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/lit/ - Literature

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10007949 No.10007949 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases lads

>> No.10007953


>> No.10007977

I got a 1991 New Oxford Annotated Bible in good condition for $12

>> No.10008028
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I pretty much buy any NYRB edition
Got pic related at a library sale for $25

>> No.10008268

Ayy I had to read Survival in Auschwitz for history in college.

I didn't enjoy it, but it wasn't really supposed to be an enjoyable book I guess.

>> No.10009133

Well, neither was Auschwitz...

>> No.10009137


>> No.10009563
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Let me know how 'The Siege of Krishnapur' is

>> No.10009568

Good selection. Anyone read Henderson the Rain King yet?

>> No.10009606

Diary of a man in despair is a good one.

>> No.10009939

You're not gonna read any of those, are you?

>> No.10009945
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Still waiting for GR

>> No.10009977
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Here's my stack from the past few weeks. I've been really getting into John Hawkes recently and I'm trying to finish up my Pynchon collection. Currently reading Carpenter's Gothic by William Gaddis. I'm only a chapter or two in and it's a dream.

>> No.10009988

Recently got at my library's dollar-a-bag booksale:

Von Clausewitz: On War
Von Clausewitz: Principles of War
Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics
A collection of famous speeches throughout history
The US Constitution plus assorted writings of the founding fathers, gilded edges
10 Animorphs books I didn't have, bringing my collection to fully half of the series (I see ordering them online as cheating)

>> No.10010075


Not OP but

Farrell is seriously underrated and doesn't get talked about nearly enough.

To be fair though I didn't know about him either before reading The Siege of Krishnapur for a class this semester. I haven't read anything else by him yet but Krishnapur is really quite something--it treats a serious topic intelligently but also with a skillful lightness of touch. It hits that sweet spot of being straightforwardly readable while retaining a great level of insight. It's just so damn sensible you feel sort of disappointed more people don't write like him.

>“The British could leave and half India wouldn't notice us leaving just as they didn't notice us arriving. All our reforms of administration might be reforms on the moon for all it has to do with them..”

>> No.10010094

So, what? you went back to 2000? laaame!

>> No.10010147
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>> No.10010165
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This is what I purchased throughout August.

>> No.10010178
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>> No.10010197
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>> No.10010258



>> No.10010314

No offence but that Joyce is ugly as sin. Do still read though.

>> No.10010433
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>> No.10010772
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Found the Vonnegut at Goodwill for $1

>> No.10010924
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Is #4 Philip K Dick? Which novels are in it?
What's the bottom right one?

>> No.10010942

>Is #4 Philip K Dick? Which novels are in it?

Yes, it has The Man in the High Castle, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Ubik.

I'm planning on starting with Do Androids...

>> No.10011047

I just finished Bleeding Edge this weekend and really enjoyed it

>> No.10011052

Have you read a lot of Faulkner? I just read If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem over the weekend, it was my second Faulkner novel after The Sound and The Fury.

>> No.10011065
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>> No.10011109

That's probably the next Pynchon I'm going to read. Debating either V or M&D though.

>> No.10011186
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>> No.10011206


You're getting every cent of this god-forsaken money back. I hate what you've done. I don't want it, I never wanted it. Lies, so many lies. Why would you do this to your own grandchildren? Forget me, why take from their future, and have me facilitate it? I'm speechless..

>> No.10011212
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Hype for this. Enjoyed what I read from an online preview.

>> No.10011365

Do you know if Eco is any good? I just found out I have a copy of the name of the rose but there are so many books I want to read right now I don't know if I should bother with it yet

>> No.10011374
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Recent pleb purchases

>> No.10011429
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some of them are translated to greek, from top to bottom:
>Candid by Voltaire
>Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
>Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
>The Gallic War by Julius Caesar
>The Castle by Franz Kafka
>Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche
>On the Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.10011445


the speaking tree a study of indian something something

>> No.10011467
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Tell me what to think

>> No.10011596


>> No.10011635


Ride the tiger my fellow aristocrat of the soul.

>> No.10011806

Just the sound and the fury. I thought it was great, the characters were very enjoyable. The prose could get a little dense at times, but overall he's great. Would recommend.

I've heard Eco is great, but haven't read him myself, which is why I picked up that book. While the book I bought seemed most up my alley, a lot of people here recommend Foucault's pendulum. The name of the rose is considered his best work, if that means anything to you.

>> No.10011896

<3 Hesse

>> No.10012563


>> No.10012595
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Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a Greek on /lit/ before. Can you read Plato and stuff in the original or do you need a translation?

>> No.10012599
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>> No.10012604

buy that shit on kindle you over-encumbered douche.

