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812084 No.812084 [Reply] [Original]

grab the nearest book...open to page 374...post first complete sentence.

you hear that the emperor practices every form of oppression there.

>> No.812087

'They have taken one of the forts general', he said, 'and turned the catapults on the other'.

>> No.812088

Kramers told the family that they had fifteen minutes to evacuate.

>> No.812089

Liked his voice on the radio.

>> No.812090

Years of listening to anti-Communist broadcasts have forever colored Vern's opinions about the People's Republic of China.

>> No.812091


Book is Conn Igguldens 'Lords of the Bow'

>> No.812092

"By gum," said one of them. "We wondered where't good smell were comin' from, didn't we, Ida? All this week I've said to 'er, where's that smell comin' from, 'aven't I, Ida?"

>> No.812095

"Son of a bitch," Billy said.

>> No.812102

"In his head he screamed"

>> No.812104

But we can spur the rest of them into into battle,
all who had nursed some private grudge before
kept to the rear and shunned the grueling forays.

The Iliad trans. Fagles.

>> No.812106

When a bone breaks, new bone cells called callus are laid down at the ends of the fracture to unite the fragments.

>> No.812110

Il jette feu et flamme contre tout le monde, s'empare des letres, les decachète, et lit celles de l'Empereur adressèes à d'autres.

It was a pain in the ass to get those accented characters

>> No.812114

I put my head outside

>> No.812120

"You was not", Winfield said

>> No.812125

And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides.

>> No.812126

>ignores phonebook

And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I *am* the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before your eyes.

>> No.812127


godspeed, really?


>> No.812130

Before we discuss them, however, let us examine Fig. 17-5, which shows us five "snapshots" of a sinusoidal wave traveling[sic] in the positive direction of an x axis.

>> No.812131

Why do you say eww

>> No.812133



>> No.812134


>implying F#A#(Infinity) isn't god-tier

>> No.812139

After a stiff resistance, and it seems an unsuccessful Roman assault, the defenders despaired amd set fire to the town before taking poison.

>> No.812146


>> No.812149

Not even Armansky would take the word of a pathologically sick murderer.

>> No.812150

The sadness of men who have grown old lies in their no longer even thinking of writing such letters, the futility of which their experience has shewn.

>> No.812160

There are no sentences, it's the index. Why did you pick such a high number?

>> No.812170


...because real books usually have quite a few pages.

>> No.812173

That is to say: there exists (a) displeasure as a means of stimulating the increase of power, and (b) displeasure following an over-expenditure of power; in the first case a stimulus, in the second the result of an excessive stimulation - Inability to resist is characteristic of the latter kind of displeasure: a challenge to that which resists belongs to the former - The only pleasure still felt in the condition of exhaustion is falling asleep; victory is the pleasure in the other case.

>> No.812175

I guess the book in my hands is the nearest.

Himself a marvellous manager of men, McKinley found several manipulators to help him, almost as remarkable as himself, one of whom was Hay; but unfortunately Hay's strength was weakest and his task hardest.

>> No.812177


someone always posts nietzsche in these threads.

i bet he went searching through his house for it.

>> No.812179

Are you that stupid?

>> No.812180

The engraved writing on the cover was white, and there was a small insignia of a flute between the title and the name of the author.

>> No.812188


Actually, no. I can imagine that these threads would get that a lot, though, Nietzsche seems popular with the "her der im a pseudo-intellectual im smarter than u" kids.

>> No.812192

To tell how your mead of, mard, is made of.

>> No.812193

I understand the whole thing.

>> No.812195


exactly my point.

i bet they carry it around and periodically sit on a bench somewhere and really 'get into' what he is saying.

>> No.812200

"Gillian, stop that, come around, and sit beside me."

>> No.812221


>> No.812227

But there were worse incitements to crime than misused language, and if he had lived a little longer he might have been caught up in a crime it was beyond his powers of reason to predict.

(in discussing Karl Kraus, who "thought that the misuse of language was an incitement to crime")

>> No.812233

OF DUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111ONEONEONOEOENOENOENOEN

>> No.812235

Aroused by this escape, the Indians precipitate their attack upon the Knoll, which, through the previous treachery of Strides in ill-hanging a gate, is immediately carried.

