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23235266 No.23235266 [Reply] [Original]

/wbg/ Worldbuilding General
Fire girl edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"
Worldbuilding, as already stated above, and contrary to what many believe, does not inherently imply blatantly copying Tolkien. In fact, there are many science-fiction setting out there, and even entire alternative history settings which do not possess supernatural elements at all. Any kind of science fiction book has an implied setting at least, which involves a certain degree of worldbuilding put into it.

Last Thread: >>23104326

>> No.23235367
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Posting again this time i am not doubting (your) inteligence.
So i have this idea for a vestal virgin like cult, except it's men (from the age of 12) drinking some weird dune alien juice coming out of the ground (maybe from the roots of an alien plant?) that is coinicidentally female hormones that promote looking voluptuous (feminine hips, breasts, shoulders, face, the whole nine yards) and they are meant to guard the temple of the virgin Mary.
This is mostly in service so i can accentuate that one specific place in my world is the "weird alien place" where the early settlers got close with the local scenery and schizophrenic bird aliens (which embody the holy spirit, and thus are a vessel through which God speaks to man) Maybe in this temple is a single female bird alien who speaks for the virgin Mary?
I find it interesting how some cultures have an enshrined role for "mother-like" men, who appear like women, but are not. Jungian type shit too.
The boys are sacrificing their masculinity to keep the virgin Mary in the physical world, and thus they guard and tend to her temple.

It's also about pedophilia and how many cultures tend to harm young boys for the "greater good".

In the present time of the story, the priests are co-opted into a tourist attraction, like thai lady-boys who now only serve for the sexual gratification of depraved foreigners. I want to really focus on how modernity likes to lie about the traditional "gender-bending" roles, nobody talks about how dishonest most of this discourse and philosophy really is.

>their world is different from ours because their world makes sense and has meaning, while our world eats itself alive.

I haven't thought too deeply on the subject, except that this is weird and can lead to interesting characters that the protagonist meets with interesting worldviews relating to self-sacrifice, but the broad strokes and aesthetics i have figured out, i feel there is something to men sacrificing their manhood for the sake of a greater power. (or i maybe make a short story focusing on a single virgin-priest). The temple itself is meant to celebrate both female beauty, and the inner woman within every man. Maybe i'll figure some cultural polar opposite about masculine women but currently not thinking about that.

The temple itself is layed out like a pyramid, the base is packed with statues representing the virgin-priests and on the temple are murals of them delivering offerings to the virgin Mary, flanked by alien birds.
In the temple they dance around the sacred spring, and opposite the entrance is a screen depicting the virgin, behind which is the holy bird who speaks as if she is the virgin mary.

The ladyboys cry and weep for the men of their town, not out of love, but because they weep for what was taken from them, they revolve around pain, they do not want what has been done to them (maybe some do), they are merely being acted upon by their world, a world beyond comprehension, yet full of meaning.

>> No.23235378

>I haven't thought too deeply on the subject
correction: since last night i have thought very deeply on the subject and i feel like i could already write a short tragedy about one of the priest-boys

>> No.23235406

Why should the ladyboys give in to the depraved tourists though?

>> No.23235414
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Use of force. The whole universe demands access to the eden of their world, there is too few of them to resist and the universe does not wish to listen to them, does not want to, for ignoring is easier to do.
they are a conquered and subjugated peoples, who's world is the key to controling the universe, i will very bluntly admit that i did not know what dune was about when i originally started this many years ago but i don't mind the similarity. My idea was it's around deneb and blur giants just have dark matter in substantial quantities in them for some vague reason, and deneb is especially rich. Plus it contains the *only* known habitable, biosphered exoplanet. The jewel in the crown of the kingdom of man. I come from a deeply traumatised culture and so much media wants to depict that but westerners just do not get how deep the wounds can go.

>> No.23235416

...plus it happened in real life so i can look up to example.

>> No.23235479

Thinking about making a world where swords use humans to fight. Its sort of a social commentary.

>> No.23235538

Social commentary on what??

>> No.23235772

I was reminded lately that the main villain of original ghostbusters was
>Gozer the Gozerian
my face crinkled with a smile at that goofy, yet almond-activating title. I think this self-reference is a discarded gem. I now wonder how to integrate something like this into storytelling. Making "Someone of Someonesville" work in a serious/horror context and explaining it eventually as the plot unfolds is my new goal.

>> No.23236058
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Okay so I got a swift idea, there are many things that need to make sense somehow but this is the general idea:
This story is set in a world where the technology is equivalent of that of our world in 1940s. In this world kingdoms and empires are still the dominant form of rule. The kingdom we are looking at is in a heavy war with a neighboring nation for like 3 years or so, similar to ww2. I am not sure about the exact reason of this war though. The problem is that the head of military has to be one of the royal family (due to stupid traditions or fear of being treasoned or something). The problem is that no one in this family knows much about warfare. That is why despite being the stronger military nation they fail on all fronts and the war is looking bad.
The royal family consists obviously out of king and queen and they have 3 children: two older sons and one younger daughter. After everyone else failed miserably at leading the war it has come down to the princess to save the nation (I need to reason in some kind of way why she has to do the job, not sure if that's the best one). She does not know anything about tactics and strategy. This is where the mc comes in. He just graduated from a military school and has to be the new military advisor for the princess (I also need some reason for this, again).
So this is basically where the actual story starts, they both have to do tons of planning, visit towns, battles, etc. This could also go into a romance kind of way where the mc and the princess slowly fall in love as they get to know each other. Maybe they will also do a coup against her incompetent royal family so she becomes the queen and not one of her older brothers. I can also think of many other conflicts occuring here. Maybe the love between a royal and normal citizen is forbidden.
I would also like to add some kind of special power/magic system which separates the nobles from the normal people but I am not sure what exactly. Despite that the main character also needs some interesting backstory.

>> No.23236184


>> No.23236202

Cleaver idea

>> No.23236535
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got this plot, not sure if it's shit
>tranny gets turned into a woman by a magical twink and ends up hating being a woman
>unable to turn back into his original form, the female body he has begins to deteriorate rapidly, plunging into certain death
>he meets characters along the way that will help him return to his previous form
>then, i haven't figured out the rest...
besides the story feeling boring and flat by Chapter 3, there is absolutely no way I can justify turning him back to his male form without it being cringe or ridiculous

>> No.23237564

why doesn't he (she?) just die in the other form at the end? why do you need a happy ending if you establish that time is limited?

