeing with me, because you're introducing the second perspective of these points that makes them relative. So even my statements are relative.

Your second point is just silly. Postmodernism allows GREATER understanding of people's various positions. It doesn't prescribe that we should misunderstand each other.

>> No.10010906

Again, our visitor from the containment board was saying leftist art is "absolutely repugnant".

I pointed out the ridiculousness of him claiming to know better than the artist because he was, up until now, only aware of Picasso, Michaelangelo and Da Vinci.

>> No.10010908

you know you can look these things up, on google, in dictionaries, encyclopedias, criticism books, and a wealth of scholarship that neither of us can erase from existence. i look forward to your siege of the academie though.

>> No.10010911

What is Occam's razor?

>> No.10010916
File: 136 KB, 616x397, Screen-Shot-2016-01-10-at-10.42.06[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooooooooo deep

>> No.10010917

Left and right are false dichotomies.
There are only variant degrees of authority.

>> No.10010920

>>abstract expressionists are modernists
>>implying I wasn't talking about neo-expressionism
...those are late modernists. I don't know why I'm correcting an idiot but here we are. nonoko etc

>> No.10010921

Okay, Hobbes. Thanks for dropping by.

>> No.10010923

I just said it wasn't postmodern (topic of thread), someone argued with me after that statement; I assume he does think that it is postmodern.

>> No.10010940

Again, I'll just repeat this point because you don't seem to address it at all. It's not a philosophical position, it's an observation. Occam's razor does not require that you ask people to leave the room to make experience simpler. Postmodernism is NOT founded on a philosophical position but an observation of reality.

>> No.10010946

A finite system needs trade and some form of growth (progress/change) to exist > a system without these basic capitalist LAWS, will collapse > only how much authority/freedom there should be matters in the long run, everything else dies.
Every functioning state is capitalistic to some degree. The only thing that varies is the degree of freedom/fascism.

>> No.10010956


>> No.10010963

>caring about meaningless terms

there's a reason you faggots are sitting here arguing over this outdated shit and aren't actually creating something

>> No.10010964

>haha I'm so much more cultured than you, I know Picasso!

>> No.10010978

>I feverly attach my intellectual insecurities onto everyone else in an desperate attempt at covering my lack of basic artistic knowledge behind a facade of radical tastes

this is like getting angry at people laughing at the kid talking about how led zepplin is the best of all time and how new music sucks. You sound like the plebiest of plebs. They are laughing at you because of how little amount of cultured knowledge is needed to see how much of a retard you are. You sound like a parody

>> No.10010982

And you were not able to answer my simple question of what is Occam's razor? Yes, you may have an extra special observation of reality, what use is such if you cannot penetrate the central point of a simple question?

>> No.10010986

I think it’s important to differentiate between two kinds of postmodernism. One is a theory of reality that tells us our fallible senses and truth systems don’t allow us to access objective truth, and therefore we can only construe it. The other is its outgrowth in academia, especially French intellectual circles, that took this belief to an extreme, relativising everything without replacing the shattered foundations with anything. The latter became a fad of obscurantist, masturbatory writing along the lines of Derrida that mistakes philosophy for aimless deconstruction of society’s beliefs without arriving at any positive conclusions. The former is, I believe, an accurate analysis that can serve as the foundation for finding truth in the future, as it releases us from our Western suppositions and lets us think freely again.

>> No.10010991

thanks for proving my point

>> No.10010994

Oh, I thought it was a rhetorical question implying that postmodernism goes against Occam's razor.

My understanding is essentially that it's about not introducing new entities into a system if they are not absolutely necessary. Why do you want me to explain it to you?

>> No.10011003

Kek. And how did he do that?

>> No.10011006

that's not a problem with postmodernism, it's a problem with US education. it's only referred to as a postmodern movement by people LARPing as educators and without the background to understand it. yes, that includes memerson with the bluehaired meanies.

>> No.10011009

Proving, not so much, the inability of a postmodern position to give an answer. But the inefficiency has greater costs that such a position conveniently ignores.

>> No.10011010

>this is the level of discourse on this board

lmao if you have nothing of actual substance to say, why even comment? You are like a retard who thinks everyone who understands the answer of 10+10 is pretentious and is showing of their mathematical knowledge when it's literally just people who cannot fathom how a grown ass man can lack so little self awareness

>> No.10011014

None of this happens to you, you lying mongoloid

>> No.10011023


stay mad radical leftist cuckold

the right is winning, how's it feel?

>> No.10011024

by evidencing the fact that he's a snob sperg going after people who don't appreciate the same middle-brow garbage he does

prolix discourse isn't necessarily quality discourse
now go back to your ethiopian jazz

>> No.10011033

Post with your real name

>> No.10011039
File: 52 KB, 523x724, f7ac32036f5aacf8c5481d608b07f8fd398dcf039f6f10525f6c087825bd279f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"By evidencing". My, that's awfully highbrow. It's no wonder you've heard of Michaelangelo and Da Vinci.

>> No.10011048

This is the biggest misunderstanding of postmodernism as I see it. Postmodernism is not nihilism, which doesn't consider any answers as valid. Postmodernism presents MANY answers as valid, even ones that might appear to contradict. It's not a negation of meaning, it's a saturation. Life is full of contradicting perspectives and ideas, and just because one is true does not discount the other.

Now you might say that you'd rather a logical system that has NO contradictions. Fine. But then postmodernism would just say well this is one valid perspective of many, and others don't want a logical system with no contradictions and that's valid too.

This is my point to the OP about why there is so much hate. Postmodernism cannot be argues against because it's not an argument, it's an observation about the many different perspectives that life offers, and that it's not so simple to just choose between them.

Its also interesting that Neitsche gets put on the side against postmodernism but much of what he said encourages it. Each superman creates their own system of ethics and morality. Also, he spoke of multiple worldviews (Apollonian and Dyonisian) as if they each had equal claim to validity despite being contradictory.

Again, postmodernism is frustrating because it's not refutable, it can either be accepted or dismissed, but there is not going to be any good reason for doing either, just as there is no real reason to tell someone to shut up other than you don't have the patience for more perspectives.

>> No.10011053


You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.10011057
File: 28 KB, 512x512, 1231213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks like a cool dude I'd have a pint with, what's the problem?

oh right, this is what you're looking for. the defender of truth and justice, and all the downtrodden in the world

>> No.10011063
File: 47 KB, 640x358, Heads-Scanners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but, neo-Marxism! P-post modernism is... well, MEMERSON says... Oh, er... human nature?

>> No.10011074

daily reminder to you should read and understand what you're trying to discuss before discussing

>> No.10011077

I'm not the one who made the da vinci comment
but do go on, tell me all about his provincial taste

>> No.10011081

lmao your examples of good art are artists second graders use to sound smart and you are coming at me for acting like a middle brow snob because I'm not retarded enough to form my tastes and opinions around memes? Explain to me why Michelangelo was such a great artist and why Picasso isn't. Please anon I'm waiting for this amazing analysis

>> No.10011105

>that's not a philosophical position
shit son this might be the worst post itt

>> No.10011108

have you even READ Deleuze?

>> No.10011121
File: 6 KB, 223x251, 1504383590061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist retards trying to put down da vinci and Michelangelo who were far superior mechanically and creatively than picasso ever will be

>have to use some backwater esoteric benchmarks to justify their garbage liberal taste in art

>> No.10011126

I notice you have a different perspective here! Thanks for sharing it. I don't THEORISE that you do, I just notice that you do. I could extrapolate a philosophical system based in this, but right now I am happy to have just noticed the multiplicity of experience and opinion.

>> No.10011140

because it's freakin GAY

>> No.10011141

If all answers are correct then it can never be wrong. Yes, well so what? As a movement, would you not agree that it is a journey with many destinations. Then how can a postmodernist interact with reality, and not expect entropy to consequence his being. Then what is the function other than to create further questions, does it not seem a redundant adventure?

>> No.10011146

that observation requires a set of epistemic, logical assumptions to work, hence a philosophical basis
every single postmodern strategy assumes a philosophical framework

>> No.10011152
File: 84 KB, 536x600, poltards go away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is trying to put down Michelangelo and Leonardo you mongoloid. You probably don't even understand them.

>> No.10011163

>pleb uses same damn reaction image each time he strawmans

>> No.10011172


>y-y-you probably don't even understand them

I highly doubt the inbred liberal mind can understand something as deeply emotional as art.

>> No.10011179

Sounds interesting, anon, mind telling me what they are?
Postmodernism did not invent the problem of relativity or entropy. It has observed these things and extrapolated them. How is a movement towards greater awareness of perspectives redundant? Why do you want less questions in your life?

>> No.10011193

Go ahead and tell me why you think the fresco i posted in >>10011172 is good art then. Hard mode: no google. Also i'm not a liberal.

>> No.10011214


Because it's destroyed everything and given humanity nothing in its wake. It's the greatest force of destruction.

>> No.10011215

Notice how the narrator creates a past that never existed. This anticipates post's conclusion, in which the narrator creates a present that does not exist. By labeling himself a Caucasian male, then creating a non-existent persecutory reality, the narrator effectively satirizes the fears of white America, and, by extension, the alt-right. The narrator's creation is similar to the "alternative facts" presented by the alt-right in lieu of "fake news." In this case, the "fake news" is the equality supposed by SJWs. In this satirized world, SJWs take on the properties of Nazis. Thus, the narrator creates a self-aware parody of himself, an ironic postmodern Nazi, who ironically hates Nazism and liberals--whom are ironically depicted as ironic Nazis.

>> No.10011216

>The French philosopher and literary theorist Luce Irigaray, for example, has argued that the science of solid mechanics is better developed than the science of fluid mechanics because the male-dominated institution of physics associates solidity and fluidity with the male and female sex organs, respectively.

>> No.10011217

Postmodernism doesn't necessarily claim many answers as valid, it more points out the impossibility of saying which is the only/most valid, and that attempts to do that are biased by ones subjective episteme

>> No.10011222

Postmodernists are right in that morals are relative, but if you don't set some boundaries where you will not let your moral code to be trampled upon, others with far stronger convictions in less tolerant systems of belief will eventually take control.

At least, that's what I think will happen.

>> No.10011230


Obviously this is retarded but it doesn't invalidate all left wing academia

You can find psychologists that say retarded things, that doesn't invalidate all psychology. You can find historians that make wildly inaccurate claims, that doesn't invalidate all historians

>> No.10011232

Really all talk about postmodernism should boil down to if it's ok to genocide the French. They have no one worth caring about anymore since Boulez died. Kill them all I say.

>> No.10011234

it's not cool anymore

>> No.10011238

Also, since you clearly are more knowledgeable about art that those stupid liberals you should also be able to tell me about the differences between Leonardo and Michelangelo, and how they differently to Classical art. I bet you don't know about that either.

>> No.10011242

*differently relate

>> No.10011243

You just described modernism

>> No.10011254

molyneux needs some sorting out desu

>> No.10011258


>please educate me on art

I don't do free lessons, nice try though


>it never existed because I said so!

ah yes maybe since at that time you might have only been 1-2 years old, you underage faggot

>> No.10011263

Nor did I say that Postmodernism invented those problems. What I meant by being a redundant movement, is even in my youth I had an awareness of other perspectives before I had encountered Postmodernism. I think perhaps you conflate greater awareness with quantity of perspectives. And I submit that nor does quality of perspective negate quantity of perspectives. But wouldn't you agree that one must let the relativity of perspective come together, much like gravity forces mass toward one another, if one wants to centre itself in the universe.

