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/lit/ - Literature

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23240599 No.23240599 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23235773

>> No.23240608

The problem with this board is that we keep trying to ferment some kind of creative and intellectual fervor among the disgruntled generations raised on the Internet but we fail to understand that everyone here is a resentful anti-intellectual retard who uses the Internet to talk with strangers instead of doing anything productive.

>> No.23240620


This is generic enough of a question that it doesn't deserve its own thread and I'm well aware it's silly to get into a pissing contest mindset. Still, I'm curious, how high is your WPM and percentage of reading comprehension relative to Lexile score (or whatever units you prefer)? As far as I can tell I'm about 337 WPM/94% retention at 2000L.

>> No.23240625

The policy and research agenda of racial hygiene and eugenics were promoted by Emil Kraepelin. The eugenic sterilisation of persons diagnosed with (and viewed as predisposed to) schizophrenia was advocated by Eugen Bleuler, who presumed racial deterioration because of "mental and physical cripples" in his Textbook of Psychiatry,

The more severely burdened should not propagate themselves... If we do nothing but make mental and physical cripples capable of propagating themselves, and the healthy stocks have to limit the number of their children because so much has to be done for the maintenance of others, if natural selection is generally suppressed, then unless we will get new measures our race must rapidly deteriorate.

>> No.23240632


Speak for yourself, I'm not looking to motivate anyone except myself. I've found it's more rewarding to go to book clubs at my local library a few times a week and in general living relatively unplugged but I still like this board for what it is. It was way better several years ago but I still like to lurk and have found some interesting recs/commentary that way.

>> No.23240651

What I'm curious about is: How much does belief/practice in eugenics correlate with mental/emotional qualities that are dysgenic? Dark Tetrad traits are harmful to communities and it's difficult to convince people who score very low on Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, and sadism to cooperate with a system that severely monitors and restricts reproduction.

>> No.23240659

Black Magic aka Psyops

>> No.23240695

I do not feel in control of my actions

>> No.23240699 [DELETED] 
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That guy said everything I needed to say. Pic related is my current 'productive' reads. Fag anon really thought he was one of us chads, there.

>> No.23240710


In your opinion, which English translation has the best equivalent for Verwandlung?

>> No.23240711

Everyone likes to act as if what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms has no effect on anything else but they're wrong. Especially these days when half of what people do in their bedrooms takes place alone and in front of a screen. You really think young people spending hours a day watching increasingly fucked up porn or sticking silicone objects up their assholes while wearing girly clothes has no effect on how they think or act in other parts of their lives? That they just turn that shit off and go back to Normal Mode when they're done?

>> No.23240712
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anon said everything. picrel are my current 'productive' reads.

>> No.23240719


>> No.23240721

I wouldn't know, I am still learning German. Natives do recommend the Muir translation though

>> No.23240744
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Agreed, privacy itself is a relatively new invention. It's one of the curses of the industrial revolution. It used to be that extended families lived, loved, and worked as a part of the same household. Sex was ordered, but it wasn't something 2 parents went off into their own bedroom to do. Working class families used to sleep in the same room or even the same bed together. Children learned about sex not from books or bureaucrats but because they could see their younger siblings being conceived. It sounds appalling and abusive to us because we're used to the idea of sex as something shameful, something that hurts innocence rather than something that exists a part of the Axis Mundi, the Hearth. Likewise, nowadays we find it medieval and eccentric to not put away our elderly in medical facilities run by corporations and staffed by rootless cosmopolitans.

>> No.23240754

wut? Parents just fucked in front of their kids? I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.23240761

Why should I dedicate my entire life to studying Aegean Neolithic farmers?

>> No.23240766

no one is obligating you. what are you on about retard?

>> No.23240775

The issue with that sort of thinking is anyone who starts actually doing something that has a direct and meaningful impact in real life is going to stop posting here as they do more IRL, your best bet for talking to those types of people might be when they post on thread talking about a specific book

>> No.23240776

You should read The History of Sexuality

>> No.23240785


Houses for commoners were a lot smaller than what we're used to. There wasn't a lot of room for what we'd consider discretion. When you bathed, you did it with other people to avoid wasting water. When you pissed/pooped you did it in the same chamber pot as others in your household. When a husband and wife were in the mood, they didn't have a room inaccessible to the rest of their family. They might've had a blanket or could've encouraged the kids to go outside to do something useful but the "Primal Scene" is very much a product of the Modern World.

