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9607533 No.9607533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The day of the Straight White Male author is over.

Even the ones who make it to the public eye now have to denounce Drumpf and advertise feminism etc in order to do so.

Our age is over /lit/

The age of the Orc has truly come.

>> No.9607546

So the days of good literature you mean?

>> No.9607555

It's not really happening yet, to be honest. You're afraid of it happening, and it probably will happen, but it's not really happening yet, if you just look around.

>> No.9607560

it won't happen. it might be a momentary fad, iow the best seller lists will be full of it, but the books that will still be remembered 100 years from now will still be the ones written by white males. simply because hypes don't endure time. only sustance can do that.

>> No.9607563

>writing for money or approval

>> No.9607578

Yeah that was OP's point, Anon. OP agrees with you.

>> No.9607582

Plenty of females currently active who will be remembered for their works as well I'm sure

>> No.9607584

remembered is not the same as valued or still relevant.

>> No.9607591

okay, then it should be easy for you to name one

>> No.9607594

To be fair I can't name any men either

>> No.9607676

remembered is not the same as valued or still relevant.

>> No.9607825

Im going to excerpt this into my novel when my character browses 4chan lol

>> No.9607828

Tao Lin already wrote a novel where a character browses 4chan, you're not original

>> No.9607835

Art got very politicized. Not in the " criticizing wars and blood money" way, but rather the " let's be mercenaries on a leash" type of way.

I can't remember a time where the artistic class has been so one sized like today. I think even cold war america/USSR had more dissident artists than today wester world.

Anyways, seems like this century so far hasnt been capable to produce any good arts, really, so nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.9607883

Franzen is a hack for reasons that have nothing to do with his gender or ethnicity.

There's a kind of "soft" censorship going on now where breaking into the industry is nearly impossible without being a certain kind of bland and inoffensive but superficially political writer. Technically, options like self publishing are now simpler than ever but very few have the knack for self promotion and resources to not be drowned out by the piles of trash pumped out every day. In some ways it's harder to make a name for yourself as a "dissident" or even just someone who writes things that don't fit the mold because those roles used to have a certain mystique before whereas now they're old-timey sideshow attractions that few if any really care about.

>> No.9607897

Twin Peaks: The Return will be rememberd as the greatest artistic accomplishment of the early 21st century

>> No.9607910

Rafael Chirbes

>> No.9607915


>Technically, options like self publishing are now simpler than ever but very few have the knack for self promotion and resources to not be drowned out by the piles of trash pumped out every day.

I haven't seen a single person advertise their own work on here. I think self-promotion is easy. The problem, as ever, is writing something people want to read.

>> No.9607951

You haven't been here very long if you haven't. Things like Behead All Satans, Yurope, The Magnificent Third Rail, that one YA scifi book by the autist tripfag who wrote like 12 volumes while working at a gas station in bumfuck nowhere (I think it was called Fusion Heart or Star Epic or some shit), and various other books like some ridiculous British thriller about "paedophiles" being murdered or something have been shitposted about here. Presumably, at least some of that was done by their authors.

>> No.9607961

Don't forget about kolsti

>> No.9607991


>> No.9607996


And you think the reason why these books aren't read here is because of the volume of other books vying for our attention?

It's more likely that they just weren't good. Either that or they tried to get you to pay for it before reading the first 10 pages, which is death for a new author.

If someone made a thread saying "I wrote this, here's the first 10, take a look", I guarantee you it would get attention. We'd at least tear it up. But no way we look at it and say "ugh, there's just too many people advertising their work, I'm not gonna bother"

>> No.9608024

I wasn't talking about them at all or self promotion here in the post before the one you're quoting. Those are just examples of things that were promoted here before since you said you never saw any, completely unrelated to what I was saying in the other one.

>> No.9608032

Yeah I know but I need to add the part about white males lol

>> No.9608034

>I think
your thoughts are very valuable

>> No.9608049

Don't forget Memeoir Anon

>> No.9608052


>> No.9608165

>Franzen is a hack for reasons that have nothing to do with his gender or ethnicity.
The Corrections is good for what it is. Franzen never intended to be the next Joyce or Pynchon. He set out to write a realist novel in a postmodern era. He succeeded in that. Never understood the hate that novel receives. Think it has to do with Franzen's off-putting public persona more than the work itself.