>> No.10012613

>buying eBooks

why would anyone throw their money away like that

you won't even truly own those "books"

>> No.10012631


>you won't even truly own those "books"
pls expand

>> No.10012633

if some sjw decide a book is ungood they can remove it from your device at any time

>> No.10012645

the same sjw that just stole your property and destroyed it could do the same with a paperback my man.

>> No.10012650

they didn't steal it, your $9 will be refunded to your Amazon account. don't you remember when 1984 got mass deleted from Kindles? it was a 'mistake' but personally i think someone inside Amazon wanted to show the danger of ebooks

>> No.10012653
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try and touch me

>> No.10012652

ebook situation
>sjw fucks with some software without you even realizing and your books are toast

hardcopy situation
>sjw tries to invade your property and gets shot

>> No.10012654

>not keeping backups
>not knowing where to download the book again for free

>> No.10012662

>not knowing where to download the book again for free

then why would u buy it in the first place?

>> No.10012668

interesting, but paranoid premise.

>> No.10012670

you seriously don't remember this?


with the way sjwism is going these days it's not paranoia, how does it go? first they came for the statues but i didn't speak up because i didn't care about plastic arts, then they came for the nazi punk but i didn't speak up because i only listen to numale pitchfork stuff, then they came for my books but ...

>> No.10012683

Sometimes you want to support an author. Crazy, I know.

>> No.10012686
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Samizdat when?

>> No.10012713
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>> No.10012723

It's paranoia. There was backlash to that move in *2009*, almost a decade ago. And the intent of the move wasn't even malicious. You're unintentionally fearmongering right now my friend.

>> No.10012726

that's what the pagans said the first time a temple got vandalized

>> No.10012727

Looks like a fine pile to keep my fireplace going this winter

>> No.10012729

we're probably all gonna catch ebola too

>> No.10012754
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These bad boys cost me 25 AUD

>> No.10012769

>tfw no used book stores near by

>> No.10012821

whoa...this is so interesting because none of these books I would even think existed or know where to find or even imagine...I want to read them unironically.

>> No.10012830

i have that copy of the egoist.

>> No.10012856

Are you being ironic?

>> No.10012878

no. i said that! i just mean like i would have known and been interested in loads of fields. like astronomy. but like I'm seeing these titles and I seriously have no idea what they'd be like

>> No.10012903

Just makin sure, friend. Anyway, Theology/Religion has been one of the few things that genuinely interests me for a little while now. Everything else I seem to get bored with pretty quickly.

>> No.10012945
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>almost a decade ago

>> No.10012947

It depends on the passage really, studying ancient Greek is mandatory for us during high school, so we all have some basic knowledge on it. If the passage doesn't use words that I don't know I can probably read it in the original, otherwise I have to look the translated text to make a meaning out of it. For this reason I like to buy books that include both the original and the translated text.

>> No.10012962

does anyone else get worried that the owner of a local bookstore will recognize something you posted on here as something you bought from them and know you're a faggot

>> No.10012964

if he visits 4chan he's a faggot as well though

>> No.10013019
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recent charity shop buys

>> No.10013060

i liked it

>> No.10013066

Entry tier hehe
How old r u?

>> No.10013092

Is it good?
I picked it up because the blurb pretty much.

>> No.10013101

a farewell to arms is a really great book! hope you enjoy!

>> No.10013226


>> No.10013230


>> No.10013259
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This. With some Evola books. I also got Ubik and Hyperion for my nerd brother's birthday

>> No.10013266

That's quite a thin Don Quixote. Is it both volumes? Please also check that it is unabridged.

>> No.10013275

> recent

I've seen this posted about five, six times now. Just fucking read them already.

Karamazov should be reserved for when you reach the point of having read each key Dostoevsky novel.

The Master and Margarita is great. If you're still undecided on what to start (that's all I can assume why you would keep posting this stack), go for that one.

>> No.10013278
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Used book stores are pretty overrated imo. You end up dropping a wad of cash on books that you only sort of want when you could be going online and ordering used books that you are specifically looking for. Though a lot of anon probably enjoy the ritual of lurking around used books stores so I get how that would be a pleasant part of it too.

>> No.10013282
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got all this for $40 at a university book fair, really happy about the dictionary, been wanting one for a while now, anyone have any comments opinions on the other books, i mostly got them because of authors (they tended to be their lesser known works) and ones whose titles looked interesting because the way it worked was $10 per box full

>> No.10013345

That's cool. I wish my university had a book sale. Maybe they did but it wasn't well known... I really should have popped by the library more times rather than studied at home.

