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File: 59 KB, 220x262, Peterson_Lecture_(33522701146).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10006130 No.10006130 [Reply] [Original]

>fan-base believes Alex Jones is real news and selective social darwinism is true
do they even understand what he's saying or do they just like him cus he BTFO some college xirs?

>> No.10006143

The lowest common denominator of anyone's fan base is whack. There's plenty of Petersontards who don't like Alex jones.

>> No.10006157

I can respect a muh classical liberal who doesn't like postmodernism but I'm just wondering if the majority are retards who like him because he's slightly right of center, said something about the trannies, and is a college professor while not realizing they are postmodernists themselves.

>> No.10006158
File: 80 KB, 460x259, peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really insidious to me that there's a large continent of leftists that are trying to disparage Peterson and his listeners in any way possible.

You see 10 alt-right tardos at a few of his speeches, you then transform that into half his listeners being far-right Trump lovers who buy Alex Jones supplements and worship Stefan Molyneux.

How have you fallen so low? How have the teachings of the great Marxist minds of the 1800s brought you to where you are? To the point where even normal conservatism enrages you?

>> No.10006167



inb4 a pseud knocks me for typos

>> No.10006178

I love Peterson but I'm simply wondering if those in his fanbase who are 100% alt-right don't realize they do exactly what he's spent his career railing against, and why they are blind to this. I am trying to understand a side that is opposed to me.

>> No.10006182
File: 627 KB, 494x631, B-peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

Peterson can't say certain things because the cucks in the media (and the pomos at his university) would SHUT HIM DOWN.

But I know the man, he's good at heart, and will defend the white race when it comes to it.

>> No.10006186


I've tried to understand alt-righters who like Peterson but it's hard to gauge the mind of the mentally ill.

>> No.10006188


silly whiteboi

>> No.10006191



I know this is just bait but for anyone remotely taking this seriously, Peterson does not speak for the white race or champions them, he speaks for himself and is largely a proponent of free speech and traditional ideals, things that have already worked for us that radical leftists are illogically trying to tear down

video I linked, he says it about halfway through in his debate with another UofT professor

>> No.10006203
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>> No.10006210

Do you have that bookmarked deliberately for just these conversations?

The Jews control academia, is it any surprise he is forced to associate with them? He's taken a stand on the SJW scourge, and I know what side he's on.

I'm not interested in your word games, pussy.

>> No.10006223

i typed Peterson, jews into youtube because i've seen it before. i've seen the speech where he makes an off-hand negative remark about Trump nodding to white nationalism. he wouldn't make the latter point for any purpose whatsoever if he was a white identitarian, nor would he answer if the former question from a youtube chat at all.

so tell me, are you a postmodernist or just a muh feels over reals romanticist?

>> No.10006237

And also, do you think Zizek is far-right because he hates SJWs too? Are your political opinions formed from gamergate and the state of college campuses?

>> No.10006246

Maybe look at his view counts of when he talks about Jung vs when he talks about trannies

>> No.10006257

So what? Trump doesn't speak for me.

>so tell me, are you a postmodernist or just a muh feels over reals romanticist?

Pomos are neo-Marxists who only believe in attaining power, I know because I've studied with them. They're dangerous. So, I'm opposed to them. Personally, though, I'm a realist, though some might see me as a pessimist.

I'm certainly clear-sighted about the upcoming battle that's for sure. Pick a side.

>> No.10006281

A realist when it comes to your perceived battle with the SJW cultural marxist hordes, maybe. A total subjectivist in every other way if you believe your Daddy argues for white nationalism because he doesn't like 32028348294 gender pronouns like anyone else lol.

>> No.10006282


put down the fedora you fucking retard

>> No.10006312

>A total subjectivist in every other way if you believe your Daddy argues for white nationalism because he doesn't like 32028348294 gender pronouns like anyone else lol.

People died so Communism wouldn't break our borders and now we have 5th Columnists across our nation (the universities). If you think neo-Marxism is a joke now, you might not when they're rounding you up. Gender pronouns today, forced starvation tomorrow... Unless, your on their side?

That's the New Atheist scumbags.

>> No.10006320

>imblying the sjw cultural marxist hordes don't real

most leftists are actual transgenderfluid antifa fursuiters who want to 'deconstruct' western civilisation, backed by people like Zuckerberg's sister

>> No.10006334

people died so fascism wouldn't break our borders etc etc.

JP is discussing this in a far better way than regression into also deconstructing western society to somehow save western liberal democracy

>> No.10006344

>insidious to me
I don't like your phrasing either

>> No.10006348

No such thing exists, redditor.

>> No.10006349

What's wrong with Alex Jones?

>> No.10006353

Christianity and liberalism are together with leftism, part and parcel of the life denying semitic cancer that has been killing the West for the last 2000 years. Jesus Christ was the original SJW. If the west is to survive, we will need Hitlerism. Unrelenting, Unmitigated and Unreconstructed Hitlerism.

>> No.10006356

I'm glad you can be so dismissive about an existential threat. It must be nice. They do say ignorance is bliss!

Peterson knows the risk and has put himself forward to speak for the silent, rational, proud, civilised majority. Only we won't be silent for long!

>> No.10006360

you should move to a country that wasn't founded by liberal illuminati elites then. this is my culture and it must be preserved. :)

>> No.10006363

That was only Jefferson in writing. In action he was a true patriot.

>> No.10006376

The first president of the United States was a lodge member, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.10006378
File: 60 KB, 451x330, Gender-acrtoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transgenderism is a political and subversive postmodern movement based on bait and switch tactics. 'Gender identity' is sacred and unquestionable, yet 'gender' is also an oppressive white social construct. Point out the contradictions and the bulbous dildo wielding purple haired mob will only be able to screech WHITE MALE! HATESPEECH! HATESPEECH! and notice how younger and younger children are getting forced into sex changes in the name of diversity and progress.

>> No.10006380

You mean Washington? I prefer the Indian name for him -- Town Destroyer, lmao.

Again, in action, he did the right thing.

>> No.10006405

all of their actions were absolute 18th century liberalism through the lens of pure Masonic influence. we're talking the Protocol stuff you hate. don't be a revisionist, move to Poland or something.

>> No.10006429

Most of what you know about transgenderism seems to be based off /pol/ memes. Is there really anything wrong with allowing people the freedom to make the choice themselves, even if it is a bad decision? Do you really have freedom if you're not allowed to make bad decisions?

>> No.10006436


What you don't understand is they're debasing Civilization. People can't have the freedom to do that.