>> No.10011266


He's exaggerating some for rhetorical effect, but it's obviously true and the trajectory will only get more extreme.

>> No.10011273
File: 56 KB, 648x798, 1504750703749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. It's blatantly obvious there's been a huge tone and policy shift in the left toward the more extreme, in the last 10 years.

Back in 2007 none of the shit that's happening right now was even 10% as prevalent. It all exploded in this decade.

>> No.10011276

because enlightenment values are way better
we need to complete the system of german idealism rather than leave it all behind for "THAT'S JUST LIKE YOUR OPINION, MAN": the movement

>> No.10011277

Who's putting down Da Vinci or Michelangelo? Everyone's mocking the idea that we should be impressed by someone referencing them; reading comprehension not your strong suit, I'm guessing?

>> No.10011280

>please educate me on art
I'm already educated on art you retard. I asked you basic questions to see if you're were educated on Renaissance art (as you claim) or another /pol/tard who namedrops renaissance authors without understanding them and whose knowledge on art doesn't go behind LeGoodOldTimes vs LeEbilLiberals. Since you can't do anything but regurgitate memes i assume you are the latter.

>> No.10011284


I'm the original poster and I never insinuated that you should be impressed by me knowing about those 2.

So you just took something that you made up and ran with it. There's that intellectual dishonesty again.

>> No.10011289
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, 1491536284015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm already educated on art you retard

Nah, you're another pseud who's wasting his time on 4chinz. You aren't an accomplished artist, you aren't an accomplished art critique.

You are nobody. A nobody begging for tips on anything in art. Begging in a roundabout way, but begging.

>muh /pol/

Give it a rest, you fucking sperg.

>> No.10011290


>> No.10011294
File: 36 KB, 550x555, DANKTRUMPMEMES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image is small time

>> No.10011297

Read a book nigger

>> No.10011301

>you aren't an accomplished art critique.
Very DaDa, I think he could do it.

>> No.10011302


It's near impossible to stop an avalanche that's already started coming down. We were warned what would likely happen (though if there was equal opportunity in the press - equal sharing of ideas from both sides - from the 60s to now I doubt this would have happened), but people didn't listen. They don't want to take action until it's forced in their face to.

>> No.10011306

Hitting me with the intellectual dishonesty meme when you called other posters plebs and threw out some of the most generic names possible to contrast as patrician. You know damn well what you were trying to do you buzzword snake.

>> No.10011307

To me that just sounds like finding a way to value one's own perspective and core beliefs, and letting them be a beneficial guide even while staying aware and validating of other perspectives. To me, this is an argument FOR the usefulness of engaging with postmodernism and really considering how relativity can be lived with well, not for its redundancy.

>> No.10011309

Ideologically Modern architecture is much more postmodern than Postmodern architecture

>> No.10011313

>this fucking cope and lack of any real knowledge

so pathetic, honestly reread this post and ask yourself, "why does everyone think I'm a retard online"

>> No.10011314

>intellectual dishonesty

What is it with Memerson's lot and this phrase? "Dishonesty" isn't good enough, they have to give themselves the veneer of middlebrowness.

>> No.10011316

>You aren't an accomplished artist, you aren't an accomplished art critique.
>Projecting this much
You're pathetic. I asked you about basic notions that any retard that has opened a book on art would've answered. Stop posting and kill yourself.

>> No.10011322

>shakespearean drama

>shakespearean literature

>shakespearean architecture

>elizabethan painting

^that's how retarded you are. if you're pretending to be retarded, you're better at it than someone who doesn't need to try.

>> No.10011328

>Nah, you're another pseud who's wasting his time on 4chinz. You aren't an accomplished artist, you aren't an accomplished art critique.

Got anything to back that up? It would be awfully intellectually dishonest of you to just say such a thing.

>> No.10011332
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>> No.10011333


pseuds livid

>> No.10011336

*Again, redundancy as a movement. What are you thoughts on future movements? And have you not witnessed the futility of perspective in this thread?

>> No.10011338

>knowing the basics of the topic you're trying to discuss is being a pseud
You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.10011344

>I cannot prove what is right nor wrong, however I am certain people feel

How very postmodern of you

>> No.10011350

The dark side of modernity is lack of thought because of a supposed objective system that has everything sorted out for you. The dark side of postmodernism is lack of thought because of a supposed lack of a possibility of having anything sorted out.

Personally, I think the future lies in complete ontological agnosticism (note, do not read laziness) combined with a humanist pragmatism and undying curiosity. The human species and its experience of reality is evolving, living well is always going to be a moving target. There is something new under the sun.

>> No.10011364


>same exact posting style
>clean 2 minutes apart


>> No.10011367
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>> No.10011368
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goodnight, mememan

>> No.10011372

>Same posting style
>Spacing is different
>Punctuation is inconsistent
>tfw you meant format

Feel free to come back when you're ready to discuss writing.

>> No.10011373

Too good.

>> No.10011379

Ah right, you were only PRETENDING to be retarded.

>> No.10011385

Also, I would add that everything becomes redundant once it is merely seen and approached as a "movement". In my opinion, philosophy should be applied, and this is always practical and personal.

>> No.10011388

Just shotgun your tears, apply whatever ego boosting chaser you need, and fucking move on man.

>> No.10011392


>> No.10011430

all you need to know about postmodernism

>> No.10011436


all you need to know about postmodernism

>> No.10011448

It's hyperbolic, but fairly accurate to the mainstream consciousness of today

>> No.10011480


>> No.10011497

What the fuck is it?

>> No.10011525

>no refuting it
Go be a STEMsperg somewhere else

>> No.10011534

>this idea is correct becuz somebody sed so
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
WE CATEGORIZE AND FORCE EVERYTHING INTO NEAT PROGRAMMES (because 'program' is too '*merican' VIVA LE FRANCE!) AND NEVER EVER CRITICIZE THEM, THEY ARE LE SELF-EVIDENT *drowns self in wine* *dances french folk dance* *commits pederasty*

>> No.10011535

Can you take your meds and come back in about an hour?

>> No.10011538

Try again. By the way, you're the liberal here. I'm a theocrat.

>> No.10011540

>tolerance is good even though 'morality is relative'
Fuck off

>> No.10011546

Why are they better?
Do you fucking idiots actually think this is 'critical thinking'?

>> No.10011550

>Big Black

fuck you, everything he does is great

>> No.10011553

Strawmanning with incoherent allcaps is not criticism, it's a tantrum.

>> No.10011559

Back to /pol/ddit
>tantrums are bad because they make me feel uncomfortable
My ass, you are pathetic

>> No.10011563

No u.

This is the power of your presence in the discourse. Take at least 50% of the responsibility, bucko.

>> No.10011569

learn how to read

>> No.10011630

>ionian collumns
objectively the worst desu, corinthian master race all the way

>> No.10011636

this desu, him and his fans are almost intolerable

>> No.10011657

Because that one guy on youtube who cries a lot says that it's bad

>> No.10011674

>the ruling elite trotting it out


fuck off kid

>> No.10011691

Personally I think it's illogical To view truth as relativistic, assuming the triadic theory of semiosis is real.
No I will not elaborate :^)

>> No.10011706

Its the fault of the liberal teachers who spewed nonsense like "respect everybody no matter what". Respect is social currency and when you devalue currency its meaningless. Apply respect on an individual basis, its the only thing that makes sense. If a group has detrimental values, call them out. Anything else just leads to the destruction of virtue.

>> No.10011717

You mean distribution of economic inequality not wage gap.

>> No.10011722

He's not wrong. Its fed top down through mass media indoctrination/consumer culture. Do you actually believe in melevolent corporations? Are you that naive?

>> No.10011780

i don't think half you cunts can define modernism...nevermind what paradigm of modernity has been surpassed to deserve the title postmodernism.

its a boogeyman for you to get sanctimoniously riled up about

>> No.10011782

also, suck your dick

>> No.10011786

>i don't think half you cunts can define modernism
m8, you don't even need to be an arty lalahomo man to know about the crystal palace of 1851

>> No.10011795

not an argument

>> No.10011801

it's a wallop not an argument you need, prancer

>> No.10011809

If you have a problem with {how things currently are}, then you have a problem with postmodernism, or {how things are perceived in contemporary society}. Any supporter of {postmodernism} who refuses to acknowledge its criticism whilst critiquing something like capitalism is dishonest at best.

>> No.10011819

try antidisestablismentarianism. it's even longer and you also don't have to look it up when you use new bits of your keyboard. i promise nobody will laugh at you then either.

>> No.10011824

Humanist meme.

>> No.10011832
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nice comeback, poofter

you still come across like a kid out of their depth.

what is modernism?
what paradigm of modernity has been surpassed in such a way as to gt you knickers in such a twist?

substantive answers please.

I know why I think "postmodernism" is bs. but I strongly suspect that you have now idea what you're talking about.

try not to copypasta from wikipedia etc as I will be checking using turnitin (I werk in a uni lol kekeke)

>> No.10011836

>didn't know about crystal palace
>wants to call other people poofers
you're legitimately more retarded than /sp/ and probably five times as easy to beat up [including their fatty bumbatties].

>> No.10011845

>spoonfeed me
He already gave you the date and location of The Great Exhibition, which is where you would start if you wanted to have a surface knowledge of Western Modern art. The other option is the Salon de Refuses. You've basically flunked out of a high school art class at this point, so that you haven't skimmed wikipedia means you won't even with someone telling you you've already been given search terms. You're the reason for your ignorance, not anyone else. Get basic.

>> No.10011856
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nice comeback.

not an argument.....or anything really.

you look like a stupid fool.

I want you to admit that you're a stupid fool.

a fool.

look in the mirror and say "I'm a stupid fool and have no idea what I'm talking about or what I'm getting so uppitty about"
there's a good boy,now

humility is a virtue

>> No.10011857

Not an argument

>> No.10011861

I'll admit you're dumber than some blokes I know with brain damage.

>> No.10011876

No, not talking about mere establishment. Postmodernism is the color palette of an era, like modernism, rococo, baroque. It's the passive, stunted mind of a plebeian who has to act independent in a world of choices; yet they want to be passive observers.

>> No.10011882
File: 37 KB, 600x653, feels-good-man[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not helping yourself.

what is modernism?
what part/s of modernism have been surpassed in such a way as to justify the term "postmodernism"?

don't use wiki etc

y u so mad about it?

don't use wiki etc

you should think of this an an exercise. it'll be good for you.

why get angry about things you don't understand?

>here's a stupid frog picture

>> No.10011886

Well, your mind stopped working before the Roman Republic, so have you ever thought that maybe your theory is actually the smell of your own farts? That was still popular then, when people read Greek aloud.

>> No.10011893

I hope you are just pretending to be retarded. Anyways, I'm off to bed.

>> No.10011894

I suggest Modern Art 1851-1929, by Brettell. It'll give you the intro you need. Welcome to /lit/, you have to read the book

>> No.10011895

>I meant my words to mean the buzzword meanings
I was being kind to assume you knew what you were trumpeting was farts. Good luck at the races.

