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23392513 No.23392513 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to do this anymore edish

Previous >>23386624

>> No.23392523
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video games

>> No.23392528

Using all my mental strength to not get into a pedantic argument with a retard online, God help me

>> No.23392531

Why do certain people behind so unnecessarily pedantic in conversations online or irl? Seen this many times. Is it because they feel it's the only way they can "win" the discussion?

>> No.23392556

my shit was blood red today

>> No.23392570

had beetroot for dinner last night

>> No.23392575

Quick fiction.

>17-year-old Amber idly flipped through social media on her phone. Why couldn't high school be like what her boomer parents had, with social events, mean teachers, cliques, and lousy cafeteria food? She sighed. She must do what she needed to do. She rolled out of bed, grabbed her stuff. She undressed, and pulled on a latex bodysuit, wearing a t-shirt over that, and pulling a skirt over it. She picked at her skin, it felt a bit strange, and her face reddened at the sight of herself in the mirror (while being slightly aroused).

>Her feelings didn't matter. She armed herself with a katana and went outside to meet with her adversary. It was her duty to fight, to fight for herself, to fight for honor, to fight for the superiority of Willowbrook High School. To fall in combat against this stuck-up bitch from West Oaks High School; that would be a fate worse than death. Injuries could heal, but facing the Student Council, that was to be avoided at all costs.

>> No.23392586
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>mom asks me if I am gay or rebelling because I paint my nails
Man, I should have just killed myself in my teens...

>> No.23392590
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>Amber idly

>> No.23392594

Everything is bullshit and sux.
I tried my best but nobody cares.
I think about life and death.
I decide to keep going.

>> No.23392598

>I decide to keep going
unfathomably based anon, ygmi

>> No.23392608

I unironically wish there was a genocide against white women. i even curse my own late mother for being one.

>> No.23392613

theyre currently busy bootlicking mudslimes and hamas so their selfinflicted genocide is coming, just wait it out brother

>> No.23392614

why, what's going on with them

>> No.23392617

The West, everyone wants to save the West, without questioning what it has become. It has become post-civil rights America. All of it, and in Europe perhaps even more extreme than in America. Whites, Europeans of all strains, of predominantly low-class origin or straight up piss skins, nignogs, Asians, hapa mutts, mix breeds living together in green grass communities, everyone believing he is the first man in the universe, the good people oppressed by the 'liberated' nignogs and proles. A mutilated dialect full of anglicisms, the language of the turbomutts, the culture, alcohol, smoking pot and having seven hook-up dates a week, otherwise you're an incel loser, barren materialism, empty superficial 'all humans are good' and 'the universe exists' values. In short, a society full of low class people and nignogs, all materially well-off, all with criminal tendencies, growing up in these rich ghettos.
This is where the old culture of the West has brought us. After analyzing it's history beginning from the ancient Greeks, to the Romans, to the Middle Ages, to early modernity, to Imperialism, until today, intensively analyzing the matter, this is what the end-goal had always been, from the day the first Greek settlers built the setting stones for their first cities on the Balkan peninsula. This isn't Western culture in it's degeneracy, it is an achieved goal that took millennials to be created and that exceeded all expectations in every shape and form. It is, paraphrasing Spengler, the synthesis of the Faustian spirit, the flower and the spirit of it's very being.

>> No.23392621

That isn't even the previous thread.

>> No.23392623

basically what >>23392613 said. the problem is i have literally negative interest in chicks from other races, but i refuse to commit to white women due to their betrayal. so while i do want a family i will NEVER sacrifice my pride and dignity even for my potential future children. Damn God, Damn the world, and Damn white women to hell forever. i am dedicating my life going forward to cause as much pain to white women as possible. similar to the resolve satan has in paradise lost to subvert any of God's "goodness" (some goodness, HAH), and do the same to white women. i want to watch them suffer without respite. i want nothing more than eternal torture for every last one of them

>> No.23392634

Spiritually you aren't white then. My advice: move to Congo and perma-negrify your line.

>> No.23392640

black women are disgusting. i have dignity, you should try it yourself sometime

>> No.23392649

You are brown.

>> No.23392655

You seem like a very bitter and sad individual who makes sweeping opinions on others based on whatever the loudest retards on twitter or tiktok say
You say you want children, but with a worldview like yours you'd only end up hurting them.

>> No.23392662

Nope, it's the consequence of Christian morality taken to it's logical conclusion.

There is no such thing as a grand overarching narrative to history like there is in novels. Only simple cause and effect - and even that can only be somewhat accurately ascertained. Blaming Homer for niggers looting gas stations is retarded.

>> No.23392665

its called pattern recognition, retard. have fun raising a disgusting nigger.

>> No.23392679

>pattern recognition
How many people do you personally know and have social contact with who fit this pattern? How much of these patterns are derived from social media?
>have fun raising a disgusting nigger
Why would I have a child with a negress when I'm in a loving relationship already?

>> No.23392680

to add to this - every man believes that all of history has been a lead up or rather build up to his day and age. You believe it, the soviets believed it, the nazis believed it, the German nationalists of the German unification believed it, Napoleon believed it, the American revolutionaries believed it, etc. etc.

But they were mistaken. They saw the causes and the effects but mistook that has intention. But humans events rarely befall with intention any more than the intention of a raindroplet falling from a stormcloud

>> No.23392696

>Nope, it's the consequence of Christian morality taken to it's logical conclusion.
complete psyop. I can't think of a single Christian doctrine that says mass immigration is encouraged. If anything, it discourages heathens from flooding a civilized world. Did the cultural marxists take some key tenants of Christianity to whitewash it into hippie "hey maaan just let negroes through the borders cause Jesus was nice maaan" bullshit? Yes but it's not the "logical conclusion".

Besides the point, anyways. It wasn't Christianity that brought nignogs to the U.S. but a group of tiny hatted people that seem to be everywhere.

>> No.23392698

Ahh yes, very Christian of the Puritans to kill off the Indians and send the surviving ones into the plains and deserts of the far West (instead of christianizing them and letting them live in the haciendas like the Spanish did).
Just admit that you are full of shit.

>> No.23392712

haciendas were more in line with Christian morality than "Puritans" committing genocide.
Only one created a mongrel mutt race that plagues the United States today

But of course, keep worshiping the dead jew on a stick

>all men are created equal under god and made in his image

>> No.23392721

> haciendas were more in line with Christian morality than "Puritans" committing genocide.
Yet it's the Anglos (and the muttmericans) who promote racial mixing and degeneracy, while the Latin Americans, devout Catholics, do not.
> Only one created a mongrel mutt race that plagues the United States today
The Mexicans and the Americans have been in disagreement with each other since the Wild West (1820s). Doesn't have anything to do with the state of the modern West. It was not Christianity. If anything, Christianity has only haltened a process that would have otherwise enveloped much earlier, just after the Romans.

>> No.23392745

Latin Americans are already a mutt race.
Anglos promoting race mixing is nothing more than their Christian conditioning in action

The mexico in the 1820s was ruled by a very different group of people than it is today.
The conflict TODAY is the effect caused by the Spanish haciendas - the mongrel subrace caused by interbreeding

>> No.23392759

The white upper class of Latin America didn't muttify with it's former slave caste until the independization from Spain. Consequently when they threw culture and religion out of the window.
It was the Church that, in the Middle Ages and into early modernity, prohibited the marriage between the classes.
Among the Orthodox Christians, one can only become Orthodox if both one's parents are Orthodox.
Christianity has not promoted, it has haltened the mongrelization of the Western races.

>> No.23392760

>"Love your neighbor as yourself"
>Yes, so it is written, but who are my neighbors? My friends and family. All of you in this audience who are of one blood and one stock.
>"No, all men are your neighbors"
>Even the russians?
>And those who threaten to steal our horses and rape our wives?
>"Yes, them too"
>Then that is not my Faith
>"No, it is OUR Faith. The Faith of our ancestors"
>Then I renounce my Faith.

>> No.23392770

Well are you gay or rebelling?

>> No.23392771 [DELETED] 

My experience with low class whites has been very bad. Beaten by a mob because they found out I am Middle Eastern (they didn't know until rumors spread), endless worship for Israel and belief in Rapture, a cult-like mentality that doesn't value truth or integrity, and hypersexual hypocrites. Even kicked in the nuts by these schizos for absolutely no reason.

Seeing this psyops shit website still standing disgusts me. It's obvious the mods here are fine with snow niggers bashing minorities, which is typically unprovoked, but if I say anything against this hypocritical race I am immediately banned.

Damn you snow nigger garbage. Both my dad and mom gave more to your shitholes than you ever did to me. One was a competent nurse and the other an average architecture.

I am glad your race is going extinct. The reason Ashkenazis are bad is because they mixed with you. I hope a large scale genocde happens to both West Europe and America one day.

>> No.23392777

My experience with low class whites has been very bad. Beaten by a mob because they found out I am Middle Eastern (they didn't know until rumors spread), endless worship for Israel and belief in Rapture, a cult-like mentality that doesn't value truth or integrity, and hypersexual hypocrites. Even kicked in the nuts by these schizos for absolutely no reason.

Seeing this psyops shit website still standing disgusts me. It's obvious the mods here are fine with snow niggers bashing minorities, which is typically unprovoked, but if I say anything against this hypocritical race I am immediately banned.

Damn you snow nigger garbage. Both my dad and mom gave more to your shitholes than you ever did to me. You also conveniently ignore things like brain drain. One was a competent nurse and the other an architecture. My dad's line is full of architects and engineers (note, one of my uncles is very gifted).