>> No.23240787

>by pedofag Michel Foucalt
lmao no

>> No.23240789

Honestly they should just get rid of board topics or consolidate them to like 5-10. The younger generations just use 4chan as a generic social media site

>> No.23240796

dude no I'm not buying that. They could find privacy somehow. I know it.

>> No.23240799

>generic social media site

>> No.23240805
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From Shame to Sin by Kyle Harper is a way better source although it focuses more on the social/political developments than the nitty gritty of everyday sexuality.

>> No.23240816

>published by Harvard University Press
I ain't readin that globohomo revisionary bullshit. Ain't nobody was doin the dirty in front of nobody cept the person they was doin it with. simple as.

>> No.23240819

My ass just exploded and vomited

>> No.23240840

Brothels were a part of everyday life. Marriage and sexuality has changed over the centuries. We are a much more prudish society right now

>> No.23240844

>Brothels were a part of everyday life
no they weren't you globohomo history makerupper

>> No.23240849

>Children learned about sex not from books or bureaucrats but because they could see their younger siblings being conceived
You have no idea the uniquely perverse sexualities that could flourish in this sort of environment. You talk about it like it would be a return to the natural order, and in a lot of ways you're right, but the natural state of sex isn't what you think it is. Freud was raised in that sort of household, fyi

>> No.23240852

fuckin weirdo american trying to tell me about my country and how i need to have 8 children

>> No.23240855


What is the natural state of sex, in your view?

>> No.23240862
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>> No.23240869
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Now that I think about it, I always was AGP. I never wore my moms or sisters clothes but I always used to self insert as girls. When I found out how to mastrubate I found out that getting off was easier when I would imagine myself as a girl I facied. And when I got into porn I would self insert as the girl getting fucked even if I didn't like men. Nowadays I can't cum without imagining myself as a girl. I never had sex because I don't think that I could maintain an erection with a girl because of my condition.

So I am definitely AGP. Does this warrant transition?

>> No.23240873

what's AGP?

>> No.23240878

Autogynephilia - Arousal at conceptualizing oneself as a woman. There's a theory that a major category of transsexuals are motivated by this. The other category is HSTS, homosexual transsexual, those who want to attract heterosexual partners through transitioning.

>> No.23240879

Just check out >>>/lgbt/ and you'll find our real quick

>> No.23240884

no thanks

>> No.23240894
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I'm gonna do some real dumb shit. I'm gonna ask a girl out by framing it as a short & silly clip of myself dubbing a wuxia scene with the dialogue revolving around whether it's a good idea or not to approach a girl on social media. It's either going to be the kind of embarrassing thing that will haunt me forever, or it's going to work. I don't want to bother with regularly & directly asking girls out anymore. At least this would involve a modicum of creativity and get a couple of laughs out of it.

>> No.23240900

Christ is risen today.
I feel that I don't deserve to be saved. Because I think I'm so special and important that not even God can save me? Because I conceptualize God as something more limited and personal than He truly is? Because I'm a shitty narcissist obsessed with beating himself up and feeling guilty all the time? Because the weight of things I've done, objectively terrible and fucked up shit, mind you, outweighs the idea of unity with God in my mind? Because my mental image of salvation is tied to other people and my mental image of Hell is cold and lonely and all the troubles I've had in life stemmed from an inability to understand others? Any of these could be true. At the end of the day, I'm just sick of the person I am and tired of the life I live and I pray for it to end soon.

>> No.23240905

It shows more confidence if you do it in person and if you’re rejected you’ll be let down lightly with “I’m busy”. If that happens take the hint

>> No.23240913

my joints and stomach hurt me so much today
elbows, shoulders, knees, all pain
I can't fall asleep, make it stop

>> No.23240916

I miss Tethys Ocean :(

>> No.23240977

Lately it's been taking me an hour to read 10 pages. I keep drifting off, daydreaming about how I would act if I could travel back in time to certain social situations. It's taking me months to read a single book.

