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/lit/ - Literature

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9342290 No.9342290 [Reply] [Original]

>when you're finally getting to modern times

>> No.9342323
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How pedestrian.

>> No.9342337

good adorno, good milton, worst ulysses. get gabler. nothing to say on the rest

>> No.9342392

What the fuck is this Andrew?
You have the taste of a fucking 15 year old

>> No.9342396

What's wrong with that Ulysses?

>> No.9342399

>get gabler

>> No.9342409

Ugly as fuck
Also the Yes is a bit heavy handed

>> No.9342411

How much for the stack, my dude?

>> No.9342431
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>Gabler corrects hundred of Joyce punctuation errors.

>Joyce punctuation errors

>> No.9342436

I think it was 75. So not bad tbqhwyfam.

>> No.9342445


>> No.9342456

How much is that in Groite Bri'ish Paunds me mate?

>> No.9342461

60ish I think.

>> No.9342591
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R$24.50 (reais, Brazil's currency), something like $8. The history book was half of it. I know you Americans are accustomed to buying way better editions for like $1 on library and yard sales, but these prices I got are really rare around here. It was a great deal in my opinion.

Reading "Diary of a Nobody" right now. It's a nice little book, light and funny, but probably not an actual classic.

>> No.9342593
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I am currently reading Crime & Punishment, but I will eventually finish all of these. I read The Iliad and The Odyssey a few years ago, but they warrant a reread; I am almost finished with Sherlock Holmes; and I know the Septuagint isn't the optimal translation, but I do like looking at the side-by-side comparison of the Greek and English translations.

>> No.9342600

$7 canadian btw

>> No.9342602
File: 6 KB, 209x241, ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ those editions are painful to see.

What's worse is a fantastic Shakespear & Co. first edition replica was put out by Dover around the same time. It has great oversized dimensions, retains the original errors (which had been hard to find up until that point), and has the iconic deep sea blue-green cover with the just the big Ulysses and Joyce's name.

In every bookstore in my metropolitan area they stocked the replicas for about year, then they displaced them for that Vintage one. Ayayay.

>> No.9342631

Also I haven't looked into the specs of that edition but it's good practice to stay away from "the corrected text" that was edited in the 80s and since been published in a few different editions.


>> No.9342639

Nah this is the unabridged one, not the 80's one.

>> No.9342720

Beautiful editions, anon.

What's the translation for the Iliad/Odyssey?

>> No.9342846

i prefer the original with all it's 'mistakes'

>> No.9343000
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I'm going to finish with the Greeks, I swear.

>> No.9343012
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>gets printed by a bunch of frogs who can't speak English and get shit wrong
>Joyce works personally with a bunch of scholars to go through and fix it to the way he wanted it to be
>faggot teenagers in 2017 think the version with all the shit Joyce wanted fixed is more "pure"
>meanwhile paint chewing retards think a puffed up egotistical professor's personal "corrections" are worth anything
How could such a beautiful book be surrounded by so much bullshit?

>> No.9343021

>when you're finally getting to modern times
>The Epic of Gilgamesh
I lolled

>> No.9343054

>the stand
i've always just wanted to read about whatever the hells going on in the cover and spine.

>> No.9343142
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Right two are new. Left stack was from a second hand place but appear to be unread, just have names or messages written inside them, the old lady at the counter was frothing at the gash over my finds

>> No.9343220

I'm only read 120 pages so far. People can shit on King all they want but his ability to flesh out a character is top notch.

>> No.9343226

gilgamesh is great

read it first obviously, since its the first literature thing

>> No.9343246

The Translation was done by Samuel Butler; I also have an older Iliad translated by Richmond Lattimore.

Sorry for the late reply.

>> No.9343251

I was given The Stand a long time ago, and yet I have never read it in its entirety. I know it is supposed to be one of Stephen King's better works, but is it really worth finishing? If not, it is just going to go with the rest of the pile for store credit.

>> No.9343267

stick with Lattimore
If it isn't entertaining you or otherwise keeping your interest then drop it. It's Stephen King, not Dante.

>> No.9343359


Why do so many people on /lit/ read Schopenhauer. What makes him so good?

>> No.9343373

Thank you for the advice. I'll probably still read the Butler translation for the Odyssey (I have no other translation), What is the difference between the two though? Is Samuel Butler less akin to the original?

