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/lit/ - Literature

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23462699 No.23462699 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading? Is it on par with Tolkien, Martin and Sanderson?

>> No.23462703

Lower than Tolkien
Same level as Martin
Better than Sanderson

>> No.23462740

Very much worth reading.
>lesser than
>better than
>blah blah blah

>> No.23462743


>> No.23462749

arguably better than all three. definitely better than the latter two

>> No.23462752

It's like 80 pages, you could have read it already instead of waiting for replies like an attention seeking woman.

>> No.23462754

200 pages and there are 3 sequels, retard.

>> No.23462755

Leftist french bullshit

>> No.23462759

Still enough time now to finish the first one before bed. Tomorrow's a school day, don't want to miss the short bus to summer school.

>> No.23462761

Sounds interesting. A fresh take from all the chud books in the genre.

>> No.23462765

LeGuin isn’t french.

>> No.23462770

I just imagine the main characters as white in my head lol

>> No.23462780


>> No.23462788

It's just how my mind works and Leguin is white anyway, her characters don't act like middle easterners or whatever they're supposed to be. If she never mentioned it it'd be obvious they were white.

>> No.23462794

This is just your bias talking. Not even so-called whites act the same.

>> No.23462807


>> No.23462814

Your meme views on race aren't universal, kid.

>> No.23462833

>purely economic factors

>> No.23462840

>faggot posted a google search link from his android samsung phone

>> No.23462844

So what?

>> No.23462854

I enjoyed the Tombs of Atuan

>> No.23462858

So you're a retarded faggot.

>> No.23463175

Great cover. Increasingly I think you can only judge a book by its cover.

>> No.23463894

>Is this worth reading?
It is YA fiction, very good YA fiction, but YA fiction.

Read her works for adults, they exceed Tolkien.

>> No.23463943

I hate Ursula Le Guin and everything she has written books and refuse to read them.

>> No.23464070

very much worth reading

>> No.23464268

>book about non-whites
>by a white woman


>> No.23464417

I only read works with sex in them. So no cant recommend unless you're a child.

>> No.23464437
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Youre 'non-whites', sir

>> No.23464448

First one is the most generic farmboy fantasy imaginable.
Second one is good.
Third one is "suddenly feminism".
Fourth one does not exist.

>> No.23464465


Last post also good post.
>Third one is "suddenly feminism".
It's less feminism and more Le Guin going full wine aunt since she became one. Tehanu was written like 30 years after The Farthest Shore.

>> No.23464553

What would those be? I didn't like Left Hand of Darkness. Its themes concerning gender and sex were fine, but I just didn't connect to the book for whatever reason.

>> No.23464852

>Is it on par with Tolkien

>> No.23464869
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Aren't they the same kind of brown as the Dothraki? I imagine Ged looking like Rakharo as in pic related, just with wizard clothes.

>> No.23465435

I thought Ged was based on native americans. His skin is described as bronze, not brown.

>> No.23465684
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>google "bronze skin"
>get pictures of all sorts of brown people, blacks and even tanned white people
And this kids is why all books should have mandatory character portrait art included with the book.
Anyway I've seen Jason Momoa described as "bronze-skinned", so the Dothraki actors aren't that far off. IIRC the people of Earthsea excluding the Karg islands are based off Polynesians, and that's again Jason Momoa. If you want to stick to Native American actors though, Billy Wirth is Native American, is this what Ged is supposed to look like in your opinion?

>> No.23465898
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This is bronze skin.

>> No.23465944

now translate that to a human race and skintone

>> No.23465979


>> No.23465984


>> No.23466002
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I see none of you know what "bronze" is

>> No.23466021

you know right the word has a different meaning when applied to skintones

>> No.23466030
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>> No.23466038

no, you're posting fucked up bronze that's been exposed to saltwater and shit
>people were GREEN???
If you turn tan in the sun instead of blister then you're probably pale because you sit inside all day. But if you got more time outside you could qualify as bronze.
The color wheel is a modern invention. Purple used to be so rare that the one place that produced it sometimes had the color named after them.
>but it's BLUE AND RED
Just think "tan." Again in those times a word for leather might be associated with leather manufacturing (think slaughterhouse but with more chemicals and fire) so the term might be distasteful. But these people here now are calling each other shit skins

>> No.23466044
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>> No.23466050

>bronze chick looks hyperborean
>hyperborean people are actually koreans

>> No.23466053

I ain't posting shit dude
>Just think "tan"
Oh you mean like >>23465684 and >>23464869?