I am glad your race is going extinct. The reason Ashkenazis are bad is because they mixed with you. I hope a large scale genocde happens to both West Europe and America one day

>> No.23392784

Go back to Padjeetistan, Ahmed.

>> No.23392785

Sounds like you should've stayed in your own lands then dunecoon

>> No.23392788

Don't care..if it brings low class scum like you discomfort, then it's good. I hope you become homeless and die a painful death.
Slit your throat. My familial line and my achievements in life are far greater than low class garbage like you. Hope you get a mortgage and hang yourself

>> No.23392796

Btw petty insults like this don't do anything to me.
My life is stable and secure. I doubt yours is.
Kys. You can whine and complain all day, but the fact is you're more likely to face a bad event in your life, not me.

You have no Buddha nature, no soul, and even if there were a god, you are beyond forgiveness. Objectively speaking, you are a demon who deserves to die.

>> No.23392803
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Something much more embarrassing.

>> No.23392806

Sometimes I forget why my taxes go to Israel.
Then I remember the Israelis are truly the best extermination crew in the Middle East

Sounds like either you or your ancestors ran away from your own lands. They may have been "architects" but they were certainly cowards. The words of a cowards descended from a long line of cowards has no sway. Just go back but we both know you don't want to 'cause it's much better here

>> No.23392807

> I am better than you because you made me richer than you are
And you consider yourself rich? Came to our country without even a passport and a pair of underwear, got a solid wage because of the trade unions created by the same 'low class trash' you complain about.
Never forget, everything you have, literally, was given to you by white man.

>> No.23392812

They didn't run away. They were skilled immigrants who came before any major conflict, dumb cunt.
Stupid belligerent snow nigger garbage. I think 80% of conflicts are instigated by your smug and hypocritical attitude.
Also, go back to worshiping a Jew, lol.
Low IQ Zoomer garbage.
I am not a refugee.
You opened your borders and now bash *everyone*. Kys, retard.

>> No.23392819

>Never forget, everything you have, literally, was given to you by white man.
Never forget, all of your problems, literally, were created by white men who created a cancerous industrial system.

Also, there is no such thing as "European" or "white". You are technically all Jews kind of like how you view all Middle Easterners as Arab.

>> No.23392827

If they weren't running away they wouldn't have any reason to leave.
Whites are the reason for every modern comfort you enjoy today. At least enjoy it. If it were up to our besties the Jews you'd be dead right now lul

>> No.23392837

they were created by white men because white men are the only ones who can create.

you parents moved because they were tired of living in a sand hut

>> No.23392841

>If they weren't running away they wouldn't have any reason to leave.
You are a simple minded retard that lacks nuance. This is typically a symptom of hubris.
I am sick and tired of you sanctiminiousness judgmental morons. You lack meticulousness to understand the finer nuances of things.
Going around and beating up random minorities doesn't help with your cause, dumb snow nig.
You people are savage and should stay in low class areas.
>Whites are the reason for every modern comfort you enjoy today. At least enjoy it
It is unsustainable you stupid snow nigger and will eventually collapse.
Also, Original Sin is a reality now. There was no reason to feel guilt in the past, but I feel plenty of guilt over species going extinct. I do care for the natural world.
Also, stop saying "white". I look "white" but want nothing to do with your garbage race.
> it were up to our besties the Jews you'd be dead right now lul
Jews wouldn't even exist if it weren't for my race's mistake in freeing them in the ancient past, but then again you snow niggers are LARPing garbage and claim my ancestors too

I despise you people so much that I never bothered dating your women. Since young, I cannot help but view your race as subhuman. Some of your upper class are OK though.

>> No.23392843

> I am not a refugee
Then go back to your 'prosperous' Middle Eastern country.
What problems? You mean the shitskins going in hordes around the train station, selling drugs and doing crime? Yes they are a problem, and they should be sent back to Gorillastan asap.

>> No.23392847

>they were created by white men because white men are the only ones who can create.
White men will be rendered obsolete with Industry 4.0. Whites created the very thing that will ultimately enslave them with greater automation.

Everything is a double edged sword in life, you stupid snow nigger garbage.

Also, you didn't even ask about the details of my life. It's just endless pompousness and judgmental attitude with your snow nigger race. I never talk about politics irl fyi.

Stop acting you stewards of the world. The modern world is garbage with this cancerous invasive system.

>you parents moved because they were tired of living in a sand hut
No, keep making assumptions.

>> No.23392851

I have a question, if you hate whites ('snow niggers') so much, why do you live in their countries? Go back to Sandistan, I'm sure there aren't too many whites down there.

>> No.23392854

We're in agreement
it is unsustainable
you eat from the white man's hand
we really need to cut the fat

>> No.23392858

>Then go back to your 'prosperous' Middle Eastern country.
Learning the language and becoming accustomed to the culture and habits is not easy, you pompous snow nigger.
Also, you take back your bases and stop engaging in economic warfare there.
>You mean the shitskins going in hordes around the train station, selling drugs and doing crime
Those are refugees, dumb cunt. They are not comparable to ME.
Even Soleimani called the refugees in EUROPE subhuman.
I am upper middle class and assimilated into 90s American culture, but that felt like a different world in itself.
White Americans are hypocrites who watch niggerball and act like they're "saving" the world as things get worse.
>Yes they are a problem, and they should be sent back to Gorillastan asap.
Stans are Central Asian countries, you dumbass.
Are you American or European?
Americans have culturally more in common with Israel than Europe.

>> No.23392860

the fat is you btw
i realize you dunecoons struggle with reading comprehension

>> No.23392867

I'm glad I was born in the US. Thank you, God.

>> No.23392870

You sound like a bot. Kys.
You basically view yourselves the same way Jews see themselves as chosen. It's the exact same thing. You both want to be the center of the world and claim superiority.
Why should I be compassionate towards your hypocritical race?
You are a moron and don't understand nuance.
Also, I am isolated from most people and focus on my own survival. I was upper middle class or to lower high class most of my life, but now I am purely middle class and do not have that much economic mobility.

How old are you?

>> No.23392872

i'm pretending to be retarded but also actually retarded

>> No.23392874

> Learning the language and becoming accustomed to the culture and habits is not easy, you pompous snow nigger
So you have already forgotten the customs of your home country and replaced them with the culture of the people that you hate so much? Why? To demand a higher wage from your white boss?
> Those are refugees, dumb cunt. They are not comparable to ME.
You are better than the refugee immigrants because you don't sell drugs?
> Americans have culturally more in common with Israel than Europe
Middle Easterners have more in common with Israel than Americans. It's called Anti-Semitism for a reason.

>> No.23392876

Holy shit I wish these /pol/tard brainrotted morons would fuck off forever

>> No.23392878

I could easily tell, pompous snow nigger.
Stop going around antagonizing random people if you want them to sympathize with your cause. Bearing up random Indians or Middle Easterners is not going to help your cause. It has the opposite effect of increasing resentment.

>> No.23392881 [DELETED] 

I was watching a documentary on North Korea.

>> No.23392882

we are the center of the world; otherwise, your economic refugee parents wouldn't have moved here.
why should we give a fuck about you subhuman duneniggers?

>> No.23392890

>You are better than the refugee immigrants because you don't sell drugs?
I mean, yes, selling drugs and getting into gang warfare is bad.
>So you have already forgotten the customs of your home country and replaced them with the culture of the people that you hate so much? Why? To demand a higher wage from your white boss?
Most of the bosses I have worked for have not been white. I mean ofc there are white bosses. It doesn't matter to me.
>Middle Easterners have more in common with Israel than Americans. It's called Anti-Semitism for a reason.
America is more Semitic than many parts of the Middle East.

Stop being a bully if you want people to sympathize with your cause.

>> No.23392893

pretty sure my relationship of 3 years is over (it's my fault)

>> No.23392894

> Also, I am isolated from most people and focus on my own survival
How exactly would you survive if white man stopped giving you a job and apartment. Selling drugs perhaps, but you aren't like those other immigrants, aren't you.
> was upper middle class or to lower high class most of my life, but now I am purely middle class and do not have that much economic mobility.
Yeah, as I pointed out earlier, you are a materialist like most Middle Easterners, and like the Jews. And you call us Jews? At least we aren't vulgar materialists.

>> No.23392895

My parents were not refugees. For the final time, they were not refugees. Is a Japanese in America a refugee?
>we are the center of the world
Then all of its faults are traceable to you too.
Better not to be the center, for that means to be burdened more.

>> No.23392899

>Better not to be the center, for that means to be burdened more
-coward descended from a long line of cowards - I mean architects

>> No.23392903

What’d you do?

>> No.23392905

everyone ITT is gay but me.

>> No.23392907

Tankies defend this.

>> No.23392910

>How exactly would you survive if white man stopped giving you a job and apartment.
That applies to everyone regardless of race. That has nothing to do with race.
I know plenty of "whites" who have mortgage and a tougher life than me
>Yeah, as I pointed out earlier, you are a materialist like most Middle Easterners
I am not a materialist. I am a panpsychist.
>At least we aren't vulgar materialists.
Physicalism is actually very prevalent among whites.

Self-preservation instinct =/= greed, retard. Circumstances dictate one's life. I do the best with the hand of cards played to me.

>> No.23392918

> America is more Semitic than many parts of the Middle East.
All of the Middle East is Semitic (except Iranians and other minorities). They all speak SEMITIC languages. Are you retarded?
> Stop being a bully if you want people to sympathize with your cause
I have already given up on the cause. Moved out of my Western European neighbourhood full of shitskins into a Balkanite full-white ethnostate. Glad it's so poor so there won't be any shitskins coming to parasite the next fifty years at least.