>> No.10011897

>what part/s of modernism have been surpassed in such a way as to justify the term "postmodernism"?
Postmodernism is the hatred of standards. Have any, and you are an alien, an enemy in this land. Modernism had the facade of standards, or the echo of them. They have been sold now, or revolted against.

>> No.10011911
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i've read enough on the subject

what is modernism?
what part/s of modernism have been surpassed in such a way as to justify the term "postmodernism"?

y u so mad about it?

don't copypasta off wiki or internet reading lists or amazon.

I'm interested in why you post 90's plebeians give get so riled up about things you know nothing about.

don't copypasta off your stupid picture book either.

this is fun

>200+ posts and nobody has established the most basic foundations of this thread.....nobody can define what they're talking about WITHOUT ctrl+v

hilarious really. I hope you're not racking up serious debt on your "education"

>> No.10011919

You didn't recognize references teenagers too young to post on this site are expected to know as a surface knowledge. You failed at that level. You got a book recommendation and now you chose to stay ignorant. I'm not going to force you to learn through spoonfeeding.

It's kind of fun to watch you act like an ugly girl with no tits trying to get Chad to do her homework though.

>> No.10011920

I work at a university. Yes it does.

>> No.10011928

>It's kind of fun to watch you act like an ugly girl with no tits trying to get Chad to do her homework though.
kek, it is really like when they don't know they're fugly and they think tsundere looks cute and not like a beached whale on them. i'mma watch that jigglypuff girl gif again, because you're probably just talking to a fat dude, anon.

>> No.10011962
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i don't need a book recommendation. I know everything. I wasn't asking the questions for my own benefit. I was trying to work out what you kids actually know about modernity and "postmodernity" and why you're getting worked up about it.

apparently you know diddly-squat.

>here's another hilarious frog picture

back to what I posted earlier; its a good exercise to determine what you mean by these words before you start throwing them about, nevermind get yourself all in a frazzle about it.


>> No.10011968

you know you're acting like an ugly chick right?

>> No.10011999

i has a sad now ;_;

my feelings...they are hurted

>> No.10012055

God /lit/are so easy to troll.

>> No.10012793

>Da Vinci

>> No.10012801

>Postmodern "art" can't be self-evident. If it is, it's no longer postmodern.

False, appropriation art is pretty self-evident bru.

>> No.10012809

What are standards but rules to adhere to, and what is more a rule to adhere to than conceptual art? Your definition is false.

>> No.10012812

wake me up when it's time for Neo-Romanticism

>> No.10012813

If you have a problem with how things currently are, it's likely you are applying a postmodernist critique from 60 years ago.

>> No.10012901

He's fine as an engineer. Dirty Three, Melt-Banana, Don Caballero, it's just that his own music is pretty unimpressive.

>> No.10013127

woah.... his own masculinity killed him!

>> No.10013166

>Jean-Michel Basquiat
>"""Simple""" shapes

>> No.10013169

Ok, ok. So you are saying that there is objectivity. Prove it.

>> No.10013643

>deeply emotional
now you sound like a fucking 12yo faggot

>> No.10013656

ugly chicks are cool
not talking about fatties tho

>> No.10013722

Revolution eats its children. It's like you don't get it; they have their life and they are judged by themselves.

>> No.10013731

>conceptual art
Beauty and virtue. Principles, not theories or algorithms.

>> No.10014265

fuken lol

>> No.10014697

The main difference is postmodernism rejects stratification of any kind. Modernism at least recognized that stratification is a reality. Postmodernism implies that the only way anyone is in a better position than anyone else is due to the result of taking advantage of others under them - which is often true, but they go as far as to want to eliminate any stratification of any kind, even in areas where natural talent or cognition is the driving factor of stratification.

>> No.10014707

The problem with the way things are is simply that it is too early to implement. When scarcity of goods is less of a problem and economic incentive isn't a huge factor in driving any technological or infrastural progress, there mayyy finally be some room for postmodernism but even then it needs to be fed from the bottom up not the top down. Indoctrination to groom better consumers (less individual identity, bigger markets) isn't the most virtuous means of driving a culture and its destined to be fought against every step of the way and in my opinion doing nothing but creating a backlash that will set all organic progress 10 steps behind where it started.

>> No.10014727

>they go as far as to want to eliminate any stratification of any kind, even in areas where natural talent or cognition is the driving factor of stratification.
that's pretty untrue. it questions former definitions of natural talent and cognition (whatever the fuck that phrase means) but doesn't seek to replace them with nothing.
heidegger damns ontology, but is convinced that the ontic studies its concealed are more worthwhile than even ontology has proven.
it's impossible to read the French postmodernists (especially those around Foucault) without coming up against a reference so passive it goes "those in the know will understand to which paper I am of course referring". they expect their readers to be well read enough that a lecture on the many meanings of a word in Plato is at the tip of their tongue at any moment, and to read many sentences with multivariant meanings.
postmodern art often replicates former art to question its importance in new contexts too. the question doesn't always get answered "the newer one is best" in those contexts, but it's still an open question of merit when it's asked. sherry levine's never going to be as good as any of the people she copies

modernism however recognizes stratification as a lie agreed upon. it holds up the current stratification and says others who uphold it do not meet the standards they set. that is why Olympia caused such a scandal: because modern society knew that was a whore but saying how you know that's a whore and not a goddess tells people you visit whores.

>> No.10015623

I feel like we have different ideas of what modernism and postmodernism is. Postmodernism to me is power through chaos and rejection of logic in place of ethos. Rejection of order. Rejection of scientific thought or preconceived values. Socialism/groupthink/conformity vs individualism/discourse. Rejection of the past.

>> No.10015654

m8, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to wikipedia you
>Modernism, in general, includes the activities and creations of those who felt the traditional forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, philosophy, social organization, activities of daily life, and even the sciences, were becoming ill-fitted to their tasks and outdated in the new economic, social, and political environment of an emerging fully industrialized world. The poet Ezra Pound's 1934 injunction to "Make it new!" was the touchstone of the movement's approach towards what it saw as the now obsolete culture of the past.
A lot of the postmodern tradition is dealing with the idea that "power through chaos" just means a power vacuum into which flows something worse and more powerful in which ethos is easy to fake. Unironically, read more.

>> No.10016420

Well, no one is stopping you. Go out there and be somebody!

>> No.10016598

Yes this is true which is why I think there should be more effort put into actually reading the postmodernists themselves rather than inferring what postmodernism means from ephemeral media referencing other ephemeral media.

>> No.10016601

What are beauty and virtue based on?

>> No.10016606

>but they go as far as to want to eliminate any stratification of any kind

Then they cease being postmodernists. Wanting to eliminate presupposes stratification of what it and isn't acceptable which has a hierarchical basis.

>> No.10016616

Postmodernism completely belongs to this time and place (the first world).

>Indoctrination to groom better consumers
This is exactly what postmodernists criticise.

>> No.10016631

>it holds up the current stratification and says others who uphold it do not meet the standards they set.

This is interesting because that is what I think is 'deconstruction', either meaning you have actually claimed postmodernism for modernism or that actually Derrida is as much not a 'post-structuralist' or 'post-modernist' as he says. But modernism to me, in terms of standards, is about value systems created by profit and optimisation. The people that don't meet these standards are the ones thrown out on the street or into the margins and are much in the purview of social justice, Marxism, and postmodernists.

>> No.10016659



>> No.10016665

Because it has directly caused through marxism, sjwism, and political correctness the downfall of the Europe.

>> No.10016667
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God has disconnected from the server.

>> No.10016670

>cant into big black
>cant into shellac
>cant into rapeman
>cant into in utero
>cant into jesus lizard
>cant into pussy galore
>cant into fugazi
>cant into red krayola
>cant into mclusky

you suck and your feet stink.

>> No.10016685
File: 406 KB, 607x686, 1505282542002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be vilified for being white
>be vilified for standing up for yourself, your family, your people
>see globalist justification in boycotts against your people
>see markets collapse and starvation of your people
>see it labeled a hate crime which only applies to your people, making it illegal to defend yourself
>be at a point where you are forced to push Jews out to survive
>have every other nation influenced Jews turn on you the moment that happens

Based marxists amirite lit

>> No.10016706


Take the concept of privilege. In contemporary sociology, this refers to a set of unearned advantages that certain groups (usually whites and males) possess simply by virtue of possessing a certain identity (e.g. white, male, heterosexual, etc). It is then argued that privilege for one group can only exist where there is also oppression of another group: privilege and oppression entail one another like a hill entails a valley. Accordingly, if privilege is tied to the very possession of a certain identity, then the very existence of that identity (and the group associated therewith) is ipso facto proof of oppression. The end result is that certain groups (again, usually whites and males) impose oppression on other groups (non-whites and females) simply by existing: so long as they exist, the claim of oppression (and its corollaries, bigotry, prejudice, malfeasance, exploitation etc) remains valid. One does not need to be especially bright to grasp the intellectual and political utility of this proposition.

>> No.10016708

>i know everything

the surest tell that one knows nothing. :/

>> No.10016710
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Jesus what have we done

>> No.10016733
File: 312 KB, 1040x629, Webb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> In contemporary sociology, this refers to a set of unearned advantages that certain groups (usually whites and males) possess simply by virtue of possessing a certain identity (e.g. white, male, heterosexual, etc).

Sodom and Gomorrah anon.

>> No.10016776
File: 192 KB, 1302x770, vanitas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread just proves that everyone is a bitch. Everyone's complaining and not actually talking about anything anymore.

This is fucking disgusting.

>> No.10016786


>implying I'm not mailing people letter bombs as we speak


>> No.10016790

This is a thread about postmodernism

>> No.10016797

satire of what?

do you know what satire is? at this point actually mailing bombs would be more satirical than joking about it.

>> No.10016798

And what do you think cultural marxism is?

>> No.10016801

>Accordingly, if privilege is tied to the very possession of a certain identity, then the very existence of that identity (and the group associated therewith) is ipso facto proof of oppression.

Logical misstep. Whites aren't proof of oppression; it is predicated on context rather than essence.

>> No.10016803

Are you mad that he's a healthy white male enjoying the outdoors?

>> No.10016805

Nothing resembling anything postmodernists have written.

>> No.10016808


Postmodernism is essentialism masquerading as anti-essentialism through rhetorical techniques.

>> No.10016811

Is this an essentialist argument?

>> No.10016816


>he starts academic research on google and a dictionary

kys pseud

>> No.10016821

You're just screaming "I have only gotten my understanding of philosophy from youtube videos and have never been on a higher-education campus in my life."

>> No.10016828

>I have gotten my education from "higher education campus"
found the crypto-marxist.

and first I heard cultural marxism was in a history book about Weimar republic when people were addressing the degeneracy as cultural bolshevism and described it with same exact terms and phenomenons.

its you, who is uneducated, dear bruce.

>> No.10016839


>> No.10016840

They were wrong then too.