>> No.23466072

yeah probably the second one a little bit more
>i only see facial structures instead of literal skin tone in the thread about skin tone

Some of you are so damned autistic. There's not some ancient robot race that looked fucking metallic. They're Mediterranean, they're Greek. Just look at them today.
>nah uh what if they were all genocided
this hasn't happened. They still speak something close to attic in some villages.

>> No.23466081

Ged's people are explicitly inspired by Polynesians though, not greeks. Le Guin was adamant about this.

>> No.23466084

>these are white people with white skin
>they're the color of bleached paper or 1% milk
At least with black people like 1% of them in Africa are actually the color of charcoal

>> No.23466086

that's fine. I would split hairs but a lot of posters here seem colorblind in the bad way

>> No.23466087

>a lot of posters here seem colorblind in the bad way
>posts greeks in a thread about books that are explicitly not about westerners

>> No.23466090

1 - this is /lit it's always greeks
2 - the statue posted earlier got me

>> No.23466149
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>i only see facial structures instead of literal skin tone in the thread about skin tone
I think facial structures are also an essential, defining characteristic when visualizing a person, or you end up with pic related.

>> No.23466608

I thought it was just ok but there are images and ideas from it that will stick with me for a long time. Could have been expanded into a good epic by a better author, I think.

>> No.23466681

>putting Japanese people in charge of animating Japanese people
What's up with this?

>> No.23466687

Native American type works pretty well for me as Ged. He's sort of a formless character for me I don't have much of a mental picture of him. He changes a lot in the 3 books to from child to old man.

>> No.23466690

That guy doesn't really look like a wizard to me but I'd find this type of casting in a movie or something to be pretty good

>> No.23467283

>her characters don't act like middle easterners or whatever they're supposed to be. If she never mentioned it it'd be obvious they were white.
I think that was her point. It's a fantasy novel, people of one colour don't have to act one way or another. So she just threw it in there as a gimmick. to stand out, and to this day it works.

I think in the first book she saw them as native americans, polynesians, that sort of thing, rather than Arabs of the later books.

>> No.23467288

And the wrong fucking director and scriptwriter at that.

Watched that in Ghinza the week of release, didn't speak much Japanese. Made no sense even though I'd read the books. Watched it later in English, still made no fucking sense.

Still beautiful, though, and that soundtrack is *chef kiss*

>> No.23467601
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What about this guy who played the US president's son in Red White & Royal Blue?
>inb4 but he looks gay here
well duh of course he does, it's a netflix movie. look up the actor Taylor Zakhar Perez

>> No.23468156
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You just need to see some cute fanart.

>> No.23468236
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>> No.23468489
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>> No.23468534
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>> No.23468542
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>> No.23468585
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>> No.23468613
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>> No.23468623
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>> No.23470231

They're entertaining. Some decent wizardslop etc. But nothing special. If you wanna slurp down some fantasy then go for it. It does have female and possibly brown characters so if you're a based chud go for something else. I would recommend
>that zothique guy
>fritz leiber
over le guin though. Those are also light entertainment but with more creativity and subtlety.

>> No.23470248

Pretty much this yeah. She wrote the books as a statement against the Euro-centric medieval fantasy, by writing a Euro-centric medieval fantasy except changing the skin colours.