>> No.23392919

Idgaf what snow nigger garbage thinks of me. I don't see how anything I've said is cowardly.
Stop going around beating random minorities, retard. I never discuss politics irl fyi.
Also, I will not let my assets be seized.

>> No.23392933

I am Iranian, you stupid snow nigger garbage, and I will revive scaphism for you while chanting from the Zend Avesta. I never cause problems irl, but I have genuine hatred for your race for screwing up my childhood.

You are full of assumptions to think I was le Arab or Jew, which are closer to your nefarious races than ours.

I am sick and tired of you people going around bashing people unprovoked. It gives me flashbacks. Shut the fuck up, you arrogant piece of shit. If you had problems with ME, then I can only imagine the amount of hell you give to others.

You are arrogant savage hypocrites who only care about saving face and not the truth.

And I've never visited Europe and don't give a shit about doing so. I've lived in the DEEP SOUTH of America most of my life. Even had a woman bring a GUN to kill me until she was caught. I was literally the only non-white, non-hispanic. The school was ~ 25% Hispanic, 74% white, and 1% other.

>> No.23392938

> That applies to everyone regardless of race
If you have an enterprise you don't need an employee. If you have a farm you don't need an employee.
> I am not a materialist
Yes you are. You judge people purely on their material conditions. Even a negro is good in your eyes if he has a gorillion bucks.
> Physicalism is actually very prevalent among whites
It is the least prevalent among whites. Some of them are materialists sure but not the majority and definetly not their lower classes you complain so much about.
> Self-preservation instinct =/= greed, retard
This is what I was trying to get at earlier. Someone who has a farm can talk like that because he relies on literally no one. Everyone else is subject to the society he lives in. You can rely on a company that gives you a job and rent an apartment, but ultimately you only survive because you are on society with other people and selfishly looking for your needs only automatically delates you as a greedy materialist. Literally the mindset of a jew if that attitude wasn't so negridic.

>> No.23392951

Ok? Maybe in muttmerica. Here in Europe you might get a few weird looks for being from Iran but no violence. It is among the shitskins that you have to be a buff guy to demand respect. Why don't you go back to Iran?

>> No.23392952

so far we know
1) you are a coward descended from the Line of Cowardice
2) materialistic
3) classist
4) an ethnic minority with no connection to your ethnic homeland
5) stuck in a dead in job with no economic mobility

My diagnosis is that your hatred for "snow niggers" is actually resentment for not fitting in with the larger ethnos of the country you sound to have been born and raised in. Your cowardice, materialism, and classism are all manifestations of your semitic genetics. Perhaps instead of hating the White Man you should hate your parents for birthing you in a foreign land to be doomed to a life of the outsider - because that's clearly what's burning in your soul. Even worse you are a foreigner in every land. You are a foreigner in your birth land where you get "beaten up and bullied" by the natives and your a foreigner in your ancestral lands. This, folks, is why immigration is truly evil. A man born into hell

>> No.23392955

>You judge people purely on their material conditions.
I judge people based on values, artistic preferences, aspirations in life, and so on.
I am not a materialist. I do not see the world as an indifferent process of material aggregates.
>Someone who has a farm can talk like that because he relies on literally no one.
Reminds me of the film Days of Heaven.
>ultimately you only survive because you are on society with other people and selfishly looking for your needs only automatically delates you as a greedy materialist. Literally the mindset of a jew if that attitude wasn't so negridic.
It's that way with everyone. It is not a racial thing. It would make more sense to become a misanthrope than to become an edgy racist cunt who goes around scapegoating random individuals for complex problems.

>> No.23392967

I guess I should have just focused on America.
>Go back
Because I was born here and assimilated into the 90s culture. Also, I never bothered learning Persian well.
The rednecks in the Deep South are just as bad as them.
Nothing you've said is correct except #4.
You are an arrogant cunt who is more interested in blaming "individuals" rather than looking into the finer nuances of the system itself.
Anyways, you deserve your fate. America is less than 50% white man.

Humorously I've shot a black man too during a home break in

>> No.23392980

No, no. I am blaming the system
You're life clearly wouldn't be so miserable that you had to whine about it on a fucking /lit/ thread if it weren't for the system of immigration.

I'm sure those knocks and kicks from the rednecks hurt, but what really hurt you was the reminder that you're an other. You have no homeland. You're not welcomed in the land of your birth because you don't belong there and yet you're not welcomed in the land of your ancestors because you no longer belong there.

It's truly tragic. This is precisely why strong anti-immigration policy is truly the most humane solution to immigration.

Anyways everything I said was correct. You said all of those points yourself. I just turned the mirror to you

>> No.23392990

I do agree, but it's too late.
Granted, I am welcomed in the land of my birth. My family was protected both before and after the Revolution.
I may go back after spending time learning the language.
If Iran ever opens for tourism, I'll become a serial killer on the Zagros and chant from the Avesta while doing scaphism on you. Look up "c90 Iran". Iranians are hospitable and kind people. I am not after dealing with your garbage race.

>> No.23393004

>c90 Iran
"Riding a c90 through Iran".

>> No.23393024

I will not talk bad about the Iranians because I have met an Iranian dude at some place I worked at. The nobility of his gestures, the Aryanness in his thought, even though he was just a dishwasher guy convinced me the Iranians aren't like the rest of the Middle Eastern immigrants. The only honest immigrant I ever met.
However, you can still blame the shittiness of your upbringing to you being a foreigner. Me, I went to school in a neighbourhood full of shitskins. Me and some three other dudes were the only non-immigrants in the whole classroom. Those shitskins couldn't stand a civilized white man like me and beat the hell out of me. Stupid shitskins, for a long time the natural predispositions of my race made me not think of there being certain racial reasons for their violence and criminal behaviour (those shitskins start smoking pot at the age of 10). But now I just don't care anymore. I read enough 19th Century racial literature to understand that the shitskins are naturally predisposed to animalistic violence, that they are as incompassionate towards life as feral animals and that they kill and do harm with the same indifference. Piece of shit, unthankful shitskins, coming to our countries to turn to crime and get gibs, I will fucking hate them for the rest of my life, I will never ever again socialize with a dirty nigger, shitskin, citrusskin or any breed that does not belong to the white race (except the Indians, they are civil even though they stink). I grew up in a shitskin neighbourhood, and it has turned me into an unapologetic racist.
Deport them all to Africa.

>> No.23393033

In repose in the wadi, he sat under the shadow of a shale mountain. He focused his vision on the familiar and resentful constellations, adjusting the lenses until the astigmatized light pinpricked.

>> No.23393056

average effort leads to average results

>> No.23393067

My life was the opposite. I went to school among white rednecks Evangelists who worshiped Bush and believed in the "Rapture". They acted like the Taliban with their cultish and jarhead behavior. A girl brought a gun to shoot me because she couldn't tell the difference between Iraqi and Irani (her brother was involved in the war), but she was thankfully caught. I was also beat up as people screamed "nuke Iran". Back then I was just a book nerd who played a lot of games.
The important point is classism is important too...
You're not accepting skilled labor or the gifted among their races. You're accepting resentful hordes of radicalized peoples from war-torn countries. Ofc your countries never should have opened their borders. Even Soleimani called the rapefugees "subhuman". It's good to offer benefit of the doubt to individuals.
Humorously enough, it was an Arab drug dealer who saved me from abuse... He took pity on me and had all of those guys threatened. He had connections. We were the only 2 Middle Easterners.
I, myself, was a nerd as I am clearing up. I did go through a phase of becoming a health nut though.

>> No.23393078

I find it somewhat funny that puritans are stereotyped as sexually repressed when them having 10 or 12 children is enough proof that they barely ever stopped banging once married, and are stereotyped as such by people who have at most one or none at all despite living in the most sexually liberated age since the fall of the roman empire.

>> No.23393087

i think people associate the word "puritan" with sexual purity because they don't actually know the historical/theological context of it. your average person's knowledge of puritanism comes from skimming the Scarlet Letter once in high school.

>> No.23393089

weed is an insidious corruptor

>> No.23393105

Yeah, but it's still funny that the people who are thought of as the archetypical "no fun allowed" group probably had far more sex and lived far more fulfilling sex lives than your average upper-middle class coastal journalist who uses "puritanical" as a slur.

>> No.23393120

88th post

>> No.23393133

heil hitler

>> No.23393143


>> No.23393146

AI can't into subtly. When you feed it creative writing, it wants to make the implicit explicit, which kills all sense of nuance

>> No.23393160

>Slide into a girls DM's about two years ago.
>We chat for a couple of days.
>She eventually ghosts me for whatever reason.
>Alright, that's fine.
>Two years pass.
>In that time she gets a boyfriend.
>They're still together today.
>Today I woke up to a follow request from her alt account.
>That's weird, it's been two years since we last spoke.
>Accept the request and follow back.
>Notice that her alt account has many more following than followers.
>Check back about 20 minutes later and see that her follower count has grown.
I thought maybe she was tryna talk again but I think she's just trying to grow her followers for her account that she barely posts on.

>> No.23393163

Honor Levy feet

>> No.23393178

Told a coworker I was writing something and would show her when I finished. I finished, but there is no way I am going to let her read this.