>> No.23241002

No one's out here encouraging retards to reproduce

>> No.23241019

You ever think that’s because most of us autists don’t have friends in the first place?

>> No.23241032

Women are very attractive on average, but they are also very boring on average. I cannot stand to talk to them in general outside of important school/work related business and if I'm talking to my sisters and my mother (who I don't count since I'm not attracted to them sexually and find them pleasant to be around).

It's just so difficult to find a woman that is intelligent,good-natured, nice, interesting and has a good upbringing. I feel like they are a dime a dozen. Even then, I feel like those 90s alternative rock chicks I had crushes on and jerked off to and a girlfriend I had at the ages of 12-14 that had the same taste in heavy metal and hard rock, video games and just cool shit a boy would like, but with a feminine charm really led me down a road of disappointment as I grew into an adult. I wouldn't become gay or anything like that, I just would be less hard on myself for not finding the average girl all that palatable.

It might just be because I'm in the South and all the woman here are trained to become Barbie dolls instead of actual people.

What I've learned is that God is infinitely more capable than what you give Him credit for. Learn to trust Him and not you thoughts about Him, since they are by their nature, limited. He loves you more than you will ever know and His Mercy is literally infinite.

>> No.23241046

>hasn't seen Love on the Spectrum

>> No.23241056

Think about the revenant

>> No.23241065

The Leonardo Di Caprio movie?

>> No.23241072
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>> No.23241094

I miss when Eugenics was something people actually discussed. It's a very interesting topic.

>> No.23241100

Here's some Eugenics quotes.
>Man will not have escaped wholly from the animal level till that moment when the selfish instinct will have been destroyed by a long course of selectionist population policy.

>> No.23241106

I once got pissed and drank a big mug of coffee that was boiling just a minute or two ago. Drank it all in a single gulp, my neck was trembling like crazy for obvious reasons. I had to live with the consequences for the next few days.

>> No.23241124

still lying here in pain wide awake, trying to find a position that hurts the least
I don't know what I did to cause this, and less still do I know what I did to deserve it

>> No.23241136
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Haven't read in a few days. I had a good streak going.

>> No.23241138

I usually settle into a certain mood after finishing a book where I keep thinking about its content and the conclusions I have drawn at first, and I feel like this also happens subconsciously, and some familiar feelings revisit me like old friends, mostly over the fact I have just finished it. I won't grab any new book on any subject until I'm satisfied with this inner debate. This mood usually lasts at least a day, but it could go on depending on how much the book has impacted me...
But not this time. I just finished The Eye of the World, and I don't harbor any particular feeling for it at all. And it's not that I hated it, even shit books will get me thinking about all the terrible aspects of it and what to learn from it (like how to avoid similar shit books in the future). I just feel like there's nothing worth arguing with my inner voice about this one, and I don't remember the last time this happened. This is so abnormal to me that I felt like blogging here about it.

>> No.23241142

I think narcissism gets a bad rep. Its not really that bad.

>> No.23241149

Remote work has been pretty terrible for me. I feel like I’ve set myself back years as a person.

>> No.23241155
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>> No.23241175
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Listening to tje complete Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition right now, yes all 2h13m of it. Honestly for a "super deluxe" edition I'd think it would be way longer especially considering the White Album 50th Super Deluxe reissue is like 6 hours long. Surely Abbey Road must have a ton of session tape?

>> No.23241186

My father is a landscape detective.

>> No.23241192

>It's just so difficult to find a woman that is intelligent,good-natured, nice, interesting and has a good upbringing
they are easy to find, they just don't want you. I get what you're saying though. I used to be constantly surrounded by women but not anymore as most of them are a waste of time and energy. I'm guilty of it too, I'm not saying I'm a very interesting man. but I think men overall are more interesting. we're bred to have a drive, learn new things, and confront our beliefs. we're constantly pushing into new limits because we can't simply fucking exist and not fuck around with the status quo. women have that choice but they are bred to fit in everywhere they go. their choices are limited to what society thinks. you are looking for very special women, and I wish you can wife one, one day. but most of us are resigned to wife up a dumb, communication or marketing major witch with no interest except shopping and traveling and creating drama. that's how the world is

>> No.23241229

She added me to her private story so I guess this is a big step for me. I don't know, I have no experience with this stuff.

>> No.23241268

I'm thinking of all those diminutive historical warlords that appear briefly in accounts. The type of petty king who rules a bunch of villages in inland Ghana from 1810-1840 and then fades into obscurity.

>> No.23241284

Imagine all the Chad tribal leaders that ruled and died for tens of thousands of years before we started writing things down

>> No.23241285


>> No.23241292

So much this! Brandon Sanderson mogs them both.

>> No.23241295

I'll suck your cock, you fucking homo.

>> No.23241303


>> No.23241340

I once edged for about 16 hours straight, never came, though I took a few breaks every once in a while I didn't have any longer than 15 minutes. Never slept, ate or drank anything, including water. At 6:30 AM I got on the bus to work, the sun had still yet to rise so the outside was pitch black. In that whole timeframe of 16 hours my balls did not hurt in the least(I'll mention this just in case there's some people here who masturbate properly, after edging for a long time your balls hurt a ridiculous amount) but the moment I got on that bus my life turned into fucking hell. My balls hurt the most that they ever had in my entire life, the pain was more or less equal to when I got circumcised and had to wake up to a dick covered in bandages, my crotch in blood, and my parents looking on at me with smug faces. For that entire 45 minute ride I was assaulted with this overwhelming pain, and to endure it I had to close my eyes, keep endlessly counting numbers, and move around nonstop. The bus was filled with a lot of people, so my movement was limited to this pathetic repeat, where I would move 10cm to the left, then 10cm to the right, desperate for the ease of pain that just would not come. As always, all the seats were taken, so the whole ride I had to stand up. After a certain point I started screaming in my head, begging for death. I also started to think of it as divine punishment for my lust, which is probably not too far off the mark. It was really fucking hard to retain consciousness in the face of that pain, and if it wasn't me counting then I probably could not manage it. When I finally managed to reach my spot I immediately sat on a nearby bench and sat there for half an hour. Then I went to work like the little bitch that I am, and got cussed out for being late. Only managed to eat something when I got back home, about 12 hours later.
Moral of the story, don't try to edge. Or at least do it in the weekends.

>> No.23241356
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>starting to taste the coil on my weed vape
>GST is 5 days away
Not sure if I can make it bros. I guess I will do more of this practicing not smoking weed thing that's all the rave. I promised myself I'd be chill.
Also fuck the US gov't and FUCK this gay new captcha.

>> No.23241363

What’s that Native American drum song called where it’s just 4 steady beats in a row with every 1st beat accented?

>> No.23241370

y hands are in desperate need of moisture.

>> No.23241378

My body produces many moist substances

>> No.23241380

I was considering taking up edging but you have convinced me not to.

>> No.23241389

Me and this one cousin of mine used to have a long-time crush on each other when we were younger, and having not seen her in many years I heard she went to a small family gathering my parents hosted the other day that I missed. Should I send her a text, ask her to hang out?

>> No.23241392

Far worse than the damage this does to your balls is the damage it does by fucking with your endocrine system and flooding you with imbalanced neurochemicals, that much continuous gooning basically replicates being on poppers or a bunch of addy for 16 hours. People should really not goon.

>> No.23241400

When I get GST first thing I'm gonna do is go to IHOP and buy a tall stack o' pancakes (or maybe waffles).

>> No.23241415

Nevermind, just looked at the pictures my mother posted on facebook from the gathering the other day and, uh, let's just say she looks rather disappointing. Might text anyway tomorrow but I'm definitely a bit turned off now.

>> No.23241439

Now that I think about it I haven't hugged or held hands with anyone in a decade.

>> No.23241469
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>> No.23241473

Don't tell me you've never, ever, wanted to secretly bang your female cousin?

>> No.23241475

We're both adults now, pls no bully

>> No.23241477

my stummy hurt

>> No.23241484

the minute I make a comment critiquing gays someone has to quickly quib 'are you gay ;)' . somehow people have a total Freudian kneejerk and accuse any harsh criticism of gays with the critic being a repressed gay himself.

>> No.23241486
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try drinkig some covfefe. get a bowel movement going

>> No.23241492

I've been texting this Japanese person for a couple of weeks now and I've been putting on the front that I'm really nice. I've been asking them how they slept, what they're thinking of having for lunch, how they're feeling (they've got sore gums and shit right now) and I've been saying shit like "That sucks, I hope you feel better soon" and when they tell me something good, I'll reply with something like "That's awesome" and "Good job at powering through". It feels weird but not bad. This isn't me but it feels right.

>> No.23241507

The natural end result of having your entire society revere a bunch of mentally ill losers with nonsensical ideas. I wish I could beat the shit out of Freud, Nietzsche, and all those other faggots.

>> No.23241509

to be fair it is often the case
t. vocal homophobe who is also a closeted homosexual

>> No.23241513

I mean, this is from 2014 but I doubt it's changed much if at all.


>> No.23241542


>> No.23241551

I used to have this problem. You should switch to a gentle hand soap that won’t dry out your skin. I’d recommend either the plain Dove bar soap or the Dove deep moisture hand wash. Keep a pump bottle of moisturising lotion next to the bathroom sink, and apply some after every time that you wash your hands. CeraVe is a good brand for lotion, and the store brand generic version of it works just as well. Another good option that’s very moisturising is the Eucerin Complete Repair—it has urea in it, which heals severely dry skin very quickly. Try to keep a small tube of hand cream in your car and in your desk/locker at work as well, and apply it whenever you remember to throughout the day. A good and easily portable option is the Neutrogena Norwegian Formula hand cream. Before you go to bed every night, apply hand lotion again and seal it in with a layer of Vaseline or Aquaphor. Also, wear gloves whenever you wash the dishes so that the detergent doesn’t dry out your hands. If you do these things consistently the problem should go away quite quickly.

>> No.23241567

I have a ton of cousins but they’re like 3x removed. Inherently and naturally I see nothing wrong if I fucked one. Little of our blood is shared. But immediate cousins? That’s gross

>> No.23241569

Well if she says no then it's a no. Better to have tried and all that, ye?

>> No.23241572


>> No.23241590

I'm just a businessman. I go with the market, that's all

>> No.23241609

I bought

>> No.23241616

I'm not an unattractive guy but damn I am very unphotogenic. I look bad in every picture ever. It sucks

>> No.23241618

I know that feel. I've started trying out a b&w color filter when taking pictures on my phone that include myself and it definitely helps.

>> No.23241623

Upside: It makes you look better.
Downside: It makes you seem like a 15-year-old.

>> No.23241624

I think I’m starting to make peace with the fact that I’ll never fully tackle The Canterbury Tales. It is my white whale of reading. I always end up throwing in the towel within the first few stories. It sucks because there is a lot I read about it that makes it sound so good

>> No.23241626

Haha I already look young as hell for my age, and my 'boyishness' is part of my charm and attractiveness, but you're absolutely right xd

>> No.23241671

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.23241706

>paper towels
>toilet paper
>tissue paper
how did Big Paper dupe us into thinking these all need to be separate products?

>> No.23241711

They didn't trick me, I use toilet paper for all of those things.

>> No.23241714

I just dont come up with new ideas and perspective shifts. The well is dry.

>> No.23241726

why do you even need to?

>> No.23241727

That's because you use the internet.

>> No.23241733

I keep having visions that after I kill myself I will wake up at eighteen with a gentle storm around me. The sound of distant thunder and scent of rain in the cool breeze will comfort me, and then I will turn over to fall asleep again. I have no worries in this vision, just the constant beating of the tempest and eternal rest. I don't know why, but the vision is so real and so "physical" that, at times when I close my eyes, I can smell the rain and feel the storm's spray. Even if I don't kill myself, living like this is not living at all. I am always sick, nauseous, and filled with suffering. I don't look towards any future at all.
A couple of weeks ago, I was really close to killing myself. If I use the gun, someone will go to prison for allowing me access to it. I was at the point where I thought it wouldn't matter. I can't do this anymore. I hate myself for failing to commit suicide again. I will eventually do it.