>> No.23470251

>europe is an archipelago

>> No.23470258
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>it can't possibly be generic european fantasy if it's on an archipelago
Is that the best you can do? loool

>> No.23470264

>it's a bunch of islands inhabited by brown people some of whom have eastern-like magic powers
>it's totally generic european fantasy bro

>> No.23470278

You wouldn't even know they were brown if Le Guin didn't say so outside the books. There's a few non-European elements mixed in, I agree, but you could say the same about Tolkien, or any European fantasy. There's always some exotic elements. But nearly everything is absolutely generic yurophantasy, including the overall narrative structure and themes. There's a lot more memorable non-yuro shit even in the authors anon listed >>23470231

>> No.23470288

>You wouldn't even know they were brown
Yes I would, because that's been explicitly stated by the author. Are you the same kind of person who argues that Hermione Granger is black because Rowling never stated she's white in the HP books? Or that Tolkien elves can be black because Tolkien never said they are white ppl in his works? What a hypocrite you are, typical il/lit/erate.

>> No.23470299

>the overall narrative structure and themes
NTA and it's been a while but the themes of coming of age, equilibrium and responsibility aren't really a prerogative of fantasy or even euro literature, you find that stuff in asians too. They are pretty universal themes. Heck in western fantasy it's more common to find the superhero that saves the world rather than introspective themes found in Earthsea.

>> No.23470306

No. I'm saying that you wouldn't know they were brown just by reading the books. It indicates that the "brownness" or otherwise non-European-ness is totally arbitrary, since it's not reflected in the actual text. If you make European fantasy and give them brown skin, it's still European fantasy. Just like if Indian people perform Shakespeare, it's still gonna be a culturally European play.
>Are you the same kind of person who argues that Hermione Granger is black because Rowling never stated she's white in the HP books? Or that Tolkien elves can be black because Tolkien never said they are white ppl in his works?
No, lol. You are insane. Although to be honest Hermione being black is on the same level as Earthsea people being brown purely in terms of the text. There are lots of black British people, so Hermione could in principle be black, although of course she's not. Similarly, arbitrary fantasy people could be brown, white, or green. They're still culturally European since the author is European and it's full of European fantasy tropes.
He does save the world and shit in Earthsea. I agree the introspectiveness is a nice addition and a bit different.

>> No.23470310

>since it's not reflected in the actual text
That's a you-problem. Not a problem with the text

>> No.23470317

What, I'm supposed to trawl through interviews with the author before reading a book? Regardless, my point is that it doesn't matter if they're brown. They're still rather european and it's european fantasy

>> No.23470330

I don't know what you're yapping about interviews but you're wrong. You simply hate non-Europeans.

>> No.23470331
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>you wouldn't know they were brown just by reading the books
And you wouldn't know Hermione Granger is white just by reading the books. As you said, they are arbitrary fantasy people and arbitrary fantasy people are of the color and aspect and behavior the author wants. You having an extremely limited view of how people behave does not mean people are not free to behave any way they want, even if that's not how you expect it. That's just your dumb prejudice talking. You are the kind of hypocrite who whines and complains when non-whites see themselves in characters that you think are white, while engaging in the exact same behavior when it suits you. How disgusting of you.
>They're still culturally European
And? Brown people can be of any culture and still be brown, there's tons of such in the US and UK.
Have a black Hermione just to spite you off. Rowling approves, so kill yourself.

>> No.23470339

>I'm supposed to trawl through interviews with the author before reading a book

>> No.23470354
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I don't hate non-Europeans at all. I just know European fantasy when I see it.
>And you wouldn't know Hermione Granger is white just by reading the books.
Yes, I quite literally said that
>And? Brown people can be of any culture and still be brown, there's tons of such in the US and UK.
Have a black Hermione just to spite you off. Rowling approves, so kill yourself.
Uhh, so you admit they're European? lol
I think you're misunderstanding me... I'm not saying they can't be brown or that I don't like that, I'm just saying it's still basically European fantasy in "not-Europe (on islands)". I'm saying that the fact they're brown (or not) doesn't really make the book more interesting, because it's just something she slapped on top. I'm saying the books, while entertaining and well-written with some literary elements, are still basically light reading fantasyslop and can be interchanged with any of the other thousands of similar entertainments. On the other hand, Tolkien is something different because he put effort into structuring everything and thinking about the internal consequences. Or something like Gormanghast, which while very European, is a vastly more imaginative and fresh than Earthsea, and a far cry from standard European fantasy.
Have I enraged a crowd of tumblrfriends or something? Cool your flaps my niggers!