>> No.10016843

/lit/ soys love postmodernism and defend it because their entire worldview is mediated by status striving and oneupsmanship

their entire lives are like a ruthless urban darwinian machine where they have to keep up with the latest trends in culture in order to fit in with their peers or get laid

they are the exact group of people that gramsci critiqued in his essay on culture

aping postmodernist talk is a low barrier of entry compared to other areas allowing them to fake it and fit in with head-nodding nu-males with black framed glasses, much like aping whatever p4k is pushing this month in indie folk punk

>> No.10016846
File: 147 KB, 893x777, s&amp;g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose the bible is wrong too.

>> No.10016849

Brother, you're clinging to the same tired old lines without showing any indication of individual thought. You're the one acting like a Bolshevik, parroting talking points that you clearly don't understand. There are people of all viewpoints on university campuses, and you're just deluding yourself by thinking you're special & more intelligent for shunning academia.

But sincerely, I hope your current position works out for you. I'm sure that you're immensely happy with your current position & livelihood. I'm sure you fancy yourself quite the overman for being alone & working a dead-end job while shitting all over academics in your free-time between wage-based shifts. Hope your boss doesn't get too angry with you tomorrow, wage-slave. G'night.

>> No.10016852

why do Americans do this?

>> No.10016859

Not an argument.

The phenomenon of cultural marxism has been observed for 90 years and the descriptions fit the phenomenon and the explains the phenomenon logically.
>no ur a bolshevik
Say that when I throw you into the oven

>> No.10016862

>Not an argument.
Whoa there, brother. We were arguing? I had no idea. I thought this was a dialogue. I guess someone who doesn't know how to think critically wouldn't know how to conduct a dialogue; you're too intent on repeating polemics that you can pull off of your favorite websites.

>The phenomenon of cultural marxism has been observed for 90 years and the descriptions fit the phenomenon and the explains the phenomenon logically.
We've gotten off track. What does this have to do with post-modernism again?

>Say that when I throw you into the oven
Oh, haha. You're joking now right? Or is this "an argument" in your mind? Grow up.

>> No.10016868

Deconstruction is essential part of postmodernism, and has fueled cultural marxism (alongside frankfurt school, which is another essential part of postmodernism, pc, and sjw)

>> No.10016871
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communism will win, nazis against the wall

>> No.10016876

This will change soon enough, anon. Give us 20 years.

>> No.10016890

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.10016912

Your interpretation of the bible is wrong.

>> No.10016915

>Effects of capitalism, freedom, democracy

>> No.10016919

How has deconstruction fueled cultural marxism?

I'll agree PC is postmodern but nothing else is. 'Deconstruction' you hear of in America is nothing like what Derrida says. You probably think it is about breaking down hierarchies and tradition yes?

>> No.10016922

You're very bad at defining movements and seem to want to conflate things that are disparate. I'm not claiming Derrida for modernism, I'm claiming Manet for modernism. You need to stop thinking your thoughts are worthwhile and start learning things by rote, because freshers don't get shit this twisted and they're idiots.

>> No.10016927

I'm not the person you were initially replying to so maybe read my comment again in a different way and respond accordingly.

>> No.10016937


This... it's an art style- an incredibly boring one- not a set of values.

You can spot /pol/ so easily with this. They really just like hearing themselves speak.

>> No.10016969

I read it again, and the same response is deserved. If you want to stop conflating modernism and postmodernism, you're gonna have to go learn some shit like basic definitions.

>> No.10017001

Because the ideas it presents are nothing new and arguably retarded. Whether this is because every retard calls themselves a postmodernist and spew forth endless amounts of shit or it is in itself shit I'm not sure. Don't think I've seen anything tagged as postmodernism be good. Thread is shit btw.

>> No.10017029

because its circular, self-defeating, endless, whiny and nihilistic. the endgame of it is mass suicide by total anarchy.

>> No.10017039

Maybe you should move on to advanced definitions. There is literally nothing wrong with what I have said.

>> No.10017043

>Because the ideas it presents are nothing new

No fucking shit, you mean like the idea that there is nothing new?

>> No.10017051

How can something be self-defeating and endless?

>> No.10017054

Which is why postmodernism is fucking retarded and filled with shit-eating leftists and edgy 20 year olds who think they're the next great philosopher who are just too deep for the common man. It's objectively one of the worst things to happen in recent time. It's a thing for psuedo-intellectuals to circle-jerk each other that requires no effort.

Because the people who it defeats recruit the next line of retards.

>> No.10017058


Pick One

>> No.10017063

>I mistook you naming Manet for Derrida
I'd consider that quite wrong and a poor reading, and that your set of conclusions which do not consider the text in question to be fanciful, and your definitions to be forced, clumsy, and ultimately useless as it would also define the Counter Reformation as "Derrida" as much as Manet. Your confidence in your abilities at even a basic level are sorely misplaced. You can dig your heels in and go nowhere, or you can get basic.

>> No.10017065
File: 338 KB, 1398x1200, this will trigger lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add more to the horseshoe theory troll list so we can trigger both the redditors and pomo soyboys.

>> No.10017068

Maybe you got it all wrong though?

>> No.10017074

>Which is why postmodernism is fucking retarded and filled with shit-eating leftists and edgy 20 year olds who think they're the next great philosopher who are just too deep for the common man. It's objectively one of the worst things to happen in recent time. It's a thing for psuedo-intellectuals to circle-jerk each other that requires no effort.
you know most of it's from the 1930s-80s and that's stretching it towards the end?

>> No.10017087

I miss when civilization had moral guide posts. This subjective society stuff is just horrible.

I want off this ride.

>> No.10017095
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I didn't mistake Manet for Derrida, I was talking about Derrida in the context of deconstruction. I take it you're not familiar with Derrida if you don't think that deconstruction tries to hold philosophy up to its own standards. In which case you should try those advanced definitions like I suggested. You'll probably see there is less discontinuity and obvious breaks between 'modernism' and 'postmodernism' as well, like the matter of the informe or slippage which Bataille formulates in reference to Manet. Do you think abject art is modern? Or wait, how could Rosalind Krauss be a trained modernist critic but be the one to introduce the American art world to French post-structuralism?

>> No.10017097

No, you maintained I was talking about Derrida. You done fucked up.

>> No.10017104

I know and look at where it's at now. You can pick parts of postmodernism and I'll occasionally agree it's okay or even good but as a whole it's nothing but a cancerous mess that is getting worse with each passing year. Whatever legacy it leaves will not be a good one.

Maybe I didn't though?

What? You mean you don't love moral relativism? Remember, all cultures are equal!
t. average postmodernist

>> No.10017113
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>> No.10017118

No, I was talking about Derrida. I introduced Derrida as a subject when I compared deconstruction to your idea that modernism was about holding things to their own standards. The conversation is right there in the thread dude, you can read it any time.

>> No.10017122

>Maybe I didn't though?

What are you, some sort of postmodernist?

>> No.10017125

>I know and look at where it's at now. You can pick parts of postmodernism and I'll occasionally agree it's okay or even good but as a whole it's nothing but a cancerous mess that is getting worse with each passing year. Whatever legacy it leaves will not be a good one.
But it's not postmodernism that you're complaining about. If it were, it wouldn't be demanding you respect its pronouns or consider asking about pronouns to be polite. I don't see why you need to link the two when postmodernism presents many solutions to that problem. It's not a useful definition to lob together Heidegger, Foucault, and SJWism. It pretends the last one has anything in common with or any comprehension of the first two. You might as well call them pre-Raphelites as postmodernists.

>> No.10017127


Not the guy above, but you honestly sound like a pseud. Your posts try to mimic academic talk, while having no real depth to them. Your constant talk of "definitions" as some sort of counter-claim (while neither distinguishing between definitions, whether descriptive, explicative, or otherwise; nor going beyond the semantic level into deeper conceptual distinctions), and your use of one or two exemplars, seem to be indicators of this. It sounds like you've never actually done any philosophy.

>> No.10017134

>you have actually claimed postmodernism for modernism or that actually Derrida is as much not a 'post-structuralist' or 'post-modernist' as he says.
That's what you said. I made no such claim, and you mistook my claim about Manet as a claim and conclusion about Derrida. You're wrong and incapable of dealing with that in a way you'll learn. You're limiting yourself out of undeserved arrogance to below the standards of a freshman, and are unable to recover from your mistakes without committing further ones which dig you deeper into ignorance and denial. Get basic if you don't want to get owned for not being basic.

>> No.10017141

I'm not trying to mimic academic talk, I'm trying to tell him in a very basic fashion how Manet =/= Derrida and what modernism's generally accepted definition is. He's trying to pretend to be au fait with academia, but if you trust him on this, you're being led down the garden path by a blind man. Your choice.

>> No.10017142

definition, citation, partisan fetish without touching the substance: the american way.

>> No.10017157

>both fags
how does that make your conservie cock feel?

>> No.10017165

bump limit this shit-tier thread

>> No.10017173

>you mistook my claim about Manet as a claim and conclusion about Derrida

No, this is a misreading. For the third time, I introduced Derrida in the context of 'deconstruction' which occurred in the previous clause. I introduced 'deconstruction' because, as you can see from the quote, you claimed modernism was about others upholding stratification do not meet those standards. This claim reads like a deconstructionist claim, so we can come to two conclusions based on this, either:
1. you have said that something postmodern is actually modern
2. Derrida, since he is known for denying labels such as post-structuralist or post-modernist, is actually a modernist and your claim for modernism is actually modernist

Then I went on to suggest that it was 1. because modernist values, owing to the prevalent influence of the Enlightenment, industrialisation, capitalism, liberal democracy, etc., is actually about establishing new values based on efficiency, categorisation, profit, etc. Why else would deskilling occur in the arts? Why would Greenberg write that the elite class of society that originally funded the avant-garde was now too busy during the day working? Manet's prostitute is working class, yes?

And let's look at the fallout of modernism: the slave trade, homelessness and poverty, oppression, exploitation, inequality, nuclear warfare, genocide, environmental destruction, disregard for indigenous cultures, consumer culture, totalitarian institutions, etc. These concerns are commonly associated with postmodernism, yes?

>> No.10017175

hey that guy is a fucking retard huh. "That's not an argument (it clearly is.)" "You want me to explain something to prove to you I have knowledge on it? NAH here's a book recommendation instead [haha welcome to the club right you must be new i'm an arrogant cunt]." "DUDE YOU GOT A BOOK RECOMMENDATION WHAT MORE DO U WANT BE RESPECTFUL BRO."

>> No.10017184

>You're limiting yourself out of undeserved arrogance to below the standards of a freshman, and are unable to recover from your mistakes without committing further ones which dig you deeper into ignorance and denial. Get basic if you don't want to get owned for not being basic.

This has to be trolling.

>> No.10017194

>I still can't admit I was wrong or address my mistakes
That's not really doing much to my position at all in any objective sense since you refuse to deal with it. I'm not responsible for the voices in your head firing off about Derrida in incorrect and inappropriate moments, and I don't have to live with that mental incapacity. This really is a "no skin off my nose" situation for me, and the idea you're going to convince me or anyone legitimately interested in modernism that you were secretly right and not mistaking my position are nil, so all this does is really make you seem more insecure and more desperately in need of approval from idiots if the mainstream won't have you. Just sayin

>> No.10017210


Why? An intro to modernism course would be sufficient for him to see what the anon was referring to even if you were in a country that didn't teach history in secondary education. He's right that the other anon is trying to shoehorn Derrida into modernism and make out that it's his opponent who brought up that retarded idea.