>> No.23237722

...so serious question
how would the ladyboys be reffered to? would they be reffered to in the masculine? My idea was that amongst themselves they refer to each other as "brother" to share the burden that has been put on them. i want to really focus on the emasculating elemet of it; that is the whole point, to sacrifice your manhood for the Virgin.
I don't know how exactly they would be called. simply "the virgins"? maybe something like Madonna virgins? simply "priestess"? or maybe even, in a formal derogatory sense, "sister"? or just "girl" Like how young boys call to question one's masculinity by calling someone a girl? I want the story to be about the main character deeply lamenting his tragedy for how the world has terribly acted upon him, with maybe a second part for when his world is starting to change once it is conquered, with odd scenes here and there of the weird invaders (probably involving him witnessing one of the invaders take advantige of one of his brothers), mostly just to hurt him even more, need to make his tragedy feel meaningless and in vain by the end.

>> No.23238386

I wanted to include demons in my story but felt it was uninspired compared to the rest of my worldbuilding, and then I really got inspired by All Tomorrows, as well asThe Red from DC comics and found a way to recontextualize things.
Basically my "demon" realm is the pit from where the rest of creation sprang from, a chaos dimension where nature is unbound from the laws of death and thermodynamics. A constant war of fighting, fucking, and evolving across a spiraling pit of flesh. Sometimes monsters spill out from this dimension into the base reality and are referred to as the Apex, and while many of them die the moment they cross over just from running out of energy to continue functioning the few that survive are formidable.
I want to have some hints sprinkled throughout my story to imply that the nature goddess is originally from there, and that many of the animals of the earth come from her devouring the Apex whole and rebirthing them in a more docile state.

>> No.23238526

Sounds like a christmas story so your children wont troon out

>> No.23238725

Just found out an idea l had and thought was unique has already been used in a book.

>> No.23238737

That never stopped fantasy writers before.

>> No.23238740

man even copying beat-for-beat something but making it unique enough to where the message and narrative is new is something most people do not notice usually unless some pedant points it out.

>> No.23238748

I am attempting to workshop 7 core cultures/spheres out of a combination of the 7 deadly sins and the seven deadly virtues. Specifically, I want the cultures to embody one virtue with a related sin. For the record, I will be using a relatively lax interpretation of th sins to give my cultures more breadth.
As of now, I have only one single combination fully worked, with which I will demonstrate the concept, brace yourselves because it is going to be long and weird:
>The Freetowns of Royce (Placeholder name), Diligence-Gluttony: There is nothing that the townsmen respect more than a pair of busy hands and a job well done: from the liveliest village to the loneliest farmstead there is always a man out and about making himself usefull; it is everyday that a new building is raised, a new plot is cleared, and a deal is struck. Daily, the green waters of the Royce bear tremendous loads of Lumber, Salt, Meat, Beer, Grain and Wool and brings them safely to where they are most needed: to fuel the fires of civilization and fill the bellies of the townsmen, for their hunger is great and their appetite immense like the blue sky. Every mother tells her kids that good boys and girls eat very well so they can be strong for next day's work; surrounded by siblings and cousins at the dinner table they stare with eyes as wide as pearls at their venerable elders, their stocky fathers and sturdy mothers, their grand parents, admiring the fruits of the family patriarch's hard work all around them. During the work day on the fields they day-dream of one day being like those fruitful elders at the family table admiring their legacy as they peacefully grow in bulk, the premier sign of prosperty. But a few bright-eyed young men will crave more: to be one of the great magnates that builds cities instead of barns and directs employees instead of progeny as they as they gorge themselves with peacock and wine instead of mead and roasted lamb. Thousands of men surge inward and outward into the workhouses and the homesteads in hope of achieving these dreams, many enters the forests or the streets singing of glory and fails to come out at all. Ever a quarrelsome people, rivalry runs rampant among the townsmen; the countryfolk look down upon their slovely and famished neighbors while the townsfolk despise the subpar craftsmanship and imbecilic stewardship of their rival guilds, a disagreement often ending in violence. In the Freetowns, to be thin is to be lazy, and to be lazy is to be a waste, often regarded as a lifestyle choice by those of reprobate moral character, those lacking age-appropiate bulk or diligence will suffer persecution for their moral failings and (probable) thievery, this last one being due to their sneaky and slippery habits of hiding in places where no one else can reach them. The minor and non-offenders are usually reformed*, while harsher punishments await burglars and highwaymen.

>> No.23238770

7 cultures is A LOT. It's worth at least 5 books to explore. Are you sure you want it? You could make one culture that has 7 factions.

>> No.23238775

>*The way of reforming these twin character flaws is a hotly debated topic among polite society, with the view that considers a strong work ethic the origin of a healthy appetite being popular among the male dominated reform societies that run facilities in which internees are made to appreciate a hard day's work clearing roads and draining mires being at constant odds with the school of thought that posits indolence to be caused by a lack of proper nutrition supported by largely female composed beneficence societies running hospicies where proper care is taken of patient's dietary needs.

>> No.23238791

I just want to play around with the one virtue one sin concept and how one might worldbuild something based off those two simple premises. I'm not planning on writing much of a book, at absolute best I might make map. Also, the concept is kind of shlocky by itself so it is not like there is all that much genuinely insightful or interesting stuff I (maybe someone brighter and better than me could) can come up with.

>> No.23238799

Hey, any tips on writing an Islamist Utopia? It's technically more of a dystopia, but I think any state founded on Islamic principles will be a dystopia by default.

They're supposed to be the background villains of the conflict, a major power that's plotting to overthrow the Protagonist's kingdom (as in, the kingdom he lives in) so that they can conquer the world.