>> No.23393227

More half-basked retardation.
>"So, you finally made it here," chuckled Sam Boroughs, financier and for all I was concerned, the most evil man alive. "To be honest, I didn't think you'd make it." I stood my guard. He could just as easily draw a weapon out of nowhere, and shoot. There was three of us, one of him, and Bruno was a faster shot, even if Sam Boros wasn't as old as he was. "What are you waiting for? Shoot me," Boroughs taunted. I wanted to say, "No, I'm not a murderer like you, I'm going to bring you to justice." This was that moment. But there was something wrong. Something in those eyes, above the baggy, scrotum-like lids, suggested he was hiding something. Was he hiding a weapon after all? I couldn't tell.
>A maid entered the room. Her skin was brown. Clearly not white, but not exactly Latin American or black. Bruno grabbed his gun. "Relax, skippy! She's not armed. I just wanted to show you something." He stared at her. To our amazement, she began to rise off the ground. In a split second, her back back into an arch, and with a crack that sounded like lightning, she was writhing on the ground, screaming. Her spine had broken in two, and spinal fluid and blood leaked on the ground. A second later, her head popped off entirely, followed by more blood. The screaming stopped with a sickening gurgle.
>"Why do you think I could gain so much power here on Earth? Our Father Below gives me...amazing powers. I don't think you'll be quick so arrest me now, correct? Leave, and your life will be spared." Besides the fact that meant Bruno, Lorraine, and I would be spending the rest of our lives in prison, we knew that there was no choice. We stepped forward. "Very well," he said. "Your funeral."

>> No.23393228

Everywhere I go is Hell
I find Hell at work
Hell follows me home
I have only Hell at home.

I will never leave
I can’t even try
It will follow me to
Every corner of earth

Even in my dreams
I exist in hell
There is no hope
And I don’t want it

Damn existence itself
Damn it to hell
Where it can exist with me forever

>> No.23393263

They're pretty fucked in the head but that's because we're not allowed to discipline them anymore

>> No.23393268

I don’t want to work at my employer anymore but I have a great job so I don’t know what to do.

>> No.23393275

You must've went to school post 9/11 then, being right wing in the 90s was verboten, especially if you were a scrawny twerp like me. Getting the whole school to hate you because you thought women and men weren't equal was a death sentence. Didnt help I had an autism diagnosis when I was 8.

>> No.23393312

Executives who offshore jobs are committing acts of treason and should be prosecuted as such

>> No.23393323

Starting to like her a lot. We talk about classical literature and our shared hatred of Jews and she's a legit 9/10. If I don't make the right moves and lose her I don't think I can live with myself.

>> No.23393339

not too fond of people me

>> No.23393376

I wish I was born and raised in NYC.

>> No.23393416

>Yet it's the Anglos (and the muttmericans) who promote racial mixing and degeneracy, while the Latin Americans, devout Catholics, do not.
Imagine being this delusional. Conquistadores constantly fucked native women, Anglos had wives.

>> No.23393420


>> No.23393421

There’s no way you found a 9/10 who’s into classical literature and is a Nazi

>> No.23393426

There are regional cultural differences.
My school was "right-wing". They even drove one friendly white guy to suicide because he was exposed as a closet homosexual.
They behaved like the Taliban. The only difference is instead of screaming Allah, they scream Jesus.
A middle-class or upper-class white American from Massachusetts is not like a low-class hyperreligious white Christ-tard from the Deep South like Arkansas.
Also, talking about politics irl is retarded unless you have political clout yourself. What's the point of making yourself a target? Read Kenneth Grahame's The Reluctant Dragon. Note, most editions of The Reluctant Dragon are censored. The mob mentality of the insipid peasant masses with their scapegoating is a frightening thing.
Racism without classism is a low IQ peasant thing.

>> No.23393427


>> No.23393445

I'm preparing for the great battle.

>> No.23393482

Every moment is spent in acquaintance with the most antagonistic being capable of my perception. It feels like my head is being squeezed constantly. I'm so irritable in my interactions with others because of this and it makes me even more sad than I already am.

>> No.23393520

She's not a Nazi just anti-Zionist and I'm dead serious about her being 9/10, could easily be a model

>> No.23393529


>> No.23393555

lit has been boring af lately. I guess I could go read a book?

>> No.23393577

pretty sure this girl thinks I'm wealthy because i was out with a wealthy friend the day we met. honestly every time I've had success with women it was because i made an amazing first impression usually by shaking up with and talking to a lot of people. Even though i frequent the same places this can vary widely and is a matter of luck.

>> No.23393580

no one wants to listen to me talk about how much i hate life and want to die

>> No.23393591

So what went so wrong? No dad, early exposure to porn, deeply humiliating social experience, molested?

>> No.23393594

That's what therapists are for.

>> No.23393598

i don't want any advice on how to fix it though

>> No.23393601

You can literally tell him/her that you're paying him/her to listen and not say anything.

>> No.23393603

commiserate with ciroan

>> No.23393613
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>> No.23393647

Just start loving life and wanting to live :)

>> No.23393650

god DAMN I am bored and lonely

>> No.23393662

____ _____ ________, formerly of ______, has died. His ashes were scattered at ________ Cemetery.

He was born in __ ______ on _____ __, 19__, to ________ and ____. He enjoyed a happy childhood in ______, where he lived with his parents. In 20__ he began attending _______ University, in __. ____. He began drinking. In 20__ and 20__ he took time off from the university, due to poor academic performance. In the fall of 20__ he returned to _______ and, for the second and final time, was named to the Dean's list for his work during that semester. In 20__ he completed a bachelor's degree in m_________, with minors in h______ and p_________. He went home, and took work in a factory. In 20__ he was promoted and moved into an apartment where he lived briefly. In 20__ he permamently relocated to __________, where he lived in seclusion until 20__, when he committed suicide.

He was a confirmed bachelor. He was an only child, never married, and had no children. He was preceded in death by his parents, and is survived by four first cousins on his mother's side, their families, and other more distant relatives on his father's side. The decedent is the author of this obituary, which has been released for publication by the exector of his estate, in accordance with the decedent's wishes.

>> No.23393664

Have you tried drinking?

>> No.23393673

Does anyone else have a tendency of omitting words out of sentences unintentionally? For example, I'd say "I have an apple" in my head as I write but in my text it's written as "I have apple". I only notice this after I reread my texts.

>> No.23393675

the only thing i care about is going on the computer so i might as well spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on it

>> No.23393689

>Sneed's Feed and Seed, formerly of Chuck's, has died.

>> No.23393704

Someone I knew (not well) hanged himself yesterday. He left a family behind. It hit me hard. He was the nicest guy. Intelligent too. It hit me hard when I found out.

>> No.23393705

Im depressed so I am going to get drunk and high

>> No.23393707

Boredom/anhedonia will drive me to suicide. I don’t know how much longer I can bear this. I haven’t like a single thing in 10 years.

>> No.23393708


I plan to leave my fancy German car to the favored cousin.

>> No.23393713

Life is a pendulum that swings between boredom and suffering.

>> No.23393717

I got employed and immediately started feeling depressed

>> No.23393723


>> No.23393724


>> No.23393739

Have you tried drinking?

>> No.23393738

Confirmed bachelor is obit slang for gay btw anon

>> No.23393740

Have you tried drinking??

>> No.23393752

My pendulum swings between drinking and exercising

>> No.23393753

How can a non-Turk learn Ottoman Turkish?

>> No.23393756

Try drinking

>> No.23393759

Calm down, Polly

>> No.23393760

Try drinking

>> No.23393762

I'm so excited to start drinking tomorrow

>> No.23393771

Average drinking leads to average drunkenness

>> No.23393775

Try drinking

>> No.23393778

I'll drink to that

>> No.23393789

I love you
I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you

>> No.23393793

Alcohol always forgives you

>> No.23393800

What are you sorry for?

>> No.23393801

Boredom is suffering.
There is no real difference.

>> No.23393802

Not getting drunk enough

>> No.23393803

I have. Doesn’t make me less bored.

>> No.23393805

In repose in the wadi, he sat lotus under the shadow of a shale mountain. He focused his vision on the familiar and resentful constellations, adjusting the lenses until the astigmatized light pinpricked. Voices schemed and plotted into both ears. He watched men tinted green catalogue the bodies in silence. They communicated with lasers and whispers on radios. The KKA commando inquired about the situation with casual and quickly interpreted Pashto. The bodies where hit by 40 mm three days prior and were located by smell. They were clea

>> No.23393806

Have you tried getting drunk, getting naked, blasting music, and dancing?

>> No.23393808 [DELETED] 

My drinks are moving on their own on my desk. I hate these stupid ghosts.

>> No.23393812

Music is boring. Dancing is boring. Being naked is boring.

>> No.23393814


>> No.23393817


>> No.23393828

isnt that shit crazy? those guys are cold-blooded.

>> No.23393831

Your moms pussy is boring

>> No.23393833

You're boring

>> No.23393843

No shit. And so are you. How do you cope? Are you just unaware?

>> No.23393847

She sound hot...

>> No.23393851

I guess you should never move no matter what.

>> No.23393862

I'm fun senpai. You're just lame as fuck.

>> No.23393865

I love her. She loves me but we can't be together

>> No.23393869

Why can’t you be together?

>> No.23393872

>uses “lame”

>> No.23393874

She doesn't exist

>> No.23393883

Will stopping being a chud improve my luck with women?

>> No.23393885

thinkin about how much I love my orthodontist rn. bro saved my life fr fr no cap. he singlehandedly took me from a 2/10 to a 5/10 in the span of like six months

>> No.23393918 [DELETED] 

What's the deal with Robert Greene? Why are people who self-help such retards?

>> No.23393920

No. You need to chudmaxx.
I wish I was an insane third world despot sometimes, then I could build stuff that would last.
My very own ruins.