>> No.10013347

> dat warping on The Ticket that Exploded

Oh shit either that book is having a party and everyone's invited or someone dropped it in the fucking bath

>> No.10013428
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All 2nd hand for like $5

>> No.10013442

I know desu, but I had spent 3 hours in that goddamned shop searching up about the Russian and Greek translations just to find that they had the worst translators possible. For every fucking book there. I just picked up Dubliners at the end out of frustration, as I didn't want to start Ulysses or FW right now.

>> No.10013447

In which book does Celine insult blacks and jews?

>> No.10013455

That's a slick Aniara

>> No.10013463

Is the Penguin edition supposed to be good? I'm pretty anal about translations, and since Penguin always seems to get a bad rep I skip them subliminally

Which translation of Dostoyevsky is that? Also, math major, or is that high school stuff? Sorry not Americano so I don't know how your education system works.

>> No.10013488

It's highschool tier. I studied CS in the 90s and forgot a lot. I'll move onto higher maths but finding cheap secondhand books is hard.

>> No.10013497

yeah its not smudged or anything tho, still perfectly readable

>> No.10013607

Almost everyone of those books looks bin worthy they're that battered. I can just feel the hand grease and germs sticking to my hands looking at those books.

>> No.10013621

its not about the books anon, its about the ideas contained with in them

plus id say less than half are bin worthy

>> No.10013683
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Bought these 3 for $6 total. Is the Gun, Germs, and Steel any good or is it a shilled meme like that Critique book?

>> No.10013746

Macdonal's Culture of Critique is actually good.
GGS has lots of historical inaccuracies and bad conclusions

>> No.10013796
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>The Unique and its Property
I mean you can obviously read German..

Did you buy these new?

>> No.10013828

>GULAG akpelagen Fungaldouchen

>> No.10013830
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How much do you guys usually pay for used books where you are? There's a used bookstore near me but the price range is still around $6-10 for most novels that I've looked at. I don't think I'd pay that much for something unless it was in good shape.

>> No.10013840

What language are you speaking?

>> No.10013912

>Reading translated Kafka

>> No.10013948

The miracle that is German

>> No.10014043

Is there a site that rates different translations and comapres them

I'm scared to buy Russian literature because I don't know shit about translations

Same for 99% of philosophy

>> No.10014055

>Is the Penguin edition supposed to be good? I'm pretty
No it's not even Kaufman. I got it from a friend of mine who picked it up and never read it. The cover is nice but with Nietzsche's parables you need the right translation, and Kaufman usually provides footnotes whenever a word is difficult to translate. This edition just doesn't have that

>> No.10014056

Read Vägen till Klockrike, if you already haven't.

>> No.10014058

I wish I could find a cool single collected works of Nietzsche edition : /

>> No.10014115
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here you go cia

anyways, ive finished no tomorrow, started arabia felix & montaigne, am about 600 pages into M&D. i bought tacitus only for germania, but ill probably read rhetoric as well.

>> No.10014120


Used bookstore near me, 2-3$ per book.

When I order online or non-used books it's like 8-15$ per book ; with some rare ones costing 4-5$ and others costing 20$+

>> No.10014125

used book stores are the shit, don't kid yourself

i still use amazon/ebay if i want something really specific, but picking up a clothbound classic for 2-3 bucks and having it the same day is legendary. can also find some really cool stuff you never would have known about, particularly if the store is well-organized

>> No.10014131
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I got Century from a charity shop for £8. It's a giant hulk of a book.

The others were from the British Museum website. Each one was £5, looks like they're having some kind of clearance sale, bought them more out of intrigue than anything else.

>> No.10014260
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Would have bought based on cover aesthetics but these were dirt cheap and I'm a poorfag atm, so you take what you can get. Plus the Ulysses one doesn't even look bad.

Which should I read first? I don't think I'm prepared enough for Joyce so was thinking The Idiot considering I loved Notes from Underground.

>> No.10014293

A large solar flare hits the Earth. You're out everything. I'll be reading my books by firelight.

>> No.10014359

Just read Joyce one chapter at a time or so parallel to whatever else you're reading, and the episodic structure encourages a reading like that anyway, kind of like how you would read one or a few songs at a time of the epic poetry which it parodies.
I read the OWC edition which is annotated really well, I'm not sure how Wordsworth compares, but even with the pretty significant amount of notes and thematic rundowns of each chapter in the OWC there was still plenty to check up on. I don't imagine any one edition is able to comment on/explain everything in Ulysses, or maybe it's possible, but the book would be pretty massive.

>> No.10015004

It's GULAG-arkipelagen fängelseindustrin
Top one is Kap Farväl by Harry Martinsson and the bottom one is a collection of all his poems

>> No.10015017

Is that Revolt Against the Modern World a good buy?

Or is the quality shit?

>> No.10015044

Nice A E S T H E T I Cs.

>> No.10015046


I think we would be friends.