>> No.10006450
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>mfw I just got linked this article by some pomo faggot who thinks racism in Canada is a huge problem

>> No.10006456

Are you implying there's a correlation between the number of people who get sex changes and the downfall of society? Do you have any idea how inane that sounds?

>> No.10006461
File: 99 KB, 648x415, dégénérés.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there really anything wrong with allowing people the freedom to make the choice themselves, even if it is a bad decision? Do you really have freedom if you're not allowed to make bad decisions?

The problem is, leftists don't want freedom, they want Cultural Marxism. ideologically motivated social engineering.

>> No.10006465

I don't know, I do pretty openly hate fake refugees and open borders. That's enough to be called racism nowadays.

>> No.10006466
File: 40 KB, 560x372, global-financial-crisis-graph-560x372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Canadian brothers need to wake up and listen to Peterson.

Well, Civilization is declining is it not?

>> No.10006473

Except I am a liberal and I can tell you right now that I do want freedom, and so do the majority of other liberals.

>> No.10006474
File: 1.79 MB, 360x640, 1505036624417[1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultural Marxism has joined the thread.

>> No.10006483

It's THE ISSUE. Don't you listen to Peterson?

>> No.10006484
File: 6 KB, 223x251, 1504383590061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how do the leftists on this board defend this?

>> No.10006487

I never thought freedom was desirable to begin with.

It's not silly at all. Society If healthy masculine traits are encouraged for males and behaviors conducive to the birthing and raising of children are encouraged for females. Anything else renders civilization unstable.

>> No.10006491

They're marxist, they're without any intellect.

>> No.10006497


marxists have intellect, marxist literature a century ago is actually interesting to read

how it devolved into this sickening postmodernist shit is my wonder

>> No.10006500

Why would you post a graph of the Dow-Jones industrial average during the start of the Great Recession rather than posting something that includes the current year? Are you not aware that the Dow-Jones Industrial average has gone back up in the past 10 years?

Oh wait, you are aware of these logical fallacies and the ones I couldn't be bothered to mention, because you're trolling and trying to waste my time.

>> No.10006503

leftists see everything in terms of oppressors and oppressed, of oppressive social constructs that need to be 'deconstructed'. Virtue and morality are completely alien to the leftist. To the leftist such display is axiomatically good because it 'deconstructs the gender binary'. I think of leftism as some sort of nihilistic anti religion.

>> No.10006505

You're citing the 2008 financial crisis as proof of civilization collapsing? Do you know how stupid that sounds? Market bubbles have been a thing for centuries. Just look up Tulipmania.

>> No.10006511

Easy, we're not homophobic shitlords. You want to marginalize the gay community by ending Pride parades?? Ummm sweetie no..

>> No.10006512


You can't argue with me so you dismiss me. Pseud.

>> No.10006514

>I never thought freedom was desirable to begin with.

And that's where the argument ends.

Good night, young fascist.

>> No.10006524

I really feel sorry for this guy. Seemed like he had a respectable career before he became a meme and avatar for /pol/tards. Is this why guys like Pynchon become recluses? To avoid being vulgarized by short-lasting ''fame'' that does more harm than good?

>> No.10006537
File: 381 KB, 860x544, Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 7.49.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what leftists/liberals/lgbtsjws mean when they talk about 'freedom'

>> No.10006543

look at the old man who approaches the twerking kid, he has a boner

>> No.10006549

I admit you refuted my shitpost. My father is marxist (or leninist depenidng of the day) and he is smart if you ask me.

>> No.10006550


do you think white people should just bend over and let radical leftists take all of their possessions and wealth?

answer me honestly, and not with a meme reply you coward

>> No.10006562

The majority of liberals agree that medical sex change procedures on children is wrong, it's only a minority of people who support it.

>> No.10006576
File: 147 KB, 893x777, enabling pedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and at first it was minority that supported same sex marriages, legalizing weed et cetera..

Look at the crap MSM puts out. This is absurd.

>> No.10006582

Who cares if the kid puts on makeup? Leave him the fuck alone and let him make his own decisions for fucks sake.

>> No.10006587

The media is setting him in the light of a 32 year old person to enable and normalize pedos' thoughts.

Besides this is mental violence and abuse.

>> No.10006588

Pomo cuck found.

>> No.10006592

When he talks about postmodernism does he mean Pynchon, DFW and Vonnegut?

>> No.10006599

These problems are endemic to liberalism, and really are only its complete realization. To the extent a person believes in nominalism, non-essentialism, subjectivism or individualism, they will carry with them this mind and spiritual rot.

>> No.10006600

Pedophilia is unequivocally wrong, but there's no logical distinction between an adult molesting a boy, a girl, or a boy who dresses like a girl--it's all morally reprehensible.

So what exactly is your point? That boys shouldn't wear make up and dress like girls because then they become larger targets for pedophiles? You'd have to first show that pedophiles have a natural tendency towards child transvestites and then if you could do that, you would have to say why security is more important than freedom, in this instance.

>> No.10006605
File: 588 KB, 561x642, Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 11.03.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. it's fucking obvious yuppie middle class parents are coaching the kid for virtue signalling and social capital procurement purposes. you can't be that naive. Forcibly feminising your male child is a hell of a business $$$ and media appearances involved. that child was just expressing his unique gender non conforming self when he chose to dress like a slut and twerk at the sex parade!!1! transgenderism and 'queer theory' are nothing but a new politically correct and narcissistic form of religion.

>Lori Duron is the author of Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son (Random House, September 2013). The first parenting memoir to chronicle the journey of raising a gender nonconforming child, the book is based on her blog of the same name.

>RaisingMyRainbow.com has more than one million readers in 173 countries, including gender studies students and faculty at more than 50 college and universities in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.

>Duron and her blog have twice been named one of BlogHer’s Voices of the Year; one of Ignite Social Media’s “100 Women Bloggers You Should be Reading;” one of Circle of Moms “Top 25 SoCal Moms;” and one of Parents Magazine’s blogs that are “Most Likely To…Change The World.”

>Duron is an often-quoted source on parenting gender creative, gender nonconforming, protogay and prehomosexual children. Media interest and coverage includes: Anderson Cooper, The BBC, The Orange County Register, KFI 640 AM, CBS – Los Angeles, MSNBC, Queerty.com, Feast of Fun, The New York Times, One4All Magazine, The Next Family, Bitch Magazine, Newsweek, BlogHer, The Mother Company, OC Weekly, The Globe and Mail, Babble, Jezebel and Amanda de Cadanet.