>> No.23470364
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>I hate tumblr they always pull death of the author to ruin my favorite fantasy series
>what's that? A good fantasy series but the protagonist is brown? oh who cares about the author lol

>> No.23470369

>the fact they're brown doesn't really make the book more interesting
The amount of seething generated by chuds like you proves you completely wrong.

>> No.23470376

>Tolkien is something different because he put effort into structuring everything and thinking about the internal consequences
Did you even ever read the books, because internal and external consequences are the whole point of Earthsea. Ged is dealt a lesson for life as the consequence of his arrogance. Why are you talking out of your ass?

>> No.23470392

That "proves" me wrong? Would you like to explain how that works....?
I read Earthsea and enjoyed it although it didn't make me shit my pants and praise the Earthmother. Pretty sure I even imagined some of the characters as non-white, like the dude's magic girlfriend from the labyrinth (it's been a while). Later I learned that some of the characters are specifically brown or something. My thoughts were "OK, and?" If anything the fact she felt the need to point it out struck me as a little odd. But apparently this rarefied factoid renders the books more than the standard yuro fantasy that, on every level my simple mind is able to perceive, they most certainly are.
I'm not talking about what you're talking about. My point about Tolkien is he went ahead and autistically filled out the details of his imaginary world down to the languages and metaphysics, and the relations between these things, to the best of his ability. That's what I mean by internal consequences. It makes it a monumental work in my opinion. So my point is that Tolkien's work does a lot more than most fantasy works, while Earthsea is a solid but mostly normal fantasy book. Fun to read but not essential.

>> No.23470403

Authentic leftism and 'chudism' are allied. Both are anti-authoritarian. Rowling as she is now demonstrates this union.

>> No.23470417

Yeah I'm thinking you never read the books because Tenar, being from the Karg islands, is actually the one major white deuteragonist in the books. That's not something you can confuse, it's a major plot point that the Karg warriors are white people. I haven't read the books in more than 20 years and I still remember this clearly.

Also you are confusing apples with oranges. Earthsea is about individuals and their lives and making choices and dealing with the personal and impersonal consequences, that's the focus and that's something not even Tolkien does as well as Le Guin in Earthsea. The goal is different and Earthsea achieves it better than anything else, yes even better than Tolkien. It's a story about the human experience, you'd know that if you had read the books.

>> No.23470434

I think you need a refresher on the Tombs of Atuan. Here have this fan animation, your memory is getting real faulty son.


>> No.23470435

I read them, but I guess I didn't remember too clearly. I simply don't care which characters were white or brown or whatever. It's uninteresting. As for the rest, plenty of books do what you're describing. It's standard literary fiction fare. In fact it's rather limited in Earthsea and pales in comparison to "le good" literary fiction. Earthsea is refreshing (but hardly unique) in that it infuses a bit of that into fantasy, but that's not really a mindblowing accomplishment unless you're a fantasy reader who's never read literary fiction.

>> No.23470440

There's a reason I don't remember this shit: I don't care. Every fantasy book has labyrinths and special warrior peoples. I'm sure it's enjoyable, but I've read dozens of books like that and only the best ones really stand out. I do (vaguely) remember the stuff about Ged's struggle with his shadow, and how he eventually becomes an ebin farmer with his girlfriend, and also something about sacrificing himself and getting cooked in the shadow realm. It was fun, sure, but there's lots of other shit on the same level or better.

>> No.23470453

>I simply don't care
Right dude, that's why you derailed this thread with nonsense about "hurr but they don't behave they way I expect non-whites to, so they can't be brown."

>universal themes are present across multiple genres of fiction
Whoa, so deep dude, such shocking discovery. No, I don't accept your ideas here. Tolkien gets praised for bringing classical epic themes to fantasy, and Earthsea does the same bringing themes of personal introspection in a way not even Tolkien has achieved, and you try to dismiss it just because the protagonist doesn't look the way you imagined him? You being a limited retard is your problem, the books aren't tainted by the limits of your intellect.