>> No.9608167

Did Memoire ever use his pizza delivery strategy?

>> No.9608176

That godawful essay where he talks about Gaddis in the plebbiest way imaginable probably has more than a little to do with it.

>> No.9608182


"Survey of workforce at 34 book publishers and eight review journals in US reveals 79% of staff are white and 78% female – with UK numbers still unmonitored"


>> No.9608192

He had a mental breakdown now he's living in a monastery

>> No.9608193

I do think part of the blame for politicizing the arts does lay with the American right. Over the course of its development art became severely undervalued as an unnecessary diversion at best. If the only people who support the arts are left leaning, it's not really a surprise that the arts become more left leaning as well.

>> No.9608199

>people still think feminism/SJWism isn't just a fad and that it will survive another 5 years


>> No.9608249


it's either that or a huge shit stain in what could have been the best tv series of all time

>> No.9608255


Just the pace of it...

Could you have guessed 10 years ago that things like " micro-agressions"; " hate speech"; "gender fluidity" and the like would be taken seriously by the mainstream?

>> No.9608287

I agree with this. The right has every opportunity to produce a Jacques-Louis David or something like that to capture their values but they spent too long railing against art as a whole for that to happen.

Because /pol9k/ is even more addicted to their persecution complexes than the fat tumblrinas they despise.

>> No.9608302

Donna Tartt

>> No.9608306

They aren't (except hate speech which has existed as a concept for a very long time)

>> No.9608329

Hate speech has been a thing for a while.
"Micro-aggressions" and "gender fluidity" are not really taken seriously by the mainstream IMO, it seems most people are apathetic to it, since it doesn't affect their daily life. (But I don't live in the US/Canada, maybe things really are that bad over there.)

For example, there were things in the hippie era that were more outrageous than what is acceptable now, especially in terms of sexuality. But in the long run it seems a more conservative, orderly and family-oriented culture always wins.

>Because /pol9k/ is even more addicted to their persecution complexes than the fat tumblrinas they despise.
I tend to agree with /pol/ on racial issues, because that's something that can change a civilization forever.
But SJWs and shit... who cares, without retards who constantly give them attention they'd be dead already. Yeah, there will always be some legit faggots in any society, but it's honestly nothing to get upset about.

>> No.9608381

>this century hasn't be able to produce any good arts
Horrible pretentious way of thinking. Many of art considered to be great wasn't even acknowledged at the time it was created. Also we have heaps of art made in most diverse fields, from the classical fields to the new media and ineractive ones.

Kill yourself pseud. Now I am really mad about early 20s pseuds like you posting out of your ass on here. Drop dead.

>> No.9608390

It's very obviously brilliant

>> No.9608474

It's not like Franzen is beloved by feminists. And a lot of straight white males hate Trump too.

>> No.9608534

i feel honored.

>> No.9608579


lets start slow
tell me one rockstar of the 21st century

>> No.9608598

Tell me one rockstar from 16C

>> No.9608616
File: 54 KB, 611x529, srsly_anglo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he writes for an audience of anglos
> he thinks there's a future in english language literature

just stop

>> No.9608686

None of that means that great any worthwhile art is being made. I really doubt the generation raised on Harry Potter is capable of creating great art.

>> No.9608739
File: 88 KB, 660x495, rsD0RUq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because previous generations grew up reading Cicero? Books for kids have always been banal, anon, lay off.

This. The American right wing has a history of being pretty anti-intellectual and I don't see them making any efforts to turn that around.

>> No.9608751

you say "american right wing" like its any different from the american left wing

>> No.9608755
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>> No.9608772

Franzen is a massive faggot though

>> No.9608778

Is this really your example of a good white male author being held down? You could pull from such a huge pool of European and American authors who are alive and cranking out beautiful prose, and you pick the guy that is a trashy version of a liberal, even by the New Yorker's standard?

Jonathan Franzen (and DFW) catch alot of flack because they pander to a very niche group, the middle-upper-middle class that attends schools in the top 100 but not top 20 (except occasionally Berkely, but if this is the case they are almost wholly ambivalent to literature outside of these 2 authors and the Harlem Renaissance).