>> No.10006607


you are a pedophile promoting child abuse and sexualization of children

you are less than human

>> No.10006610

What the fuck does pomo mean?

>> No.10006614

No, he mainly refers to the prescriptive side of postmodernism, such as Social Justice, which seeks to address the problems the descriptive side of postmodernism makes plain.

>> No.10006617

>Pynchon, DFW and Vonnegut
AKA the reddit trilogy

>> No.10006619

>Child putting drag makeup and being pushed by the media is the same as 'live and let live'
Please don't reproduce

>> No.10006620


>> No.10006624

If people are somehow brainwashing their children to become trans and making money off of it, then that is clearly wrong and you don't have to convince anyone otherwise. However, I find it much more likely that there happens to be trans children, just as there happens to be trans adults, and it's not just a money-making conspiracy in the overwhelming majority of cases.

>> No.10006639

Then you may as well argue that all makeup should be banned, considering you believe makeup and dresses are tools to sexualize people.

But may I take some liberty and assume you do not believe that little girls should be banned from wearing make up and putting on dresses?

>> No.10006647


are you legitimately retarded? I have to wonder

do you not see the distinction between sexualizing adults and sexualizing children?

if you don't look at that picture and immediately see the obvious sexualization of a child, then you are beyond hopeless and brainwashed and there is absolutely nothing you and I can find common ground on

>> No.10006654

Why are you under the impression that all trans children become famous? Why are you under the impression that more than a fraction of a percent of trans children even make their way onto the news?

>> No.10006655
File: 397 KB, 548x430, Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 10.37.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next day Elliott asked for magazines to make a collage about things people should know more about, adding glitter and photos of Beyonce and trans actress Laverne Cox next to words like bodies, consent, racism, gender, and decolonization -- which they asked for help writing.
>While Elliott often used blue (he), pink (she), or yellow (they) bracelets to show Kym which pronoun they preferred before they started school, after a “rough” first couple months in primary they decided on “boy” clothing and “he” pronouns after being teased.
seriously how ideologically biased you have to think this is just a child' expressing his true genderqueer self' and not being indoctrinated in any way. The works of Judith Butler are to the leftist what the Holy Quran is to muslims. You are not allowed to question the Holy Scriptures, else you are a bigot!. Judith Butler was a disciple of Pedo Michael Foucault and wife strangling french Marxist Louis Althusser. This is not a poor oppressed minority struggling for acceptance, but a politically correct program of marxist social engineering.

>> No.10006659

So once again, you believe that little girls should be banned from wearing make up and dresses?

>> No.10006667

It's the paper masking it as a good thing and promoting it. It being both the mental violence on kid, enabling mental violence abuse against kids, and putting pro-pedo message out.

>> No.10006669

Kids do all sorts of stupid stuff, I don't really see why this is worse.
Child Beauty Pageants are hardly the province of the left.

>> No.10006670


so once again, you misrepresent my point in some futile attempt to make me look bad when anyone with a brain can see that I am right

>> No.10006676

Nigga >>10006474 watch this .webm and try to justify your moral laziness.

It's way past the point of being acceptance to your child coming out from closet. It's fucking marketing his ass on street.

>> No.10006677
File: 107 KB, 752x501, child-beauty-pageant-ireland-4-752x501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists feel outraged by 'patriarchal white trash' child beauty pageants, but if it was boys in drag they would feel immensely moved by such transgressive queering of the white gender binary by such moving display of vibrant diversity and sodomitic progress! hence the fundamental hypocrisy of the progressive leftist

>> No.10006689


how the fuck is this a 'province of the right?' are you telling me your typical conservative christian is putting their child up for a beauty pageant like this?

right-wing is conservatism, Christianity does not teach you to put your child in a revealing dress and market them around

all you have is whataboutisms to shift the blame away from your sickening ideology

>> No.10006705

You're looking at a handful of examples of news stories on trans children and then making sweeping assumptions that their parents are pushing them into it.

Considering you're buying into this 'social marxism' meme, which is clearly nothing more than a defamation created to whitewash progressive movements, I can safely assume that you'll refuse to accept the possibility that maybe some people are just born wanting to be the opposite gender. Because even though that possibility is far more likely than the conspiracy theory you're suggesting, you've already committed yourself to this social marxism meme and will look for examples of it in everything you see and hear on the news as a way of bashing progressive movements which are based solely on the concept of freedom of expression and not on destroying western civilization which in your delusional understanding of the world is what you think the Jewish overlords want.

Or am I wrong about literally any of that?

>> No.10006710
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>> No.10006711

Typical? No, but nor are 'typical leftists' forcing their boys into drag. What is obvious though is that CBPs happen largely in Conservative Christian areas. In both cases we're looking at outliers. Only in the case of beauty pageants is it more common.

>> No.10006720

B-but brainwashing, b-but human nature...

>> No.10006723


>dude lol freedom of expression is all we want!
>btw we just passed a bill forcing you to adhere to several dozen pronouns used by trans people and if you decline you will be fined $250,000

yep, freedom of expression as long as you're an ally of the radical left

>> No.10006731

That happen to you?

>> No.10006737

stalin did it

>> No.10006738
File: 187 KB, 500x693, Imgur-51c532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is full of pedophiles defending the parents right to mentally abuse their kid and prostitute him in the street

fucking wow

>> No.10006739

Why are you under the impression that parents want pedophiles to masturbate to their children? Do you not think it's more likely they're just doing what they think will make their child happy?

You're right, those trans children will grow up and likely be bullied. But those parents made a judgement call and figured it'd be better to allow their child to freely express themselves than to tell them to be something else because other people will shit on them otherwise.

I cannot blame the parents.

>> No.10006741



it will be law soon

>> No.10006746

I didn't misrepresent your point. You said that it is sexualizing to put on makeup and dresses. Well the problem with that argument is that little girls do the same thing.

How is it sexualizing when a boy puts on makeup but not when a girl puts on makeup?

>> No.10006749
File: 137 KB, 1280x1006, club2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it's time for you to take your incessant Peterson threads, and kindly fuck off back to /pol/?

>> No.10006751

Yeah snort coke up the kids ass, that will make him happy too since it gives the hippocampus hell of a massage.

>> No.10006752

>I can safely assume that you'll refuse to accept the possibility that maybe some people are just born wanting to be the opposite gender.

but wasn't gender an evil social construct? weren't there actually 10000 genders? leftists aren't for freedom, they are for 'deconstruction' of all meaning and value led by politically correct academic technocrats. The ideology of transgenderism is blatantly self contradictory and nonsensical. why should I be forced to accept it? these 'transgenders' are my enemies, brainwashed dildo wielding leftoid fanatics driven to 'deconstruct' everything I cherish. Why should I give a fuck about their feelings?