>> No.23470459

>Right dude, that's why you derailed this thread with nonsense about "hurr but they don't behave they way I expect non-whites to, so they can't be brown."
I didn't. It all started when anon said that it's not generic European fantasy because it's on an archipelago, which I just found hilariously dumb so I couldn't help but dive in.... Then somehow I got dragged into this "brown people question", which I really don't care about whatsoever. But I do think it's funny that people again seem to think this makes it less generic, because the inclusion of skin colors has zero consequence in the world of Earthsea.
>Whoa, so deep dude, such shocking discovery. No, I don't accept your ideas here. Tolkien gets praised for bringing classical epic themes to fantasy, and Earthsea does the same bringing themes of personal introspection in a way not even Tolkien has achieved, and you try to dismiss it just because the protagonist doesn't look the way you imagined him? You being a limited retard is your problem, the books aren't tainted by the limits of your intellect.
You're really putting words in my mouth here... I don't give a shit what Geddy boy looks like lmfao. I agree that the inclusion of some literary (personal introspection etc) themes in Earthsea is nice, and there isn't much of that in Tolkien. I just don't find it as earthshattering as you seem to think it is.

>> No.23470471

>the inclusion of skin colors has zero consequence
Except for the white Karg people going from being warmongering conqueror bastards to learning not to literally murder everyone who isn't them but live peacefully with the brown people of the Archipelago. You'd know this stuff if you had read the books. And that's not counting the consequence of hypocrites being exposed for their hypocrisy at not accepting brown protagonists in fantasy, even when that's what the author wants. The inclusion of skin colors has zero consequences in Tolkien, let's portray all the elves as black.

>> No.23470477

>I included this anti-white strawman in my subversive work of race swapped fiction, which makes me the victor!

>> No.23470482

>Except for the white Karg people going from being warmongering conqueror bastards to learning not to literally murder everyone who isn't them but live peacefully with the brown people of the Archipelago.
You need to stop coping that I "haven't read the books"... Anyway, if you made them both brown, or both white, or swapped them, or made one blue, it wouldn't really change anything about the themes. It's not even clear whether it's a racially-motivated conflict or a politically/economically motivated one. That's my point. It's like, oh they were brown, OK thanks for letting me know. It's still yurofantasy, which is my ENTIRE point.

>> No.23470486

>denying history now

>> No.23470492

And your point is still wrong because you still haven't brought up a single point that is distinctly european about it. Is it the universal themes that you can find in non-european works too? Is it the use of magic? You think asian works don't have magic in it? Is it the name system which is also inspired from Asia? You can't name a single thing that's actually "european."

>> No.23470497

>if you made them both brown, or both white, or swapped them, or made one blue, it wouldn't really change anything
Nah. White hatred for non-whites is special.

>> No.23470507

it's literally the history of race relations in the US

>> No.23470511

It's written by a European (well, American) woman, in English, about people who strongly resemble idyllic European peasants living in farmhouses (OK they have brown skin and they live on islands, that's a little SPICY, although I would note that there are a lot of islands near Europe and there are a lot of brown Europeans), there are some "not-Vikings", some very classic European fantasy magic in what felt a lot like a castle. The whole thing is European as fuck. The morality is European. They have European animals and European gender norms. The aesthetics are European. It's got some Jungian shit, which is very European. And it exists in the context of European fantasy. It's tropey as fuck. It's derivative. It's well-written and it has some nice literary elements. I think it's pretty good stuff. But it's not a genre-busting masterpiece.