>> No.9343398
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>> No.9343458

I'd only need to learn Ancient Greek if I had copies of Ancient Greek texts, and I haven't had any luck with that.

>> No.9343666

Nothing it's the best one to read (1961 corrected text). Don't listen to this guy about the Gabler, it's a contrarian opinion. Nice Adorno + Faulkner btw.

>> No.9343679

Picked up The Prague Cemetary by Umberto Eco and Epicurean Simplicity by Stephanie Mills.

>> No.9343761
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Value Village had a sale.

>> No.9343770


>Buying DVDs in this day and age

We have BDs you caveman.

>> No.9343795

w2c that matrix book?

>> No.9343972

Holy shit, I've been looking for something like this for ages. Thank you.

>> No.9344000
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Got these over the weekend.

>> No.9344262
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>two copies of Hamlet
>Matrix DVD

>> No.9344271

is the schopenhauer one a translation of Handschriftlicher Nachlass or Parerga/Paralipomena?

>> No.9344328
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top: stuff i picked up at a few second hand shops
bottom: some books left by a previous occupant that i found in a shed

>> No.9344333
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>> No.9344336

and by the way, I can read these all in about two days.

>> No.9344424


>> No.9344462
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3 bucks each on my local goodwill store.
Pretty happy with Dante, it's like 730 pages long. I'm sure it will be useful for when I attempt to read the Comedy.

>> No.9344473

okay wew lad I believe you

>> No.9344522

Why did you censor the bottom portion of top DVD? Are you gay?

>> No.9344590

Did you forgot to put your fedora in the photo?

>> No.9344652

Butler is in prose

>> No.9344663


no you can't.

>> No.9344671

>History of Political Philosophy

I dunno, bro. That just seems like a monumental waste of time.

>> No.9344761
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>> No.9344839
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Book about modern rhetoric, the castle and the process. At a cheap price aswell.

>> No.9344860

I went to Waterstones today and just couldn't do it. £8 for a paperback (which I don't like at the best of times), more often than not with an ugly fucked up print or £15-20 circa hardcover. I'm going to power through some shit I've avoided reading for ages then just go on Amazon.

I've never managed to find a used book shop local to me in the UK and car boots/charity shops always suck.

>> No.9344862

>snacka snyggt

lol that language sounds ridiculous
shiggy diggy scooby doo

>> No.9344950

I know how it feels.
Im at Fort Hood, and the closest used book store is 50 miles away.

>> No.9345003


I have that same edition of Processen, but my Slottet is shitter. Bra val.

>> No.9345095

the fact that he's spot on on most topics

>> No.9345134
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good on you for trying to learn ancient greek
+paradise lost, gilgamesh
+willy shakes
+middle three

>> No.9345562

If you're interested in annotated bibles check out the norton critical one. Bretty gud.

>> No.9345594 [DELETED] 

RJ Hollingdale

>> No.9345810
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Oh shit, is this a thread for scandifags now??
Recently bought Dante myself but I want to finish The Iliad and Then the Odyssey first.
And how do they even translate Kafka's The Castle? Like the unfinished or broken/incorrect sentences, do they guess at appropriately Swedish errors?

>> No.9345817
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>> No.9345903
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Just got one book.
I've got like 6 other books that I'm currently reading, and will end up get to pic related sometime in may or june.

>> No.9346059
File: 50 KB, 289x499, 51Fbxw2rNvL._SX287_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard about it, then saw it at a local book store and picked it up

What am I in for?

>> No.9346064

how much did you get that morals and dogma for?

>> No.9346072

A dollar at a garage sale.

>> No.9346083

fuck. ive seen those editions go for like a hundred bucks. i want one just to have the reference for scotish rite rituals but never felt like spending the money.

>> No.9346102

Amazon has some fairly cheap ones.

>> No.9346202

Slave morality.