>> No.10006754

>Leftists feel outraged by 'patriarchal white trash' child beauty pageants

They don't. I think you fell for another /pol/ meme. Good job being a sheep and not thinking for yourself. Sometimes just because someone can make you laugh doesn't mean what they're saying is correct.

>> No.10006756

>I cannot blame the parents.

Can't blame the parents for bad parenting? If a child screams in the store and demands 5 chocolate bars, the parents are okay in buying him all 5. After all, they are just making him happy and you can't fault them for that.

So this is what a leftist is. A complete dumbass who doesn't realize the value of tradition and thinks he knows better on how to shape the world than the last 5,000 years of human history.

A truly epic ideology.

>> No.10006758

I'm confused. Now you claim people are born with genders. I thought gender was social construct. Which it is

>> No.10006763

Liking Peterson is an alt-right thing to do.

>> No.10006766
File: 155 KB, 2366x1235, RBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt-right and Dicky Spencer didn't exist before Clinton rolled them out with help of alphabets. Every time you shill for them or attack them (as if you are attacking actual white nationalists or Trump supporters) you are playing in the hand of democrats.

>> No.10006771

Are you canadian?

>> No.10006772

>An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code
[Assented to 19th June, 2017]
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
R.S., c. H-6
Canadian Human Rights Act
1998, c. 9, s. 9; 2012, c. 1, s. 137(E)
1Section 2 of the Canadian Human Rights Act is replaced by the following:
2The purpose of this Act is to extend the laws in Canada to give effect, within the purview of matters coming within the legislative authority of Parliament, to the principle that all individuals should have an opportunity equal with other individuals to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have and to have their needs accommodated, consistent with their duties and obligations as members of society, without being hindered in or prevented from doing so by discriminatory practices based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.
1996, c. 14, s. 2; 2012, c. 1, s. 138(E)
2Subsection 3(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Prohibited grounds of discrimination
3(1)For all purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.
R.S., c. C-46
Criminal Code
2014, c. 31, s. 12
3Subsection 318(4) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:
Definition of identifiable group
(4)In this section, identifiable group means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or mental or physical disability.
1995, c. 22, s. 6
4Subparagraph 718.2(a)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(i)evidence that the offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, or on any other similar factor.


>> No.10006775
File: 156 KB, 1478x962, vEpSBCI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who do you think *is* real news, my dude? Objective journalism is extinct, and the ravings of Alex Jones are no less valid than the ravings of Van Jones.

>> No.10006777

I don't know much about the politics of Canada, but that would definitely be heavily controversial among American liberals.

>> No.10006787

your smart

>> No.10006789
File: 80 KB, 1024x683, memerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that so? I'm glad if that's the case.

More alt-right people need to realize their racism and bigotry is working against them. Peterson recently made a case that one of the strongest things Conservatives haven't tapped yet is that most immigrants into a country are not liberal, but conservative.

Liberalism is entirely a white thing, yet they've outsmarted conservatives and tapped the immigrant market and utilized them. Conservatives can do the same and even best them in this category, but so many are being tainted by dumbasses like Trump and becoming violent racists.

Maybe Leftists planned this, too. Maybe they realize the more immigrants they import and the more instability they create, the more conservatives will turn racist and radical and become shunned from the rest of society, de-powering the right.

They are pretty fucking smart for how vile they are. They understand power very well.

>> No.10006791


In Canada, if you tell your child that there are only two genders then he or she will be confiscated and given for adoption by gay parents (exclusively). I wish that were an exaggeration.

>> No.10006795

There is obviously a difference between allowing a child the freedom to express themselves and refusing to discipline a child when needed.

The difference being that some actions are harmful to other people or themselves, and some things aren't harmful.

The only harm I can see on the topic of raising trans children would be to force the child to remain their gender, causing years of psychological damage.

>> No.10006796

your intelegent

>> No.10006813

In the past ten or twenty years, gender was redefined to be a social construct while sex is the xx or xy chromosomes you are born with.

The idea being that if people want to call themselves a boy or a girl despite being something else, just let them, because it doesn't hurt anyone other than the trans person.

>> No.10006816
File: 360 KB, 1000x667, fear-despair-ron1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftists are minority
>leftists plan to bring in more conservatives to alienate conservative majority

This is your brain on Peterson.

Beware, kids.

>> No.10006820

yeah cause shit like this

obviously doesn't result in 'psychological damage', which is obviously a problematic and ableist concept. The transgender community has become far too powerful, way out of control imo. I don't want to be at the mercy of these people who are obviously highly disturbed and ideological.

>> No.10006825

Cocaine causes permanent damage to the mind and body, so no, that would not be a good way to raise children from a liberal perspective.

Nice try at an analogy, but it's too disparate.

>> No.10006833

>There is obviously a difference between allowing a child the freedom to express themselves
lgbtsjws: some children are born sluts

>> No.10006835


>> No.10006837

Why do you care if someone wants to call themselves a different gender? Does this really, genuinely make you angry? Why don't you just leave people alone? They're not hurting you or affecting you in any way.

>> No.10006844

Yeah that's not true. Fuck off.

>> No.10006848

So does getting prostituted in the street by your parents, moron.

>> No.10006851

I guess you were right, Anon. This thread really puts Peterson's crowd in a good light.

>> No.10006854

Do you think >>10006474 this isn't hurting the kid? Do you accept this? Do you let your own kids do this?

Is age just a number? Would you let the old man with boner come near your kid?

>> No.10006864

funnily enough we are dealing with EXACTLY the same people who think all white males are inherently evil who think western culture and liberalism are evil. I just don't think I should be forced to kneel before ideologically motivated leftoids who hate me no matter what.

>> No.10006867

>Would you let the old man with boner come near your kid?
you're hilarious

>> No.10006868

If they change their mind when they get older and feel embarrassed looking back on it then that sucks. It really does. But it's still better to let them have this freedom and make their own mistakes. Everyone does stupid things when they were kid that they look back on and laugh or cringe, but that's just life. It's not harmful to anyone and that's the bottom line.

>> No.10006872

I mean it's probably the child's father now that I think of it.

>> No.10006874

>Didn't answer the questions.

>> No.10006876

Not all white people are evil, shits like you are.

