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10005592 No.10005592 [Reply] [Original]

Is she right, /lit/?

>> No.10005598

This whole argument of "which sex writes the other better" is the circlejerk of mediocres.

If you're a writer worth any kind of fuck you have no problem writing either male or female, hell even a fucking robot.

>> No.10005609

are they a porn reviewer?

>nubile balls
never thought about balls as marriageable

>> No.10005714

If female writers wrote tweets like robots would
>Please provide me with attention

If female tweeters read competently written books instead of half-cocked erotica

If OPs posted threads like faggots do

>> No.10005751

Who writes like this?

>> No.10005755

Literally no one.

>> No.10005773

Women want to be men, more news at 11

Seriously what is the meaning of this

>> No.10005801
File: 7 KB, 193x250, Bjorn-Andresen-The-Boy-Cover-by-David-Bailey-1970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"He walked downstairs, noticing how his limp penis pressed against the front of his underwear, his nubile balls dangling hairily below"

I think she meant how bad men are at erotic writing but she managed to fuck it up because she's a woman. Her entire point is undercut by the sheer volume of torso-of-the-week romance novels and couch cushion moistening crap like "50 Shades of Gray" and "Twilight".
>He walked downstairs, noticing how his limp penis pressed against the front of his underwear
Why would he notice his own penis? That only makes sense if he was initially unaware he was arousing the woman looking at him (or had the potential to do so).
>his nubile balls dangling hairily below
Using "nubile" doesn't make sense unless it's that "beautiful boy" MILF ephebshit, which would make it A LOT hotter and explain why he didn't realize being in his underwear had turned the situation sexual, except she immediately undercuts that with "dangling hairily" so that's right out. Also "hairily" is not a word.

>> No.10005807

There's a passage that gets passed around here which describes a woman like that.
I don't know from who it is or from where it is, but I think it's famous.

>> No.10005950

Not even close. Most of my main characters are female and I don't mention their tits or cunts or whatever during any non sexual scene.

>> No.10005966

pretty sure the word nubile is used incorrectly, also how can your balls dangle hairily? anyway, this type of tweet is bullet proof because if you pointed out how stupid and full of errors it is she can just say "oh, but im mocking how men make errors" and so on.

>> No.10005973
File: 20 KB, 300x400, faggot_award_by_thelemonynade-d57qgjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that they would write more like this desu

>> No.10005975

also, all women write is shitty erotica about modern cowboys and firefighters and fetish-obsessed bankers. as usual, this is just some hoe moaning about something women do and attributing it to men
women -> toilet

>> No.10005994

>tfw no qt Nabokanna to write Lolito from the perspective of a perverse older woman molesting a 12yo boy, with stylistic grace and masterful use of the english language

would actually read

>> No.10006023

YEAR 2017
DAY 10


>> No.10006030

Sounds like any novel of Houellebecq.

>> No.10006031

Naw man Flannery O'Connor is great

>> No.10006035

>*unzips balls*
but have you thought about these balls?

>> No.10006041
File: 1.38 MB, 1437x2000, mary-kay-letourneau-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go read this Wikipedia article, it's exactly your story


>Mary Kay Fualaau (née Schmitz, formerly Mary Kay Letourneau; born January 30, 1962) is an American former schoolteacher who pleaded guilty to two counts of felony second-degree rape of a child, her 12-year-old student, Vili Fualaau. While awaiting sentencing, she gave birth to Fualuaa's child. Her plea agreement called for six months in jail, with three months suspended, and no contact with Fualaau for life. The case gained national attention.

>One month after her three months in jail, Letourneau was caught by police in a car with Fualaau. Judge Linda Lau found that she was in violation of the conditions of the plea agreement, vacated her probation, and re-sentenced her to the maximum of seven years in prison. She soon gave birth to a second daughter, while in prison. She was incarcerated from 1998 to 2004.

>In 2004, when Letourneau was released, Fualaau was over 18 years-old and he asked the court to revoke the no-contact order. The court complied. Letourneau and Fualaau married in May 2005, and she took his last name.[1][2] In May 2017, Fualaau filed for legal separation.

>> No.10006049

>six months in jail,
Female privilege must be so sweet.

>> No.10006064
File: 18 KB, 300x250, 1489672527453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> According to Bremner, "Nothing could have kept the two of them apart."[20]
> On May 9, 2017, after almost 12 years of marriage, Fualaau filed for separation from Letourneau.[37]

>> No.10006071

I actually do notice my penis on a regular basis.

>> No.10006093

I notice it
when I touch it................. on your moms face heheheheehehehehehehe
wooo haha oh boy jk lmao

>> No.10006164
File: 35 KB, 304x474, 519RAAQKV7L._SX302_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to buy the ebin book they co-authored in French (and I'm French, so...)


>> No.10006175

I don't know about the ethicals implications here but I do more often than not think consciounsly about my balls and or penis.

>> No.10006205

The differences between and women demand that they're written about differently.

>> No.10006251 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.00 MB, 1280x682, 1505067656317.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all women write is shitty erotica about modern cowboys and firefighters and fetish-obsessed bankers
Frogettes are quite good at it, famously so.

>> No.10006361

Why must this jezebel torment him so?

>> No.10006373

That's a male's nipples?

>> No.10006382
File: 205 KB, 1006x1544, Marguerite Duras_The Lover_Cover.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one way to find out.

>> No.10006384
File: 344 KB, 1037x1601, IMG_4821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still together in every way but the legal sense.

>> No.10006394


Women don't find that attractive. Women write about men poorly by talking about their feelings 24/7 about their clothes about how pretty and effeminate and basically female they are, unless the male character is a villain, then he's probably fat and ugly and angry and mean like my dad

Womeme writers, not even once

>> No.10006395

>that woman is 55 years old


>> No.10006397

I sometimes unironically think about how my dick is feeling a lot while I'm alone.
Not seeing the problem here

>> No.10006398

She looks it. Disgusting old hag.

>> No.10006403


Hey, they contributed their ovaries, at least the ones that weren't biological failures did

>> No.10006403,1 [INTERNAL] 
