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/lit/ - Literature

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10010011 No.10010011 [Reply] [Original]

What's the longest book you've finished in one go?

>> No.10010017

What, in a day? Or just cover to cover without abandoning it intermittently? Because the first one, nothing. I can't read that fast. But if the latter? The Old Testament.

>> No.10010018

The Prince. It was a hell of a night, I remember reading that thing at 3:00 a.m. Good times.

>> No.10010031
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Short and easy but interesting.

>> No.10010046

The Sword of Truth. Took me seven hours.

nice get

>> No.10010054

The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma I finished without even breaking to eat back when I was 11, haven't marathoned a book since

>> No.10010056

ANTHEM by annie R, it was fun

>> No.10010057


>> No.10010076

I read Zettel's Traum one sitting.

>> No.10010086

No Longer Human. It was like looking in a mirror that only reflected my worst qualities.

>> No.10010089

>What, in a day? Or just cover to cover without abandoning it intermittently?
Reading continually without losing the feel of the movel .

>> No.10010095

does homestuck count

>> No.10010098

TREASURE ISLAND on like a two hour plane ride.

I always feel like I don’t remember as well when I read for more than two or so hours straight. When I got to page 600 or so of INFINITE JEST I started reading 100 pages at a time and that took a good while. Great times, though. Fuck the haters - read it.

>except for that gay tennis game that lasts 40 pages
>and the stupid intercontinental war game

>> No.10010524

A Single Man

>> No.10010553

I marathoned The Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye because I procrastinated in high school. Got A's in the classes too. Did it with Shane in middle school. Haven't done it since but I did a fairly quick runthrough of the first four Dark Tower novels. King is the worst writer of all time.

>> No.10010580

The 6th Harry Potter, can't remember which one but I read it surprisingly fast
Probably had to do with the fact that the first one I actually had to wait for its release

>> No.10010585

I read all of Pride and Prejudice the day before it was required for high school. I played the audiobook as I was reading to keep a pace/focus better. I think it was 8-9 hours

>> No.10010613
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This is the only book that I've read in one sitting. I was in jail at the time so it was either this or stare at the wall.

>> No.10010645

iirc I read All Quiet on the Western Front in one sitting in tenth grade. I also might have read Never Let Me Go all at once but I'm not sure about that one

>> No.10010652

The Wave

>> No.10010729

I read like 10 Louis L'amour books in jail. It was either county for a few weeks or probation for 3 years. Ha.

>> No.10010788

I read both Invisible Cities and The Stranger in one sitting.

>> No.10010821

Did you even remember anything it now?

>> No.10010987

The Gates of Paradise, by Jerzy Andrzejewski.

>> No.10011016

Prometheus Bound

>> No.10011022

What landed you in prison? What was the library like there?

>> No.10011103

Breakfast of Champions

>> No.10011830

I think that's what I look like when I read

>> No.10011916

When I was 12 I spent an entire Sunday reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and finished it that same day. The next day I told other kids at school that I read the whole book in one day and nobody believed me.

>> No.10012485

I remember reading Animal Farm all in one night.

>> No.10013236

I read a 300+ reply thread on /b/ once.

>> No.10013244
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doctor sax

>> No.10013251

brave new world in one sitting, not too difficult, but I don't usually do books in one; I like to move around alot.

>> No.10013293

I read The Mists of Avalon when I was about ten years old and only took breaks to eat lunch and dinner.
I don't remember the exact amount of pages, but I think the German version is 1000+ pages long.

>> No.10013337

Naked lunch. In one afternoon, like maybe 3-4 hours. Third time reading it. Taking notes for an assignment. Got A+.

>> No.10013348
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Dune, with just a sleep break.

>> No.10014061

I think The Kyballion. I was (and still am to some degree) obsessed with Hermetic Philosophy.
Not very impressive but I cannot read at Bloom-esque speed, unfortunately.

>> No.10014838

I did it with Sentimental Education. I also think I read Demons in like 36 hours for that same class.

Recently I did it with 'And Then There Were None' (my first and only Agatha Christie, didn't really care for it). Ham on Rye as well.

>> No.10014907

The second novel in the earthsea cycle

>> No.10014920
File: 20 KB, 240x373, DieVerloreneEhreDerKatharinaBlum[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum