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4937522 No.4937522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this? I've heard people say he gives a realistic voice to teenagers, but I can't remember a single person I knew in high school or middle school who spoke like ANY of Green's characters.

On top of that, this book is so into itself. There is a scene where the two main characters make out at the Anne Frank museum of all places and are applauded by a crowd.


>> No.4937539

stop and think:

"isn't there something better I could be doing than whining on 4CHAN about how crappy YOUNG ADULT fiction is?"

>> No.4937554

I'm just killing time until I have to leave for the theater and the thought came to me during a post-shower towel off.

>> No.4938553

It made me cry.

Realistic portrayal of teenagers? Yea fucking right, but I did enjoy the characters and their sense of humor. I do think he captured a sense of "having cancer" very well. As in, the characters seemed to truly live moment to moment, but still spending those moments trying to make future moments better. Who's to say that having cancer around the time of your first period wouldn't make you into some esoteric word loving, cynical, vegetarian? Life was portrayed as valuable, which was a nice change from most novels. Whether they involve "Hunger Games" or "Thought Police"...it's easy to create conflict when your characters assume the world would be a better place without the presence of "The Worthless People".

Anyway...been reading John Green since I was like...16. I'm now familiar with his style and certainly have some nostalgia goggles even when reading his "current" works. So, take what I say with just a dash more salt that usual.

>> No.4938579

I have cancer and I didn't think he captured it well at all

>> No.4938585

One could argue it tries to capture how teenagers feel, not how they talk.

>> No.4938589

/lit/ writes a letter to John Green: http://pastebin.com/TWX2KpEh

>> No.4938593


Well I suppose some people think this way. White teenage girls.

>> No.4938604

this video needs a Simon Cowell type character to reel it back.

>> No.4938606

If you have cancer and you're on 4chan, you're doing life wrong.

Also, we don't like cancer around here, /b/ro.

>> No.4938610

Is this book worth my time at all? I'm a sucker for depressing literature and I had people telling me to read this but just watching one clip from the movie made me cringe.

>> No.4938640

>On top of that, this book is so into itself.

Dude, this hack specializes in that kind of thing. It's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4938643

Oh, I'm doing life wrong? I didn't know there was a right way to do it. I'm doing what I want to do. Is that bad?

>> No.4938644

>On top of that, this book is so into itself. There is a scene where the two main characters make out at the Anne Frank museum of all places and are applauded by a crowd.
I may have to read "The Fault in Our Stars."

>> No.4938654

I have mixed feelings. Green preaches constantly about how unrealistically perfect portrayals of teens are in fictional media, yet the central characters are basically perfect excluding the petrol station scene (which seems like a rushed addition). Of course, there's also the complaint that it's extremely over-written, which is the case. Although, before my friend died of cancer he started to get real philosophical and speak in quotables (which was just as cringey as the dialogue in this book). I did find a couple of scenes affecting, the eulogy and Facebook scenes particularly.

>> No.4938655

>quiet teens
>Anne Frank museum

Green discovered Mawkish 2 Da Maxx=instant success

He sure knows how to milk the udder of sentimentality

>> No.4938656
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>implying people with cancer immediately recieve 500,000 dollars to use at whim after their first chemo treatment
>implying people with cancer feel up to moving around and playing basketball and going on life-altering hikes through Europe
>implying you know what cancer is like
>implying you aren't a mentally inept forever alone, helpless in all social settings and life

just do it already, you think about it enough

>> No.4938692

Do you think people start sky-diving the moment they get diagnosed?

>> No.4938700

It's just yet ANOTHER one of those stories that scream at you "ENJOY YOUR LIFE ALREADY, GODDAMNIT! LOOK AT THIS SAD GUY WHO'S GOING TO DIE!".

The same story you've seen/read/heard a thousand times before.

>> No.4938707

You're right. This is obviously the place to be if you have cancer. I'm such a dummy for thinking it would be a waste of precious little time.


>> No.4938722

You realise he could be confined to a hospital bed for treatment? People aren't able to visit you every hour of the day and if you're over 18 it's likely their won't be much entertainment for you, you need to pass the time.

>> No.4938726

I can hardly get out of my bed without throwing up. Please, tell me how to live my life to make you feel better while I'm dealing with all the toxins in my body right now bro.