>> No.10006880

Trans children are not getting prostituted in the streets. However if I'm wrong and you do have any information on this, I'd beg you to please contact the authorities immediately.

>> No.10006882

>clicking on bait webms
no thanks

>> No.10006883

Don't bother, anon. They're too far gone.

>> No.10006888

>Didn't answer the Questions.
Not even cultural marxists can honestly defend their ideology.

>> No.10006889

If I had a child I would not let them twerk in the street half naked like that, regardless of their gender. I doubt the parents of that kid would be happy if they saw that footage.

>> No.10006895

Do you think it is hurting the kid? Why would you take him away from expressing xir's inner xer? That will hurt the kid and cause him trauma. Just let him be, the kid knows best because if it feels good it's good?

>> No.10006899

What question?

>> No.10006906

If society is in the final analysis a collection of individuals equal in every way, regardless of age, sex, or race, then any existing imbalance of power *must* be the result of unearned privilege. Since FUCKING WHITE MALES are at the top of the western social pyramid, they must be cut down to size by any means necessary.

>> No.10006907

>The so-called Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017, or Bill 89, was approved by a vote of 63 to 23

>It requires child protection, foster, adoption service providers, and judges to take into account and respect a child's "race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression."

>"I would consider that a form of abuse, when a child identifies one way and a caregiver is saying no, you need to do this differently," Minister of Child and Family Services Michael Coteau, who introduced the bill, was quoted as saying. "If it's abuse, and if it's within the definition, a child can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops."

>> No.10006912

>people who think all white males are inherently evil

Another /pol/ meme. Fun fact: almost no liberals hate white males indiscriminately. Yeah there's some blacks and women who hate whites and males, but really this is not a significant portion of liberals.

But it's obviously easier for you to simply believe that liberals hate white males because then you don't have to use any other justification for your ultra-conservative beliefs.

You're delusional about liberals believe. Perhaps stop browsing /pol/.

>> No.10006921


What is the objective metric by which you personally define "evil"?

>> No.10006923

A kid dancing half-naked in the street around a bunch of strangers is not the same as a kid being allowed to express themselves.

I would tell my child they can express themselves in what way they choose, but they cannot put themselves at harm (like grinding half-naked in public around strangers with cameras).

>> No.10006931
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Yeah, I can't imagine what would give him that impression haha he's such a dumb polposter hah

>> No.10006935

>Copy paste instead of source or link
Do you even live in canada?

>> No.10006936

Did you not post the article link because you know it's not reliable?

>> No.10006939

Posting a couple of shitty articles from some dumb Tabloid magazine doesn't prove your point.

>> No.10006944

You clearly missed out Hillary Clinton's latest interview where he blames White America for Trump's election.

I'm sure it's still up in Washington Compost or some such garbage dump, go read it.

>> No.10006949

Kid puts himself in harm when you brainwash him to become a transgender, since transgenders have highly increased suicide attempt % and suicide % (both pre and post-op).

Do you allow your kid to become a tranny? It put him/her/xer in harm's way.

>> No.10006953
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My aesthetic is Caitlyn Jenner on xir vintage convertible, proudly sporting an official Trump MAGA(tm) hat.

>> No.10006958

Is that supposed to mean that Hillary Clinton hates white people?

Is that supposed to mean that most liberals hate white people?

Are alt-right retards only capable of posting funny meme incidents rather than statistics to make assumptions about large groups of people?

>> No.10006962

OOPS >>10006766

Alt-right and Dicky Spencer didn't exist before Clinton rolled them out with help of alphabets. Every time you shill for them or attack them (as if you are attacking actual white nationalists or Trump supporters) you are playing in the hand of democrats.

>> No.10006965

You don't make a kid transgender; they're already in the category of increased likelihood of suicide regardless if their parents force the kid to stop.

>> No.10006968

leftists glorify transgenderism, they outright perceive it as something heroic and brave. Reminds me of how some primitive tribes worshipped hermaphrodites. further proof leftism is actually a religion.

>> No.10006974


How stupid do you have to be to misunderstand my post that badly?

>> No.10006975

>You don't make kid tranny.
Oh, the kid just "grabs" the idea of transgenderism out of thin air? The parent's don't brainwash him/her? He can just say "I'm tranny" without no prior interaction with it? Wow, truly these are some really smart people when they find out a liberal concept generated in 20th century on their own...

>> No.10006977

>You don't make a kid transgender
but wasn't gender an evil social construct that had to be abolished by force if necessary? I thought the leftist party line advocated raising kids as genderless and sending them to genderneutral preschools. make up your mind leftists. That's what I don't like about leftists, they are so fucking evasive.

>> No.10006979

>leftism is religion
>in the Peterson cult

Well, you would be the expert here.

It's what you said, dummy.

>> No.10006991

Do a trans rape you?

>> No.10006993

If your son is wearing make up and putting on dresses for an extended period of time, there is a good chance that they're transgender. Parents don't tell boys to put on dresses and makeup they do that on their own. Parents simply have to tell their children what they're going through. And if it's just a faze? Then it's a good thing they didn't get a sex change surgery. Most liberals agree that young children shouldn't get sex change surgeries until they're much older.

>> No.10006994
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>You don't make a kid transgender
look into the originators of transgender ideology: Judith Butler and dr. John Money. who both happen, incidentally to be of Jewish descent. Dr. John Money in his quest to expose gender as an evil social construct, genitally mutilated a boy and raised him as a girl, the boy later committed suicide. However, Money is still celebrated by the transgenderist left to this very day, and questioning his crackpot 'theories' can land you in jail for hate speech.

>> No.10007003

Not an answer.
Not an answer.

>Parents don't tell boys to put on dresses and makeup they do that on their own
I assure you do, they very much do in leftist circles. Do you think that kid had the bright idea to go twerk on his own?

>If your son is wearing make up and putting on dresses for an extended period of time, there is a good chance that they're transgender
Depends if the son got to it because his parents are leftards brainwashing him or on his own (which is highly doubtful, since there is no vacuum anywhere in the world)

>> No.10007006

This is the fourth time I've had to say this, but that is (once again) another /pol/ meme/misconception. Almost no liberals think that the concept of gender is evil, you just saw some dumb post somewhere where someone said they thought that the concept of gender should be abolished and now in you're unintelligent thought processing you are making the assumption that all liberals have to think this way.

Grow up and stop basing your definition of what liberals believe off of jokes on 4chan.

>> No.10007013

We are not strictly talking about liberals. Besides, main campaign strategy of Clinton, the liberals, was identity-pol and affirmative actioning whites away.