>> No.9346247

yeah paperbacks doe

>> No.9346255

Written by an emperor to himself? Interesting

>> No.9346282
File: 146 KB, 938x799, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some for 9 bucks

>> No.9346327 [DELETED] 

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little undergrad? I’ll have you know I graduated at the top of my class from every single Ivy League university, have been involved in numerous tech, consulting, financial, and law firms, and have over 300 books on my Amazon wishlist at any one time. I am trained in library science and I am the top archivist in the entire US Library of Congress lending network. You are nothing to me but just another philistine. I will wipe you the fuck out with dialectics the likes of which have never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of rare book dealers across the USA and your Barnes & Nobles receipts are being tracked right now so you better prepare for the intellectual storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your collection. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can scan and share PDFs in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the stack of hardbacks I carry around at all times. Not only am I extensively trained in book-trading, but I have access to the entire inventory of every top colleges' library in the US and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of /lit/, you little amateur. If only you could have known what enlightened bibliothecography your little “modest” collection was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have put down your fucking camera. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn dilettante. I will shit shelfies all over you and you will drown in them. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9346457
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Currently reading Notes from the Unterground
I thought this was just a /lit/-meme book

>> No.9346464

Don't listen to this guy. Marcus is compassionate and kindhearted, hence "slave-morality". Which is a stupid thing to say. He's a man of immense integrity.

>> No.9346481

Isn't that exactly what slave morality is, though?
Keep in mind that the degeneracy and fall of the Roman empire started with him.

>> No.9346515

The Tunnel is one of the worst books that is critically acclaimed. Have fun reading the first hundred pages, hating it, and giving it up.

>> No.9347042


>> No.9347079

19th century hunter life in the Siberia, nonfiction

gr8 shit

>> No.9347306

>Among the Thugs
>Infinite Jest
>Less than Zero
>The Long Hard Road Out of Hell
>Ham on Rye
>Blood Meridian
>The Long Day Wanes

>> No.9347329

Dude, don't read that edition of King Lear. Get the Arden one.

>> No.9347336

Why? Because it isn't split into Acts and uses the quarto version?

>> No.9347506
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>> No.9347520

how to spot pseuds: they don't know gabler is the only legible ulysses

>> No.9347637
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This is the best one now. Cover is ugly af, but the text is a facsimile.

>> No.9347642

I really e joyed the snows of Kilimanjaro the happy life of Francis mcom er is Good.if you like Hemingways shorty stories read likenick Adams stories

>> No.9347671

>Tragedies by Aeschylus
>De rerum natura
>The Canterbury Tales

t. fell for the Classics meme

>> No.9347690

R$24.50 in all that? Damn.

>> No.9347725

I am frothing at my face gash. Dat Frost and Faulkner

>> No.9347738

Get that sweet buy 4, get 1 free deal?

>> No.9347745

live stream or your claim is null

>> No.9347760

That's not what Russel Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix taught me.

>> No.9347776


>> No.9347788

Cada livro da Penguin foi R$3 e o sobre a Renascença foi R$12.50.
Só conheço um sebo com esses preços pra livros em inglês, por isso tento ir lá pelo menos uma vez por semana.

É brasileiro também, meu camarada? Comprou algum livro recentemente?

>> No.9347821


lel, it's the same tripqueer with the Autism library. Why dont you rearrange youe shelves? lmao

>> No.9347830
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>> No.9347835
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>> No.9347859

>Wii U

We are like two halves of a whole.

>> No.9347888

Sou sim. Onde fica tal sebo?

>> No.9347910
File: 36 KB, 500x273, spongebob meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe you stumbled onto the wrong mongolian cartoon board, we only speak english here senpai.

>> No.9347943

t. monolingual brainlet

>> No.9347956

No Centro do Rio. Você é de onde?

Aparentemente você está errado, senpaiília. Veja só, eu estou nesta tábua falando português. Que coisa, não?

>> No.9347960

Qual o nome do sebo, diabos?

>> No.9347971

De onde você é, demônios?

>> No.9347993

You seem well-rounded, well-read, and probably girls let you cum inside them after 2 dates

>> No.9348103

You know it nigga

>> No.9348105

How is the modern library edition? I picked it up but havent read it yet.

>> No.9348245


>> No.9348638

Look at you go, champ.

For your information: there are zero bookstores in the "city" I live in.



I either have to drive 2 hours to the nearest city to buy books, or I can buy them online.

>> No.9348681

I feel your pain anon
I come from that kind of town, but luckily there were some antiquarians and a Salvation Army, stuff like that, where people dropped off books and I found plenty of classics and other interesting ones, I suspect it might be because there weren't many other collegefags like me to come pick them up like in a big city.
Ridiculously cheap, too, but if you can't find any of this there are always private listings who are always definitely worth checking out. The real gold is when you have a recently widowed lady with a late /lit/ husband, it's happened to me twice and both times I walked away with an assload of books they wanted rid of.

