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File: 209 KB, 1346x707, 4bb7645a-c198-43b7-a6e4-8008ab36dba4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10003676 No.10003676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what books may i read to get smarter?

>> No.10003683

11 IQ here, what is a book?

>> No.10003696

Hello african fella. You lost?

>> No.10003698

i may b a literal moran but i don't believe u

>> No.10003713
File: 19 KB, 1399x77, 4d2ee4da-50e1-452a-9b87-1c53ca9d3891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this test is shorter but gave me this
>tfw too smart for mensa and /lit/

>> No.10003757

??i'm Argentinean

>> No.10003761

That means ure a real doo doo head but IQ doesnt go negative yet lmoa

>> No.10003765

That's what he said

>> No.10003862

Iq was ~140 in my teens, now 123.. fk

>> No.10003864

How do i increase my iQ>? I want to be average

>> No.10003900

You can't but you can follow my footsteps and destroy it even further by degeneracy

>> No.10003908

Maybe it's like a loop. If your iq gets so low it turns over into 200.

>> No.10003914


you decreased your autism, good job

>> No.10003924

Intelligence is genetic.

>> No.10003932

all of it?

>> No.10003940

Read all about ENERGY ...

I mean the physics kind, you dummy.

>> No.10004009

the wallpaper on that website looks like a bunch of bear assholes

>> No.10004014

iq underflow

>> No.10004090

Same here, dropped from 148 to 125. I think speed was the reason why though. I didn't even come close to finishing the test because I spent too much time going through different permutations to confirm my answers. When I was a kid I would just throw caution to the wind while taking tests and live with the occasional dumb mistake which probably games these timed IQ tests better than making sure every answer is correct.

>> No.10004143

tfw 120

I didn't finish it though and I'm p drunk soooo

I'm frankly a bit scared to take it sober, because if I don't do so well, i won't be able to say that i might do better sober.

>> No.10004260

Any thoughts on how one should go about fulfilling their intellectual destiny based on IQ ranges? Most of us here have intellectual interests of some sort, but what can we reasonable expect to achieve with IQs in that superior, but not very superior, range of 120-130 (going off the other posts in this thread).

>> No.10004266

It's probably on the low side of the spectrum buddy

>> No.10004271

if you didn't get into a top ten unergrad it's basically over for you ever accomplishing anything of note due to the american education caste system, but you can still get a upper five figures job and get a condo in the hip section of town if you try hard

>> No.10004289
File: 23 KB, 800x800, 1483564995574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are 5 points short of entering mensa

They are all just elitist pseuds... right? RIGHT?

>> No.10004314

I was strictly wondering about IQ, but why would undergraduate education be that important anway? I seriously doubt you could adequately explain how America's educational system resembles a caste, but feel free to try.

>> No.10004322

can you name anyone who did anything good who didn't go to stanford, harvard, yale, princeton or upenn?

>> No.10004333

Plenty of people

>> No.10004339

the thing that really highlighted this point for me is the book "hard thing about hard things" there is a point when they, a group of jewish stanford grads, are searching to hire a sales exec for their startup and they are doing reference checks on this gentile from utah who went to a barely top 50 school, and people were calling them up randomly saying "under no circumstances hire this guy!" and they almost didn't but then someone said "if he had gone to a strong school he wouldnt be a sales exec for us, he'd be ceo of ibm" and then i realized, if you're not from an elite school you better be 10 times better than every jewish guy from stanford and yale, and quite frankly, good luck with that because those dudes are legit good

>> No.10004349

What about Faulkner, Hemingway, Frank Herbert? They didn't even graduate.

>> No.10004356

what the fuck is that background image sage

>> No.10004358

faulkner and hemingways careers were started before ww2, and herbert just writes genre fic

>> No.10004374

But they didn't need top 10 universities to accomplish things of note. That's the point I'm making.

>> No.10004381

What if you're a gentile but go to a school filled to the brim with Jews (like Penn)?

>> No.10004383

Achievement and intellectual goals are value based. The thing which, in my opinion, is the most valuable thing worth possessing is well within the range of my 123iq friend.

>> No.10004387

Is anyone else about shit at unscrambling words? Are those supposed to be more difficult or am I lacking in some area of intelligence?