Kinky. It's from a review or something by Poe about a novel by James Fenimore Cooper. Screw you, OP, for picking such a high number. The two closest books happen to be some of my favorites, but they're not long enough, so I ended up with this. Not that it isn't awesome, but still.

>> No.812241

"Agreed," said I.

>> No.812243
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By a nice coincidence, the Order in Council, reviving the issue of the War of 1812, appeared exactly on the one hundredth anniversary of the burning of Washington by the British.

>> No.812247


sorry. it was the page i was on when i started the thread.

>> No.812251
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>> No.812254

Stephen's apparent uniqueness and his aesthetic elevation are not disembodied artistic phenomena; they both reflect and contest broader historical currents in Joyce's society and in ours as well.

>> No.812272

Nevertheless, to Leicester goes the honour of appointing the first part-time medical officers of health (MOHs) under a Nuisance Removal Act of 1846, though much of the subsequent improvements came by adopting the procedures of the Public Health Act.

>> No.812278

"Was that courteous, Asha? You have wounded Lucas to the quick."

>> No.812290

Many computers will be goal-directed: told what to do rather than how to do it.

>> No.812294

Solomon, son of David, strengthened his hold on the kingdom, for the Lord, his God, was with him, constantly making him more renowned.

>> No.812296
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As always, the Kennedy family poured into the breach.

>> No.812300

For the whatever-it-was was coming along fast now and getting close behind Gimli.

>> No.812301 [SPOILER] 
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"Victor?" she says, glancing first at the French crew and the back at me. "They're ready for you. I think Tammy's, um, recovered."

>> No.812330

She dropped the horrid weapon and fell to her knees, retching onto the floor.

>> No.812334

"Chivalrous Sug- that's how you see him, isn't it?"

>> No.812337

Lord of light has only 280 pages

>> No.812342
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I don't read books that have more than 100 pages

>> No.812345

"'Listen, I'll give you advice.'"

>> No.812353


Sounds like a masterpiece.

>> No.812356 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 310x475, x11211[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yes, really, I am as well as other men now, which I have never been except momentarily at Neunen, and it is rather pleasant."

>> No.812357


op here: lord of light is my absolute favorite novel of all time.

>> No.812361

The 12th-century Welsh historian Giraldus Cambrensis enlarged upon the fame and excellence of Cheshire cheese , to this day, many people would fervently agree with him.

>> No.812365
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I just picked up a bunch of books at some garage sales at about 5¢ a pop. Did I do good?

>> No.812368

Up until they killed Benna and threw her down the mountain, at least.

>> No.812369

my post isn't deleting ignore this!

>> No.812370

Its a slow read for me, i'm liking it but not so much i cant stop. But i'm hoping it gets much better since everybody says its a brilliant novel

>> No.812373

It was a foretaste of the debates between the Nixon Administration and the Congress after the Vietnam Peace agreement of January 1973, wherein the Congress argued that an agreement for which America had fought through three administrations of both parties did not confer any right of enforcement.

>> No.812388


it does start a bit slow and there are many names thrown around there, but i thought it was a wonderful read.

you will love it.

>> No.812397

Even highly educated men had the most circumscribed ideas of geography and foreign countries.

>> No.812409

But there will be no choice before Arwen, my beloved, unless you, Aragorn Arathorn's son, come between us and bring one of us, you or me, to a bitter parting beyond the end of the world.

>> No.812411

First pages scared me i though whole book will be like that just throwing out hindu names, but when sam speaks to other gods or demons i get my hopes up.
Thanks for nice words.

>> No.812451

"Over the years, a profusion of credulous, uncritical TV series and "specials" - on ESP, channeling, the Bermuda Triangle, UFOs, ancient astronauts, Big-Foot, and the like - have been spawned."

>> No.812455

My Lo, without granting her new surroundings one glance, unseeingly turned on the radio to which instinct led her and lay down on the living room sofa with a batch of old magazines which in the same precise and blind manner she landed by dipping her hand into the nether anatomy of a lamp table.

>> No.812464

A tomboyish hoyden who regularly roughhoused with her six brothers, she hated her French-sounding moniker, much preferring her nickname, Lillie, earned because her skin was so unusually fair.