This isn't the sign of some end-times. Even if a college professor says he isn't teaching Franzen and Wallace because they're white males, said college professor is a rarity (even if the Daily Mail says otherwise), and certainly people don't teach them because they're painfully middle-upper-middle class white writers. Besides, if you look at the gender politicking that Franzen does (such as how he got angry at her because he thought she was feminizing his book by recommending it-- this really happened, look it up), it's usually in service to the middle-upper-middle class status quo ideals.

TL;DR, he's a very loud projection of middle-upper-middle class society that you can ignore, and represents nothing of the current state of literature.

>> No.9608782

Harry Potter is unique in it's ability to stunt people emotionally and intellectually.

>> No.9608812

Even Harvard is swarming with Harry Potter reading emotionally stunted LARPers, I remember reading an article that talked about a group of students who created a chapter of 'Dumbledore's Army' as a way to resist V̶O̶L̶D̶E̶M̶O̶R̶T̶ Drumpf. American elite institutions are overrated as fuck, imo. The spectacle of university ratings has practically no connection to reality.

>> No.9608832

DFW was at least more competent at stealing from his betters like Gaddis and Pynchon than Franzen ever was or will be.

>> No.9608849

It's not over for the much maligned straight white male writer, the demographic group responsible for 99.9% of all genuine and worthwhile art. This is and has always been his realm and no one will ever surpass him. But he has to realize what the next step is, and to do that, he has to realize why he has been marginalized by the powers that now dictate who rises in his craft: all the phony and mediocre supply of feminists, negros, and latinxes who his overlords say time has come.

Why are these people being promoted over him? Well, who owns the publishing industry? As is the case with most major information control industries in the west now, it has been taken over by tribalist jews. This group is dictating the terms and promotes these very policies to demote white men in favor of women and non whites. Why? Because, as anyone who's read Nietzsche knows, which is surely everyone here being the deeply philosophical and educated bunch you are, the jew knows that to destroy society you promote the weak over the strong to disenfranchise your main enemy. Be it the Christian slave morality, the communist revolution of the proles rising up against the bourgeoisie, or our current form of racial communism that promotes all these groups over us -- it's the same thing, has the same purpose, and aims to overthrow the same enemy: you, the straight white man.

So the aforementioned next step? How are you going to overcome this rigged field and the tribe of informational arbiters working against you, to disallow you to make a living doing what you want to do? You have to go after the jew, remove him from power, and retake your institutions -- namely, in this case, the jewish-owned publishing industry now intentionally excluding you -- the evil straight white male. So stop being a faggot, buck up, and stop letting this foreign tribe dictate the rules in your nation. Be a man: use your craft to attack him, expose him, and remove him. That's how you get back on top.

>> No.9608854

yeah thats nice but meds arent white

>> No.9608871
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>The right has every opportunity to produce a Jacques-Louis David

Honestly, I've come to believe Sam Hyde must be some sort of anti Bertold Brecht for Weimar USA, the similarities are uncanny. muh Verfremdungseffekt

>> No.9608882
File: 20 KB, 217x346, 41VlSfTpfPL._SY346_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is about all the artistry the alt right can dredge up in the Current Year.

>> No.9608948

kek. I love seeing /pol/acks on other boards. What should be done though is a boycott of any publishers that actually behave like this, but I don't know for sure if they all do or not.

The novel I'm working on now is about a trip I took to Europe with some friends, modeled on Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises (I know). But I talk about identity and being European American and globalism. I don't know how far in depth I should go with this though. I thought about putting in the line, "Paris doesn't even look French anymore."

Thoughts on this?

>> No.9608988
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Daily reminder.

>> No.9609002

The problen runs deeper than publishers. Most of them don't even take unsolicited submissions and agents are basically 100% parasites who virtue signal harder than your average tumblrina would.

>> No.9609008

Do it. You can go further than you think, people are ready for it. If you're looking a writer looking for an audience, here it is.

>> No.9609009

I've become unironically homophobic over the last couple of years. lgbt/'queers'/gays are just so aesthetically displeasing. everything has to have gays in it these days because OMG SO DIVERSE. AND. PROGRESSIVE! it's not even 'edgy' anymore it's pitiful. a PC spectacle of tolerance for white liberals, like those awful 'multicultural' murals from the 90s. progs like to subject themselves to degeneracy, ie. gay pride parades, in some sort of pseudo catholic masochistic ritual that proves how tolerant and open minded they are, but you know it grosses them out deep inside.