There's a subplot where the Protagonist has to slip into their capital city (named Al-Baris/Albaris) so that he can free the Sultan from his imprisonment by the Vizier and end the conflict peacefully. I was wondering what it should look like, but my own conclusions were too shallow.
>I made it a bit like Taliban/ISIS ruled regions, with sex slaves and moral police scouring the land to kill supposed heretics and apostates
>Any images of humans are banned, as is music, art, and dancing
>Banking and finance are banned
>Open air slave markets
>Rich men having harems guarded by slave boys they feminized with chemicals (castration is icky)
>Corruption and bribery everywhere, plus military rule.

But I want to go into more depth with it.

>> No.23238824

I'm sorry, our board of islamist utopia experts gathers every other thursday, not sundays

>> No.23238844

I'll just pretend that it is the same as the christian utopia.
Depends on how deep you really want to go. There's no such thing as an advanced and powerful theocracy. In the old times rich and powerful muslim empires were as secular as christian ones, if not more. You'd need a military dictatorship held through dystopian (in huge part as fictional as any dystopia) system of radicalism and fear. You will have to show evils through this system, like hypocrisy, lies and propaganda, unnecessary cruelty. Make characters that are half mad with their own lies, false prophets and so forth.

>> No.23238853

Oh jesus christ why the hell did I write this I'm so sorry.

>> No.23238870
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So in my timeline there's the big special space colony with space fuel and stuff, my idea was that it develops for some 572ish years before the earth reconquers it, giving me time to develop a truly crazy culture and some eventful history and population growth.
So i have two things i still can't really resolve.
Why and how soon would the colony resort to christian radicalism? They start at the year 2056 with a sample size of 10,000 plus frozen embryos, their fabrication tech mostly fails and the things that didn't are taken by the more "modernist" faction that leaves on a big boat to somewhere else during an early schism with the staunchly christian "traditionalist" faction. I mean, mormonism and JW's and some very very crazy (new) cults exist but i can't shake the modernist
>people are too ""reasonable"" nowadays
atitude. Though with my own eyes i have seen that to not be the case, especially in small sample sizes.

Second issue is what is the culture of earth like, what is the UN in 2608? the UN only controls earth, the moon and has a few nato-like allies around jupiter (UN is the west), the other major powers are Mars, allied with saturn (Mars is the east), and the asteroid belt, which is a confederation of various sovereign states including one which has mercury as a "vassal" through warlord mineral mining fame and wealth. (the king of hygiea) (the asteroid belt is the third world). This is my idea of it around 2100 for something else i was writing, but how would the situation be in 2608? Mostly focusing on earth, assuming all-out war doesn't break out, and that the belt disunites a bit, plus population growth obv.
Earth has some 11 billion people, is very hurt and limping along, the states are all "sovereign" only on paper, as the UN has become way more federalized, the Secretary General now holds powers similar to a Roman Dictator and they have this very revanchist attitude towards the extrasolar colonies which they long to reconquer, as to them they are the common heritage of all mankind and the "natives" keeping them are "selfish".
So they have all this apologetic requiremento type speeches and logic to them, about "all mankind" and "the legitemacy of earth as the home of all man" to rule over "terra nova".
My very roughest idea is that the grunts talk like a 4chan thread, using 4chan slang, which at this point is just "folktalk" lingua franca on much of earth. Ie, in one scene the soldiers witness the ladyboys >>23235367
and one comments to the other
and they chuckle slightly with disgust.
Their "official" presentative aesthetic is also the modern corporate slop and formal language aesthetic taken to the most dishonest extreme. They simply do not respect the sovereignty of the natives.
Though i honestly do not know about the details.

>> No.23238883

>here's no such thing as an advanced and powerful theocracy.
Dystopias are impossible almost by definition. I just want them to be terrifying and yet "true" to what Islam wants to establish.

>> No.23239316

I am making a mockery of God. Took the traits of Divinity off Wikipedia. I want to create a Demiurge....or two.

>God is Unitary and indivisible
The Demiurge is split into two parts.

>God is Omniscient
The Demiurge is a blind idiot like Azathoth.

>God is omnipresent
The Demiurge is located in the nucleus of the universe.

>God is omnipotent
The Demiurge is merely a blind producer of shapeless mass that can only order things as God commands.

>God orders the universe.
The Demiurge creates chaos.

>> No.23239393

Well, step one is reading up on Islam, or talking to E-muslims, find a moderately intelligent Dawah-fag and interrogate thim.
Second: you missed the taxes. Islam is as much about taxes and banking as it is about god.
I regret nothing.
>Second issue is what is the culture of earth like, what is the UN in 2608?
Protracted Brezhnevite USSR. The economy sucks (and is directed by the U.N despite ostensibly free-markets), the military is a circus, we're 50 years into a war against Ba'hai fundamentalists in the fucking asteroid belt, the last person to genuinely believe in the U.N and its ideology died 70 years ago. The general chairman of the united nations is fresh as a block of SPAM at 122 years old, samizdat is transmitted through unintelligible internet zoomerspeak, Earth is aesthetically stagnant spiritually dead, technologically and ideologically disillusioned. The government has all these programs set out to improve the welfare of the population and uplift them into a better tommorrow but no one trusts them or they don't work. Luna is treated more like one giant military base to guard earth. And the only thing Earth really has going for itself anymore is numbers, plus it's essentially culturally isolated outside that one Jupiterian Moon that stuck with them through thick and thin for some inscrutable reason. The only reason why it hasn't been put out of its misery is because of its massive population, along with old outdated ships from when the United Nations Void Fleet meant something and three equally archaic space stations staffed by skeleton crews of disaffected cosncripts.
The reclamation of this shithole is basically the last stand of the U.N as it exists now. If this fails, the system caves in on itself. After that, you get something much like the USSR's collapse and the subsequent years for a while until some prevailing earth faction takes the reins again.
Sorry if this is incomprehensible.