>> No.23393921

This is about reading. So much of what people say is bullshit to convince others of something. When you are reading something with language that is deployed in a fanciful way outside of literature or the self-conscious artful use of language, this is usually an indication that you are unconsciously shoveling bullshit into your mind, opening your mouth to someone else's mental-perspectival dumpster chute (has so many cool curves and meanders, woah a real work of waste-disposal artisanry). So the choice is yours: You either consciously understand this and keep this in mind while going through the bullshit, and being wise to it, or just be a total NPC and build your worldview through steady, unmeasured accretions of this process, where you will never notice because more artfully disguised bullshit oriented towards either your character or predispositions will possess greater influence in the stylistic outcome of your thinking... This is why it's important that if you want to be a real intellectual it is important to become faithfully devoted, spouselike to a single topic, subject, and exhaust all the angles from which it can be approached. Conversely you can be a dilettante, spend all your time doing the mental equivalent of right-swiping on fleeting fart sniffing imsosmart experiences and fucking whores, but then you never say anything new, and the flash and spectacle of it all fades as each thing (less thing to which one is devoted) it loses its luster. Most of what we encounter is not interesting, deep, unique-even stuff your brain considers smart, intellectual, nutritious is often simply rehased opinion, twisted manipulations of evidence that reflect one inherently limited view, and a snapshot of that view at that, that was probably uttered without real conviction (but you can't seem the conviction of one's heart through inert text). I think if you're going to spend your life not prioritizing the life of relationships, service to others in a more direct manner, and happiness generated, it's best to not delude yourself into cycling through the mediocre and to find among the wreck something truly worth thinking about and dedicating yourself to. That way you see the ways in which it seems to exist (from the sheer tidal wave of data) and the ways in which people WANT you to think about it and your own kind of conclusions since you just basically talk to it and mull it over out of sheer boredom. And so your experience of it and your experience of interpretations of it coincide to create some new, more authentic facet on shape of knowledge. You have been original and did not compleetely rehash the ground that others have stepped on. Most people never truly 'know' anything, just simulacra of it. Choose what you wish to know and feel because it is limited. Authenticity is when you devote, when you give yourself up for something. Devote yourself to something good.

>> No.23393923

What's the deal with Robert Greene? Why are people who read self-help such retards?

>> No.23393925

She's my sister.

>> No.23393927 [DELETED] 

>tfw so lonely and horny that reading a classical recording is performed by the 'St Albans Abbey Girls Choir' excites me

Come on now...

>> No.23393930

>St Albans Cathedral Girls Choir consists of up to 26 girls between the ages of 8-14

>> No.23393936

I always thought becoming a parent would complete me. I was lured by the idyllic scenes of family life plastered across social media, the laughter-filled holidays, and the milestone celebrations. Nobody ever talked about the relentless exhaustion, the erosion of personal identity, or the deep-seated resentments that can fester. I did my research, sure, but no amount of reading prepares you for the reality—the sleepless nights, the constant worry, the way your own dreams start to feel like distant memories.

The guilt consumes me daily; it's a suffocating blanket of regret. I look at my child, so innocent and full of life, and it breaks me to admit that I regret becoming a parent. This admission feels like the ultimate betrayal, not just to my child but to my former self who wanted this so badly. Everyone talks about the unconditional love you’ll feel, but they don’t mention the possibility of feeling trapped, mourning your old life, your freedom. I can't forgive myself for not only ruining my life but for fearing I'll ruin theirs too, because they surely sense my unhappiness.

I'm reaching out in this post not for sympathy, but for some semblance of understanding or advice. How do you reconcile these feelings with the responsibility of loving and raising your child? How do you forgive yourself for a choice that feels so irrevocable? I'm here, stuck, searching for a way to make peace with my life now, hoping that one day I can truly believe it was all worth it.

But I fear that day will never come.... I fear I've ruined my life.

>> No.23393940

I figured like college from the name... my bad.

>> No.23393946

the audacity of this nigga. he is describing himself.

>> No.23393948

Sorry man, you're just an ass hole.

>> No.23393952

I still feel like a child myself so unfortunately I have absolutely nothing of substance to offer you in the way of advice or help but thank you for the insightful, heartfelt, deeply human post.

>> No.23393953

I think every parent has these feelings. I've seen normies talking about how we need to normalize and not demonize parents occasionally saying fucked up shit to their baby after 2 years of it screaming nonstop and making them want to die. Shit, I've said and thought fucked up stuff about my cat when it was in heat and wouldn't shut the hell up.

I can tell you the grass is always greener. I will never get to experience what you're going to experience with your kid. If I do, it'll be at 45 with a mail order bride and the kid will be going to college as I'm old as fuck and maybe dead. I'd say it's maybe even easier and better in the long run to be where you are now, eat shit for a few years until the kid is basically self-sustaining and going to school every day, and then try to get your dreams back together, than it is to be me, who has no way of "working twice as hard to have my cake and eat it too." No matter what I do I can't have what you have, I will never experience fatherhood in the way you will, the organic experience of having a kid while I'm still young enough to feel like a real parent and not like an old dude who had a kid as a last minute midlife crisis thing.

You are probably fucked for a couple years while the kid is a screaming nightmare, but there are people who have managed just fine. Also remember, in past eras it was normal for the man to be more absent since he was the head of the household and the breadwinner. That doesn't mean you should be an absentee dad, but maybe the modern gender neutral conception of parenthood in which you are just as much your kid's slave as your wife is can be balanced out a bit by recognizing its historical contingency. Women love being mothers, men love being fathers but also love other things. Schopenhauer says women lose their young sexual selves like ants lose their wings after mating, because they don't need them anymore. Women totally become mothers. That has never really been the case for men and their dreams. In fact it used to be necessary and normal for the man's dreams, manifesting as his career, to be what supports the family.

>> No.23393955

>Stop acting you stewards of the world.
We have to because you’re basically children with brown skin.

>> No.23393956

fellas I just ripped the top post of the month from r/regretfulparents lmao laughingtears emoji! get trolled retards you're redditors now bitch

>> No.23393957
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>> No.23393964

I love you

>> No.23393971

I hate you

>> No.23393972

Can I slap my dick on our face?

>> No.23393980

lmmmaaaooooooo get trolled

>> No.23393990

>White men will be rendered obsolete with Industry 4.0.
I doubt it.
>Whites created the very thing that will ultimately enslave them with greater automation.
Probably not, but if so. Then that's life.
>Everything is a double edged sword in life, you stupid snow nigger garbage.
Still better than worshipping waboo on the mud hut village while farming dirt until the end of life.
>Also, you didn't even ask about the details of my life.
You are Iranian, some kind of Buddhist, Married, never want to have children, fairly affluent, want to have gay sex with plants and animals due to sentimentalism. Did I get it correct?
>Stop acting you stewards of the world
All titles are self conferred. The Stewards of the world because they decided it so can make it so.
>No, keep making assumptions.
Then why didyou come here?

>> No.23393999

Why is the majority of audio porn nowadays femdom or other gay shit like it? I just want to listen to some bitch pretending to be my submissive big titty secretary who I can bang on my desk any time I want, but I have to dodge like two dozen femdom performances on the way to an audio like that.

>> No.23394001

A live podcast in which each night there's a different anon that answers questions made by anons

>> No.23394009


>> No.23394011

Nice trips. Also it's because any alternative forms of porn have gotten swamped with weird fetishists because IRL porn can't satosfy their needs.

>> No.23394018

Here is how I personally see it. A lot of the time people spend their life in a lukewarm state- they don't really go towards anything, lacking consciousness of this complacency as it's more of something that just hums along in the background of one's existence. They don't strive for anything and their lives are loosely defined by things too vague to have form but pull them along like a barge nonetheless, guided through mists and fog since they haven't thought through the direction and values of one's own life in a rigorous and commmitted manner.
For me this is best encompassed by this quote: "People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering time they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy." Yes, as humans we selectively ignore lots of things and while away tons of time because it seems so bountiful, unreal, and free that we are not Draconian about how we spend it, whereas money- something we do have to compete for and earn, feels like something that must be spent carefully and not wasted. This isn't even fully connected to your situation but I'm just trying to highlight the degree to which people just waste their life period.
I think you got lucky. You took a radical step in life and realized that you are an individual of ambition. Someone without such convictions would not have realized this, and if you had not undergone such a life change maybe you would have been left in that lukewarm state of not knowing and not felt the negative emotion that seems to want to spur you into self-actualization. Unless your dreams are completely incompatible with having a child, maybe you could recognize that as a parent you will have to dedicate x amount of hours towards the willful, positive upbringing of another life (after all, they did not ask to be born but are here as a result of your choice) and the rest of those y amount of hours will be dedicated in totality to satisfying your own needs and purposively, concretely becoming the individual you wish to become.

>> No.23394043
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>no dad
My dad is in my life, no divorce or anything.
>early exposure to porn
Should be around the same age as everyone else.
>Deeply humiliating social experience
No, not that I remember.

>> No.23394050

My wives

>> No.23394051

>held hands with a girl for the first time at 28
>got a boner
is this normal?

>> No.23394055

Omaigaw I heckin' love animal so much and hate humans i'm so hecking cruel WAU!
I hate these nerve fried decadents so much. Go Read Baudelaire or D'annunzio or something. You fucking apathetic urbanite faggot.

>> No.23394056

No. A boner from touching a little girl's hand?

>> No.23394058

Yeah, if a girl touches me slightly then I have to fight back a boner.

>> No.23394159

First time a Woman I was noit related to touched me I got a disgust response.

>> No.23394168


>> No.23394172

I was like 23 when I lost my virginity and it was the first time a woman touched me or was even physically close to me in a way where I wasn't instinctively holding myself back so that I wouldn't gross her out or make her feel threatened, like if you're on the bus and you touch a woman by accident you feel like you just touched a painting at the museum by accident and everyone is looking at you like you're a piece of shit. My brain couldn't process it because I'd never had someone that close in my physical space and not had it be a problem, or the result of something I had done wrong. Not since I was a little kid.