>> No.10007019

Jordan Peterson's

>> No.10007023

Maybe we ought to raise our kids on a vaccum, or some kind of matrix.

>> No.10007026

Or just get rid of cultural marxism.

>> No.10007029

Saying it again won't make it true, trump-anon.

>> No.10007034

It should be clear that he is alphabet-op considering how every, even little bit right-winging person gets censored in Twitter or Youtube.

Google even tried writing away Peterson but he was too big.

They didn't even touch Spencer.

Really makes me think.

>> No.10007036

But it doesn't exist per se.

>> No.10007037

That's a horrible story but that doesn't disprove my point, in fact it only cements it.

You can't force someone to be a different gender than they want to or they will face severe psychological trauma.

>Money is still celebrated by the transgenderist left to this very day, and questioning his crackpot 'theories' can land you in jail for hate speech.

Yeah that's clearly a lie. Nice try though.

>> No.10007038

That's not cultural marxist.Stop using concepts you don't know.You are in a literature board,you should know better kid.

>> No.10007043

>every, even little bit right-winging person gets censored in Twitter or Youtube
not true

>> No.10007045

>we need everybody to agree with us on every level

>> No.10007048

>agree with us

you mean to say
>agree with me

>> No.10007067

You're so stupid. You realize the Peterson would never speak for the white race because he's about the individual's rights. His main philosophy is that groups don't hurt, individuals do.

Oh, that and he's not a fucking racist but I'm not expecting anything approaching train from you.

>> No.10007077

Oh shit, ducks are fucking terrifying.

>> No.10007092

>Alex Jones
>Alt right

Come on you keep revealing your lack of knowledge of the political landscape. You started off maligning and now you're "just wondering", give it a break.

>> No.10007097

Is this an anime adjective or something?

>> No.10007103

Just leaving this here, for both leftwingers and rightwingers, since none of you seem to know what you're talking about.

>> No.10007110


it's whatever the fuck you want it to be

if I want you to address me as Lord, as my chosen pronoun, and you don't fucking address your Lord, then you, peasant, and getting a $250k fine!

>> No.10007122

>Judith Butler critiques the sex/gender distinction on two grounds. She critiques gender realism with her normativity argument (1999 [original 1990], chapter 1); she also holds that the sex/gender distinction is unintelligible (this will be discussed in section 3.3.). Butler's normativity argument is not straightforwardly directed at the metaphysical perspective of gender realism, but rather at its political counterpart: identity politics. This is a form of political mobilization based on membership in some group (e.g. racial, ethnic, cultural, gender) and group membership is thought to be delimited by some common experiences, conditions or features that define the group (Heyes 2000, 58; see also the entry on Identity Politics). Feminist identity politics, then, presupposes gender realism in that feminist politics is said to be mobilized around women as a group (or category) where membership in this group is fixed by some condition, experience or feature that women supposedly share and that defines their gender.

Butler's normativity argument makes two claims. The first is akin to Spelman's particularity argument: unitary gender notions fail to take differences amongst women into account thus failing to recognise “the multiplicity of cultural, social, and political intersections in which the concrete array of ‘women’ are constructed” (Butler 1999, 19–20). In their attempt to undercut biologically deterministic ways of defining what it means to be a woman, feminists inadvertedly created new socially constructed accounts of supposedly shared femininity.

wtf i love Judith Butler now

>> No.10007124

Your example does noy fit the situation, Trumplord.

>> No.10007132
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petersons real beliefs. Dont be a fool, reject peterson and plant sex

>> No.10007146

Alex Jones is unironically better news than CNN and FOX, but that's more of a condemnation of the latter than a promotion of the former.

The only real news ironically is Al-Jazeera.

>> No.10007159

my guy, listen to what that anon is saying, look at the twerking child webm again, and tell me the environment that he's surrounded in isn't toxic. At one point in >>10006474 the guy dressed only in pride flags kicks the kid into the center and urges him to start dancing in a blatantly sexual manner. It's not about makeup or dresses, but the fact that adults are treating their children like icons for their agendas, which should (but doesn't) constitute as abuse.
Also, anon never said that dresses and makeup were sexualizing, that was >>10006639, a refutation of >>10006607. And to be fair, I wouldn't let my daughter wear makeup until she was 16 because yes, most cosmetics are made to make a person more feminine and attractive.
But desu i'd wear a toga if i had fat calves.

>> No.10007190
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According to leftists, Catman is actually a real cat and we should refer to him by the pronouns cat/cats/catself. To do otherwise is bigotry. If you won't agree to your child undergoing extreme body modifications on the orders of the school gender commissar, obese blue haired social workers can come and take them away.

>> No.10007239


even if you dont accept a gender spectrum, you should still accept a political one.

plenty of leftists think that the dissolution of cultural ideology as a result of the post-modern condition is deplorable and divisive for actually mobilization for positive social change. this is not "marxist", no matter how fervent your simple minds' desire to paint a world that is black and white. if anything, it is foucauldian.

painting this as some sort of leftist agenda demonstrates your impoverished understanding of continental thought from the 19th century onwards. you need only see reference to "cultural marxism" to immediately discount what that person is saying because it is painfully obvious that they do not know what they are talking about.

>> No.10007266

oh yes, instead of aspiring to raise yourself to the level you perceive the white male to be by means of virtue and letting humanity rise to its peak potential why don't you just drag them down into the dirt with the rest of the degenerates for equality's sake.
I'm for letting humans express themselves any way they wish, and i'm also for having the right to refuse to particpate in one's expression in place of my own.

>> No.10007333
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the future is bright. I look forward to it. Everything will be possible in the future.

But seriously, I think I like leftism-as-seen-by-the-right over actual leftism. I actually want a world where everyone is a mutant freak, where all cultures have melted into each other. Where each person has their own gender, their own political party, where nothing is forbidden and everything is permitted.

>> No.10007433

Shills discredit anyone on "the right" that can attract a decent following.

>> No.10007503

dude did you just steal a line from true detective?