I like coming here. It's fun. Shitposting and the inside jokes make me forget about it sometimes

>> No.4938731

That's right, just run from the cancer. Escapism is where it's at. You don't even need cancer to know that. Just ask Jamal.

>> No.4938735

Would you rather me just sit and mope all day?

>> No.4938756

Shut the fuck up already

>> No.4938759

Are you okay, buddy?

>> No.4938764

Man, get yourself a moto-wheelchair, and go around with your medi-weed.

You'll make tons of friends and then you can get head from the gay ones. (because you're gay)

>> No.4938770

It's a truly awful piece of work. The characters are pretentious shits who Green arms with desperate literary references to simulate wit, the characters are two-dimensional cut-outs that the author uses as a sounding board to bemoan his personal peeves, and honestly the worst part is that it's just dull. Who knew talking about imminent death could be so boring, by the end of it I was praying for one of the cancer-riddled Fitzgerald-wannabee's to go on a shooting rampage, just for some development.

It's Twilight for pseudo-intellectuals, save your time and avoid it.

>> No.4939191

You're one of those "When i'm sad, I stop being sad and start being awesome" fuckers, aren't you?

>> No.4939197

Read Oblomov, I still have depression

>> No.4939654
File: 14 KB, 320x294, 6a00d83451586c69e20133f2558e7d970b-320wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philosophicopsychological transubstantiationalists, counterpropogandizing historicocabalistical floccipaucinihilipilifications anthropomorphologically, undenominationalized theologicometaphysical antidisestablishmentarianisms honorificabilitubinitadibus.

>> No.4939674

As opposed to being on 4chan defending some crappy book?

>> No.4939679

Hey remember Rent

>> No.4939682

>"son, you have cancer"
>"oh great, now I am instantly cool"
>proceeds to do a kickflip on a skateboard, visit Paris and find true love

>> No.4939687




>> No.4939713

I think it's fine that teenage girls like it, even though I can't stand it I can get the appeal. There's a lot of better young adult fiction that just has good stories and characters and is fun to read imo. Not everything you read has to have artistic value.

>> No.4939733

And not everything that isn't artistic has to be shit

Fuck that argument it doesn't justify anything

>> No.4939802

>implying adults aren't gushing over it as well
>implying that's not a problem

>> No.4939842

The book is an amalgamation of horrendous clichés and bad writing. The plot was designed to jerk the tears of the stupid and lazy.

Bad. Book.

>> No.4939857

It's not a realistic portrayal of teenagers; it's a realistic portrayal of what teenagers think they are, subtract the cancer.

>> No.4940703

More More!!!

>tfw being John Green

>> No.4940711
File: 15 KB, 318x159, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read Nisio Asano.

Punpun,of all things.

>> No.4941483

>stop talking about literature on a literature board

>> No.4941798

Just gonna throw in one fun little thing - if you think about it, the title tells you the ending.

>> No.4942450
File: 71 KB, 407x597, ss (2014-05-28 at 07.01.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, for those of you who enjoyed this book

>> No.4942465

I actually found myself smiling because it was written so beautifully, it's not as depressing as it seems, at least for me :-) read it!!

>> No.4942472

God dammit so pretentious wtf
>That cry

>It made me cry.


>> No.4942745

This idea that you should "make the most of your time" when you have cancer, or any disease for that matter, is retarded.
>it would be a waste of precious little time
Even if you live to 70, you don't think that's still precious little time? You're still going to die, and you're still wasting your time sitting on 4chan.

>> No.4944214
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It appeals to people like this.

>> No.4944291

John Green is a pretentious asshat.
Alaska a shit.
Abundance of Katherines was okay.

>> No.4944316

>I think that would be for the best

>> No.4944323

Man, I wish I had cancer

>> No.4944330

>go on a shooting rampage
Are there any decent novels the events of which center around a school shooting? (YA fiction or not.)

>> No.4944349
File: 8 KB, 237x307, 1331281527487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On top of that, this book is so into itself. There is a scene where the two main characters make out at the Anne Frank museum of all places and are applauded by a crowd.

>> No.4944365
File: 2.98 MB, 303x221, bathtime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw being a 'paper person' is the same as being a phony
>mfw John Green basically ripped off Catcher in the Rye and people constantly applaud him for it

>> No.4944373

We need to talk about Kevin?