>> No.23239499
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This is perfect, I'm currently putting together a system of magic revolving around the four elements, including Fire, where each element has some things it can do beyond basic elemental manipulation, and I could use some help on the ideas. Just to start, Water gets healing spells as an elemental specialty, along with obscuring things from magical observation. Avatar’s given me a couple ideas, like Fire mages being able to harness lightning, but the portfolios for each element are still a bit lacking, so if you have anything for that I'd love to hear it. Continuing with the Avatar comparison, Water could have blood magic, but Water mages to do anything close to bloodbending would be rather overpowered, and it could cause some issues with story flow if I casually let Air mages fly, but I'm thinking illusions and/or magical communication could work for Air mages. As for Earth magic users, besides linking up with each other for big spells more easily, I was thinking that Earth mages would be the best at defensive warding spells. Last but not least, for Fire mages I'm thinking of giving them minor healing abilities, mainly through cleansing wounds and sterilizing things through judicious applications of flames, along with perhaps spells to enflame emotions, including rage. I'm also torn between giving Fire transmutation magic or giving it to Earth, what do you think? Oh, and Happy Easter!

>> No.23239569

>Well, step one is reading up on Islam, or talking to E-muslims, find a moderately intelligent Dawah-fag and interrogate thim.
LMAO, as if one will help me write a story that obviously critical of his faith.

>Second: you missed the taxes. Islam is as much about taxes and banking as it is about god.

Usury is banned, which means the economy can't progress beyond the feudal. Everything is taxed, so everyone except the leaders is poor.

>> No.23240127

Deneb is thousands of lightyears away, my idea was that the UN expended most of the space spice juice from the sun to launch the some 200 colonization missions to promising exoplanets, while most didn't succede, some did, some found worlds just good enough to seed with life, some found harsh worlds and thus they are stuck in habitats, and only Terra Nova was found to have life. Their comms fail early, but very basic info on the system is gained, like photos of the scenery, the life and the breathable air, scans of the system (including signs of much space juice). I imagine it would take some hundreds of years for the system to reach earth, and they'd spend atleast 200 years preparing enough fuel to launch a giant conquest and colonization mission to the planet, and who knows how much more for the other resources. By the end i do imagine they would be a dead limping culture, i like the USSR collapse angle, though i was imagining heavily the present state of the united states, even if it's just a skewed perspective of mine, i feel it's an interesting thing to observe in real time. Plus in my eyes it very much parallels the fall of the USSR.

By this point mars is also a fascistic semi-capitalist state (like china but not commies) and i'd imagine they'd be very much trying to undermine the earth once word got out of what was found, though by 2608 i do believe mars would already be atleast livable without a spacesuit and have some oceans. Lord knows there can be so many dynamics from this at once.

>> No.23240596
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What divine spheres of influence would work well for a goddess of fire other than volcanoes like Pele in Hawaii? Maybe Death or Change could work, but what else?

>> No.23241490

How do you justify a large human population in a far future where technology solves all labor issues (both physical and cognitive)? You need at least one person to have the vision and provide direction when compromising choices arise, but beyond that, any other number of people just seems like a detriment. With things like the speed of light I could maybe justify a person per some distance to make those critical choices, but that's not really what I want. Usually settings solve this by outlawing AI / automation to some degree but I specifically want those things.

>> No.23241825

Motherhood, war, and love.

>> No.23241826

I just ordered like 30 books on geology, geomorphology, plate tectonics, minerals, glaciation, mountains, rivers, etc.

>> No.23241896

What type of geopolitical status quo can lead to perpetual warfare becoming the norm?

>> No.23241907

someone shoving a bottle up their ass and blaming it on the albanians.

in all seriousness, deep overlap between nationalities and what the states want, ie lots of oil where the butfuckrace people are and lots of farmland in the assrape nation. Plus equal match militaries.

>> No.23241945

I get the logic for the other two suggestions, but why motherhood?

>> No.23241973

Why not? It's the single most common portfolio for female deities.

>> No.23241981
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People like to bone. A lot of people like to bone raw. There's your population problem solved. With a lot of people you tend to get collaborative communes with tightly knit clusters of people. You could use the history of the Kowloon Walled City as a reference.

>Group A hates group B
>Group B hates group A
Hope this helps.

>> No.23242035
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...and the space jihadis are a mix of saudi sheiks who got broke after the oil rand dry and, in 2100, the biggest jihad threat is Mercury, which is inhabited by descendants of central asians and australians, so imagine jihad space australia. By much later in the timeline they ought to be like the space race, the space nomads, who outclass the gypsies in raw power, but not population, so they are allied to them in some asymetric relationship where the gypsies borrow the sheik's legitemacy and the sheiks make a profit and have the ability to exert power. Which plays nicely with the traditionalist, by this point post conquest, limited yet strong orthodox community of natives in the hinterlands, who seek a "legitemate lord" to rule over them.

>> No.23242061

In my WIP I'm writing in a far future setting where the super-rich upload their consciousness to computers and live, essentially, forever. There's the standard philosophical bollocks about whether their souls can exist inside a machine, but I plan to write about a mutant form of capitalism that tends towards immortality for the haves, and mortality for the have-nots. I need a snappy name for this ideology but only have "final stage capitalism" and shit like that. Anyone have any thoughts?

>> No.23242100

hard realism.

>> No.23242169

Overdrawn At The Memory Bank

>> No.23242183

Trust Fund Eternity

>> No.23242906

money is time

>> No.23242939

lmao what is that dog shit premise? At least include current technological development in that brainlet setting. Why the fuck would there be mortal people? To ride around in flintstones' cars?

I would include an argument how all those copes about "phases" of capitalism are just attempts at occluding the fact we're moving away from market-driven economies, since most capital is state-commandeered now, but I don't even have to go there. There's literally no working class future, we're already half-way there for robot workforce (trained on minecraft let's plays no less, courtesy of Nvidia). There can be populations of dependents instead of proles, but that doesn't lead to maintaining mortality. Meat is cheap, you'd know if you had any insight. There's no semi-stable scenario where longevity is for the rich only. Dying is costly and new people make new kids, making mortals the more expensive option, if anything. An immortal underclass would even do better at not expanding, since eventually everybody would have the kids they wanted and death of non-natural causes would start to overtake new births.

You're too lazy for your genre.

>> No.23243111

Not inherently realted to worldbuilding but last night I was struck with inspo just at 12 am.
I said to myself "i'll write this in less than 30 mins and then go to bed".
When I finished writing it was like 4 pm.
Wtf is wrong with me? At least I hope the less than 20 paragraphs are gold. Otherwise they are not worthy my sanity.