>> No.10007609
File: 204 KB, 640x366, walter-benjamin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can trace the sjw agenda to a cabal of literal occult jews, including Frankfurt School members Walter Benjamin and Derrida, both rebbes and students of the Kabbalah. I was surprised to find out how much of the sjw terminology
comes from the works of Derrida. He invented the term 'problematic' for one. It's all part of a centuries long game of 458-Dimensional Kabbalistic chess a plot hatched by the Messianic Rebbes, Luria, the Elders. the world of judaism is an apocalyptic fever dream out of Neon Genesis Evangelion. This is what Jews Actually Believe. Hermaphroditism is associated with the coming of the Messiah, a precondition for the day of judgement, along with the return of The Chosen people to the holy land. Jared Kushner, Netanyahu are both linked to the Chabad Lubavitch a messianic jewish sect. Trump's being played by the zionists, like no president ever before. Their endgame is the collapse of Western Civilisation, forcing the return of the Jews living in the west just in time for WWIII/Armageddon. Read the book of revelations dude.

>> No.10007613


>le petersin is ok but i'm wondering if his followers don't even understand that THEY FELL INTO MY LAWGIK TRAP THE WHOLE TIME WHO WAS POST-MODERNIST????

jesus christ.
the absolute state of the left.

>> No.10007812
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Fact : it is a gay custom for lgbt 'parents' to trade jr twinks during Pride season, think of it as taliban sheikhs trading Falcons, Arabian racehorses and bacha bazi dancing boys at an afghan bazaar. The similarities between their culture and that of radical islamists is astounding.

>> No.10007869
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alex jones is controlled opposition but he's right on way more things than people want to give him credit for

stop drinking tap water

>> No.10007877

>said something about the trannies
Why do people keep spouting this? Probably many of us did know of him because of trannies, but I doubt that is why most people watch him. Hell he doesn't even talk about it much now.

>> No.10007879

His fan base is filled with idiots who like him because he's a college professor who thinks trannies are gross like they do. They don't understand what he's saying. If you read the YT comments under any of his lectures you'll find people saying they got confused over really simplistic ideas and then of course a bunch of memes about cleaning your room.
I know he isn't purposefully enabling this sort of community but I think he deserves it considering all he cares about is selling his future authoring program. If he wants to be remembered by a bunch of LARPing manchildren, so be it.

>> No.10007880
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check out Miguel Serrano for some dank esoteric truths regarding the aryan origins of the Chilean race, Hitler's UFOs and the tibetan metaphysics of national socialism.

>> No.10007884


I think he sees the idiots attaching themselves to him and tainting his legacy but the money he's getting from all this is clouding his vision

when you make 70k a month doing barely anything, you stop caring who listens in

>> No.10007887

> I'm a realist, though some might see me as a pessimist.

>> No.10007893

>people are capable of being complex and this enrages me
>i need to fit them into word boxes so that I can feel superior

>> No.10007898
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it's not about trannies being gross, but about taking a stand against marxist tyranny. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize''- George Orwell, probably. Those pesky purple haired transgendereds must be the most powerful race on earth.

>> No.10007905

He's the only professor/intellectual actively attacking academia's echo chamber. I like that. I don't care for the other shit, such as his views of religion. I agreed with basically nothing he said in the Sam Harris podcast, but so what? Somebody has to do something about academia and he is good enough to be the one. So fuck it

>> No.10007912

the point about Jones is he exists for a reason, he's allowed to operate for a reason, he's successful for a reason. i used to watch him and he did cover many stories or events that weren't covered by the commercial networks and he did hit on some points of truth from time to time. but the point is, because he is controlled, you will never learn any vital details from him or gain a whole understanding of what's going on. he is in business because he tells you enough to hook you just so he can then lead you astray. he works for the same kind of people who create the tv news.

>> No.10007916

>Considering you're buying into this 'social marxism' meme, which is clearly nothing more than a defamation created to whitewash progressive movements
But it's not though. Social marxism and other such concepts that you and others here on 4chan deride as strawmen or exaggeration, are actually proposed by feminists.
I have a friend who's a radical feminist and she told me about cultural marxism and all that without me even asking or probing.

>> No.10007928
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Mr Sulu you have gone too far.

>> No.10007967

seriously, he talks more about Mesopotamian creation stories than anything else, he only brings up identity politics when somebody asks him to,and even then its very briefly.

>> No.10007974


>> No.10007998

>tfw no schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude gf

>> No.10008005

What really bugs me about this is that her child's non-conformity is no some level a project so she can get attention for her progressive values. It's not about her son, it's about how she treats her son and what that says about her.

>> No.10008006

I'm surprised people are confused by him, since i thought he had a very plain English way of speaking in His Harvard lectures on youtube.

>> No.10008069
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>> No.10008082
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>just like him cus he BTFO some college xirs?

>> No.10008120


The only people who care about association with "plebs" are hipster faggots who worry more about status signalling than sincere philosophy.
Peterson is a classic liberal and unironically believes in democratic humanism and the transcendent innate worth of every person. He thinks he is spreading a truthful message he's not focused on what cringelords think of his audience.

>> No.10008228

I still don't give a shit about this fag.
You are a fag for memeing this fag.

>> No.10008685

Its really simple I think. Peterson's spiritual center is Christianity. Those who are attracted to Peterson's thoughts but lack the Christian faith replace the hole that Christianity fills with with nationalism.

Then again this shit is pretty simple, the reason why you're not getting this might just be as simple as you now knowing who the alt-right is.

>> No.10008723

The issue may be that you think the Alt-right are the basic bitches from r/The_Donald and a couple of Alt-Lite YouTubers like Lauren Southern, Molymeme and that Paul Joseph Watson fellow.
The actual Alt-Right, think that Peterson is a good goy because he sees individualism as the highest good we can strive for. He doesn't support nationalism, and he's staunchly opposed to tribalism. He stands opposed to what the Alt-right stand for.
That said, we can still like points he makes without having to like him or everything he believes. You don't need to try fit everything into two or three boxes.
Hope you understand a bit better now
t. Stormfront user

>> No.10008742

OOPS! Alt-right and Dicky Spencer didn't exist before Clinton rolled them out with help of alphabets. Every time you shill for them or attack them (as if you are attacking actual white nationalists or Trump supporters) you are playing in the hand of democrats.

>> No.10008752

Cultural bolshevism was used already in the 1920s to describe degradation of culture in Germany.

>> No.10008785
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>> No.10008814


who the fuck is defending this?

>> No.10008816

And the view counts of videos by him vs videos of him.

>> No.10008836

Read the thread.

>> No.10008840
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I know she's not stupid enough to actually believe the things she says but it still makes me angry.


>> No.10008843

She is exactly that stupid though. She called roughly half of Americans basket of deplorables, homophobes, racists.

>> No.10008861

...and find that not a single anon defends it.

>> No.10008865

Listen to him on his first appearance on Sam Harris' podcast.

The guy is mostly a joke. He's been picked up because Christians think he believes what they do and is fighting against secularism.