He's talking some pretty basic shit. Or is it trolling because he's obviously talking to a retard like a cat playing with an injured mouse?

>> No.10017213

Derrida was introduced to prove you were talking out of your ass, so if you think proving you wrong is inappropriate then I guess we can understand why you're acting so defensive about an issue you're clearly (demonstrably) wrong about. Cindy Sherman is irrelevant to interrogating the differences between modernism and postmodernism I guess, as is Bataille, Krauss and Greenberg. Manet himself is apparently irrelevant too! Funny. I won't be replying again.

>> No.10017215

>trying to shoehorn Derrida into modernism

I did literally the opposite you idiot. Between 2 options when 1 was not shoehorning Derrida into modernism and 2 was, I went with 1. Please go to the hospital immediately.

>> No.10017217

No, you tried to claim I was making claims about Derrida and not Manet. Derrida came up because you brought him up and tried to fabricate an argument I never made. I've since pointed to where you fabricated it, and how it's mistaken, and you're still thinking whining will change that. It won't; it's done now and too late to delete it.

>> No.10017221

You literally tried to strawman that anon, and are the one who introduced Derrida. It's the fucking quote chain ffs that you're the one bringing in Derrida out of nowhere and saying it must be relevant to anon's point about Manet and modernism. You're pulling a sonichu.

>> No.10017227

I didn't even quote the part about Manet. It was totally irrelevant to my point. Maybe you have some sort of special mind that reads things in new ways.

>> No.10017236


Maybe you're just strawmanning anon because you're retarded and think typing Derrida makes you not retarded?

Jej, no, that's a definitely. His point wasn't hard to understand.

You brain farted and are trying to say he dealt it. If he had, he would have been talking about Derrida and not Manet.

But he didn't. You did.

>> No.10017251

Like I said, I wasn't talking about Manet at all, let alone confusing him with Derrida. I didn't even acknowledge he made the point about Manet because I didn't need to counter it or build on it. I agreed with it, but it was irrelevant to the point I was actually making so I didn't include it in the quote I was directly responding to. Is this some elaborate samefag damage control or something? There's no way two different people had the same buttblasted misreading. Please learn how green text works.

>> No.10017264


Your problem is that you said he was talking about Derrida, when you're the only one doing that.

You made up his position and then tried to argue with a strawman.

Did you really think he was going to claim the argument you made up as his own? Why?

Even with you trying to make the conversation about Derrida, he hasn't said anything at all about Derrida, so making up a position for him about Derrida is obviously going to look like you just made that up to anyone reading the quote chain with half a brain.

>> No.10017297

>Your problem is that you said he was talking about Derrida

I've only claimed the opposite ever since he claimed I said he was talking about Derrida. I explained how it was a misreading. I brought up Derrida because what he was talking about sounded like deconstruction. Here is how the conversation went:

>modernism holds people to their own standards
>that sounds like deconstruction which is not modernist. it is interesting that you think this since it is not really a common way of thinking about modernism
>why are you bringing up deconstruction? I never mentioned deconstruction
>you said that modernism holds people to their own standards but that sounds more like deconstruction
>I don't know why you thought I was talking about deconstruction
>again, I didn't say that -- you misread me

The only argument I claimed he made was that modernism holds people to their own standards. Fairly easy to follow. I don't know when mentioning counter-examples for someone's conception of some idea became creating straw men.

>> No.10017311

t. pseud who doesn't know how models, theories ,laws and principle's work

>> No.10017314


His claim about modernism isn't a claim about Derrida. You said it was. That's a bad mistake, especially when you keep making it and insisting the other anon just doesn't know what he meant to say was your strawman.

It's not him claiming something about Derrida, or something incorrect about modernism, it's that your brain fart said Derrida, and you tried to lay it off on him when he said he didn't say anything about that.

I think he left when the bump limit hit, but it's pretty obvious that you're shoehorning in Derrida and deeply insecure like he said.

You misinterpreted a paragraph about modernism and Manet as being about Derrida, and tried to tell me because you greentext out of context and brainfart about Derrida, that obviously anon was being unclear, and that anon must not know what he was really saying when he spent ten posts telling you
>I'm talking about modernism and Manet
You're also trying to tell me that you can see him mentioning Derrida where he doesn't and, for some reason, think I'll start hallucinating and agreeing that he brought it up. He didn't. You did. How can you not see this in the quote chain, even if you have Alzheimers?

To be honest, bro, it's kind of sad talking to you because the anon who held to his position seems right about your ability to recover and reassess your position. I'd write this one off and think twice about firing off the next time.

>> No.10017333

No, he is obviously unfamiliar with Derrida otherwise he wouldn't have made such a stupid claim about modernism. I was correcting him. It's not a strawman.

>or something incorrect about modernism

Yes it is. You can't even demonstrate what you're saying because you know it's wrong. Here's my quote where I brought up Derrida:

> or that actually Derrida is as much not a 'post-structuralist' or 'post-modernist' as he says

How retarded do you have to be to think I was talking about Manet? 'Post-structuralism' and 'post-modernism' weren't even terms when he was alive.

>You're also trying to tell me that you can see him mentioning Derrida where he doesn't

Where did I tell you this? Post the quote.

>> No.10017361

It's not a stupid claim about modernism. You just said he was right about Manet, which is why you didn't argue with him about that. It's in the paragraph you're trying to take out of context, redefine, and trying to shoehorn Derrida into.

You read it badly, bro.

I don't want to be the cat with the injured mouse, but you made a claim about his position that is unsupportable and keep maintaining it's his fault.

It's sad to watch and painful to correct, because I think you're just never going to be capable of admitting your mistake.

>Where did I tell you this? Post the quote.
You're still claiming that what anon was talking about in a paragraph about modernism and Manet is part about Manet, and part about *BRAINFARTS YOU NOT THE OTHER ANON HAD ABOUT DERRIDA*.

You mistook a definition of modernism for a definition of deconstruction and insisted that anon must have been talking about Derrida.

That's what the whole argument with him was about as far as I can see.

You sound like you're a weasel more than an injured mouse when you try to maintain this whole argument isn't about you introducing Derrida from nowhere and saying it must be modernism anon's fault for it coming up.

It's pretty obvious you know that anon's paragraph was about modernism and Manet and that it holds true and anon wasn't talking about deconstruction and it took you shoehorning in Derrida for Derrida to come up. I think you know that, and you're hoping there's some way to weasel out plausible deniability over what you know you've done.

It makes you less sympathetic than when the other guy was just owning you by quoting where you started the strawman.

There's a reason why you're the only one seeing Derrida in a paragraph about Manet's modernist painting. It's not that anon is psychically planting those thought in your head, I'm pretty sure.

Which is more likely:
>anon started a paragraph about Manet with a super secret so secret even he won't admit to it oblique reference to Derrida only you can see
>anon was just writing about modernism

It really does feel like talking to Chrischan, anon. I don't know who you're doing this for, because it's obvious you need people to believe lies and discount the evidence in the quote chain. I think it's unlikely you'll convince me or modernism anon that modernism anon really really super secretly meant to say Derrida before you shoehorned him in. Especially since I think modernism anon has given up on you.

>> No.10017405

He's right about Manet but it doesn't mean his example extends to the rest of modernism. Disregarding the example about Manet isn't taking it 'out of context'. What I quoted was the context for the Manet quote, not the other way around.

There is no mistake with what happened except for the misinterpretation of my intention, which you think occurred as such:
>You mistook a definition of modernism for a definition of deconstruction and insisted that anon must have been talking about Derrida.

This isn't what happened at all. Holding things to their own standards literally is a definition of deconstruction. There is no mistake there. I don't think he was talking about Derrida. I think he described deconstruction unwittingly, which is why I brought it up because they were similar. Please point out how this was the incorrect thing to do if you can. <<<<<<

This is why I said 'this is interesting' because I'd never seen modernism described in that way, but I had seen deconstruction described in that way. Still no mistake as far as I can see. No brain fart -- I knew what I was doing. I was attempting to sort out discrepancy between his and my interpretations of modernism.

So I described how I saw modernism. This description hasn't been contended with at all and still remains accurate. This is why I think that anon (which is probably you -- you are strangely adamant on defending him and pointing out how he apparently left the thread) decided to attack me instead of reason with me, because he knew I was right when I brought up further examples (of which Derrida was the first) for why his idea of modernism was incorrect or at least strange. Still nothing wrong with my tactic as far as I know. Maybe offer actual textual evidence for your reading of the situation instead of just repeating the same thing?

>There's a reason why you're the only one seeing Derrida in a paragraph about Manet's modernist painting

Again, Manet was from the start completely irrelevant to my point. It offered colour to his argument but was irrelevant to mine. I didn't 'see Derrida' there. I saw deconstruction in the sentence immediately prior to the point about Manet. Prove otherwise if you want. The reason I didn't quote the Manet point was irrelevant. I know you read the post where I literally told you this because you alluded to it before. Don't play dumb.

>anon really really super secretly meant to say Derrida

Like I said, of course he didn't mean to say Derrida. He is unfamiliar with Derrida. That much is clear. Please don't repeat this line again.

>> No.10017413

>. Disregarding the example about Manet isn't taking it 'out of context'.
It is, anon. You know it is. It's clearly the example of how the definition works that he included in the paragraph for clarity. It's not hard and you're not so dumb that you don't know how a paragraph works. We both know you know this.

>> No.10017425

>Like I said, of course he didn't mean to say Derrida. He is unfamiliar with Derrida. That much is clear. Please don't repeat this line again.
This is also hilarious because you said he must be saying Derrida was modernist. That's the claim he argued with you over, and we're still arguing over.

It's very funny you've gone from claiming his modernism post must be about Derrida to claiming he could not have read Derrida because he refused to talk about it and focused on modernism instead (while then flipflopping back and forth at will)

I'm >>10017413 too before you get worried about samefags again. It's just one anon (me) laughing at you on the way to page 10 I think, don't worry.

Jej, lad, if you hadn't been such a weasel I wouldn't be laffing

>> No.10017441

Maybe you're not familiar with the construction of arguments but the actual contextualisation of the evidence occurs before the evidence. Were you not taught how to write essays?

I can remove the evidence and supply my own evidence for why I think his initial claim was wrong. I even addressed the evidence he gave anyway with reference to Bataille and his influence on postmodern photography. In fact if you read Formless: A User's Guide it is almost exclusively postmodern art. But an advanced definition of postmodern for real thinkers who don't believe that bringing up counter-evidence means the opponent was talking about that counter-evidence all along.

>> No.10017442

>Maybe you're not familiar with the construction of arguments but the actual contextualisation of the evidence occurs before the evidence.
Anon, we both know that paragraph is about modernism and Manet, and you seeing deconstruction in it was your brainfart. I don't think you're even convincing yourself at this point, to be honest.

>> No.10017448

>This is also hilarious because you said he must be saying Derrida was modernist.


Where did I state his beliefs?

>his modernism post must be about Derrida

Nah, see above. I said his description of modernism was more a description of deconstruction, so either he was wrong about modernism or Derrida was a modernist. I went with the former (which means the first option i.e. he was wrong)

Still having trouble?