I remember she put her hand on my chest and pushed me backward, and I felt like 20 years worth of hugs I never had in that moment. It was weird because my instincts tried to tell me I was doing something wrong and to stop it, but then I kind of melted into it. I never knew someone could be in your space and want to be there, that my physical form could be something other than a bother to people.

>> No.23394176

Posted two essays on substack about a month ago and have received no views as far as I can tell.

>> No.23394288
File: 186 KB, 718x404, 1674812080476006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you post this mr. flexer? Now I feel even worse.

>> No.23394293
File: 187 KB, 567x741, nyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your old life is gone. Now begins the birth of a new one. Decide what your new dream is, something you can believe in, and make that your mission. As long as you keep pushing and learning, you'll be fine. A meaningful life is all that you need.

>> No.23394311

It's a very strange feeling to know that it is actually over. I don't mean, "woe is me, I'm having a bad week" kind of over. I mean 40+, completely uneducated, inexperienced, nihilistic, every conceivable cope exhausted, broken man over. It's really weird to be in that position, when there is objectively no way back.

You tell yourself you accept it. But you can never truly accept something like that, only on a silly, intellectual level. It's over. It is actually over. And you just shrug, you can't muster up any grief or depression, you can't muster any motivation of any kind to change for there is a) no point and b) no chance. Everything is just absurd, everyone is a flagrant fool, everything you witness a blasphemous farce. And yet you still must live. But you can't possibly do that. But you must. But you can't. But there are decades left to get through. But how?

The final realisation that comes not from intuition but from cold life experience, that there is no fate, no happy ending. You have to live with the fact you were pathetically delusional, that there were moments where you genuinely believed that the Universe was aligning itself to your needs. Won't get fooled again. But you were never handed that one opportunity. Your obsessive desire for a psychic shift in a positive, moral direction failed utterly. Your prayers, the most humble, genuine, desperate, crying prayers went totally unanswered. Life didn't turn out. And no, she never came back.

All sentimentality and nostalgia is gone. Surely a serious warning sign yet it somehow feels like a great progress. The good old days, the golden years are now seen for what they actually are - lies. Life has simply been a process, all of its emotional content was nothing but a big scam and a terrible waste of time and energy.

It is actually over. Time appears to be standing still, for now.

>> No.23394314

I'm sorry you're in pain anon. Thank you for sharing. Come back again and share more.

>> No.23394318

God cursed me in multiple ways. He cursed me to have a subpar life where I will never have what I want. Why shouldn't I hurt others and join the dark side? That seems to be what he wants.

>> No.23394330

Post your substack I'd like to read it

>> No.23394331

Relatable. All we can do is fight.

>> No.23394337

Did I write these words? And say these words?
I look back and feel that it was another person, some alien creature that must have hijacked my mind.

>> No.23394346

I was supposed to toast my mustard seeds before I cooked them? What the fuck

>> No.23394347

Diet has always had an extreme effect on my mind. When I fast or even just eat less eat less, my mind suddenly feels much clearer. Not only clarity, even more extreme like a switch turns on in my brain and I finally feel like myself again. Like my entire personality changes
Which makes me believe there's some truth to the stereotype of the thoughtless glutton. Not just the character of such a person but perhaps there is some real physiological effect on the brain.

>> No.23394351

What are you talking about?

>> No.23394354 [DELETED] 

I guess it's more related to /his/, but here:


>> No.23394355

i love the way you write

>> No.23394357


>> No.23394362

The uncanny feeling I get looking back on some of my old posts here and feeling like they're the words of another person. Not my own.
Does that explain it better?

>> No.23394366

I'll check it out thanks

>> No.23394371

That's rough man.
But my problem isn't that, I just find the concept of being intimate with a woman repelling. I also don't get touched very often.

>> No.23394375

kill jews

>> No.23394420

come on now

>> No.23394495

It is my duty to please that booty.

>> No.23394531
File: 72 KB, 828x889, Hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really worried about artificial intelligence and it's existential threat
But to be honest, i worry a lot about everything. It seems that when one problem is resolved, my mind just finds another object of worry. I wish i could change this.

>> No.23394533

>be skinny white male, long hair, nailpolish
>always get hit up by christian or muslim males, gym-goer, faithful, some bible or quran verse in bio plus flag, manly men for DL shit
What is up what that? In school you called me fag and now you want to fuck me?

>> No.23394560

Thoughts on my piece?

>> No.23394563

Insufferable word salad

>> No.23394577

i don't like it. the passage certainly forgoes "cool curves and meanders" in favour of being a dry wall of text that amounts to something i'd expect to see in a first draft of a school shooter's manifesto

>> No.23394586
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1698585332789739s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI capabilities will be inconceivable in less than 5 years

>> No.23394589
File: 31 KB, 351x351, Robonut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394604

don't worry anon; that's the thing about worrying: famously the more you worry the closer the problem gets to being solved. if enough people are worried enough at the same time, the issue simply becomes fixed, with no action required besides the pumping of cortisol in human veins. this is part of what we call a "hard magic system": after the death of god, sci fi/ fantasy author Brandon Sanderson created this system to replace the power of prayer

>> No.23394611

What is some lit with a character that has never had any relationship with a woman and never does? I'm sick and tired of all literature being about chad normalfags and their muh relationships or whatever. Even the underground man ends up a fakecel. For once, I want something written for pure truecels.
Preferably friendless too.

>> No.23394613


>> No.23394616

He just talked to a whore, thats not a normie behavior.

>> No.23394617

mmm video games... it's been so long my old, trusty friends.

>> No.23394618

"I'm thinking of ending things", 2020?
>The plot follows a young woman (Jessie Buckley) who goes on a trip with her boyfriend (Jesse Plemons) to meet his parents (Toni Collette and David Thewlis).
Are you mad

>> No.23394619

It 100% is. Also he had some kind of relationship with her at the end.

>> No.23394620

Yeah I'll admit that the presentation is super edgy the message is a positive one. To be guarded and deliberate in how one thinks because it is a finite resource.

>> No.23394627

There are no women in the novel or the movie.

>> No.23394637

How do you answer to somebody telling you they desire to commit sudoku? My first reaction would be to call them a faggot and challenge them to go through with the idea, but I feel like there are other possibilities that might be more suited.

>> No.23394639

Actual good recommendation
Would spoil the movie to explain why its a truecel movie, but watch it. It's good.

>> No.23394640

>write a message in /wwoym/
>come back
>thread's full, see message >next thread
>click on it
>see thread, scroll down
>thread's full, see message >next thread
>repeat again
>post here
>thread's almost full again

When did this board become so fast?

>> No.23394646

These threads are actually a lot slower than they used to be.

>> No.23394660

I want to escape humanity, be a symbol, an entity that transcends the confines of itself and melds into the popular imaginary. Which inscribes itself and dries, like ink, into the parchment of history.
May whatever power controls or world grant me this one grace.

>> No.23394662

Arrogant eternity.

>> No.23394673

You want to fuck about it?!

>> No.23394675


>> No.23394680

What's the other choice? Humble ephemerality?

And why is it arrogant, in your view?
I can conjure up my own reasoning on why one would think so, but I'd like to hear your opinion.

>> No.23394683




>> No.23394690

>he doesn’t read Larkin

>> No.23394698
File: 51 KB, 415x658, 1710182999842216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to write my fantasy porn, but I don't think straight elfxelf is popular
also, I'm lazy

>> No.23394704

lmao no wonder you got your ass beat seeing how much autistic shit you talk here, iranian mahāyāna-zoroastrian "karosh" larper

>> No.23394705

While I don't know who he is, which is why I ask you to give me his full name. Assuming this Larkin produced work directly countering the notions I presented in the prior posts, why would you think I'd read him?

>> No.23394710

the 'd in this posts stands for had, for the record. Not Would.

>> No.23394711

>he doesn’t know how to use Google

>> No.23394715

I AM A FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM FUCKING RETARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.23394716

The phrase “arrogant eternity” is taken from the final line of the poem Love Again by Philip Larkin.

> Even ... but why put it into words?
>Isolate rather this element
>That spreads through other lives like a tree
>And sways them on in a sort of sense
>And say why it never worked for me.
>Something to do with violence
>A long way back, and wrong rewards,
>And arrogant eternity.

I’m not the original anon who said it, and I have no interest in engaging with your ideas. I’m just a Larkin enthusiast.

>> No.23394738

Thanks, Larkinfag.
Too much work.
And I'm not much for poetry.

>> No.23394743

>Want to watch one more episode of my show.
>Will probably fall asleep at my desk if I do.
Damn. That's OK though, the show isn't going anywhere, I'll just watch more tomorrow. I'm gonna chuck on a podcast and play some vidya until I get too sleepy and then I'm gonna brush my teeth with my new toothbrush (hype) and go to bed.

>> No.23394744

>he’s a ireedemable retard with NPD

>> No.23394748

Yes. That and much more. The most pathetic creature in existence. Mock away, I'm fuming.

>> No.23394760


I had a similar experience when I got the closest I've ever been to losing my virginity. We were on her bed making out, and I placed a hand on her breast. She said we were going to fuck, and my instincts kicked in trying to tell me I was doing something wrong just like you. I asked her if she was sure, and after about 10 seconds she went quiet and pulled away from me. When I asked her what was wrong she just got up and left the room, and was quiet for the rest of the night.