>> No.10008873
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>these are the people calling us SJWs

>> No.10008876

>Sam Harris
Want to know how I know you're autistic?

>> No.10008879


That's one of the things I don't like about the left, anyone who disagrees with them is branded as some kind of fringe lunatic.

>> No.10008882


>> No.10008903

Clinton isn't political ideologue. She was just banking on the wrong horse. She has held nearly every political position over time. In the 90s, she wanted children of illegals out of the country when Bill wanted a border wall.

>> No.10008909

there is no beauty in any of this

thereby it is not worth considering

if it is worth considering, it is only as a mirror of self that must be dissolved, shattered

to move into greater spheres

>> No.10008915

Reading this thread only confirms that the right wing (and/or Petersonites) are sensible, rational and all together decent human beings.


>> No.10008916

well aren't you thorough

>> No.10008933

most of his followers are harmless kekistanis or whatever, it's only a very small minority that are like this >>10006182

>> No.10008938

I just scrolled through clicking practically at random. There's just so much homely decency in this thread!

>> No.10008952

Are you believing sarcastic? ITT has been nothing but "Leftists say/do/think this and that" with no proof or explanation or actually replying to a self-proclaimed leftist saying/doing that. It is like they are arguing against a strawman in their mind. I want to see someone explain how Adorno's criticism of captialism commodification of culture means he approves whatever dumb shit is going now

>> No.10008957

I don't think I've ever seen an actual Alex Jones video and I'm a JBP fan.

>> No.10008970

I hope you realize 'postmodern' is a very accurate descriptor for /pol/. He recognizes that his fanbase is either alt-right or 'kekistani' and so he doesn't criticize them as hard, instead turning his cannons towards the cause of their grievances (mostly tumblr fatties) and speaking to their psychological issues and existential/nihilistic tendencies. Step away from the computer for a while, pick up a book.

Also, Richard Rorty predicted the 2016 election back in 1997 (skip to about 16 minutes in):


>> No.10008973

>plz don't remove the blinkers

>> No.10008987
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>Peterson can't say certain things because the cucks in the media (and the pomos at his university) would SHUT HIM DOWN.
>defend the white race

Go back to your containment board, stormfag. /lit/ is for people with triple-digit IQs

>> No.10009013


Peterson has been talking about all this shit since before 4chan even existed, and says you shouldn't be a fucking nazi as a reaction to what someone else is doing.

>> No.10009025

Nobody on here critical of Peterson has actually ever once entertained his arguments or tries to respond seriously. These threads degrade into making fun of his audience, and spamming kekistani posts. He offers young people revived classical liberal principles and people against this are ideologically motivated towards socialist or communist perspectives. That's where it ends. There's no point discussing it further because there's no winning or agreeing possible between these groups. Looking from the outset collectivism will win and socialism will be revived within our lifetime. I'm against it but it's practically inevitable.

>> No.10009053

There's no need to criticize Peterson and his blatantly uninformed philosophical views.

If 90% of the people jumping to his defense ITT are stereotypic stormfags, a simple ad hominem suffices.

>> No.10009054


How's the high school?

>inb4 not an argument

>> No.10009057

Yes, and?

>> No.10009064
File: 151 KB, 489x380, spanish-civil-war-1936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking from the outset collectivism will win and socialism will be revived within our lifetime. I'm against it but it's practically inevitable.

What a surprise, a good portion of the Left is almost certain ur-fascism will win out.

It'll likely be more complex and the old ideologies will only be a vague guide.

>> No.10009069

>Marxists never used to hate conservatives!

if you can't politics, don't

>> No.10009078

>still not one argument
There is a minority of stormfags here but at least you admit your posts are shit.

>> No.10009082

Normalfags are sympathetic to communism much more than Nazis. That will be the guiding principle. How that manifests is still yet to be seen but it will be a form of socialism.

>> No.10009083


You were implying Peterson is pandering to and is soft on /pol/, thats simply not the case.

>> No.10009096

I just wish his definition of 'postmodernist' wasn't so narrow as to only include screeching SJWs, I realize it's kind of a buzzword but it's really annoying to come across these ironically racist kekistani kids who rail against 'postmodernism' and yet fail to be objective about Trump and have clearly never read any of the relevant literature, while they are not nazis they are still obnoxious and cringy for the most part

>> No.10009098

the man gives papa advice, but packages it in weird shit. jew.

>> No.10009100
File: 373 KB, 808x609, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the bar is literally a statistical average

> /pol/ probably can’t meet it by and large

>> No.10009108

are you a judeochristian goodboy yet?

>> No.10009118

hey fanboy listen up. in case you haven't noticed. he uses "postmodernism" in place of "cultural marxism".

he doesn't actually mean postmodernism. you are not an artist.

>> No.10009129

What are you on about? He usually couples post modernism with neo-Marxists. There's no cryptic double meaning, he's upfront about it.

>> No.10009131

You're new to politics, fine.

>> No.10009135

very interesting video

>> No.10009446


People who are legit at-right do not like Peterson because he has a soft stance on immigration and utterly despises people like Hitler. Peterson was the first person who I ever heard articulate a reasonable defense against nihilism. I watched all his lecture series and it really helped me turn my life around.

>> No.10009459

It also includes the political establishment and the pomo groups interested in it.

>> No.10009600

Today I learned that I'm not a leftist because I don't think young children should transition, I can't name a single book by Judith Butler and don't think transgenderism is something to be glorified.
You guys should contact that site that determines your political stance on a coordinate system, you could greatly improve their algorithms.

>> No.10009639

>not being a conservative Marxist
You were close

>> No.10009713

Peterson is the alt-right crowd's first exposure to philosophy as well as their first encounter with a person who shares their relative point of view attempting to use high diction to get across an idea.

People hypothesizing about his recent explosion in popularity are by and large vastly overestimating the capacity of his audience.

I suspect that most of his fanbase lacks the attention span to tolerate a one hour lecture and the extent of their appreciation stops with 5 minute videos in which he is berated by the mentally ill.

If his easy-to-digest, pragmatic platitudes help just a few of these people expand their world and dig themselves out of the hole their living in, I don't see the harm in it.

It does seem however that they're co-opting a lot of what he's saying to fit their narrative.

>> No.10009922

Peterson focus is on personal development and the analysis of the self. His intent as an academic is to give these tools to others so they can either further his ideas or for these ideas to be of some use to whomever comes across them. If you hold him above anything else, like putting in the position of the voice of *intert group* you have completely missed the point.