>> No.812465


this isn't for everyone. but when i read it i found it helpful to keep a list of all the alternate names of the characters. after a few chapters you probably won't need to reference it much, but it helps to lessen the need for scathing your head and reading back a few pages.

ps: yama is an out-freakin'-standing character.

>> No.812485

Yes i enjoy when yama ans sam argue :)
Different book then those im used to, but after reading Chronicles of Amber i had to pick up this book

>> No.812510

But is the king acting on his own, and is the action just being attributed to the Lord's rousing?

>> No.813878

The train seemed unable to tear itself away from ViennA; after three days of halts and manoeuvres, on 10 October, hungry, drenched and wretched, we found ourselves at Nussdorf.

>> No.813882

What will each of you give?

>> No.813884

The knots of the next few pages may be tied in braid and employed as FROG KNOTS, or they may be tied in stiff material, either double or single, and employed as TERMINAL KNOTS on lanyards, trumpet cords, etc.

>> No.813885

>implying the nearest book has that many pages


>> No.813886

Dagby asked slowly: "what is the danger to mr. rearden"

i fucking hate this book

>> No.813889

Roth was born in 1933 in Newark, New Jersey.

>> No.813891

Every now and then the stamp of heavy footsteps could be heard drawing nearer.

>> No.813896
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>> No.813906

the emperor's prision planet

>> No.813910

But whether those two lamps spotted me moving and staring, or whether I came to my senses, I don't know.

>> No.813912

Could they know?

>> No.813919

hey op is dune a good read?

>> No.813927

"I did. What do we want with some stupid ashes?"

>> No.813933

Killing the prince shook everything, of course, but kiling the Gyres' servants and Lady Gyre did nothing politically, did it?

>> No.813940

The wooden strip which had been between the panes lay in two splintered pieces under the porch steps.

>> No.813949

"And you told us he was not about," T'reb interrupted, grabbing Terry by the front of his heavy wher-hide apron.

>> No.813955

You're reading Pern, aren't you?

>> No.813958

These tales of Maskew's doings failed not to reach Elzevir, and for some days he thought best not to move, though there was a cargo on the other side that wanted landing badly.

>> No.813963

"Slave!" "Me, Mrs. Mary?"

>> No.814001

The seconds ticked by; the game progressed with apathy now.

>> No.814009

I saw you hiding under the stairs in the entrance chamber

>> No.814012
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Waterfront scum was far too common for special mention; though there was vague talk about one inland trip these mongrels had made, during which faint drumming and red flame were noted on the distant hills.

>> No.814014

"Keep holding on."

>> No.814031

Tell him I had to keep an appointment with some very important fraternity brothers.

>> No.814032

"Cuando el mundo se sumio en la vejez, y la maravilla rehuyo la mente de los hombres; cuando ciudades grises elevaron hacia cielos velados por el humo torres altas, temibles y feas, a cuya sombra nadie podia soñar el sol ni las praderas floridas de la primavera"

It's about two times longer than that. From Lovecraft's Azazoth in spanish.

>> No.814050

My god, I was looking through my book for other page 374s and I know what book you have lolz. Barnes & Noble Lovecraft: The Fiction, right?

>> No.814058

Perhaps the butler was really keen on the wine, and had troubles of his own.

>> No.814060

Dagny asked slowly, "What is the danger Mr Rearden?"

>> No.814072

The former Kamo priestesses' temperment seems to me very different.

>> No.814200

there are good books with less than 374 pages, you know...

>> No.814243

The key result of Albrecht and O'Brien's experiment was that participants in the inconsistent condition took longer to read the paragraph about the cheeseburger than participants in the consistent condition, who read the same passage but with the following paragraph substituted for the second one

>> No.814635

We will show later that this relation can be used to derive the commutation relations between the components of the angular momentum (7.26)

>> No.814644

It was explained in Chapter 4 how according to information processing theories associations are made in the brain.

>> No.814661

He forbade the Elves to do so.

>> No.814664

Is this an S&M story involving elves? I'm sort of turned on if it is.

>> No.814666

High five for psychology text book!

>> No.814671

"I'm afraid this is going to be a little unnerving," he added.

>> No.814685

"But here is the matter now".