If anyone knows what to do, tell me. By the way, it can't include a future, because I am dying. Yeah.. Dying. Terminally ill Can't live anymore. Always suffering. I just shitpost to because that's what i've always done. Can you believe it? You see a normal humorous post and the anon is holding a gun to kill himself. jow absurd. I'm losing more hair. I wonder if i have a different illness too. I pulled out a clump in the shower yestarday. and entire clump of hair. I can pull more hair out easily, just by running my hand therough. let me die alread.y

>> No.23241763 [DELETED] 

no matter how badly you think your life is fucked, there's always this sad piece of shit.
go out and touch grass. don't turn into this.

>> No.23241771

Counterpoint: china

>> No.23241777

$sicp finna make me rich

>> No.23241786

I just jumped from 2K to $67K. This is easy.

>> No.23241809

I lost 400K

>> No.23241819


>> No.23241835

Dude was a pedo and called fascists mentally ill. No thanks.

>> No.23241840

they're the forerunners in biotech, pretty soon they'll have genetically engineered big dicks

>> No.23241892

To see things differently
Already do

>> No.23241894

holding my breath until I die rn

>> No.23241898

for me its trying to stop my own heart with thought

>> No.23241900

fuck, I breath'd

>> No.23241912

I can't breathe!

>> No.23241915

novel idea: like godard's la chinoise and fassbender's the third generation but contemporary right-wing terrorism

>> No.23241921

My fantasy right now is to be choked out and killed.
I'd focus on the sensation of warm hands around my neck. I'd relish in the human touch and "intimacy," I suppose. Weird, isn't it? I can only imagine being touched if the other person is trying to kill me. Even then, I don't think I'm worth killing to anyone.
If there are any psychos with nothing to lose, maybe we could arrange a perfect crime. All you have to do is kill me, it's up to you to engineer it in such a way that you don't get caught (I don't want it on my conscience what happens to you after I die).

>> No.23241927

Thank you for the effortpost and for the kind words. The way I see it, I'd rather be alone than with a woman I don't love. I'm still relatively young at 28, but time is ticking and I've learned most relationships aren't that great anyways. It's better to seek after what is good than to settle for a simulacrum of it.

What sort of retardation makes you goon for 16 hours? At most it takes between 30 minutes to an hour to get off. What is the appeal of making it last longer than it needs to?

>> No.23241929

this years april 1st joke is kinda lazy

>> No.23241934
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>> No.23241937

I will never read anything that comes out of Reddit: The Nation (Russia)

>> No.23241969

That's how peasants and tribals fucked. And the fruits of such lifestyles are readily visible both in history and the current day. Aristocrats, burghers had privacy.
Only the malformed animal-men of the neolithic village or a complecentely de-natured type of man could think the former state of being is good.
> to the idea of sex as something shameful, something that hurts innocence rather than something that exists a part of the Axis Mundi, the Hearth
The routine molesdtation of little boys is part of the axis mundi in many cultures, that doesn't make it correct. I'm sorry but its the worst example I could conjure up.
>Likewise, nowadays we find it medieval and eccentric to not put away our elderly in medical facilities run by corporations and staffed by rootless cosmopolitans.
In an ideal world, it would be. The fever-drems of a new scientific humankind were all still-births, unfortunately.
>Reich drew heavily on the work of Malinowski, especially his The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia (1929).[10]
Truly. Melanesians are the ones to be emulated
Most were pretty boring, I'm sure there were plenty of interesting tales, though.

>> No.23241999

I have two older brothers. One died last August. The other died last night. They both died of drug overdoses. My brother has tried to kill himself before. He probably chose Easter symbolically. Or maybe it's just a morbid coincidence. He might have thought he'd rise like Christ did. But he didn't. Both my older brothers lived lives of death. I have to carry on now

John 12:24
Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

>> No.23242003

I should take a nap and hope for the best

>> No.23242020

I'll figure it out later.

>> No.23242028

I'm sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.23242098
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What do you guys think? Did I go deep enough

>> No.23242135
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Just bought a bike, It's going to be here in a few days. I'm going to have fun this spring.

>> No.23242145

There's mental pain and there's physical pain. However, mental pain makes me feel physically shit and physical pain mentally sucks, so are they actually one and the same?

>> No.23242152

anon discovers empathy

>> No.23242171
File: 155 KB, 840x648, 235-2353753_post-thinking-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy stocks. How do I do it?