A few weeks later she started trying to convince my friends that I had sexually assaulted her. Part of me knew it was bullshit, but the part of me that thought I was doing something wrong thought maybe I DID end up doing something wrong. Still kind of struggle with these feelings desu.

>> No.23394767

For what it is worth, I, a disembodied block of text on the internet, think you didn't do anything wrong and that girl was just bitch, they are just special like that. She probably got really pissed at you for asking that, maybe took it as rejection, and tried to hurt you afterward.

>> No.23394774

Women are insane man. The more I interact with them the more I hate them. All my experiences with women for the past several years has been negative.

>> No.23394778

It's a fear response, not a disgust response

>> No.23394784

This is painful to read. I had a similar experience at a similar age where I almost ended up “melting into it” but I got freaked out and couldn’t go through with it and left and broke up with him the next day.

>> No.23394791

No, I think your lack of desire and your 'are you sure' was taken as a form of verbal assault to her. Because most people will never consider that our words or actions are derived from personal history and insecurity, etc. so she probably took that as a personal affront, that you were not into her, and in effect confirmed her poor self-image. You got caught up in your own personal drama and thus were not able to suspend thought and just thoughtlessly rut (in either a dumb animal or fulfilled human to human way) which is what sex is all about, right? You are a classic overthinking and agreeable sensitive type. How do I know? The lack of conviction in your words and the obvious desire on your part for emotional validation from posters. But dont worry, I'm like that and a lot of us here are like that as well.

>> No.23394810

Part of the reason I had asked that was because she had confided in me about a past sexual assault she was victim to. Although, after this happened I started to doubt whether that was true too.

You're right, and I hate my overthinking and lack of conviction. It used to be much worse, but I have made a lot of progress in relying on my own intuition rather than sitting around overthinking every action.

>> No.23394811

What makes you think that?

>> No.23394817

OK, I'm sleepy now. I listened to a bit of a podcast while trying to fix an issue with my PS4 controller not connecting to my PC but ultimately came up short, oh well, goodnight, anons.

>> No.23394843

Were you bullied when you were a kid/teenager?

>> No.23394864

>Should be around the same age as everyone else.
This is too vague, and you'd be surprised how early some take to porn, you should specificy an age range.

>> No.23394869

I'm not here to conversate.

>> No.23394873

Then why are you here?

>> No.23394875

Yeah, whatever, I hope your family dies in an automobile wreck.

>> No.23394884

Is practical Nazism possible in America? The left happily seems to have offered up a dialectic opposite to Nazism in a practical anti-Nazism. I don’t see what the right can answer with other than practical Nazism.

>> No.23394888

It could work as a unification of ideas, like combining socialism and nationalism...national socialism...

>> No.23394893

I don’t see nationalism having much in common with national socialism, practical or idealistic as it was in Nazi germany.

>> No.23394896

Also, nationalism had a rich tradition of philosophy and philosophical thinkers while national socialism does not. It has no philosophy as far as I can tell. It’s almost wholly scientific, or pseudo-scientific.

>> No.23394905

it's a struggle

>> No.23394910

No., I believe the U.S is too fucked up for that.
If a practical Nazism where to arise, it would be some sort of low intelligence multi-racial populism much more focused on scapegoating someone than lifting up the non-existent volk.

>> No.23394913

Don't play to the gallery, write the smut that gets you off best, that's the only true metric we can hold ourselves to, for the peversions of others are not wholly knowable

>> No.23394916

>oh no that sucks

>> No.23394922

No. According to my calculations, the closest we could get is some kind of anti-zionist multiracial Christian theocracy, and even that's a stretch. White Nationalism just doesn't seem to be possible in America nowadays. People would rather die than be perceived as racist. Jewish brainwashing is a hell of a drug.

>> No.23394925

I'm back.
I'm the fact.
I think twice now, I guess.
But maybe we can have that much more fun!

>> No.23394942

Maybe. But a sort of race realism is currently en vogue among the conservative elite under age 45 or so, and that wasn’t the case for prior generations.

Theocracy is off the table I think. We’re not a sincerely religious people anymore. Currently, the conversation on the right is a sort of struggle between lame duck liberals “everyone is the same” civnat types, race realists, and fundamentalist Christian ethics. It’s pretty clear that the Christians are losing and choosing instead to opt out to the degree that it’s possible.

>> No.23394952

I think my sheltered, lazy brain would benefit from experiencing the homeless life.

>> No.23394955

>Theocracy is off the table I think. We’re not a sincerely religious people anymore.
No society exists without a cohesive religious structure. And I say that as an atheistic-leaning agnostic. Christians are still the largest religious sect in America by far, and if some sort of cataclysm were to happen, they would galvanize and organize. There's still a large swath of the south and midwest, and middle America in general that are either passingly or devoutly Christian.

>> No.23394956

Reading this and feeling that it mirrors my own desires which I have recently subjected to scrutiny— I wonder if the universe goes out of its way to champion individuals who are gifted but detached, full of resentment and melancholy but not to the point of forsaking the hope of influencing outcomes, and opting for life after death instead of life while lived.

>> No.23394958

>be me
>start therapy
>therapist is cold bitch
>doesn't ask any warmup questions
>immediately begins with demographic question that become pretty personal
>tell her this is too much right at the start, i don't even know her well
>she says contractually she has to read it all
>fuck it, do it and continue
>she basically only nods the entire time
>sometimes asks basic ass retarded questions that skilled therapists would never ask
>ends with giving a basic ass assignment despite me telling her that ive done therapy many times before
>she nods and says will continue next time
>session ends, im seething
>later receive an email about an anonymous feedback form for the therapist
>wait a week, and then provide detailed feedback on the shitty session and make specific points of improvements for the therapist
>cuz im paranoid, use VPN, different browser incognito, varied my speech patterns, made sure the link had no source trackers
>next day receive a whatsapp message from therapist asking why i was so negative in the anonymous feedback form about her

why are therapists so fucking retarded, i legitimately want to strangle this bitch to death

>> No.23394961

Poo poo

>> No.23394962


Yes. That's common knowledge. That was the whole point.

>> No.23394964

>start therapy
that's where you fucked up, just do drugs like the rest of us
>next day receive a whatsapp message from therapist asking why i was so negative in the anonymous feedback form about her
local anon not so anonymous after being therapized

>> No.23394967

I've been trying to teach this kid how to read and it frustrates me to no end. The kid doesn't seem to realize that letters spell words. He knows the letters make sounds but he hasn't grasped that the letters make sounds together. He treats every word like a "sight word" as if they were Chinese characters he has to memorize. I have no idea how to get him to learn and I'm pretty damn sure he will be a lifelong illiterate. I now finally understand why teachers complain so much.

>> No.23394971

Is he black?

>> No.23394972


>> No.23394974

well I think I found your problem

>> No.23394976

>just do drugs like the rest of us
i wish man, but im living with my parents atm. got laid off last december

>not so anonymous after being therapized
i legit believe i was her only client in the last two weeks or something, how else would she have known it was me, with all the precautions i took

>> No.23394981

>why don't we try a occult pagan LARP that last less than 20 years again?

Christian nationalism solves the JQ without the eventual slide into human sacrifice. Plus Christian nations have a track record of lasting far longer than any man-made slop of occult "knowledge" and pseudo science.

>> No.23394983

Even Spinoza knew that eliminating the religious aspect would prove impossible since it’s such a powerful coping mechanism. The goal would be to substitute Christian religion with something else, but again that has been tried so many times before and failed every time…

>> No.23394985

>i wish man, but im living with my parents atm. got laid off last december
just live in your car, it's less humiliating
>i legit believe i was her only client in the last two weeks or something, how else would she have known it was me, with all the precautions i took
probably because she's a shit therapist, because therapy is a scam

>> No.23394988

oh boy I can't wait for a nation lead by BASED Christian niggers
>The goal would be to substitute Christian religion with something else, but again that has been tried so many times before and failed every time…
Greece and Rome got along fine without it.

>> No.23394989

I would make a terrible art thief, like a Pink Panther villain, or Picasso if he had to work alone

>> No.23394998

Going into crime seems very fun to me.
Imagine becoming a really good thief, or a hitman.
I'm just a normie so I'll never do it but it has got to be extremely exciting.

>> No.23394999

no arguments, just seething. America is always going to be plagued by blacks and browns but if they're Christian they'll alteast be off the streets and out of sight. pagan solutions will only exacerbate the issues down the line.

>> No.23395004

Don’t listen to him, live with your parents until you have saved up enough money, then gtfo
We were getting along just fine without electricity but it’s here now and there is no going back. Same with Christianity and Islam, we have to deal with it now because reform won’t stick, only violent revolution…

>> No.23395013

A pure theocracy is for third worlders and primitive savages, hence why they took to Islam like fish. The best would be a pagan split religion like Christianity, like what westerners are accustomed to. It has its problems (like "Judeo-Christianity") but it's still way better than the alternatives at this point.

>> No.23395016

Hey [anon with shared interests], how close do you live to an ethnographic museum?

>> No.23395018

>Christians keeping proles out of sight
lol lmao. They famously love the poor.

>> No.23395021

Isn’t Christianity a version of Judaism accessible to everyone and not only Jews? The path might be some sort of Christianity or Islam accessible also to non believers

>> No.23395034

They're all Abrahamic but a totalitarian, theocratic Christian nation-state is unlikely. There's too much of a split between the priesthood and temporal rulers which historically always comes to a head.

>> No.23395037

Poors are welcomed into the body of Christ just the same as the rich. there will always be poors so if you can't integrate them and have them behave, you'll end up in a retarded first world country where millionaires ride the train in huge cities and are visually assaulted by meth head nogs as par of the course. nogs are really only at this depraved state because of Jews otherwise they'd just be like your dumb white friends that are only tolerable after 2 beers.