The second sentence is infinitely worse "Or she knew him, that second I say, and was but creature of her creature, vergine madre figlia di tuo figlio or she knew him not and then stands she in the one denial or ignorancy with Peter Piscator who lifes in the house that Jack built and with Joseph the Joiner patron of the happy demise of all unhappy marriages parce que M. Leo taxil nous a dit que qui l'avait mise danse cette fichue position c'etait le sacre pigeion ventre de Dieu! Entweder transsubstantialty oder consubstrantiality but in no case subsubstrantiality."

Ulysses ;_;

>> No.814696


Oh well *grabs another book*

>> No.814718


Oh god that second sentence.

And that is probably why I haven't read Ulysses yet.

>> No.814731


Did that sentence just meander into French?

Fucking Joyce...

>> No.814732

It matters not what stranded ships repairing in dry docks I lost myself among, what old hulls of ships in couse of being knocked to pieces, what ooze and slime and other dregs of tide, what yards of ship-builders and ship-breakers, what rusty anchors blindly biting into the ground though for years off duty, what mountainous country of accumulated casks and timber, how many rope-walks that were not the old green copper.

>> No.814736

We crossed
on the wooden stairs
above the bathing pool
next day, and you halted
with your sun-warmed hair
expectant eyes, wedge heeled
wartime shoes

waiting for me
to speak, while hit tunes
from the Majestic ballroom
sobbed in my brain:
_I'll close my eyes,
Shine on, Victory Moon,_

And I walked on
balancing all my hunger for
that mysterious other
against my need to be alone,
to hug rocks, search blue pool
for starfish, in this
my last summer of loneliness.

>> No.814747

And spyces parted, and the wyn agoon,
Unto his chambres he was led anoon,
To take his ese and for to have his reste,
With al his folk, to doon what so hem leste.

>> No.814798
File: 45 KB, 366x400, Dante-Divine-Comedy-Inferno-Purgatory-Paradise-Carlyle-Okey-Wicksteed-unabridged-retail-compact-discs-Blackstone-Audio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one of wretches with the frozen crust screamed out at us: 'O wicked souls, so wicked that you have been assigned the ultimate post, break off these hard veils covering my eyes and give relief from the pain that swells my heart - at least until the new tears freeze again.

Pic related. That was epic OP.

>> No.814826


I haven't read Joyce yet, but seriously wtf is the point of his novels? Why do people say he's one of the greatest novelists of all time, when most of his crap is gibberish, do people pretend to understand him?

>> No.814843
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None of my books have that many pages.

>> No.814850

As she flew back, Margarita saw only that the virtuoso jazzman, fighting against the polonaise blowing in Margarita's back, was beating his jazzmen on the heads with a cymbal while they cowered in comic fright.

>> No.814858
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...I was just about to post that

>> No.814864

Try Dubliners. He doesn't fuck with the readers as much in that.

>> No.815117

weaving like a snake, eyes never leaving Eddie.

>> No.815233

席上 sekijo: in the seat, in the assembly.
sekijo de: at the meeting, on the occasion

>> No.815235

We've won it.

>> No.815236

Instead, he sat calmly on top of the box, reached down, and slid a small panel to one side, revealing a Plexiglas window on the top of the tank.

>> No.815263

"piss off mr. engineer" I say

>> No.815267

The rule that a debtor's payment to an outside creditor more than 90 days before a bankruptcy filing is voidable as a preferential transfer if the payment also benefits as inside creditor.

>> No.815268

Mind you, someone has come to deliver the bills, ho ho...

>> No.815274
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It was a curiosity only, and a bracing form of self-awareness, learning to be unseen.

>> No.815302

North of the compound, the brook was in full spate, choked with leaves and bits of wood, but the scouts had found where the ford lay and the column was able to splash across.

>> No.815303

Seeing a possible means of avoiding the dangerous jump, I yanked at the hangings and brought them down, pole and all; then quickly hooking two of the rings in the shutter catch and flinging the drapery outside.

>> No.815304

"Besides," Vetinari went on, "I believe a large number of people are under arrest.

>> No.815313

"Well that secretaire," continued Lucette, considerign her left shoe, her very chic patent-leather Glass shoe, as she crossed her lovely legs, "that secretaire enclosed a folded card table and a top-secret drawer."

>> No.815318


I was trying to click in the text box to fix it but I hit submit hurrr durrr

>> No.815326

This introduced an impermissible discord, and the masses could certainly not understand it.