>> No.23242189

Same, stock exchange is just stuck at loading. The fact you actually have to go out of your way to even try the 'joke' makes this one of the worst ones.

>> No.23242196

>you acutally have to disable your addblock to see the thing
lmao, hang yourself moot

>> No.23242222

You're right, I do have no empathy, I never have, any time that I've seemed to have it I've been faking it because that's how I was told that humans act in those particular situations. Don't get me wrong, I'm nice to people that I interact with, that's how humans are meant to be and it causes the least trouble, but I'm being extra nice to this person, saying shit that I've never said before, really hamming it up. They keep calling me "so kind" and they even said that if they were with me that they'd eat the brownie that I fucked up baking last night, that may seem small and like nothing, and it probably is, but I think that speaks to something, right?

>> No.23242226

Man zoomer negreeses piss me off so much with those earbuds and hands free phones. Makes me want to cave their faces in with a sledgehammer

>> No.23242231

I miss Prince

>> No.23242240

I HATE Prince. His music sucks and he's BLACK.

>> No.23242244

NTA but yeah, he made some bangers. His beef with Rick James was also super hilarious, the way Rick talks about him in interviews makes me cackle, especially when Charlie Murphy is involved.

>> No.23242252


>> No.23242256

Have fun, man.

>> No.23242262


>> No.23242268

I'm thinking of reading all of the Goosebumps books, thoughts?

>> No.23242271

Should start a board read-along

>> No.23242273

Do you reckon enough people would join along? I also don't even know how that would work.

>> No.23242274

I'd read along if you posted a link to an epub or a pdf or something. I don't know if people would join, but it could be a good meme.

>> No.23242278

Would we be expected to read it within the day (that wouldn't be impossible, they're short books) or would I create a thread and it be like "Hey, anons, we're reading this book, I'll make another thread and check back in X amount of days" Like a book club sort of thing?

>> No.23242289

Idk, your choice. Could do a poll or something.

>> No.23242291

I’ve cut off 1 parent and 2 siblings in the last year.

>> No.23242292

Internet search: “how to buy stocks”

>> No.23242294

What did they do?

>> No.23242307

I did, it was based

>> No.23242312

The parent situation is a bit complicated but they are just not very good to me. One of the siblings is less complicated but same issue. They get frustrated with things in their life and then try to take it out on me by being nasty, insulting, argumentative, these sort of things probably because they think I care about them too much to cut them off so they can get away with it. The other sibling is not bad to me in particular, but I’m finding it impossible to maintain a relationship with them at all because of the way they act. My family has been through a lot actually and I think it’s worked on everyone in negative ways. And as for myself, I’ve always been something of a mainstay but I’m at a point in my life where I no longer have interest in people who aren’t loyal and respectful at minimum. And they’re not. They don’t actually care about me and aren’t loyal or respectful. The collective they always came first for me in my life and now I’m realizing that they never held the collective or me in a similar regard. It’s always been about them first. So they’re out.

>> No.23242320

Fuck yeah.

>> No.23242371

The desperate mind seeks solace and signs in every signal. It masks the truth that I have most likely failed in my long mission to be a better writer. May God grant me relief soon.

>> No.23242374

It's a flame that should be nurtured. Good luck, anon. Life is better that way.

>> No.23242438

Any advice on this? My family has been the center of my life for a long time. I just can’t let it keep me back anymore. I feel like I’ve already permanent crippled my potential in life by passing up opportunities to remain close and fix things for them and I don’t want to do that anymore because I’m unhappy with my life now…

>> No.23242450

Media companies replaced colleges and universities and nobody seems to have noticed.

>> No.23242479

Go to >>>/biz/ and do the opposite of what they say

>> No.23242482
File: 588 KB, 1101x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do exactly what /biz/ says<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.23242540

Yeah, it blows, I've only seen it like 3 times and no one has bothered to react, not even a "Huh, that's weird". Last year's got people going, this year's is boring.

>> No.23242545

>cmon man, the jannies are already working hard enough for us all.
>actually, you know what? we'll DOUBLE their wage next year, april 1st joke will be great

>> No.23242554

I can't even sleep with my window open because the people I live with smoke and they get up much earlier than me and the smoke will flood my room and make shit smell gross, this shit sucks.