>> No.23243116

If you want a more interesting reason other than racism, look up 1984
In there the socialist party mantains the country in a constant war only to keep the masses entretained with something, and I guess as a form of scapegoating for all the inhuman shit they subject people to.
And remember, oceania has always been at war with eastasia.

>> No.23243153
File: 78 KB, 544x620, female-necromancer-huge-scythe-600w-1278872155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some underutilized ideas for necromancy? Because I’m working on a story where all kinds of magic ultimately count as necromancy, including elemental magic (like fire), due to the God of Death being slain in a war at the creation of the world, mortals gaining access to magic via the power leaking from their divine corpse, and I could use some help coming up with ideas, especially elemental necromancy (and for necromancy manipulating space and/or time if you have any).

>> No.23243192

>god of death
>becomes dead
what a shitty god holy fuck

>> No.23243200
File: 28 KB, 320x480, 800px-Celestial_female__apsara__with_scorpion_on_her_leg__Khajuraho__India__1000s_AD__buff_sandstone_-_Dallas_Museum_of_Art_-_DSC05039_480x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god what pronouns do i use for the ladyboys?
i use "he" but it sounds wrong, though idk that might just be the right choice.
would "she" make more sense?
i feel an aversion to using the word "breasts", it just reads wrong.
>in the mirror he saw his shapely hips and feminine figure
>he covers his chest with the long, shawl-like fabric and puts on the dress
or maybe
>he covers his breasts... ?

also i have settled on the title being "virgin", they are married to the virgin mary, so the ladyboys take on her image.
Women die if they drink the tree juice, so it can only be men in the temple. Maybe women just get too much female hormone and can't handle it, reason doesn't matter, they just convulse and die.
the whole point is that they are men, even if on the outside they don't look like it at all. Need the main thing to be the feeling of being emasculated and idk when i am going too far, if the reader will keep in mind that the "brother" or "he" being reffered to is actually caked in makeup, wearing a dress, with perfect feminine features.

i also need more adjectives to describe a feminine body and face i did not guess how much i was lacking in that.

>> No.23243220

is necromancer hybrid experimentations popular? [take this question as a suggestion as well I guess]
by hybrid experimentations I mean making jacked units which have multiple arms, are composed of multiple creatures and experimentation with their attributes along the well,
something like making a hydra out of dead lions and multilimbed skeleton warrior

>> No.23244163

It’s an irony factor. How else would you justify all magic being ultimately necromancy-derived?

>> No.23244260

I'm thinking about writing in the Lovecraft shared universe instead of making my own. Of course I'll have to learn more about the Mythos.

>> No.23244508

I wouldn't because that's just a bad idea.
Make a god of magic or something
As a lovecarft enthusiast (i'm reading lovecraft right now for the record) I just want to warn you that this whole "lovecraft setting" was not as well defined to him as it is for us now.
The "cthulhu mythos" idea was mainly a posthumous conception of one of his friends. While some stories are indeed interconnected, specially his latter ones, most of the time he just recycled cool names, like shub niggurath for example, whenever he needed an unimportant name for an incantation. That does not mean it's all part of the same setting or universe. In fact the idea of setting was not very developed back in the time.
If you look up shub niggurath, you will see a lot of cool lore of it, but as far as lovecraft's work goes, it was just a cool name which referenced some uknown god.
My advice is to treat every story individually and forget about the shared universe.

>> No.23245060

>something like making a hydra out of dead lions
Why would you use lions as the basis for a hydra hybrid undead, since from what I remember hydras are more like snakes/dragons?

>> No.23245289

just to flex the ability to do so

>> No.23245556

Is this your fetish? Because it just seems really sad for no reason. Like cuck porn.

>> No.23245591

Of course it is his fetish. Why are you even asking? Have you seen anyone write without basing everything on their fetish?

>> No.23246380
File: 538 KB, 1280x812, 426995-Kycb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some ways that a settlement could display a fire-theme besides lots or red buildings and clothes, and large torches everywhere? I’m working on a setting where cities all sit on a nexus of elemental power, in order to power the magic they need to keep running smoothly, and the aesthetics vary based on which element(s) dominate the node for the nexus, in order to invoke the law of sympathy and draw out more energy more efficiently.

>> No.23246530

That reminds me of a movie where people literally get paid in time to live. Can’t remember the name though.

>> No.23246541
File: 86 KB, 800x531, HD-wallpaper-fire-black-fantasy-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a story I’m working on, desperate mages can tap into a force that lets them corrupt other kinds of magic, amplifying its power but twisting it in some way proportional to the level of corruption, and if said mage pushes it too far they can easily end up overwhelmed by the corruption themselves, which tends to cause their sanity to take a nosedive, so as I said, typically only mages who are already unstable, extremely desperate (like a fire mage about to die of hypothermia because they can’t gather enough fire energy to keep warm in a frozen tundra), criminals, or some combination thereof use it. I’m just having trouble with the ways that the corruption can manifest besides making the fire weird colors for fire magic, what say you?

>> No.23246935

Okay, so what else might you make then?

>> No.23247285 [DELETED] 

an attack on my character.
I never question this when reading, even though sometimes i can tell. Why must you? is it not a good idea? Can i not be a broken person with a broken sense of self? Can i not try to put it into word, is everything purely for sexual gratification?

>> No.23247323

No need to attack my character, anon, i have the right to be a shattered person.
is it not a good idea?
What do you mean "sad"? sad as in it makes you feel sad or the idea is "sad" on a meta level?

>> No.23247694
File: 164 KB, 736x1047, 8d556ea62cde0698d9e49fc358235859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a fantasy race with different variants themes around the elements of the setting, including Fire, what are some ways that the influence of their element can manifest in their physical form and abilities besides hair made of their element and skin/eyes of an appropriate color for aspects of their appearance, or throwing around blasts of the element and being resistant to high amounts of it like this lady in terms of abilities?

>> No.23247958

Your world seems simple. Why don't you add archetypical elements then? Horns for the fire, wings for the air, flowers for the nature/earth, fins for the water. And you can show variation with things like fire+earth=antlers or air+water=flying fish fins.

