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/lit/ - Literature

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8793124 No.8793124 [Reply] [Original]

Share your literary contrarian opinions

>> No.8793148

The way you write is by large unimportant.

>> No.8793156

'Literary Fiction' is, by and large, nothing but dull slice-of-life romcom drama bullshit

>> No.8793175

All literature is really about fudge

>> No.8793192

The Lord of the Rings is the greatest work of literature of the 20th Century. It is not, however, a novel.

>> No.8793213

yeah, but it can be really cozy. :/

>> No.8793221

'Literature' is merely a marketing term for commodified text content.

>> No.8793417

there are no good proust quotes

>> No.8793425

all literature and art and all that stuff that's hard to define really only is expression of the elite. if you're not elite you can't ever create art or literature or anything that will be a part of high culture. there is no training necessary for the real thing.

>> No.8793460

John Kennedy Toole.

>> No.8793464

Milan Kundera is overrated by pseuds and underrated by patricians.

>> No.8793475

The experience of the sublime may be real, but works that inherently are are not real. Art has an expiration date and everything it uses is fading, some quicker than others, into irrelevance and then incomprehension.

>> No.8793486

Bret Easton Ellis is the best writer of the end of the 20th century. The sour critical opinion of him from the previous generation has poisoned the well for the current one, but Glamorama is a towering masterpiece.

>> No.8793497

DFW has discernible talent.

>> No.8793562


>> No.8793824


>> No.8793843

Orwell was a terrible writer and is only known because the CIA took his last two books for use as anti-communist propaganda.

1984 was well thought out, but not particularly special as a piece of art. Animal Farm was a product of the time but is, again, was not much of a product of literary talent.

The rest of his writing, outside of their journalistic value, was utter shite, with the exception of Coming Up for Air, which was somewhat readable.

>> No.8794987

Joyce is a great writer but a horrible novelist.

>> No.8794995

this. the only issue is if he'd have became a poet, he'd have had harder competition

still FW is the best epic poem in 200 years

>> No.8795015

That's an actually interesting opinion.

>> No.8795027

>not a novel
Then what is it?

>> No.8795029

Infinite Jest is enjoyable to read, but not a good book

>> No.8795033

I love writing genre fiction but got damn hate reading it

>> No.8795082


>> No.8795090


>> No.8795097


I wish my opinions could be original.

>> No.8795099
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never heard that one before

p contrarian tho

anyways, here's mine: pic related was a genius

>> No.8795106 [DELETED] 

pic related is one my GOAT reads

>> No.8795115
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pic related is one my GOAT reads

>> No.8795135

I'm not too big in his poetry either.

I think his prose is great, but he sucks at structuring stories, whether it be his short stories or novels.

>> No.8795153

I hated wuthering heights. The prose was well-done for the most part, but fashioned into a massive piece of shit as a novel.

>> No.8795241

not much contrary on /lit/ but pretty contrarian IRL:
brazilian literature fucking sucks

>> No.8795252

Philosophy is pretty much useless.

>> No.8795257

Only 19th century Russian literature is worth reading. Everything else is trash.

>> No.8795272


>> No.8795353

But everyone agrees with that.

>> No.8795502

It's a romance in the Medieval tradition. Similar to the works of Chretien de Troyes and Wolfram von Eschenbach.

>> No.8795539

i think the next wave in literature is like a classics revival, something thats more anti academic like bukowski.

>> No.8795655

That's not really contrarian you stemcuck.

>> No.8795711

inb4 I have to agree with ye on that one

>> No.8795828

20th century russian lit>>>19th century russian lit. Fact

>> No.8797324

I cried at the end of Persona 3

>> No.8797329

Art IS subjective and that is a objective opinion.

>> No.8797333

krleža is the GOAT

>> No.8797388

Which 20th century Russians are better than Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol...?

>> No.8797741


Philosophy's usefulness is in it's uselessness.

>> No.8797791

I'm reading the LOTR series for the first time right now and your comment is helping me make sense of it.

>> No.8797817

some people can't hack it and that's okay. go make bricks

>> No.8797831

not "in" but maybe "related to". maybe this relation: philosophy having the unique uses it does have depends on some properties, and these properties in turn ensure its uselessness in other more vulgarly appreciated areas.

>> No.8797868

literature is mind sex between intelligent free spirits and plebs call works "masturbatory" when they're too stupid to get off

>> No.8797899

Camus is a fantastic novelist but a shit philosopher.

>> No.8797908

i haven't seen anyone who's read it, but Anthem by Ayn Rand isn't bad

>> No.8797936
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any prestige in any tradition is utterly illusory. only individual works have value, and aping them does not transfer it.

*all the things you thought didn't count as aping them still count as aping them

>> No.8798134

Nabakov sucks.

>> No.8798137

I disagree but I guess that's the point.

>> No.8798145


>giving a giant fucking ape a hammer and nails

What could go wrong?

>> No.8798904

Literally nobody I know would disagree (on the level of Croatian lit, of course - he's still not GOAT worldwide)

>> No.8798954
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He was too good for this world

>> No.8798964

>It doesn't help me better serve the capitalist system as a middle class nobody so it must be useless.

>> No.8798970

Order of the Phoenix was the best Potter.

>> No.8800559
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Everything DeLillo wrote that was not Underworld sucked.

>> No.8800582

Objectively wrong