>> No.23470523

The half-assed admixture of a little Taoism is also CLASSICALLY european

>> No.23470539

>idyllic European peasants
What's idyllic about Gont? Are you retarded? You clearly have never read the books because the goat-herding life and people are described nowhere as idyllic. They have their dignity and they deserve to be treated with respect, but it's a hard and harsh life and it's not idyllic. It's not the shire, idiot.
Who was influenced by Freud, a jew. Inb4 jews are europeans when it's convenient for you.
>some very classic European fantasy magic
What "classic european fantasy magic"? The whole true name system comes from Taoism, is that "classic european fantasy magic" to you? Do you think magic people doing magic stuff don't exist in Xianxia and Wuxia?
>The morality is European
Taoist thoughts and theories including the law of relativity, harmonious dialectics, and equilibrium are the basis for magic and morality in Earthsea. Taoism is totally european, yeah.
>it exists in the context of European fantasy
That doesn't make sense. At best it exists in the context of American fantasy since Le Guin is American.
>there are some "not-Vikings"
Yeah, that's actually europeans, and they are a problem for most of the first book. Since when european fantasy is about europeans being a problem to others?

>> No.23470541

>The half-assed admixture of a little Taoism is also CLASSICALLY european
You've got to be pissing now, no way someone actually believes this shit.

>> No.23470548

>it's a "white people are incapable of understanding chinese philosophies" episode

>> No.23470552

When you hate being wrong so much, you start being racist against whites - classic /lit/

>> No.23470568
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Yes, it's fucking medieval Europe with goats (which they had in medieval Europe). It's not as Idyllic as the shire, but it's still idyllic. A wholesome society of god damn European peasants (brown, on an island) with heckin righteous and basically Christian morals.

Yes, Freud is also very European. Well spotted.

Yes I'm talking about the magic spells and shit. Do you think Le Guin was thinking about god damn Wuxia when she wrote it? "True names" etc also appear in European thought for example Plato and everything else. Magic spells and so on are very much informed by years of mysticism and occultism. Regardless, mixing in some easternism is a common trope in European fantasy, especially to spice up the magic system. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's still European fantasy.

American and European fantasy are, to me, the same thing (there is variation within the whole, of course). White Americans like Le Guin are very European.

European fantasy is very frequently about "when the Vikings attack", yes. It's like a kind of cultural memory. But maybe she was thinking about when the Japanese would attack China? What do you think? lol

Anyway I've grown tired of this nonsense. If you want to think Earthsea is totally not generic European fantasy, well I'm not gonna stop you.

>> No.23470572

>Anyway I've grown tired of this nonsense. If you want to think Earthsea is totally not generic European fantasy, well I'm not gonna stop you.
I accept your concession.

>> No.23470582

>A wholesome society
>literally described as backwards peasants full of prejudices like "weak as a woman's magic"
>righteous and basically Christian
>in an atheist world based on eastern dialectics
>magic spells and shit don't exist outside europe despite being like, a staple of the chinese for millennia
>American and European are the same thing
>European fantasy is very frequently about "when the Vikings attack"
Name some examples. Since everyone copies Tolkien, vikings are usually the noble but less cultured warrior people who aid the noble kingdom in repelling the uncivilized non-white hordes.

>> No.23470584

>Freud is also very European
>same poster, another thread: jews aren't white and don't belong in white civilization

>> No.23470594

Ah, the classic "canned cope" response.
Yes. I mean Christian in a moral/cultural context, not literally believing in god. Western society is still very much based on Christian ideas/morals/tropes. If you think otherwise you're an idiot. I'm an atheist myself but we live in a Christian-derived culture, and it runs deep. Despite "muh wuxia" and a bit of taoism (and again, eastern infusions are not uncommon in magic systems), Earthsea's magic slides right in with all the other fantasy stuff. Again I'm not saying it's bad, it's just nothing supremely unusual.
>Name some examples.
The ones that come immediately to mind are Robin Hobb's books (Farseer etc), Dave Duncan's books about some guy called Durendal, Gene Wolfe's Wizard/Knight, and Game of Thrones etc. That's just what pops into my head, and I haven't even read all that many fantasy books. They all have invasive Norsemen.
Cope. I have nothing against Jews.

>> No.23470624

>Got has invasive norsemen
>nevermind no one takes it seriously and they are completely overshadowed by literal zombies and the dragon steppe avenger Queen from the east
I haven't ready the others but if these are your standards you have real low standards there.