>> No.23249366


>> No.23249369
File: 186 KB, 1227x1920, Df-lOH0WsAAvl7A.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A variation of that could work, thanks, but I was more thinking along the lines of traits that could be given an elemental variation, like the fire hair in either picture related for fire vs hair seemingly made of clouds for Air, etc., got any more ideas there?

Also, what might Water+Fire get in that scenario? For Earth+Air I can suggest plant-based wings, but the other combination escapes me.

>> No.23250175

Godspeed anon

>> No.23250531

I know is not necessary to remark how good is this comment but goddam.

>> No.23250711

What precisely are you planning so far?

>> No.23251428
File: 57 KB, 512x512, skeleton_with_four_arms_3_by_y2k2014_dfd0jhh-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, what else you got in regards to necromantic constructs? And what about elemental necromancy?

>> No.23252272

What was the idea? I'd like to hear it.

>> No.23253419
File: 172 KB, 800x716, HD-wallpaper-fire-sword-red-pretty-orange-yellow-beautiful-woman-sweet-gloves-anime-beauty-anime-girl-weapon-long-hair-sword-female-lovely-black-red-hair-armor-fire-flames-girl-lady-knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than rubies and obsidian, what substances might work well for creating magic items aligned with the power of flame, including enchanted weapons or armor?

>> No.23253461

hot sauce

>> No.23254495
File: 40 KB, 660x433, Advanced_Test_Reactor[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a setting where there's a tribe able to manipulate radiation and light like the bending arts from Avatar

I'm wondering what would be some good ways to differentiate it from regular light of the sun and those who wield sun or holy magics?

I was thinking it would be blue in colour for the most part but not sure what others ways, since it's effects would be more or less similar (burning the shit out of people). I guess I could also make it toxify enemies.

>> No.23254693
File: 72 KB, 800x500, HD-wallpaper-the-sword-art-fire-girl-mountains-dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any serious ideas?

>> No.23254807
File: 66 KB, 540x360, 360_F_562553694_4rNoRAQbYve4b7FKp2vDJJtP5gdj0rtZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The toxifying part makes sense, but you'd have to find a way to keep it from being too OP. Or from affecting the tribe members in question, since it'd suck if they couldn't use their own power without giving themselves radiation poisoning. Also, what's the source of this power?

>> No.23254851

>I need to reason in some kind of way why she has to do the job, not sure if that's the best one
Maybe the brothers got killed
Or if everyone is wearing stupid hat they just got bored and let someone else take care of it, not caring that it'd be their sisters.
Or for a darker approach they got traumatized on the front and shut themselves off

>> No.23254861

>I’m just having trouble with the ways that the corruption can manifest besides making the fire weird colors for fire magic, what say you?
Maybe just have random, chaotic effects ? Like fire that burns on metal and makes it rust instantly, or fire that is harmless to the touch but it just won't go out if it touches your skin, this kinda thing

>> No.23255070
File: 367 KB, 420x508, 5b7c2650be45840483658b4a0f5a10ab[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're born of a living star god's death. Since stars produce shittons of radiation and light, they also can.

I intended the toxifying effect to be akin to Sickening Radiance from D&D, which causes exhaustion. I think that would be debilitating enough for most while also not being too overpowered. It CAN be deadly although at that point it's more likely the person would be burned to fatal levels.

They are immune to the toxifying effects of radiation, but they can still be burned by other members using it on them, just not poisoned.

I intended them to be sort of a mix of the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdoms. Mostly Chinese in cultural influence (like the Earth Kingdom), but with influence from the Sun Warriors from the Fire Nation.

>> No.23255494

Is there any website/book that sort of give you a snapshot of history decade after decade, country to country?

>> No.23256699
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, 8-mind-blowing-facts-about-wikipedia-1695583461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best suggestion is Wikipedia.

>> No.23257953
File: 92 KB, 800x571, HD-wallpaper-blue-glow-glow-elf-love-four-seasons-digital-art-fantasy-paintings-girl-weird-things-people-wear-drawings-blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a thought, can they imbue their power into items, either just when holding them or permanently?

Also, if you want differentiate it more from regular Sun/Holy magics, besides toxifying instead of healing and purifying, what if you do something beyond just making it blue, what if it produces weird visual effects, like traces of other, unearthly colors, or having the edges of it seem to shift across the color spectrum as it moves?

>> No.23258200
File: 153 KB, 500x403, 2102998558_3659431774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I was afraid of that...

I'm worried about spiders. In my setting, the god of secrets and mists is associated with spiders, and my MC has the unfortunate boon of being able to see spiders that aren't physically here crawl all over suspicious situations. That means there's a LOT of spiders around, walking on people's faces, blanketing entire cities, sometimes big enough to step over mountains, and with all the thing you hear nowadays about people removing giant spiders from video games for "accessibility" with arachnophobes I'm worried about shooting myself in the foot. I mean how do you even combat this society of people that want trigger warning when someone shoots a fucking dog in a movie. I don't even like spiders much ironically, thankfully my country is in the correct continent so they're not a big deal, but still.

I guess I'll just tone down the spiders a bit, maybe replace them with mists and reduce their numbers, unless it's a really important scene.

>> No.23258289

>and with all the thing you hear nowadays about people removing giant spiders
That’s seriously a thing?

>> No.23258301


>> No.23259646

I need a name for a religion that is basically just Islam. Best name I've come up with so far is Ardanity, with its followers being Ardites.
For more context, the story focuses on the way notIslam treats women and how notIslamic women dress and are expected to behave in public and school. The story takes place in a generic Western community that has a large and recent immigrant population.

>> No.23260167
File: 81 KB, 730x1095, Succubus Mage by Darantha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than charm/illusion magic, and maybe flame spells, what spells and abilities work well for succubi? What about inhuman features besides the classic wings and horns? Or names for them besides “Lilith”?

>> No.23260317

That was a great fucking movie by the way. Definitely recommend.

>> No.23261238
File: 350 KB, 1000x623, 638064499038216933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you taken anything from it for your own works?

>> No.23261278

I was thinking they'd "forge" their tools and weapons out of it. Essentially their radiation are just particles of stars, and they'd mold them into solid shapes.

That's a neat idea of shifting across the color spectrum although I'm a little bit of an amateur artist and like to draw some of my ideas to help visualize, and the shifting colour might be hard to draw.

