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/lit/ - Literature

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4191280 No.4191280 [Reply] [Original]

A WIP infographic.

I realize it's shitty, tell me what to add or take off.

I'd like to stick to actual "literature" persay- like what I have in the first line and some of the second- but I guess political theory is unavoidable. As long as it isn't backwater /pol/ garbage.

>> No.4191304

How is Dostoevsky considered right-wing? I thought he was a socialist.

>> No.4191309

a disillusioned socialist. the book is critical towards leftist ideologues.

>> No.4191317

Well, he certainly for social equality nevertheless, and definitely opposed to anything that could be considered "conservative". That does not appear to be very right-wing at all, in my opinion. However, I have not read "Demons".

>> No.4191351

Ever heard of left-to-left criticisms? A criticism of socialism doesn't make one reactionary.

>> No.4191355

What is up with all the right wing threads. I don't have a problem with it despite myself being on the far-left however it just seems strange they would pop up all of sudden.

>> No.4191375

They are recruiting.

>> No.4191377


Contrary to popular belief, there are a significant number of conservatives on /lit/.

>> No.4191379

it's fucking summer.
>mfw people are putty great writers into "political categories"

>> No.4191385


>> No.4191389

Damn I wish they did not flood /lit/ with their propaganda.

>> No.4191400

because evil feminazis and sjw and identity politics are ruining the world.

>> No.4191409

I am actually anarcho-syndicalist I can agree with them about identity politics however they greatly over exaggerate everything. That is the only thing I agree with them about. Otherwise their politics are fucking terrible.

>> No.4191417

But this is backwater /pol/ garbage

> muh homegenous white culture
> muh degeneracy
> da juice
> ids habbedig

>> No.4191424

If those authors held right wing sympathies, many of them did, while manifesting them intentionally into their writing, then I see no reason not to make such a list.

On what grounds does Hamsun and Celine being right wing writers and being modernist writers differ that grouping them as modernist writers is valid but right wing writers as invalid?

>> No.4191432

If you had read Céline properly, you would understand that he, along with other writers of his time, doesn't give a shit about politics, and actually despises all sort of political commitment. They are not writing propaganda, but doing art.

>> No.4191441


>> No.4191444
File: 1007 KB, 2000x2000, conservlitguide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4191456

Hey Hesse was not a conservative.

>> No.4191463

What made The Master and Margarita pro-conservative. It was definitely anti-soviet but that doesn't make it inherently reactionary.

>> No.4191470

People need to start realising that this whole conservating literature chart thing is just a major bs.

>> No.4191478

I was just going to say something like this

I'd probably be considered a conservative by some, but it's still odd to see all of this.

there aren't even this many deliberately leftists threads.

>> No.4191489

fuck off back to /pol/ with this shit and stop politicising texts you dumb fuck

>> No.4191490

They actually believe they are being oppressed.

>> No.4191506


> cites all that bullshit
> its nowhere to be found ITT

nice attempt, tumblrfriend

>> No.4191516


I'd argue GBG fits in the traditionalist category. If you want to argue the point, come at me bra.

But don't step unless you've read the book.

>> No.4191522

Read the books posted.

>> No.4191542

>literature, let alone dostoevsky and celine
>ravings of some murderer
>poetry by someone who was pro-fascist, but is not pro-fascist in itself
>classicism = right wing
this is a joke, right?