>> No.23470645

What standards? They are simply examples of invasive Norsemen in fantasy books. But if you would like me to adhere to what I imagine your (previously unmentioned) standards to be, the other examples play a very large role in their respective books. Nonetheless the Iron Islanders do play a considerable role in GoT, which will perhaps even be larger if he ever finishes the other books.

>> No.23470706

>They are simply examples of invasive Norsemen in fantasy books
And they are not really that important. Again that's only basing on GoT since I haven't read the others, but I doubt they are even treated as a major issue. Whereas Tenar overcoming her upbringing and her choosing to show kindness and mercy to Ged being THE salvation is the whole of TToA.
>Iron Islanders
You can't make this shit up. The fat fuck already said the show is canon. the iron islanders is one dude decides to wreck shit for royal pussy another does double betrayal after having his dick cut off. These are really bad examples for whatever your point you're trying to bring up here.

>> No.23470709

What are you talking about? I just pointed out that there are lots of examples of invasive Norsemen in fantasy books and anon asked for some examples. You should try reading Robin Hobb and Gene Wolfe. They are a lot more interesting than Le Guin or GRRM.

>> No.23470725

ACTUALLY >>23470539 pointed out that the Kargs aren't just a random invasion but it's specifically the one white population doing constant raping and pillaging against others, and you still haven't provided an example of that
random wild people getting trampled by dragons and zombies doesn't have the same cultural impact as historic enemies learning to respect you, especially if your enemies are white you are brown

>> No.23470726

All those examples include raping and pillaging (and worse). I guess you also haven't read any of them? lol

>> No.23470741

You haven't read anything that's been posted at all. You keep looking at things with extreme superficiality.
The Kargad Empire actually comes to respect the people of the Archipelago, and the Kargs stop the raping and the pillaging on their own, as a people, without the intervention of a dragon of a zombie horde. Why? Because the themes of Earthsea are introspection, learning, and maturity. Guess the idea of learning to accept others is too much for your other books since "lol rape and pillage" is all you keep focusing on.

>> No.23470747

he calls secular humanism "christian", of course he's a superficial idiot who can't see deeper than a puddle.

>> No.23470764

The fact that you faggots instantly started kvetching about the protag's skin colour just goes to show that you haven't read the book otherwise you'd be complaining about it completely shitting the bed past the hogwarts segment after which you are served the same shadow chase chapter over and over again until the end of the book. The dragon encounter was also massively disappointing.

>> No.23470765
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OK, and? I don't deny that Earthsea has a story and things happen. You seem to think I'm shitting on Earthsea and that seems to make you rather angry... What I was saying is that it fits the mould of fairly generic genre fiction (and I do not mean that generic=bad), and that it's hardly a deep work of literature compared to serious literary fiction. It also doesn't have the extreme creative depth of Tolkien's work (which, before you become mistaken, I do not include in the aforementioned category of literary fiction), which is a singular, obsessive, and vastly influential body of work that few could realistically compare to. So I view it as good but not essential. I've thus far been called a Nazi and told to kill myself for these views, which is amusing. But, like the heckin brave "chud" I am (I'm not really, you just think I am), I'm gonna stand by them. Have you considered reading more books? Then you might see what I mean.
I guess, in the sense that it grew out of very Christian European cultures and is a response to Christianity, amongst other things. A lot of early secular humanist material is explicitly built from metaphors about the church. I'm not saying that it IS Christianity, but it has serious roots in it even as a response to it (again, amongst other things, it also has influences that are not Christian).

>> No.23470774

>doesn't have the extreme creative depth of Tolkien's work
Stopped reading right there. No, I disagree with this too. If it's background worldbuilding you want, go read the books and learn about the history and deeds of Erreth-Akbe and how they shape the events that occur in the books. They are kept subdued because guess what, that's not the theme of the books. I get you want everything spoonfed to you but claiming it's not as creative is a downright lie and you deserve to get called out for it.