>> No.10017452

>you seeing deconstruction in it was your brainfart

No, he literally described deconstruction. What else is Derrida doing other than holding philosophers accountable to the rules of their own philosophy? Is this the part you are confused about?

Also before you say it, no I don't think he was talking about deconstruction.

>> No.10017458

>Where did I state his beliefs?
I'll point you back to where he pointed you back

>>you have actually claimed postmodernism for modernism or that actually Derrida is as much not a 'post-structuralist' or 'post-modernist' as he says.
>That's what you said. I made no such claim, and you mistook my claim about Manet as a claim and conclusion about Derrida.

His claim about modernism and Manet is pretty self contained and very clearly about Manet and modernism, and not deconstruction.

While your brainfart is wrong, you're the one who came up with it, and tried to shoehorn in deconstruction to paragraph clearly about modernism.

Do you want me to report the post you had the brainfart and all the ones you're wrong in so they disappear, even though the archive will have logged them by now? I can't really see any way of you getting out of the evidence you're talking out of your ass. It's in the quotechain and on the internet forever. =/

>> No.10017459

>No, he literally described deconstruction.
No, he's defining a modernist tendency in art. Whence the Manet example and using the term "modernism" not "deconstruction". You'd have a leg to stand on if he had a brainfart and mixed up those two words, but you did.

>> No.10017480

Note the 'either' there that he missed in the quote. He says he 'made no such claim' meaning, I guess, that he did not claim postmodernism for modernism, which means the option falls to the second i.e. Derrida is a modernist.

But since he took my quote out of context, he didn't see I already went with the first option and demonstrated a more commonly accepted conception of modernism, which he ignored because it contradicted his misreading all because he missed a single word.

>His claim about modernism and Manet is pretty self contained and very clearly about Manet and modernism, and not deconstruction.

I agree, hence why I said
>Also before you say it, no I don't think he was talking about deconstruction.
in the previous post.

>you're the one who came up with it

Yes you're right I did come up with a counter-example trying to demonstrate why his idea of modernism was wrong (because it was deconstructionist thus postmodern). How is it not clear that is what I was doing? Was it me describing modernism in different terms that made you think I wasn't talking about modernism?

Here's what I said:
>But modernism to me

Yeah really fucking hard to follow.

What I said:
>This is interesting because that is what I think is 'deconstruction'
What you think I said:
>You're talking about Derrida

Want to read that initial post again to see where you went wrong?

>> No.10017491

>No, he's defining a modernist tendency in art.

It's not really a 'tendency' since he had one example. There aren't many examples at all like Olympia that caused such a scandal by confronting a society with their own standards. It's more of a 'tendency' in postmodern art, and, like I said, describes deconstruction more than it describes modernism.

How is this confusing to you? Please explain how it is not obvious I was bringing up a counter-example? Use quotes.

>> No.10017492

>But since he took my quote out of contex
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH the best part is I think you're serious. No wonder you have a sticky time with his comments on modernism.

I still think it's hilarious you think there's no option of
>anon is talking about modernism and Manet
but the
>he must definitely be making a claim that influences his placement of Derrida
is still an option for you.

Have you considered that he's not writing about deconstruction and writing about the words he did use? You know, the ones about modernism?

wew lad, you really are a hilarious weasel.

>> No.10017495

If you wanna be a flashy homo, maybe

>> No.10017504

>he didn't give me enough examples for me to realize the Manet part was a linked example until now
How dare he, anon? Next, we'll find that he really was talking about modernism and he wasn't sneaking in a definition of deconstruction into a paragraph about modernism. I'm sure modernism only has one example of that tendency and Zola never wrote J'accuse.

>> No.10017512

You are going to feel really embarrassed when you finally realise what is going on.

> the best part is I think you're serious.
Point? Either he took it out of context because he missed the word 'either' (which explains his response which doesn't actually work with the actual quote) or he didn't. Since you refuse to comment I assume you are going with the former.

I still think it's hilarious you think there's no option of
>anon is talking about modernism and Manet

No, he is definitely trying to talk about modernism and Manet, but his description of modernism is inaccurate, which is why I corrected him in the post you can't seem to get your head around. Maybe the sentence structure was too advanced for you?

He wasn't writing 'about 'deconstruction but the description he gave for modernism could very easily be used to describe deconstruction.

What if I described birds as small four-legged furry animals, you'd want to say 'no actually that's a cat' yes? This is what happened in the thread.

>> No.10017518

>he wasn't sneaking in a definition of deconstruction into a paragraph about modernism.

He can't sneak something in he's not aware of. We've gone over this.

>> No.10017531

>You are going to feel really embarrassed when you finally realise what is going on.
I'm pretty sure you're lying to save face on an anonymous image board after trying to strawman someone to gain face on an anonymous image board, so I'm not sure what you expect me to realize that will make me feel the same embarrassment as you do.

>his definition of modernism is inaccurate
This is a new way for you to be wrong. Still based on the old way, but I really don't expect that much at this stage.

There is a reason why he's able to illustrate that tendency of modernism in a seminal piece of modernist art, and it's not because it's definitive to deconstruction. That's your brain farting again and forgetting how history works.

>> No.10017536

Well, you claimed he was doing it without knowing it, so which of your flipflops am I meant to believe next post?

>> No.10017547

Let's go back to the start and make this easy.

Deconstruction is holding people to their own standards, yes?
Assume someone thought this, and saw someone else describing something that is not deconstruction as 'holding people to their own standards'. Here's the question:
Is it or is it not acceptable for the person who thinks deconstruction is 'holding people to their own standards' to say to the other person that '[holding people to their own standards] is what I think is 'deconstruction'.'?

>> No.10017550

>Well, you claimed he was doing it without knowing it
>He can't sneak something in he's not aware of


>> No.10017565

>I'm pretty sure you're lying to save face on an anonymous image board

Yeah I think the same thing of you but I'm not bringing it up every second post. Stick to the issue at hand.

>This is a new way for you to be wrong

But you don't disagree with my definition of modernism? So I can't be that wrong.

You don't illustrate 'tendencies' in one work you fucking moron.

>That's your brain farting again and forgetting how history works.

That's you not knowing who Bataille is.

>> No.10017571

>Deconstruction is holding people to their own standards, yes?
That is your brain fart which you are trying to force on modernism anon's definition of modernism.

You still seem to be trying to get someone to take up this flag so you can say someone other than you thought that. It's your brainfart. It made you fuck up a reading of a paragraph about modernism's definition and examples, and misread it as being about something else.

It might be time to admit that definition isn't working and isn't going to erase Manet from history either. Sure, it works as a deconstructed meaning (i.e. one that is purposefully mistaken and an unintended reading, often arising from not having the background to understand the intended meaning) but that's the same thing as saying you misunderstood the meaning.

>> No.10017575

>That is your brain fart which you are trying to force on modernism anon's definition of modernism.

Answer the question. Does Derrida not attempt to hold philosophy to the rules of that philosophy?

>> No.10017580


I know right, it's like your claims are all over the place and modernism anon didn't move his goalposts with you.

>But you don't disagree with my definition of modernism? So I can't be that wrong.

You couldn't define modernism or deconstruction if your life and ego depended on it, m80.

It's why your definitions of deconstruction and modernism is so borked you use them interchangeably and in inverse ways to their common use.

Your definition of deconstruction isn't even right. It would be completely wrong to deconstruct something by holding people up to their own standards because that would make the author word of god.

>> No.10017585

No. He insists that interpretations counter to the intended meaning and usual standards are necessary to perform deconstruction.

You're wrong on that too, but dealing with just how you're wrong about modernism is closer to, but still exceeding, your speed.

>> No.10017594


For anyone else wondering: THE MUSIC IN THIS FILM:
beginning - Stabat Mater - Pergolesi
02:30 - Terra Aria - by Giovanni Sollima
04:30 - The Twins - by Max Richter
05:30 - Ritournelle - by Colleen
13:00 - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007:1, Prelude - by Steven Isserlis (bach)
14:30 - Melodia, Pt.1 - by Johann Johannsson
18:30 - Industry - by Bag on a Can
20:30 - Numbers - by Kraftwerk
25:00 - Goldberg Variations; BWV 988 - by Glenn Gould (Bach)
26:30 - For Better Moments - by Chilling Crew
27:00 - Sinfonia for Two Violins and Viola da brazzo - by Rinaldo Alessandrini (Monteverdi)
29:30 - Concerto in C for strings - by Australian Brandenburg Orchestra (Vivaldi)
34:00 - Vladimir's Blues - by Max Richter
38:00 - same as above - vladimir's blues
40:00 - Les Contres d-Hoffman, Act 3 (barcarolle) end - Stabat Mater - Pergolesi


>> No.10017599

>It's why your definitions of deconstruction and modernism is so borked you use them interchangeably and in inverse ways to their common use.

Modernism is commonly defined as coinciding with Enlightenment, capitalism, industrialisation, etc. I listed the 'fallout' from modernism before... and postmodernism is holding institutions to their own standards based on that fallout.

> that would make the author word of god

Uhh no it has nothing to do with god. It is predicated on philosophy's claims to truth (so it is separate from literature), which it doesn't actually question but requires to function as a meaningful philosophical investigation.

Don't bother trying to insult me because it's a waste of text and you're trying to dance away from answering straight questions.

>> No.10017606

Yes they run counter to the intended meaning because they rely on language that is not dominated by the author. The point is to take advantage of these blind spots where language has escaped the grasp of the author to show that the written meaning complicates the intended meaning since written language is kind of uncertain. This is holding the philosophy to what is written about the philosophy by the philosopher, also known as holding it to its own standards. How can Plato say writing is derivative but true wisdom is writing in the soul? Well he can't if his philosophy is held to its own standard.

>> No.10017615

>Modernism is commonly defined as coinciding with Englightenment
As an artform, philosophy and literature, this in untrue and moves modernism forward of Burke.

Modernism anon was right a fresher could school you.

>Uhh no it has nothing to do with god.

Neither does "word of god" in this context. It's a reference to the author's interpretation of his opus, and that whole death of the author period you're trying to pretend to me you recognize terms from.

It's hilarious you think I'm dancing when you're getting really simple shit wrong by so much.

>> No.10017626

>please ignore my definition was completely wrong

What ITT told you I would let that happen to you, bro?

You tried to post a retarded definition of deconstruction, which is demonstrably wrong, while trying to prove that it also applies to modern anon's definition of modernism, which you think is wrong despite being accurate and supportable with examples and evidence that isn't you bitching.

Let's see how many more things you can get wrong before page 10, you keep coming up with more.

>> No.10017654

What? Yes in terms of art 'modernism' occurs later but this later 'exclusive' big-M Modernism doesn't hold people to standards. You're not saying much.

>It's a reference to the author's interpretation of his opus

So you're not going to address the point? Stop dancing.

>> No.10017657


>> No.10017674

>later 'exclusive' big-M Modernism doesn't hold people to standards

Yes it does, it holds people to their stated standards. Modernism anon is right about that, and it's why it uses parody so often.

>So you're not going to address the point? Stop dancing.

I made the point about how your definition of deconstruction doesn't work, and why it doesn't work. I'm not dancing, you're just incapable of reading comprehensively about your professed area of interest. There's not a point to address as I was correcting another of your flawed definitions, so you could understand the point I made which you couldn't address because you didn't understand the terms used.

