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File: 57 KB, 220x312, 220px-Gramsci[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10001057 No.10001057 [Reply] [Original]

>cultural hegemony
so this is what people are talking about when they refer to cultural marxism, right? an attempt to estabilish a pro-revolutionary cultural hegemony, as outlined by Gramsci

>> No.10001074

Yes but also the Frankfurt School's movement toward a critique of Enlightenment rationalism accelerated by capitalism

The important thing is a rejection of economism

>> No.10001121

Gramsci was a conservative intellectual, so the answer to your question is negative. He had in mind classical criterias for high culture, he was thinking about a Marxist Petrarca, rather than a fat pink-haired people screaming incoherent slogans in the streets.
The same applies to Frankfurters, who were pretty much all devoted to classical German music above everything else.
These sort of cultural critiques were not coming from a place of ignorance, nor did they want to lead us there.

>> No.10001127

try the redpill. Or just read Culture of Critique to see white truth

>> No.10001131

Yeah, it doesn't have anything to do with /pol/'s sense of cultural marxism. That comes more from French pomo shit in the 60s and 70s.

They wanted to "liberate" the individual and the repressed uniqueness of human diversity. It quickly spawned postcolonial, gender studies, that kind of thing. It was related to hippy culture too.

>> No.10001133

>t. Someone who has never analyzed Tasso's poems, nor he has ever studied Haydn's forms

Just give up.

>> No.10001136
File: 195 KB, 676x1004, masterpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


agreed, and while you're at it go read the Art of the Argument by Stefan Molyneux

Best book I have ever read in my life, right behind the Art of the Deal

>> No.10001140

Glad to see a fellow redpiller, white brother of Kek

>> No.10001143

I'm not talking about his specific project for a high culture, but rather the conception of cultural hegemony itself and the idea that class warfare goes beyond, as the other anon said, merely economic factors.

>> No.10001146

What a hideous cover.

>> No.10001150

It might be the worst I've ever seen. It's unsettling.

>> No.10001151

cultural marxism = neo-marxism

>> No.10001156

>meaningless /pol/ buzzword = meaningless Jordan Peterson buzzword

>> No.10001168

trying too hard, buddy

>> No.10001176


Although there is genuine bigotry and hatred againts white people, you need to look further.

This whole postmodern identity politics that has poisoned much of the left ultimately is what all postmodern philosophy is: incoherent and internally contradictory:

All the Grand Narratives are dead, and reality will forever elude us, there is no meaning, no beauty, there is only power. All hierarchy is unjust, all distinctions are oppressive, all qualifiers are some form of 'ist'. Just ignore that this in itself is a Grand Narrative, and that all the 'deconstruction' of 'systemic racism/sexism/whatever-ism' will just lead to new status-quos, new hierarchies, and new power structures. Logic doesn't matter because logic itself is an oppressive construct of the cis-hetero-whitesupremacist-colonialist-capitalist-imperialist-ecocidal-patriarchy.

Look at how 'PoC' or other types of minorities are treated when they don't bow down to this ideology. The words 'Coon' and 'Bounty' and 'Twinky' are used without any self awareness. Liberal, reformist, or ex-muslims are treated as traitors and 'native informants' when they don't act like a stereotypical angry muslim. Although the word 'anti-semitism' is thrown around non-stop (e.g. to label Trump) Jews are often described in terms that would make / pol/ proud, but they hide it behind 'zionism' or accuse jews of having 'white passing privilege'. Despite the talk of 'PoC' as united against whites, asian-americans where shut down at BLM college events. Now relatively light-skinned black people are being scrutinized as not oppressed enough. White cis-gays have lost oppression status.

The downward spiral will not stop, and it will reinvent itself unless the core of it is attacked, i.e. the philosophy behind ID politics and postmodernism and how and why it fused with progressivism and marxism.

Whining about 'white hate' won't work, because they see it as evidence for their stance.

>> No.10001184

try redpill. We are being genocided

>> No.10001228

If you think that making that connection takes any effort, you really mustn't be used to thinking.

>> No.10001248

it doesn't take effort and it isn't accurate. you gotta be a new level of retarded to believe "neo-marxism" is a "meaningless Jordan Peterson buzzword"

>> No.10001316

So I'm trying too hard, or not at all?

>you gotta be a new level of retarded to believe "neo-marxism" is a "meaningless Jordan Peterson buzzword"

It's entered our discourse as a meaningless buzzword. It may have some use in sociological, economic or philosophical circles that is actually meaningful, but most people here parrot it simply because Papa Peterson says it a lot. Like a whole lot. If you'd like to prove otherwise - care to define it in your own terms?

>> No.10001343

You're trying too hard by claiming neo-marxism gained some renewed notoriety by means of Memerson's work
I'm sorry your first contact with something as basic as this came from a ideologue like Peterson, but some people on /lit/ do read books. You can find a decent definition on Wikipedia, loser

>> No.10001346


not him but why does he even use the word, it's muddying his message

he says that marxism is dead and postmodernism picked up the pieces, so why not solely focus on the beast that is postmodernism? instead of calling it out in several different forms

some Peterson acolyte needs to come and explain this to me

>> No.10001384

In other words, you're a pseud. Oh, great, another one.

>> No.10001906

The concept of cultural hegemony is pretty widespread in the humanities

>> No.10002083

Instead of arguing about the actual things you faggots jerk over sophistry and etymology.

Congratz for missing the forest from the trees.

>> No.10002330

why is he so cute bros?

>> No.10002338

it's such a delusional self-parody