>> No.9348864
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A "friend" borrowed my copy of Ariel and lost it.

plz no bully for Rupi Kaur

>> No.9348909
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>Rupi Kaur

Taking all my effort not to bully you right now to be honest senpai.

>> No.9349203
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>reading rupi "my vagina" kaur

>> No.9349226
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>> No.9349377

Finns det några böcker av svenska författare som du har att rekommendera?

>> No.9350420

>Buying physical books
> wasting money
> wasting space
> let's everyone know what a pretentious douche you are

Tell me /lit/ why don't come into the 21st century with the Ipad

>> No.9350657

Get over yourself you utter fuckwit. You're the "pretentious douche" if anyone is with your fashionista tablet crap. I literally cannot imagine a worse way to read a book.

>> No.9350661
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>not making use of your local library

P.S. i am white it is poor lighting

>> No.9350822

Those are still shitty flashy Barnes and Noble editions tho.

>> No.9350829

I actually really like that cover. Vintage is my favorite publisher next to Norton Critical.

>> No.9350835

>i am white it is poor lighting
>he has to specify his skin color

lmao it's so embarassing to care for something like that

>> No.9350842

I spent too much time on /int/

>> No.9350879

no one would ever mistake your pasty ass for not-white

>> No.9350885

>modern times

>> No.9350886

my local library is trash. all of the books i'd check out are in the central library downtown.

>> No.9350938

My library let's me order from any others within the city, you don't have something like this?

>> No.9350988

>The Neverhood

>> No.9350998

who the fuck genuinely reads both Kaur and Rilke

>> No.9351104
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$12, r8

>> No.9351236

>Conspiracy Fiction

>> No.9351270

>Metamorphosis by Kafka
>Smoke Gets in Your Eyes and Other Lessons from the Crematorium by Caitlin Dougty
>The Vital Question by biochemist Nick Lane

I try to keep it a bit varied.

>> No.9351275

Not that guy you're replying to, but maybe people just like collecting books and enjoy their aesthetics?

>> No.9351374

Same thing, but with an added letter by Joyce and a a foreword by someone who defended his book which is legendary in its own right.

>> No.9351601
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E assim, os filhos da puta terminaram não falando o nome do lugar, jamais saberei. Eu sou do Rio também, a quem possa interessar.

>> No.9351671
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>> No.9351691
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Am I a fucking pleb?

>> No.9351705

I will never understand this board's use of the word pleb. By all rights you're a fucking genius. Actual plebs read footballer biographies and read fifty shades of grey.

>> No.9352295


>> No.9352305

Never buy paperbacks. Now leave.

>> No.9352318
File: 818 KB, 1536x2048, 1489501798300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the reading list of the ""females"" on this board I was told about?

>> No.9352343

The entirety of the Riftwar cycle
>tfw 30 books and nowhere to put them

>> No.9352382
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Deve ser o Berinjela, mas não tenho certeza. Cuzão esse anão que ficou guardando segredo.

>> No.9352397
File: 860 KB, 2280x4072, 20170406_183750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this winner the other day for $0.99, it's a 1939 print in very good condition.

>> No.9352400


>buys books he's never going to read
>by all rights you're a fucking genius

>> No.9352440
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i hope you put half as much effort into reading these as you did making sure you got the right editions



even worse

you're not going to finish either of these

tolerable, far better than most

clean your nails



>> No.9352534

You are not white, you're neon

>> No.9353973

>Everything Illuminated

dear god throw it away

>> No.9354145
File: 3.26 MB, 3204x1557, 20170408_113450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing self directed research on Shamanism, hence my purchases. The one book with the spine facing the other way is a Voynich Manuscript analysis from the NSA written in the 70s.

>> No.9354234


>> No.9354263

>>All those consumerists showing off >> fetishising a book, implying it has value as a physical product

>> No.9354316

>its a Marxist gets upset people are freely doing what they want episode

>> No.9354413

Recognise consumerism => Marxist.
Buy yourself a brand new rope and kys

>> No.9354419

Nicely bent spines... got your money's worth

>> No.9354440

>People on a literature board sharing what they recently purchased.

>Consumerist scum.

>> No.9354476

Literature is the art of purchasing and storing books.

>> No.9355269
File: 68 KB, 920x1226, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the bottom two for less than $10, and the Hemmingway is apparently the 1954 edition. The Vegetarian was full price but I'm trying to read more current fiction

>conspiracy against the human race
>stephen king

>> No.9355563

>poor fellow my country

whats it like?