>> No.4944374

While we're on the subject of YA Lit, what do you guys think of Frank Portman's King Dork?

>> No.4944375


>> No.4944391

I never have read it, but I have read the basis for the book
>girl with cancer likes guy who is crippled
Also the girl with cancer doesn't die at the end of the book
So basically it's supposed a love story to make you cry yet it avoids killing the main character because the author doesn't want the book to be too sad
I see why it would appeal to girls, but other than that?

>> No.4944408

>girl with cancer likes cute sensitive intelligent jock with a heart of gold


>> No.4944423


>> No.4944435

>I never have read it, but I have read the basis for the book
Then you opinion is meaningless and you shouldn't have posted

>> No.4944436

>Why do people like this?

Marketing. Welcome to the publishing industry, jackass.

>> No.4944481

stay strong bro

>> No.4945813


Give a Boy a Gun was okay, actually.

>> No.4947409

Because it's generic love story YA genre.

>> No.4947614

he's doing an AMA on reddit right now


>> No.4947650

God, that interface is awful. How are you supposed to find a specific post when you need to click "more replies" all the time? For every page?
How are you even supposed to track his responses?

>> No.4947672

>introducing yourself as a "bestselling" author
>using thesoundandthefury as your screen (?) name
Fuck this guy

>> No.4947703

Why the fuck did j00t do an AMA?
I mean, that is literally the last straw.

>> No.4947718
File: 1.88 MB, 230x250, 1383687819416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's from Macbeth originally. Macbeth says life is... "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Then Faulkner repurposed it for the title of his great novel "The Sound and the Fury." Then I rerepurposed it for a reddit username.

>> No.4947722

I read this as the fart in our stars.

>> No.4947735



>> No.4947747

He's not wrong, is he? Because that's not exactly weird, just fucking pretentious

>> No.4947757

Exactly. No, of course he's not wrong, it's just sad he needed to explain what should have been taught in high school.

>> No.4947763

Remember, most of his fans are American high schoolers. How good an English education do you think they've gotten?

>> No.4947769

I read Macbeth in hs and I didn't remember that line

>> No.4947784

How can you possibly forget "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"? It's one of Shakespeare's most famous soliloquys. Christ, I hated Shakespeare in high school, but these are the things you need to learn.

>> No.4947790

I'm not a very smart man.

>> No.4947791


>> No.4947838

I bought this as a birthday present for a teen friend and the cashier omnisciently asked me "It's for a girl, right?" I don't even know what the book is about, besides cancer.

>> No.4947855
File: 93 KB, 730x388, Walder-Frey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omnisciently asked

>> No.4947863

She couldn't fathom what the answer to that question was, in an almighty way.

>> No.4947893

...But that's literally the opposite of omniscience, you dolt. Omniscience means you know everything. If you don't know something, you're not omniscient.

>> No.4947982

That she had the intiution made her seem divine.

>> No.4947991

I feel bad about anons who are going to die
I'm sorry bro

>> No.4948043

How to troll /lit/ Volume 1.

>> No.4948595

Vol. 2:

>> No.4948623

Are you a big guy?

>> No.4948627

She's on my dad's facebook, what the fuck! WHO ARE YOU!

>> No.4948634

My Twisted World.

>> No.4948643

>realistic voice to teenager
HA. Teenagers are unrealistic by nature, they act like complete movies every waking hour of their life.

>> No.4948648
File: 110 KB, 1223x266, Screen Shot 2014-05-29 at 23.15.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to look it up
>pic related
/lit/, did you do this?

>> No.4948665

haha benis

>> No.4948695

That ending to the car-egging chapter was essentially a rip of the elevator conversation from Catcher in the Rye. It's literally disgusting that decent literary styles and messages were employed to manipulate the story within some shitty YA book about pseudo-depressed, pseudo-intellectual teenagers with a slightly above average vocabulary.

>> No.4948946

How about a screencap?

>> No.4948963

I do not have to provide evidence to my made up stories, please fuck off.

>> No.4948994

I never learnt that.
I read Merchant of Venice and Hamlet in school.

>> No.4949442

Fucking disgusting. I refuse to read anymore of this thread.

>> No.4949551
File: 7 KB, 100x100, rinhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFIOS is Katawa Shoujo for teen girls.