Now you do have definitions, it could be time to admit that you brainfart a lot and your previous definitions have been fucked up to the point that playing opposite day is the only way for you to be right.

>> No.10017679

Do you interpret everyone telling you how and why you're wrong to be dancing? Must be a very musical world you live in.

>> No.10017697

What do you mean 'so often'? Parody is comparatively rare in modern art and especially not the exclusive kind of the Cezanne - Picasso - Pollock sequence. It is more of a tendency, as I have already said, of postmodernism which holds the modernism of Enlightenment/liberalism/democracy to account of its humanist claims

>I made the point about how your definition of deconstruction doesn't work

No, you said something about word of god then explained it without actually countering the point of claims to truth (and 'conditions of possibility'). That is dancing. You're still trying to insult me too instead of addressing the points.

>> No.10017703

I consider you saying 'blah blah blah wrong (no reason) also you're stupid' to be dancing since it doesn't address any points raised. I understand why you're running out of things to say but your attempts at creatively avoiding it may be fun for you to type but I just scan over it looking for something of substance.

>> No.10017710

I mean Wilde wasn't a sensation because Victorians weren't into parody. Since you're going to misinterpret it any way with strange and incorrect definitions anyway, I might as well pull out the more complex sentence structures.

>No, you said something about word of god then explained it

It's a pity the phrase "word of God" is the last three words in that post, so I didn't pick up whatever psychic signals you claim came after it.

>> No.10017722

You definition of deconstruction was wrong, and essentially the complete opposite of its definition. There's no other point to be made, and it is the reason I called you stupid, because something you're professing great confidence about you're entirely wrong about and have great difficulty in admitting you're wrong even when it is proven.

I'm not dancing around anything. I'm saying bluntly that you're flat wrong.

>> No.10017731

If the Victorians were into parody they're not really being held to their own claimed standards are they?

>It's a pity the phrase "word of God"

I meant here:
The post where you tried to explain what you meant but didn't actually address the rest of the post you quoted or make it relevant.

>> No.10017732

*Your* definition

confidence about *something* you're entirely wrong about

>> No.10017737

>If the Victorians were into parody they're not really being held to their own claimed standards are they?
You realize parody is humour created by holding people to their professed standard?

>doesn't make it relevant
Why should I make your tangent about god and various other brainfarts relevant. I'm only here to do my half. It's up to you to stop making your half retarded and easy to knock back with basic definitions.

>> No.10017738

It could be instead that my ability to talk about it at a longer length and with consistency is actually a sign that I do know what I'm talking about (i.e. I know the definition) and your inability to do anything other than trail off into irrelevant rambling and insults means you have it wrong after all.

>> No.10017746

You've flipflopped and got basic definitions wrong. The beautiful ballet of well thought out posts you think you are performing is not happening: instead you fucked up basic points on modernism and postmodernism and general knowledge and history.

You know you've been prove wrong on several easy definitions now. Your confidence anyone believes you when you probably don't believe yourself is precious, but as misplaced as your understand of everything you've mentioned so far.

>> No.10017756

phone typing sucks ass


The colon makes me look fancy though. Thanks phone

>> No.10017757

>You realize parody is humour created by holding people to their professed standard?

Sure but still it is more of a tendency in postmodernism.

>Why should I make your tangent about god and various other brainfarts relevant.

Still avoiding it. Go back here:

>> No.10017769

>Sure but still it is more of a tendency in postmodernism.
This is another flipflop, from, parody doesn't do that, to of course parody does that. The tendency that parody in modernism arises from, i.e. holding people to their own standards, is more common across modernism as a whole compared to postmodernism.

You're trying to switch sides in a battle to a win a war.

>do my bidding
wew, lad if that worked couldn't you just tell me to agree with your retarded defintion of deconstruction and have me affirm it like you thought would happen until it didn't, yes?

>> No.10017775

Like when you thought I flip-flopped with these two posts that literally mean the same thing?
>>10017550 I don't think so. This is all you've done in the thread -- you've tried to narrate the thread to me as though it wasn't obvious what your tactic has been from the start. Suddenly you have less to say when we actually start addressing the points of the argument.

There's nothing wrong with my definition of modernism. The only problem was implying modernity when I said modernism. I've given examples, context, and it has all been consistent. You have offered nothing except 'no', but as we can see these are, I don't know, you lying to yourself? You're not very convincing to me and I think I've made that clear so that only leaves you as the person you are lying to.

>> No.10017785

I mean when you got deconstruction wrong and expected me to act like that didn't happen.

I mean when you got modernism wrong and expected me to act like you actually said the opposite of what your retarded ass actually said.

I mean when you flipflopped about parody in modernism being not a thing to totally being a thing and trying to make wookie noises about postmodernism.

Come on, man, we both know you don't know shit, and you're not even conning any one. There's no way for this to go good for you that doesn't involve an honest look at how wrong and spineless you've been for probably about 100 posts now. You're just not credible, and lose more credibility every instance you try to reclaim it.

>> No.10017789

>parody doesn't do that
Wrong again. Here are my posts on parody:
>Parody is comparatively rare in modern art and especially not the exclusive kind of the Cezanne - Picasso - Pollock sequence. It is more of a tendency, as I have already said, of postmodernism
>If the Victorians were into parody they're not really being held to their own claimed standards are they?
> still it is more of a tendency in postmodernism.

Never once did I say parody doesn't hold people to account. I said in the very first post, acknowledging it does, that it's more of a tendency in postmodernism. I said it twice.

>is more common across modernism as a whole compared to postmodernism.

But wow parody is more common in postmodernism! Did parody somehow overtake its tendency? Or could it be, as I said before, that postmodernism holds people to their own standards at literally a societal level instead of just the occasional appearance in some modern art?

Dancing. What did you think I would say when you posted this waste of space? Are you that fucking clueless?

>> No.10017794

>I mean when you got deconstruction wrong and expected me to act like that didn't happen.

You may want to demonstrate how it is wrong by actually addressing counter-arguments before wasting time doing this. It's still not convincing.

>I mean when you got modernism wrong and expected me to act like you actually said the opposite of what your retarded ass actually said.

Literally from the first post I associated it with Enlightenment values, capitalism, etc. Nothing wrong with the definition, at least it hasn't been demonstrated. Oh a fucking Enlightenment thinker isn't 'modern'? Yeah Locke has nothing to do with the modern condition of man.

>I mean when you flipflopped about parody in modernism being not a thing

Your misreading.
Here: >>10017789

Rest of post is irrelevant.

>> No.10017803

>>If the Victorians were into parody they're not really being held to their own claimed standards are they?
>Never once did I say parody doesn't hold people to account.

Are you just trying to hand me flipflops now? I have shoes, you know.

>But wow parody is more common in postmodernism!
It's nowhere near as defining as during the modern period, and considering you were saying that it negates the tendency of modernism it stems from, wouldn't you want it to be more common then to negate the tendency, so that modernism doesn't take part in the tendency you objected to it having, which was your reasoning for Victorians having more parody?

You could have flopped there, and made yourself partially consistent, but instead you flipped and made yourself wrong about postmodernism and modernism again.

You've a real talent for being wrong in ways that ever having a conversation about this should have cured you of.

>> No.10017818

It is true if their standards include parody there isn't really parody of parody. But countering the example of Wilde doesn't mean that all examples of parody are disqualified, or that being held to account doesn't occur in the modern period. Like I said, I agreed with the point about Manet. It is just that both parody and holding people to account is more of a tendency (rather than isolated examples) in postmodernism. This is true of its art, its politics, its philosophy, etc.

>> No.10017822

>You may want to demonstrate how it is wrong by actually addressing counter-arguments before wasting time doing this. It's still not convincing.

Here's how you're wrong:
>Let's go back to the start and make this easy.
>Deconstruction is holding people to their own standards, yes?
>Assume someone thought this, and saw someone else describing something that is not deconstruction as 'holding people to their own standards'. Here's the question:
>Is it or is it not acceptable for the person who thinks deconstruction is 'holding people to their own standards' to say to the other person that '[holding people to their own standards] is what I think is 'deconstruction'.'?

>>That is your brain fart which you are trying to force on modernism anon's definition of modernism.
>Answer the question. Does Derrida not attempt to hold philosophy to the rules of that philosophy?

And the reason why you're wrong Derrida says no
>No. He insists that interpretations counter to the intended meaning and usual standards are necessary to perform deconstruction.
>You're wrong on that too, but dealing with just how you're wrong about modernism is closer to, but still exceeding, your speed.

Did you really need to relive being wrong for it to sink in?

>Literally from the first post I associated it with Enlightenment values, capitalism, etc. Nothing wrong with the definition, at least it hasn't been demonstrated. Oh a fucking Enlightenment thinker isn't 'modern'? Yeah Locke has nothing to do with the modern condition of man.

No, you associated it with deconstruction. It's where you wanted to start over, yes? Oh, look
>>10017585 yes, yes, you did seem to think that was the start of it, and because modernism anon thought that was modernism and not anything to do with Derrida. Seems like he was right and you were wrong and brain farting.

You even flipflopped in that post within the first few quotes, anon. : >>10017789

You're absolutely rekking yourself, I hope you know. It's amazing to watch someone be this dumb.

>> No.10017823

The whole paragraph was about Manet and modernism, and you're still having trouble with the fact it had nothing to do with deconstruction, and the way you read in deconstruction means you have no knowledge of that either, because you got it exactly wrong.

>> No.10017867

Hilarious, I forgot about the 'Assume someone thought this' post. If you had followed through on that assumption you would have seen there was nothing wrong with what I did and I wasn't trying to say the anon was talking about Derrida. Just as well you dropped this point and started nitpicking other useless shit up until the point where you gave up responding to counter-arguments.

>>No. He insists that interpretations counter to the intended meaning and usual standards are necessary to perform deconstruction.

So when I replied to this, explaining the philosophy underpinning the 'going against meaning' you just stopped responding. We weren't even disagreeing, you just didn't have the whole picture. And you say that I was wrong in this circumstance! What a joke.

>No, you associated it with deconstruction
Wrong again. I associated 'holding people to standards' with deconstruction. Don't be stupid. Also here's what I said regarding modernism from that same post:
>But modernism to me, in terms of standards, is about value systems created by profit and optimisation. The people that don't meet these standards are the ones thrown out on the street or into the margins and are much in the purview of social justice, Marxism, and postmodernists.
So your 'No' is wrong since in the first post I did associate it with Enlightenment, etc. How many other times have you falsely claimed I was wrong?

>modernism anon thought that was modernism and not anything to do with Derrida.
No shit he didn't think it had anything to do with Derrida. Nowhere was it claimed he did. Where are you going wrong with this progression of events? You're back to lying to yourself again or what? I have demonstrated for you countless times I wasn't stating that anon's beliefs.

ssume someone thought this, and saw someone else describing something that is not deconstruction as 'holding people to their own standards'. Here's the question:
>Is it or is it not acceptable for the person who thinks deconstruction is 'holding people to their own standards' to say to the other person that '[holding people to their own standards] is what I think is 'deconstruction'.'?

>the way you read in deconstruction means you have no knowledge of that either, because you got it exactly wrong.