>> No.23261474

NTA, but what makes it so great?

>> No.23261574

From what, D&D? Not deliberately.

>> No.23261678

Good cinematography, good acting, great symbolism

>> No.23262532


>> No.23264042
File: 40 KB, 540x360, 360_F_568929170_y5EB0PrsvPZmedDRyv399M5MbcXaosso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant the movie >>23260317 mentioned.

>> No.23264814
File: 221 KB, 1536x1536, dfwu6lf-3fe33dc8-1af9-4530-97d4-59cf83b9f1d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just make it look like there's a rainbow around the edges of the effect if you need to.

What are some of the other major powers/groups in the setting, BTW?

>> No.23265203
File: 111 KB, 500x500, image[9].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm I think the rainbow around the circle of an explosion looks good, but I think better to stick with very pale blue for the lines radiating out.

>Major Powers
There's quite a few. I posted a bit before on the /writing/ thread but:

Complicated backstory. Star god falls to earth as he dies, his blood causes an inferno on a mountain that creates several monsters of flesh and blood, and several ethereal servants of living radiation and sound. They war against humans and elves for a long time, until two of the monsters are convinced by humans to betray their fellows.

They do so, but absorb the energy of their killed former companions through using a technique they perfected on one of their companions the humans and elves managed to kill. The two do this because they believe the humans will attack them once the other monsters are killed.

However this paints them negatively in humanity's and elves' eyes, who believe that this . The two betrayers impart some of the energy they took into the ethereal servants, turning them into flesh and blood creatures.

Basically anthro longma (dragon horses from chinese myth) that can bend radiation like Avatar elements. This differs from other magic of the setting which is not based on martial arts.

>Kingdom of Casmera
Has a huge population of humans and the most land. Has numerous holy knights like Solaire from Dark Souls.

>Kingdom of Ardeania
Sort of like Bretonnia from Warhammer, although less grimderp and less gender restrictive. Famous for their mystical ladies and magic imbued knights.

>The Tower
A group of mages, both elven and human. Mostly keep to themselves, but are curious about the affairs of others and often have been hosts. Sort of like the Greybeards in Skyrim.

>Wild Dwarves
Allies of the elves. I based them off the Wildhammer Dwarves of Warcraft but I wanted something different from Gryphons.

Rare, mystical, and extremely powerful. Least developed so far.

>> No.23265259
File: 7 KB, 203x248, IMG_1113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the tax policy of the major powers of your setting?

>> No.23265325

Blood. Advanced magi-tech civilization that is powered by blood magic and human sacrifice. Lightly inspired by the Aztec practice of farming lesser tribes, allowing them to grow over a generation or two before harvesting them. Floating ziggurats of Godstone (magically conductive obsidian) that descend periodically from the red moon to the planet and act as mobile temples/slaughterhouses that leave a rivers of blood in their wake.

>> No.23267038

Souls. The gods divide the souls of the dead between themselves depending on region.

>> No.23267647
File: 54 KB, 736x736, 453b9dtu9c9f447yu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my story’s world, undead are created when elemental energies get trapped in a freshly dead body and twisted to replace the vital energies that once animated the corpse (ghosts are made when a violent death creates an imprint on the energies instead), the type that’s most present determining which element the undead is aligned with, and the greater the amount, the more intelligent and powerful the undead, with vampires right near the top. The longer a vampire goes without feeding, the more their flesh will start to be replaced by the power of their elements without a fresh infusion to replace it, until they go into stasis to await a fresh blood supply. I’m trying to come up with ways that this can manifest in the different types of vampires, along with other elemental traits and weaknesses, like Light vampires being able to withstand sunlight, and actually getting weaker at night, Stone vampires looking more and more like Gargoyles the longer they avoid feeding, or Flame vampires being the ones unable to cross running water, how am I doing so far?

>> No.23268592
File: 7 KB, 218x231, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more low level creatures for my starting area. It's all green lushes and peace.
Any good source of inspo?
Tax the mages. Charge them a fee for their magic license every year. Fuck them. (unless they are nobles of course, they can do all the magic they want)

>> No.23268937

>great symbolism
And what is this symbolism precisely?

>> No.23268948

Thoughts on prophecy and its role in your writing (or fantasy in general)?

>> No.23268983

A big cliche. Either do something clever with them, or don't bother.

>> No.23269136

Finish it and I will read it.

>> No.23269141

So a lazy plot device?

>> No.23269159

It makes allusions to -----------you are a faggot-----------

>> No.23269234

I wouldn't even call it that. Fantasy prophecies are basically just the author spoiling his own work, locking it to two possible outcomes: the prophecy is fulfilled, or it's not. Or, the worst of all, it ends up entirely irrelevant.

>> No.23269605
File: 131 KB, 622x839, plant_monster___final_color_by_burntmoth19_d6slr1d-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some minor plant monsters then? Especially ones that are rooted to the ground, so people who aren't ready for them can easily avoid them.

>> No.23269938

good idea, sadly I already used it for another zone :(

>> No.23270255

NTA but "prophecy was true but didn't mean what everyone thought it means" can be interesting every once in a while

>> No.23270790
File: 156 KB, 960x536, Dragon Girl by FowderAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m looking for fantasy race ideas for my story, what are some potential options themed to the different elements, especially fire, other than dragon-men?

>> No.23270978

Does capeshit work in a premodern society or does it need the spectacle of mass communication

>> No.23271092

There isn't any general recommended books? I would like to develop more my established world to the point where it live inside my head

>> No.23272007
File: 2.12 MB, 1304x1304, 25a025c9-a718-4130-af88-dc1dc0071c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try phoenix people

>> No.23272011
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>> No.23272015
File: 1.36 MB, 1500x1656, leech-phoenix-dota-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23272038
File: 68 KB, 1152x648, dg8g7ry-55e66691-84d4-4c9a-987c-88f42e125c83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or hellhound people

>> No.23272060

dont spam.