>> No.9355909
File: 362 KB, 1004x1339, ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta say it was a good day

>> No.9355916

Of Mice and Men
Animal Farm
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Jewish Mystique
Crime and Punishment
Basic Economics in One Lesson
The Law
Road to Serfdom
The Real Lincoln

Just getting into reading again, haven't read many great books just shit in High School.

>> No.9356016


why lie? what endgame are you trying to achieve here?

>> No.9356045
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>> No.9356169

very interesting topic. i wanna start looking into writing on psychedelics/shamanism at some point. i've done a good amount of different substances, but i'd have to say the most interesting was nn-DMT for just how powerful and strange it is. definitely need to try it another time though.

>> No.9356450

I finished it today myself. Related way too closely to the underground man.

>> No.9356463

>Roopi Kow
>tolerable, far better than most
Kill you are self to be quite honest family

>> No.9356468

Good Old

>> No.9357800

Why even bother with Mein Kampf if you can't read the German critical edition? My bet is you'll STRUGGLE to finish that poorly written Hetzschrift and that you'd have been better off finding a collection of his speeches.

>> No.9358900

It's true, I bought them from a friend who's trying to get rid of some of his books

>> No.9359216

signet classics my man? that's fucking jay-walking.

>> No.9359296


The Vintage Classics edition also contains this.

>> No.9359326

Yeah, that's specific.

>> No.9359422
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>> No.9359474
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1) Schopenhauer is the main gateway to Nietzsche
2) He is an incredibly persuasive/seductive ambassador for the pessimistic worldview (popular in the modern day and 4chan alike)
3) He wasn't a bullshitter like Hegel
4) Building on #3, his corrections to Kant's philosophy are on point
5) Along with Kant, he's one of the best ambassadors for Transcendental Idealism
6) Unlike most German Idealists/Philosophers, and indeed Philosophers in general, his writing style is very concise and lucid
7) He wrote on a wide range of topics, and in the aphoristic form, meaning you don't need to 'commit' to his works (you can dip in and out/etc)
8) He's genuinely likeable in his own way. Funny too, and memeable. Relatable to much of 4chan.

>> No.9359477
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Got these from Thriftbooks. I'm still waiting on a few more. I had to replace my stolen copy of The Great Gatsby but I plan on rereading it at some point.

I'm also excited to reread C&P in the P&V translation. Everything else in this haul are first-time reads. I think I'm going to tackle The Stranger first after I finish The Sun Also Rises.

>> No.9359751



>> No.9359779

you should add that he articulates the anti-intellectualist view much more strongly than his fellow idealists who take it for granted

therefore it's helpful to understand what exactly Schopenhauer is going on about before you go all sneer culture on the other idealists or on Evola

>> No.9359802


ur an edgy underaged misanthrope lol

>> No.9359959 [DELETED] 

I just bought these at Barnes & Noble this afternoon:

>It by Stephen King
>Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass
>The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
>Milk & Honey by Rupi Kaur
>Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth
>The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

>> No.9359970

I just bought these at Barnes & Noble this afternoon:

>It by Stephen King
>Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass
>The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
>Milk & Honey by Rupi Kaur
>Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth
>The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

I absolutely hate long books but I figure I'd read It since the new movie is coming out.

>> No.9360057

Go back

>> No.9360066

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.9360186

Go back where? Is this not a place to discuss books and reading?

This isn't bate...

What's wrong with anything I bought? John Green and Stephen King are two of the best authors from this era and Rupi Kaur is one of the most profound modern poets. Let me guess, you only read ~the classics~, right?

>> No.9360201

>I just bought these at Barnes & Noble

Nice way to blow $100 on 6 books

>> No.9360204

did u get urself a pumpkin spice latte at barnes and noble

>> No.9360223


>> No.9360250

That Huxley book is shit though kek

>> No.9360253

Why would I spend my money on ratty old books with broken spines when I can easily afford pretty new ones?


Thanks, but I'm pretty sure you're trolling. :/

>> No.9360266

Anyone else is interested in George Macdonald?

>> No.9360274

Post body part with timestamp or stop posting.