>> No.10004389

if you have an ambiguous hebrew name like "elon" you could pull it off, of if your daughter marries a jewish magnate

>> No.10004392

That thing being what? The ability to construct a coherent value system?

>> No.10004393

real iq tests don't have that

>> No.10004396

I'm not going to do that.

>> No.10004401


>> No.10004402

literally any book, just keep reading

>> No.10004403

mensa is fucking stupid

>> No.10004408

I ask because they're cheap compared to professionally-administered IQ tests.

>> No.10004416

dude who cares, the only reason to take an iq test is to get certified retarded so u can get free gibbs and/or avoid the death penalty, there's not value in the upper end

>> No.10004417

I'd rather be dumb with a big dick than smart with a tiny pecker

>> No.10004420

yea but u never get laid so who cares

>> No.10004424

Fk bitches, write a book about it for my fellow mediocre iqers and get money braa

>> No.10004428

no one is gonna publish a book by a straight white male from a mediocre school

>> No.10004439

I'm assuming that with this knowledge I could make a more suitable career choice.

>> No.10004440

am i being memed or is this guy really this retarded lol

>> No.10004456

It's gonna be edgy as fk, dominatrix ritual type shit with occult gnostic rape fastasy vibes. Baptism by humiliation, complete ego depletion and entrapment into the bosom of the demiurge with soma induced logos unification. Sold at your local spencers

>> No.10004489
File: 619 KB, 2036x1328, Screen Shot 2017-09-09 at 11.24.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'sup brainlets
>also that feel when wicked smaht but not smart enough for mensa

>> No.10004497

i think either way knowing your IQ might be detrimental to your psyche. if low you feel like shit and if high you build yourself up like some kind of shit don't stink cunt. knowing your IQ will only change the way you look at yourself, it doesn't really help you in any meaningful way.

>> No.10004523
File: 260 KB, 1266x914, big brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 130

Virtually braindead

>> No.10004527

Who are you talking to?

>> No.10004529

the guy who wants to pick his career based on his iq score

>> No.10004546

(An IQ could tell us for sure if I am retarded, by the way)
>70 IQ negroids should become doctors
>160 IQ jews should become cashiers

>> No.10004553

kek motherfucker it's been a long day I will take it again tomorrow and wreck u

>> No.10004680

Do you guys even understand what IQ stands for?

Listen up I'm gonna blow your minds here, it stands for Intelligence Quotient meaning that of you get older and don't improve at the test but stay the same, your IQ diminishes

This is why IQ is good at what it's designed for: testing intelligence development of children. However it's usless when it comes to grown adults, who for some reason still believe it to be valid.

I don't know if these online IQ tests ask for your age but either way they're just crap.

>> No.10004684

holy shit someone with a clue

>> No.10004688


>Any thoughts on how one should go about fulfilling their intellectual destiny based on IQ ranges?

Any STEM careers where you are a sort of worker, but not a groundbreaking theorist, should be able to be done by someone around two SDs, e.g. a career in engineering, but not someone who is going to be working on cutting edge theory in math.

Here is a researcher in intelligence talking about the different parts of IQ spectrum and what they are capable of in society (in a popular, non-resourced blog post that doesn't get bogged down in technicalities like some of his other posts): https://web.archive.org/web/20160208155242/http://drjamesthompson.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-7-tribes-of-intellect.html

>> No.10004698

Reminder Feynman didn't have an exceptional IQ score

>> No.10004708


Search around the internet. This Feynman story is not correct, because the tests used were old ratio IQ tests sometime in the 1920s or 1930s. They weren't good measurements of g.

>> No.10004762


>> No.10004790

The only reason they changed the test methods is because they realised they weren't adapted to measure intelligence past puberty, so they made the new tests as a money grab for people to wank over an arbitrary number
There's a reason Feynman was so critical of IQ tests, psychometrics is a pseudo science

>> No.10004836

You're not making any sense, you know that right?

>> No.10004849

The way IQ was originally created was to measure the degree of mental retardation of children
If a 10 year old had the mental age of a 9 year old, his IQ would be 90, hence intelligence quotient.