>> No.23272064
File: 65 KB, 605x804, 1533121711917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23272086

I like the idea of eras in my worlds, that civilization progresses overtime, some fantasy series just have the same technological and cultural over thousands of years and it kind of annoys me

>> No.23272101


>> No.23272165
File: 47 KB, 602x790, main-qimg-40fb9fb6d4af334679a1d4a172b60402-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, how about solitary insect monsters, like you get in early parts of Pokémon games?

>> No.23272263
File: 1.92 MB, 5076x2718, pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple questions here, so basically the world I'm writing is that people can live for a very, very long. For essentially thousands of years.

What would the general psyche of the people would be if they lived for that long? Would they be bored, sad, or become insane? Everyone can live for a really long time in that world, so there's be no sadness for loved ones going away.
The population of the world is small, no more than a million. Would everyone essentially know one another if they actually went out of their way and explore?

>> No.23272273

Pic unrelated by the way.

>> No.23272328

Why do they live for thousands of years? Is it something that happened to them or something that is innate?

A regular human is not built for those lifespans, so if regular humans at some point acquired longevity you have to ask does that come with the the adaption of the psyche for those timespans? Maybe not all of them could adapt well to it, maybe a regular human stretched over those timespans is bound to snap. Maybe memory fails and they find themselves adrift in the middle of an unknowable future and a forgotten past. How would this play out culturally? What is identity like when you and everyone you know at a certain point has a kind of pseudo-amnesia? Perhaps there is a great emphasis on mnemonics and history keeping. Maybe there is a kind of coming of age/rite of passage/culling where everyone at some points suffers a kind of mental breakdown, but those who make it through tend to keep it together and live for thousands of years more but those who don't perish or succumb to madness. A filter.

There are probably a lot of answers to your questions buried implicitly in the details of your setting, people, and cultures. Ask these kinds of questions and you can tease them out.

>> No.23272368

Yeah I could try bugs, they aren't that intimidating, but still a recognizable threat at the same time.
I was thinking of a race of semi-intelligent and small humanoid bugs which wore the shells of other insects they killed, including their peers, as a form of armor, making them look like small and colorful knights.
Their society would be pretty much like that of a normal ant colony except for the fact that only the male with the most beautiful armor could mate with the queen. So these bug knights would challenge their rivals in duels to steal their armor, and also for the attention of the queen.
Sounds good?
I like when the creatures are just more than monsters, and have an interesting concept and ecology, but that is so hard to achieve...

>> No.23272374

IMO nobody would do anything with their lives.
Just as people do now that the life expectancy is of about 100 years, it would be even worse if it was 1000.
There's a short story by Borges, the innmortal, in which the MC ends up at a village of inmortal men. They were all empty husks wasting their time (it's not like they were running short of it) sleeping in holes in the ground. I think it's a realistic, albeit poetical, take.

>> No.23272377

>Why do they live for thousands of years? Is it something that happened to them or something that is innate?
It's innate, ever since people came to be in the world they already did live for that long. It's biological for them.
Also to make sure that overpopulation doesn't happen in that world, reproducing is very, very, rare. (Which is why the population is less than a million.)
I also plan on making the planet insanely big compared to Earth. Which would make exploring their planet essentially limitless despite living for a long time. I'm not sure on how'd they measure time though, which is something I'm also stuck on without making it seem too ridiculous.

>There are probably a lot of answers to your questions buried implicitly in the details of your setting, people, and cultures. Ask these kinds of questions and you can tease them out.
I sure will, thanks for your input anon

>> No.23272382

Yeah, these autists are so tiresome
I wish they could just discuss the topic in general, instead of asking people to work for them.
Like, you don't see this shit in the writing general, do you?

>> No.23272466
File: 134 KB, 504x284, 1575239371758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does capeshit work in a premodern society or does it need the spectacle of mass communication

I think without 'modernity' capeshit falls back into an almost bronze-age style 'Age of Demigods & Heroes' or something resembling the Chinese Wuxia and Martial artists. Crack open a book about old myths and legends from Ancient Greece, Japan, or in Hindu Scripture, and you'll get stories that read like cape comics - power leveling, larger-than-life characters punching mountains, constant sexual dramas, people dying and being brought back to life because they're too popular to die. A lot of what we view as capeshit is capeshit because it's rooted in modern sensibilities and tropes: brandable outfits, secret identities, antagonism or cooperation with the government, industrial/nuclear mutation, and aliens.


Different Anon with the same problem: I went with the classics, "Bugs, Plants, Slimes, and Rats" for several very good reason.
-All of them start out small, mature quickly, and reproduce frequently. All traits that allow them to easily slip into normally developed or defended areas and have them reasonably colonize places other more immediately threatening monsters/enemies would never have access to. It's kind of the idea that a carnivorous plant spore or seed could waft in, grow undisturbed, and by the time its' 'recognizable' it's already ready to reproduce AND kill.
-They all have the potential to be mindlessly aggressive/antagonistic; dangerous to small livestock, children, and pets, but it'd be within reasonable expectations for a normal healthy adult to be capable of killing several with a garden tool. An ant the size of a beagle is quite intimidating, and certainly dangerous, but if you're brave you could easily bash it with a shovel.
-Grounded ecology. None of these creatures need anything fancy or elaborate to proliferate: Rats will eat the straw in people's houses and their dried goods until they're the size of a dog and aren't afraid to kill your chickens or a sheep. Slimes live off the most rudimentary organic matter: algae, scum, feces, even leather, and turn it into gallons of acidic slime.

They're also all unintelligent and difficult to sympathize or generate stupid moral/ethical dilemmas about (the Rats are a possible exception).

>> No.23272472

Avoid slimes like the plague unless you want people to think of your setting as a generic bootleg JRPG isekai world.
The only exception is if you figure out any unique or interesting explanation for their existence, and even then I wouldn't call them "slimes".

>> No.23272556

Anyone ever tried to write in a mythologically accurate fantasy setting? I think there is a lot of potential with easy to access inspiration. I don't think I ever saw elves or dwarves that weren't just Tolkien copypastas. I admit that Tolkien was good, but he didn't do justice to mythology.

>> No.23272628

I mean why not? Magic doesn't have to be toad foreskin and absinthe after all, and it makes just as much sense as powdered tiger cock for libedo, and people do that in real life. Magic is inherently silly and strange, don't take it seriously lean in to the bizarre side of things