>> No.9360293

>George Macdonald
there are very nice hand-bound editions of his works sold in the US, i bought a fairy tale in case i ever have kids

otherwise nope, his writing doesnt compel like chesterton's

i realze i dont have a purchase to add to this thread. i bought a lot of books recently but they havent arrived yet. Goethe, Garcia Marquez, some stuff from Telos Press

google it/picture it in your head

>> No.9360313

Fuck off.

>> No.9360315


Now, among the many men of genius Scotland produced in the nineteenth century, there was only one so original as to go back to this origin. There was only one who really represented what Scottish religion should have been, if it had continued the colour of the Scottish medieval poetry. In his particular type of literary work he did indeed realize the apparent paradox of a St. Francis of Aberdeen, seeing the same sort of halo round every flower and bird. It is not the same thing as any poet’s appreciation of the beauty of the flower or bird. A heathen can feel that and remain heathen, or in other words remain sad. It is a certain special sense of significance, which the tradition that most values it calls sacramental. To have got back to it, or forward to it, at one bound of boyhood, out of the black Sabbath of a Calvinist town, was a miracle of imagination.

t. Chesterton

>> No.9360405

>Why would I spend my money on ratty old books with broken spines when I can easily afford pretty new ones?

You can buy books on ebay or thriftbooks in great condition for like $4.

>> No.9360533

I bought the Illiad from thriftbooks because I had to read the shitty book for a uni class and it was falling apart. It was listed as "acceptable". I learned my lesson and just buy new books from now on. I can afford it so why not.

>> No.9360594


Acceptable means shit
Very Good means okay
Fine or Near Fine means like new

Post feet pls.

>> No.9360597

acceptable is literally the lowest tier for used books.

>> No.9360668
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No memes but plz bully

>> No.9360697


Actually the most patrician picture in this thread

>> No.9360701

Speaking of recent purchases...

I was actually at Barnes and Noble yesterday - one of the few B&N left in my area, but I don't mind because it's a tasteful and spacious venue located in a very nice open-air mall, and the B&N store itself has a whole Starbucks inside it located on the second floor - to purchase some paperbacks since I absolutely loathe ebooks.

The girl working one of the checkout counters, which, fortunately, was open when it came time for me to check out, was remarkably young and beautiful in a very classical and timeless way. She had a delightsome countenance and looked literally like a painting come to life. For the first time in a long while, I felt a spark of excitement over the possibility that a person like this worked in a bookstore and had, ostensibly, some measure of appreciation and fondness for literature.

But then, when I plopped down my modest stack of three books in front of her so she could scan them, she made no comment on my (rather impressive) selection of literature. She barely maintained eye contact, and didn't even bother returning my smile or my "hello." She only scanned my books robotically and asked if I had a membership. It was then that I realized she was probably just another airheaded bimbo who stumbled into the job because she needed money, and yet another tiny part of my soul died.

>> No.9360715

I would be friends with you :3

>> No.9360717

lol, shut up nerd.

>> No.9360748
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>> No.9360758

Thanks 4 all the gold senpai

>> No.9360913

pretty well-rounded overall. All good shit.

Either b8 or r/books trash

Nice haul. Did you get these at Goodwill, anon? Last weekend I bought 11 books for $16 there.

>> No.9361081


>'How pedestrian'
>Reads Aldous Huxley

This board needs to collapse.

>> No.9361096


>Buys Paradise Lost
>Doesn't buy the better version, Paradife Loft

Disappointed in you OP.

>> No.9361105
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>> No.9361940
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T. Chang Wang.

>> No.9361972
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Just bought these but now I've reading about Assyrian religion and want to get the Epic of Gilgamesh.

There's too much religion to learn about! I'm still on the Bible, just ordered a bunch of of different translations to help with my study of it. Gonna try and stay focused and only move onto hinduism and the Assyrians later.

>> No.9362215
File: 3.35 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170403_110929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not apurchase but teacher let me borrow this

>> No.9363289
File: 184 KB, 850x315, 11903765_137493013261304_7866871137135827636_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys
i payed a money
got a thing
its got some stuff written in it
might read it

>> No.9363366

wtf I hate capitalism now!

>> No.9363383

I think the point is more that anyone at all can buy these things.

Any fat guy can buy a gym membership and then just not use it.

The real deal is not showing what you bought but showing how upu benefitted from its purchase.

>> No.9364019

Does your edition of Magister Ludi / Das Glasperlenspiel have "The Poems" and "The Three Lives"?

>> No.9364399
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