>> No.23470785

So you admit that it's not the same as Tolkien, then? Tolkien goes into an insane amount of depth with his worldbuilding. He wrote and rewrote the world's history and metaphysics. He sat around with his friends for decades and decades talking about Middle Earth. It's a whole mythology. It incorporates decades of serious research into linguistics, history, mythology, etc. Since then it's had an unstoppable influence on the entire genre, television, films, video games. I believe this reflects the fundamental depth of its creative construction. Can you say that about Earthsea? Well, they made that underwhelming Studio Ghibli movie, but yeah.... not really.

On the other hand, Earthsea, while a good series, does nothing all that crazy. There are other books like Earthsea. There are other fantasy books with some nice literary stuff. There are other fantasy books with brown people. There are other fantasy books with Eastern and Jungian philosophical elements. There are lots of fantasy books that are just as good as Earthsea, depending on your taste.

Not sure why I'm typing this since you'll just
>Stopped reading right there.

>> No.23470796

I'm saying, as stated ITT multiple times already, it doesn't care to do the same as Tolkien. You want worldbuilding, there's plenty of that too, enough to make the story stand out above the rest. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT YOU IDIOT. Le Guin doesn't care for all that shit, Le Guin wants to talk about individual people, their choices, their conflicts, their emotions, in a way not even Tolkien does. And she does so masterfully. You are just so desperate not to admit the books are excellent you keep sticking your fingers in your ears and ignoring everything that's being said.
Earthsea does all that you mentioned and better than everyone else, with more depth, more engagement, more involvement than everything else you have named. You are in denial because you hate having pointed out to you that the protagonist is brown. Your precious Tolkien would be ashamed of someone like you.

>> No.23470814

Not really.... They're good, but there are lots of good fantasy books with similar (or very different) shit in them. I mentioned a couple, which you proudly told me you haven't read (I'm not talking about GoT), assuming that was (you). But the worldbuilding in Earthsea is not on the same level as all the shit Tolkien did. There's nothing else like that out there. Really, worldbuilding is not an adequate term. And that's reflected in the extreme influence of Tolkien's work. THERE'S ONLY ONE TOLKIEN AND URSY AIN'T IT

>> No.23470842
File: 4 KB, 275x183, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chud here. Would anyone give a flying shit about Earthsneed if a man wrote it?

>> No.23470846

The worldbuilding is not the point of Earthsea, the characters' lived experiences are. You are too completely incapable of understanding others to see that. You are the kind of person Tolkien warned against, how ironic that you are trying to simp so hard now just because you can't admit Earthsea is just as good.

>> No.23470857

I'm not saying I don't like it, I'm just saying it's one amongst many, whereas Tolkien's work is singular.

>> No.23470858

The books are good, so yes people would still be recommending them and chuds would still be seething about the main characters not being white.

>> No.23470862

It's not one amongst many, it stands above all others, above GoT above Hobbs and above all the rest you mentioned. It is equal to Tolkien.

>> No.23470869

Ahahahah. I'm glad we got to the bottom of just how much of a fangirl you are.

>> No.23470871

>loses the argument
>resorts to name calling
What a sore loser.

>> No.23470877

Sanderson isn't on par with Martin and Tolkien.

>> No.23470879

>television, films, video games. I believe this reflects the fundamental depth of its creative construction
Marvel multiverse confirmed for the greatest creative endeavor of all time.

>> No.23470881

It's not really an argument anymore. You just keep saying Usry > Tolkien. As for name calling, I've been called a Nazi and told to off myself, lol. I did call you a fangirl though. Ouch...?

>> No.23470882

A mere blip on the radar. The Tolkienverse will rise again.

>> No.23470894

The only post itt where anyone is called a nazi is your own, and you call yourself a nazi.
I keep saying Earthsea is on par with tolkien's stuff in terms of quality because it is. It answers OP's question.
Don't be mad people like it because it's that good.

>> No.23470902

What do you mean again? Amazon's thrilling show is on right now. Same quality as Marvel movies too.

>> No.23470903

Vgh.. not that tolkienverse!

>> No.23471248

I do not read women.

>> No.23472083

Based. however ive found i enjoyed pride and prejudice and frankenstein.