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/lit/ - Literature

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23478956 No.23478956 [Reply] [Original]

You've at least read one of his books right anon?

>> No.23478957

no i haven't

>> No.23478960

He's fat and churns out fantasy slop his obnoxious fans sperg about. It's not so much seethe as reacting to your cringe bait.

>> No.23479038

He doesn’t understand what magic is, or the psychology that goes into it.

>> No.23479044

I read some excerpts of his (posted on /lit/ ). They were all terrible.

>> No.23479061

>You've at least read one of his books right anon?
Yeah I've read one

>> No.23480430

I’m on Rhythm of War right now, his series was excellent.

I think he makes /lit/ seethe because he is mormon and also writes slop. Despite it being excellent slop and his religion being irrelevant to his writing /lit/ wants their authors to be exactly like them and write books that filter out the masses.

>> No.23480467

tried to read Mistborn but it was video game/anime slop like "Cedric took the sword of light from his pokedex and 360 noscoped around his enemy's head while digivolving into mega Cedric420." Shit that kids think is awesome. Trying to read the Way of Kings right now and there's still lame video game shit in it but more nuance and intrigue.

>> No.23480653

Way of Kings is good till the ending which is spectacular.

>> No.23480690

I don't think Sanderson is a genius, but that sanderlanche thing he has going on is very real. The man knows writing and is fantastic at setups and payoffs. It's just a shame that the stories themselves feel like the literary equivalent of Marvel films.

>> No.23480692

I understand why people love tolkien and martin, thig guy though proves to me just how stupid and delusional people can get, though its only mostly autists who have no inkling of beauty. He is almost like an AI that is struggling to understand what art is and bruteforces his way through anyway.

>> No.23481740

I for one enjoy his Intentionally Blank

>> No.23481754
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I enjoyed his work quite a bit back in the day although I admit I didn't keep up with it. I do enjoy it makes "serious lit" fans seethe, though. And of all stripes- wokies, chuds and snobs. Basically, because he:
>White male
>Extremely successful
>Hard working
>Normal dude with family
>Enjoyed nerd culture
>Engages with fans
>Puts LGBT characters in books
>Puts non-whites in books
>Clearly has fun doing what he does and got there based off of hard work

You love to see it.

>> No.23481846

I don't look down on him for figuring out the formula to getting rich off writing slop and I enjoyed some of his works even if they were objectively shit.
Most of my extended family is Mormon and they all read his works fanatically. I've noticed that some of his character archetypes are very similar to the kinds of people you can find on BYU campuses or in established Mormon communites. Shallan/Shallahan/whatever the fuck her name is, in particular, is very similar to a certain kind of Mormon girl most commonly found on BYU. I can't really put it into words right but if you've ever met the type you know what I mean.

>> No.23481864

They nurse ambitions of being a successful author, or at least think they have the theoretical potential, but they all know it's not gonna happen. So seeing a fat dumb Mormon prude who specializes in writing the sloppiest sloppy slop succeed is galling to them.

>> No.23481875

I like a certain thing in fantasy and Sanderson epitomizes the complete opposite of it. He's so popular that I can barely find, much less discuss the kind of thing I like.

>> No.23481879

An anon posted some excerpts of his in a Gene Wolfe thread and after reading them I don't think I'll try one of his books unless I'm forced to at gunpoint.

>> No.23481915

Idgaf about him personally, he’s just the average dumb amerilard with absolutely nothing of value to say yet won’t ever shut up about it
His readers are annoying because they keep guzzling thousands and thousands of pages worth of verbal diarrhea and keep trying to convince everyone around them of how good it actually is

>> No.23482194

what do you like in fantasy anon im genuinely curious
as someone who has read sanderson and thinks its decent but there is much better quality art out there

>> No.23482197

How's your novel coming, anon? Any bites from publishers? I'm sure it's a really gripping manuscript that has a lot new to say.

>> No.23482397

I've been watching his lectures on Youtube. He seems to know how to write. I went to Amazon to read samples of a couple of his books. Didn't care for his write. I'm sure he knows how to do it, I just didn't like it.

>> No.23482413

Wolfe, John Crowley, old pulps like Vance and Howard, Robin Hobb, Susanna Clarke. If it reads like a D&D campaign book, I don't particularly care for it.

>> No.23483485

Realistically, how much does he make annually off his books?

>> No.23483634

~$10 million gross. Probably nets much, much less even with tribal accountants, but that's the number I've seen thrown around. Enough that it's tied up in the business itself, tithes, donations, investments and real estate and his liquid value wouldn't be impressive. The stupid money is in film royalties.

>> No.23484679

>Le epic marvel fantasy
>reddit humor
>prose is utter shite
>mormon faggot

>> No.23484706


>> No.23484740

I don't care that he's successful. I get annoyed when his fans try to pretend he's more than a formulaic YA writer.
It's similar to booktok girls over rating whatever garbage romance book is popular this month. It's fine to read slop from time to time; just don't pretend it's more than it is.

>> No.23484754

>/lit/ wants their authors to be exactly like them
But anon, I haven't written a thing in like 10 years, that'd make for some really shitty authors

>> No.23485204

Third post best post
Make magic hard and it’s no longer magic

>> No.23485588

Stfu you bitch

>> No.23485634

An insane, rude, lying bitch who is not as funny as she thinks she is and has a princess complex?

>> No.23486043

Same, but I gave his way of kings audiobook a shot and its actually pretty decent. Pacing is a bit off, but it's an old draft that apparently never saw print or something.
I dunno what happened to him to end up writing those cringe snippets, becayse they were pretty cringe. Maybe it's just the sheer amount of stuff he's written, like reverse Shakespeare monkeys? Or maybe he's just gotten worse.

>> No.23486095

No and I never will

>> No.23486111

>Viciously anti-LGBTQ human rights
>Religious fanatic
>Basic ass white guy
No, thanks.