>> No.23395042

Jared Taylor just released a video saying America is now permanently fucked:

The only thing that is possible in the US is a military junta and security state, pretending to still be the normal US government, and run by people who don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves, who don't really have an ideology beyond slowing the break-up of the Soviet Union 2.0, presumably while they move all their assets elsewhere (after that they won't give a fuck). In the next 5-10 years, maybe even sooner, you will see this happen and most normies will react to it the way they reacted to COVID and Blonald Drumpf mania, they'll just do whatever the state media says. Likely the internet will be censored. Likely all these techfaggots like Musk will cooperate with this regime change or at least let it happen, either for profit or because they're scared of genuinely opposing it.

There can be no ideologies or ideological movements anymore, this is a chaotic mass era of retards and racially degenerated "from nowheres." Even upper middle class white people are probably 2/3 as intelligent (max) as random middle class people from the '30s, when big ideological projects were still possible. Our conceptual field is much narrower, the average person with a PhD is a retard with a very childish worldview compared to the average person a hundred years ago. And that's not even factoring in the trillions of nonwhites who drag the collective unconscious down to early childhood levels cognitively.

We are entering an Egyptian Intermediate Period, not a redux of the 20th century interwar period. In the one in a billion chance some actual leftist/pro-minority movement blustered its way into political power, it would collapse into Africa tier incompetent corruption because American blacks and hispanics are quite literally incapable of adult decision-making on average, they are literally retarded and childlike. They only have the appearance of being citizens and people with opinions because of the reigning civic religion of worshiping them, which is now dying with nothing to replace it except chaos.

If you want to do Nazi stuff you should plan to do it as 8D chess because there is no way to politically organize today, in the sense that these terms had 100 years ago. You are herding retarded cats at this point. You'd probably be better off going and doing that in Europe and waiting for America to totally collapse, then waiting for a huge die-off / mass exodus of minorities who literally cannot feed themselves and don't understand food doesn't just magically re-appear on shelves, and who will express their rage and confusion at being hungry and having no electricity by rioting and wrecking what little infrastructure still works.

>> No.23395048

Being poor is a virtue in Christianity. Why do you even think they have "nogs"

>> No.23395063

being poor is a virtue only in so far as it has a purpose. this is why monastics exist. they take a vow poverty in service to God. if you're in the world, the affront to wealth is caused by men's tendency to worship it at the cost of their obedience to God. Wealth and power are harder to navigate than poverty and so sins can accumulate among the wealthy rather than the poor.

>> No.23395112

>But a sort of race realism is currently en vogue among the conservative elite under age 45 or so, and that wasn’t the case for prior generations.
In vogue as it may be, elites don't amount to anything unless they have subordinates to actually do stuff for them. And as the climate goes, none of these literati pseudo-aristocrats feel like exiting the protective veil of internet anonymity into the world of action. But maybe it will remain a substrate of the U.S govt/Financial sector/Academia.
I am not very hopeful of the future.
>No society exists without a cohesive religious structure.
Which is why you create a new one or use a more vital one instead of trying to revive the dead.
>Christians are still the largest religious sect in America by far, and if some sort of cataclysm were to happen, they would galvanize and organize
I disagree, it's a lethargic sort of christianity. Not one that can rouse itself into action at once. Many debacles came and went without any real action taken. Even when things do happen, it's not by their action, but by the influence of people like Trump.
And the Christians of the U.S aren't exact building networks of support and parallel power, which further speaks to their lack of commitment.
Back then christianity was actually alive. They just didn't know how to pull it off, you have to have skill for it.
Back in the day, Judaism was accessible to everyone, the religion encouraged proselytization and people to follow the old testament laws. Then christianity took over Rome and heavily repressed them.
Don't be trammeled by pragmaticism, man! Innovate, invest in rite and fancy. DO new things. A new moral regimen for society will not create itself. People, mayb people like us, will have to create it.
This is how you get taken over by brown people (And not even the best they can offer, which isn't much) and made into a quirky backwater minority, if not outright absorbed into the universal underclass.

>> No.23395160

At some point, new blood has to fill the halls of government. Baby boomers can’t be senators and spooks forever. So if conservatives are to have any presence at all and race realism is mainstream among them, then it seems obvious to me that this will be the case eventually. What that means for policy, I don’t know but what I’m saying is that previously it wasn’t a possibility because the older generations didn’t think this way but the younger ones do so I think it is a possibility. Paleoconservatism is enormously popular among the young right whereas it was fringe among older people.

>> No.23395164

But isn’t he a white nationalist? He wanted an ethnostate? That was never going to happen and not really what I asked.

>> No.23395175

Btw I’m not a Nazi. I’m just curious about this because this seems to be where we’re heading.

>> No.23395181

I think it’s unquestionable at this point that war abroad and maybe at home is inevitable in our lifetimes. Out of that chaos, regime change will be possible, but what kind of regime it will be changed to remains an open question. The left is loosely aligned regarding a sort of ideology, but the right isn’t and that’s what makes me interested in this question.

>> No.23395186

But there’s a difference between a de jure state religion and sincere religious belief.

>> No.23395188

Who knows how to pull it off? It’s almost as if you needed a new Übermensch or a Jesus substitute and then you’re just back in the same cycle.
I didn’t know Judaism was open initially, always thought it was a closed circle since its inception.

>> No.23395194

>I think it’s unquestionable at this point that war abroad and maybe at home is inevitable in our lifetimes.
Your country has been at war abroad since you’ve been born

>> No.23395205

I know this has been asked a million times. But anyway I can stop all the doomscrolling?

>> No.23395246


>> No.23395250

You can talk to a whore too. All you need is money. I'm not sure how that makes him any less pathetic

>> No.23395269

Zoomies treat wwoym like discord. I've also noticed besides it going faster that they all respond in this really annoying and aggressively quipy manner. Like they all respond in a hyper dismissive and ironic register even when it's not called for. Board has definitely changed for the worse.

>> No.23395291

>Which is why you create a new one or use a more vital one instead of trying to revive the dead.
You can't just arbitrarily invent a spirituality. Your mistake is taking sociology seriously

>> No.23395300

>I disagree, it's a lethargic sort of christianity. Not one that can rouse itself into action at once
America is famous for its Christian revival movements. Thats what the first 2 Great Awakenings were. Id argue the evangelical rise after the 60s was another Great Wakening. I think were perfectly ripe for another revival movement.
That's just the history of Christianity really. You get lulls and revivals and America has perfected revivalism.

>> No.23395308

Turn off your phone and put it in a drawer

>> No.23395365
File: 65 KB, 800x700, sad fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever want to see and feel something dreadful look for desperate depressed men begging for help on other forums; especially reddit. You will find pleothra of entire page worth of texts from men talking about how they are depressed and are in dire need of help. Next you will see the post has been utterly ignored for years, not a singel reply; nobody cared to even to say anything. Next look into their accounts and you will often see how they were not only last active years ago but last thing they posted was that one ignored post about their struggles. Its truly haunting and I do not think I have to explain what happened to those men. Its even more haunting if you realise how many cases like that there are.

>> No.23395380

She had feeling for him. Also I can't talk to whore.

>> No.23395382

>brush teeth
>change clothes
>wash clothes
>put clothes away
>do dishes
>sweep floors
>clean toilet
>clean mirror
>clean windows
>buy food
>buy gas
>cut hair
>clip nails
>pay electric
>pay water
>make calls
>send emails
>cut grass
>pull weeds
>button shirt
>go to dentist
>take out the trash
>bring the trash cans back

>> No.23395388

you wont even do 3 of those things and you know it. be realistic and just do one for today.

>> No.23395401

it's not a to do list.

>> No.23395420

lolol 'just button your shirt for the day and you're good'

>> No.23395527

I'm not even wearing a shirt and I'm doing fine

>> No.23395535

ahhhhhh everyone my age is getting married and i'm 27 living with my parents ahhhhhhhh

>> No.23395608

I don't have brown skin, dumbass.
You are as shallow and elitist as a Jew. Kys.

>> No.23395618

>want to have gay sex with plants and animals due to sentimentalism
Ew, no. I am not a sexual deviant or degenerate.
I do have deep respect for endemic flora and fauna though.

>> No.23395626

Should he shit *or* wipe?

I'm just teasing anyway, just funny the thought of choosing only one activity from the list to complete and then call it and set one's feet on the table -- or would that count as a to-do activity too?

>> No.23395627

I never talk about politics or my personal beliefs in real life unless I come across a highly literate and affable person, which I never have.
I'm not a LARPer. I was a Soto Zen Buddhist for some time.

>> No.23395631

1) men get married for the first time all the way up to through and middle age relatively commonly
2) living with your parents at 27 is a non-issue

>> No.23395633

On paper I am in an incredible situation and yet I feel more stuck in a rut than I ever have and I’ve spent the last few years doing basically nothing at all

>> No.23395676

Well I just crossed "getting drunk" off my list and I'm not doing any a single thing more

>> No.23395692

Better to reign in an empire of endless pain than to serve in a kingdom of infinite joy

>> No.23395712

Hahaha damn I feel that

>> No.23395851

>Also I can't talk to whore
You can absolutely you're just being a pussy making excuses. A whore wants your money. You could probably be disfigured and still sleep with a prostitute

>> No.23395898

Where’s the new thread?

>> No.23396025

I am 0.3 percent from an A in my class. I am pink wojaking irl right now

>> No.23396028

I’m close to getting plastic surgery

>> No.23396067