Assuming the test continues this principle into adulthood, if you score 100 IQ at age 20 but do exactly the same throughout you entire life , your IQ will be lower and lower the older you get since the test expects you to improve.
The principle is simple but I don't know how many IQ still use it (since it's inherently flawed at older ages for obvious reasons), but none of them seem to disclose exactly how they attribute IQ scores to individuals which is why they should be disregarded as the unscientific pieces of crap they are

>> No.10004858

As far as I am aware this definition of IQ has not been used for a long time.

>> No.10004859

So at age 20, average IQ is 200.

>> No.10004869

No, the average IQ is always 100 (meaning your mental age=your real age)
If you are 20 years old with 200 IQ this means your mental age is 40, since the test assumes people always increase in intelligence

Again, modern tests don't indicate what principles they use, but the one I'm explaining was the original one and the meaning behind the term IQ

>> No.10004890


>> No.10005000
File: 36 KB, 650x492, 99IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason I doubt the accuracy of this

>> No.10005100

115 here, is there a way to train it?

>> No.10005112

You missed your chance if you are 23+

>> No.10005131
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, 1501708177563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>133 IQ
feels good

>> No.10005179

I can confirm this is false. You can absolutely make huge changes to your mental pattern recognition abilities past 25.

>> No.10005186
File: 37 KB, 799x496, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of those patterns were a bit hard, but it was mostly counting, rotating and flipping

>> No.10005353

What if I'm like 19
I took this last night drunk and got 120 which is frankly not high enough for a person whose identity is as staked in his own intelligence as my own
I'd like to do everything I possibly can to boost it
I probably ought start reading more and teaching myself the math i fucked about and skimmed over in highschool ey

>> No.10005364

If you were smart enough you'd realise it's just a number that an online site gives you

>> No.10005766

You can still do some catch up as your brain is not fully developed.

In your crystalized IQ but your liquid IQ will stall and start to deteriorate once you hit 23-25

>> No.10006005
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when too smart. The 39th and 37th were difficult.

The Brother Karamazov is one of my favourite books, It really make me think.

>> No.10006010
File: 29 KB, 664x504, Screenshot 2017-09-03 at 15.26.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10006029

what is 'smart'? "functional" knowledge?

>social engineering
>new languages
>socio-economic-geo-politics worldwide
>choose an area and train specific technical skills of this area, for instance IT -> programming, cybersec, databases, etc)

now, if by smart = high IQ in some not-reliable tests?

>problems used in IQ tests (lol)
>math problems

>> No.10006114
File: 185 KB, 1698x1140, 1476053476131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tests say you have a high IQ, but everything you say turns into an unintelligible mess where you can barely keep your thoughts focused for more than two sentences

>> No.10006252

Why Does the World Exist?: An Existential Detective Story

it's actually really boring, but it's the only book I can come up with

>> No.10006310


>> No.10006339

books won't improve your fluid intelligence, but drugs(nootropics), exercise, and maybe other stuff can. By how much, is debatable.

>> No.10006350

feynman scored 127, that's literally better than 99% of normies who use him as an example that IQ is somehow not valid, despite IQ and psychometrics being the only realistic recourse if we must choose a standardized test. of course its not perfect, but life is hard, yadayadayada, unless somebody else can propose a more impartial and statistically valid method, people need to stop talking. there are culturally fair tests as well. Feynman also scored insanely high on the GRE(highest in history iirc), he's not some retard who 'just worked hard'

>> No.10006352

I bench 140kg+ and run 3200meters in 12 minutes at -37 celsius and I can tell you I'm dim as fuck

>> No.10006357

that's anecdotal, but grats on your stats bro

scientific evidence says that a fit brain comes along with a fit body

>> No.10006369
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I wish. Only thing I want to be is smart and I can't achieve it.

>> No.10006547

Nobody is denying Feynman was a genius
I used him as an example because the IQ test clearly did not consider him a genius seeing as how half the people in this thread scored better than him

IQ is a fucking retarded test and the problem stems from the fact that it attempts to measure something it can't even accurately define

>> No.10006590
File: 270 KB, 1930x1698, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to intelligent to take an online iq test

>> No.10006627
File: 40 KB, 706x706, IMG_2928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 125 for me.

>> No.10006697

beautiful painting anon, did you masterpaint it?

>> No.10007069

yes I did! Save it, it's all yours my friend :)