Maybe you should read a primer on Derrida by Christopher Norris. Try 'What is Deconstruction'. Also my Plato example demonstrates holding philosophers to account.

>> No.10017891

>Hilarious, I forgot about the 'Assume someone thought this' post. If you had followed through on that assumption you would have seen there was nothing wrong with what I did and I wasn't trying to say the anon was talking about Derrida. Just as well you dropped this point and started nitpicking other useless shit up until the point where you gave up responding to counter-arguments.
That person would be assuming something false, would be rightfully called wrong, told to admit and amend their mistake, and if they weren't an arsehole like you, concede the point.

You did none of that and expected someone else to think that Derrida argued the opposite of what he actually did, even after repeated corrections.

Keep in mind, that's where you tried to restart the argument you had been proven wrong on with reference to modernism for many posts at that stage. It goes beyond asshole into "incapable of admitting mistakes" and makes for hilarious watching.

You'll always be wrong in those posts anon. You made retarded claims and hoped nobody would notice you are genuinely retarded, misinformed and arrogant. You deserve the contempt you're getting, and you also deserve less information than you've already got from your interlocutors.

>So your 'No' is wrong since in the first post I did associate it with Enlightenment, etc. How many other times have you falsely claimed I was wrong?
No, your first post is not about that. You claim you have always maintained modernism is many things, all of which have turned out to be retarded and easily disproven, but your first claim about it was not about the Enlightenment.

Need I remind you again, the quote chain is not disappearing?

>No shit he didn't think it had anything to do with Derrida. Nowhere was it claimed he did. Where are you going wrong with this progression of events? You're back to lying to yourself again or what? I have demonstrated for you countless times I wasn't stating that anon's beliefs.
You claimed it made a claim on Derrida. Who you also strawmanned while strawmanning modernism anon. Wrong on two fronts in a two man fight ought to be an award reserved for you at the Special Olympics after that one.

>Maybe you should read a primer on Derrida by Christopher Norris. Try 'What is Deconstruction'. Also my Plato example demonstrates holding philosophers to account.
Are you trying to blame him for why you thought deconstruction was actually the opposite of deconstruction? Did he break your understanding of paragraphs that lead you to be the star of this farce? How mean of him. kekekeke

>> No.10017906

>That person would be assuming something false, would be rightfully called wrong

And let's compare this to what happened: for some reason it was assumed I had confused Manet for Derrida and whatever other shenanigans that took part after. So from this I was right all along and the correct response would have been to say I was wrong and talk about how, which only happened very late into the thread after I got the conversation back on track again.

>you had been proven wrong on with reference to modernism for many posts at that stage

So Enlightenment is post-modern? Pre-modern? I hadn't been 'proven' wrong -- I was repeatedly told I was wrong despite even a basic wikipedia search being able to confirm I had a valid understanding of modernism. What do you have to gain from lying about this?

>No, your first post is not about that.
It's literally in my first post.
> first claim
Lol why the fuck are you talking about 'first claim'? I said first POST and it's clearly in my first post. Are you blind?
>But modernism to me, in terms of standards, is about value systems created by profit and optimisation. The people that don't meet these standards are the ones thrown out on the street or into the margins and are much in the purview of social justice, Marxism, and postmodernists.
It's right there dude. It's in my first post. Where did you get 'first claim' from? How many posts have you been misreading? I think that explains a lot, yes?

>You claimed it made a claim on Derrida.
No, I claimed it DIDN'T because the claim on Derrida was the second claim whereas I went with the first. Simple if/then, and the conditional if was no fulfilled so the resulting 'then' of Derrida being a modernist is not true. The claim is not made. Is this you misreading again or not knowing simple logic?

>Are you trying to blame him for why you thought deconstruction was actually the opposite of deconstruction?

No surprise you ignore the Plato example. It's over for you, honestly. I don't know where else you can go.

>> No.10017915

For reference, here's the wiki article on modernity:
>As an analytical concept and normative ideal, modernity is closely linked to the ethos of philosophical and aesthetic modernism; political and intellectual currents that intersect with the Enlightenment; and subsequent developments as diverse as Marxism, existentialism, modern art and the formal establishment of social science. It also encompasses the social relations associated with the rise of capitalism, and shifts in attitudes associated with secularisation and post-industrial life (Berman 2010, 15–36).

Wait hold on did I already fucking say this shit? No it can't be, I've been told I was wrong this whole thread. Wikipedia must be wrong.

>> No.10017934

>And let's compare this to what happened: for some reason it was assumed I had confused Manet for Derrida and whatever other shenanigans that took part after. So from this I was right all along and the correct response would have been to say I was wrong and talk about how, which only happened very late into the thread after I got the conversation back on track again.
You said this
>>it holds up the current stratification and says others who uphold it do not meet the standards they set.
>This is interesting because that is what I think is 'deconstruction', either meaning you have actually claimed postmodernism for modernism or that actually Derrida is as much not a 'post-structuralist' or 'post-modernist' as he says.
Which is retarded, for the reasons we have discussed
>reason 1: that is modernism
>reason 2: you don't understand postmodernism or modernism
>reason 3: you don't understand deconstruction and believe it to mean its opposite

So, no, you're still wrong. You came in and brainfarted retarded diarrhea over the thread based on your misunderstanding of, among other things, Derrida, modernism, postmodernism.

>So Enlightenment is post-modern?
Your brainfarts come up with the wrongest strawmen, it's starting to become credible you're not pretending to be retarded for attention.

>No, I claimed it DIDN'T because the claim on Derrida was the second claim whereas I went with the first. Simple if/then, and the conditional if was no fulfilled so the resulting 'then' of Derrida being a modernist is not true. The claim is not made. Is this you misreading again or not knowing simple logic?
The claim about Derrida is a brain fart and the either/or you came up with on both sides of the either or is wrong and retarded and takes modernism anon's post as a reason to air your stupid and unrelated and uninformed opinions. It really wasn't, because now you have to live through multiple people explaining how you got shit wrong that 18 year olds are expected to know about in most civilized countries.

>It's right there dude. It's in my first post. Where did you get 'first claim' from? How many posts have you been misreading? I think that explains a lot, yes?
No, none of
>But modernism to me, in terms of standards, is about value systems created by profit and optimisation. The people that don't meet these standards are the ones thrown out on the street or into the margins and are much in the purview of social justice, Marxism, and postmodernists.
actually indicates the Enlightenment. There is no mention of the word or things that happened in the Enlightenment in those words. I think you are hoping I hallucinate again. You can ctrl+f that section for the word Englightenment or any of its thinkers or philosophies and you will not find them. What you have held up as evidence of saying the Enlightenment from your first post clearly shows you never mention it. Tho it'll be fun when you try place Marx contemporary to Kant

>> No.10017943

>No surprise you ignore the Plato example. It's over for you, honestly. I don't know where else you can go.
Well, unlike you, I can go have a conversation about Heidegger and Derrida without getting laughed at for getting basic principles wrong. keke.

You know when they say Marxism was subsequent, it kills all chance of you claiming that the Marx reference meant "contemporary to Enlightenment". You now have to chose whether you meant the SJWs or postmodernism to be its contemporary from the list you quoted here XD
>>But modernism to me, in terms of standards, is about value systems created by profit and optimisation. The people that don't meet these standards are the ones thrown out on the street or into the margins and are much in the purview of social justice, Marxism, and postmodernists.

>> No.10017964

>>reason 1: that is modernism
Unproven at that stage
>>reason 2: you don't understand postmodernism or modernism
Unproven at that stage
>>reason 3: you don't understand deconstruction and believe it to mean its opposite
Unproven at that stage.

We're not talking about whether it's 'retarded' right now, which is something we got into later after I cleared up the bizarre reaction to my post. Don't get sidetracked. The point is it was legit and sensible to state my beliefs then without it being misinterpreted as confusing Manet for Derrida. That's the end of it. There is no defense of that reaction and you should own up to that.

>Your brainfarts come up with the wrongest strawmen

I'm asking questions. If Enlightenment isn't modern, it must be either pre-modern or post-modern. You get the point thought because you know all the values I listed as modern are acceptable as descriptions of modern values, and you should own up to that.

>the either/or you came up with on both sides of the either or is wrong and retarded

You're getting side-tracked again. You said I made a claim about Derrida, but the either/or suggests I didn't actually make that claim because I opted for the opposite one. You are wrong and you should own up to that.

Yep sure I didn't include the word 'Enlightenment' in that post. I will own up to that. I went on to explain it later along the same lines and it was then I used the term 'Enlightenment' (as well as others).

Your turn. Also don't think I didn't notice there's still no mention of Plato but I will let that slide. I just want this to end.

>> No.10017969

>I can go have a conversation about Heidegger and Derrida without getting laughed at for getting basic principles wrong.

There's no point saying that because you haven't actually proven anything or provided counter-arguments for my elaborations on deconstruction. Not convincing.

>the list you quoted here

I'm using that argument in the context of /lit/ that has a poor understanding of postmodernism. 'Marxism' refers to cultural Marxism, neo-Marxism, post-Marxism, whatever. People who identified as Marxists were concerned with marginalised populations.

No problem here.

>> No.10017978

Actually you don't have to admit to me that you are wrong. I don't really care. I think you can see my point though and maybe you have issues with admitting you may have been mistaken. You avoided the point or moved goalposts a lot. I'm gone now though.

>> No.10017979

>>>reason 1: that is modernism
>Unproven at that stage
Well, no, it's proven and well accepted. You could look at any essay on the example he mentioned or even wikipedia on modernism. He was right, and you have a great difficulty with being right, because you're still being wrong to maintain this.
>>>reason 2: you don't understand postmodernism or modernism
>Unproven at that stage
It's pretty proven because you mistook them for their opposites and failed to recognize basic and broadly accepted definitions. Again, lying about your report card doesn't make it go away.
>>>reason 3: you don't understand deconstruction and believe it to mean its opposite
>Unproven at that stage.
You literally said that deconstruction meant the opposite of what it does. You fucked up big time on that one, and it's easily proven by anyone reading anything about deconstruction. There's no way for you to be right about it.

>You said I made a claim about Derrida, but the either/or suggests I didn't actually make that claim because I opted for the opposite one. You are wrong and you should own up to that.
You claimed his philosophy meant the opposite of what deconstruction seeks to do, and it that it instead tried to do as modernism did and hold people to their own internal standard. That's wrong. You know it's wrong. You didn't then, but the only reason you're refusing to admit it now is because you think you can lie your way out of being wrong.

Unless you has an epic pair of tits, you're not gonna coast like that.

>Your turn. Also don't think I didn't notice there's still no mention of Plato but I will let that slide. I just want this to end.
I know anon, but now's the awkward moment when I point out half of Heidegger is about Plato and exegesis of ancient Greek you don't speak. You being wrong isn't going to end until you stop letting those brainfarts out.

>> No.10017983

>There's no point saying that because you haven't actually proven anything or provided counter-arguments for my elaborations on deconstruction. Not convincing.

Aw, the weasel might have realized I can keep proving him wrong until page ten and beyond if his retarded ass comes back to play opposite day with Derrida again. kekeke

>> No.10018008

>universal acid
you aren't even fucking trying are you, basic chemistry mate acid plus base equals salt and water, sci fags are the salt, pomo fags are the water