>> No.23242558


>> No.23242584
File: 145 KB, 1078x1240, 1695409005398289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bro i will give birth to a shitton of invalids
and the government will spend your tax money to give them free meds
cry about it dumbass

>> No.23242608

>get deemed that im a genetic waste by eugenics
>actually never got laid
they were not wrong

>> No.23242633

Going shopping for an engagement ring.
I hate the entire ritual around marriage. At least the actual marriage won't be expensive, but spending this money for a ring just hurts my soul.

>> No.23242649

I want to be a turbomanlet. I want to be a midget. I want to be a small man with a tall gf. I am tired of my height. TAKE MY HEIGHT FROM ME!! TRANSFER MY HEIGHT TO A MANLETANON WHO NEEDS IT, MAKE ME SMALL, MAKE ME DIMINUTIVE AND GIVE ME A TALL EVEN FOR A WOMAN GF


>> No.23242687

Why would you want to be a manlet? Instead of making yourself smaller, just get a 7 foot tall gf.
t.6 foot 5 or whatever

>> No.23242698

>someone sees you reading
>says "I should read more."
How do you respond? I tell them not to.

>> No.23242705

I beat the fucker over the head with my book for daring to interrupt my reading.

>> No.23242715

Is it possible that Nazi political theory has been lost to the denazification process?

>> No.23242727

If we’re going to have international and civil wars, can we just fucking start already? I’m going to be ancient when this shit kicks off at this rate. I’m tired of living in progressive limbo.

>> No.23242748

Being short sucks. I am not sure what sort of coomer fantasy you got going on in your mind, but the reality is that girls don't like short guys and AT BEST you will end up with a girl who has zero libido and does not care at all about physical intimacy, and therefore does not consider your lack of height a big negative.

>> No.23242764

There's absolutely no reason for me to not gas every single Buddhist I come across.

>> No.23242775

I can hardly blame you since the lexicon and way of life in Chaucer's time & place is more remote to Shakespeare's than ours is to his. It's pretty interesting how sharp the boundary is with respect to time in what's considered standard English, and at the same time how blurry when it comes to dialect. There's hardly anything it English prose written after about 1650 that gives me gives me that feeling of wading through a fog of language I'm not on easy terms with, while at the same time there are some places in Ireland and Scotland where the English spoken, such as it is, may as well be Dutch for such purposes as documentary films, textbooks, or comedy written to be read or delivered at rapid pace.

>> No.23242791

Rabbi, you're not trying to fuck with me again, are you?

>> No.23242792

uh huh, whys that?

>> No.23242802

They all look kind of shady, probably want my money, and their ideas are kind of stupid and I don't need to learn about them anyway. In conclusion, there's no reason for me not to kill them all and I'm most likely better off doing so.

>> No.23242810

The timing in my life is all fucked up. I really needed to be doing in this year what I planned for next year or the year after.

>> No.23242811

I wonder why this thread was suddenly deleted? What is going through the janny's mind?

>> No.23242909

I'm not even sure. That thread was surprisingly low politics given the topic and very relevant to the source material anyway.

>> No.23242940

My mind is not an ocean but rather, a collection of thousands of puddles.

>> No.23242946

Everything is fine. Even if I'm alone

>> No.23242956

God i want this

>> No.23242965

I swear I'm not a schizo but there's something fucking wrong with my head. Feel like I'm close to having a seizure or something. Intellectually, ideas like tripartite semiosis or presentism of time can be grasped without really precipitating a change in a person, but to me it's as if I'm overpowered by the tripartite-ness of the semiosis of all intelligible things, and as if the separation between time understood normally and a sense of self independent of time has become overwhelming. I'm living each moment of time normally but I've also seemingly moved from many "thens" (last year, yesterday, a decade ago, early childhood, two weeks ago) to "now" without crossing the intervening time and the sensation is extremely disorienting. Sometimes when I'm driving or at home or whatever I'll have the sensation of the symbols present before and within me separate from their meaning and it'll feel like if I mentally "push" in the right direction I can split them apart, or separate altogether from meaning and symbol. It'll feel like pressure in my head. I've been having trouble speaking and remembering things lately too. Like there's not enough mental bandwidth to think and do anything else at the same time.

>> No.23242972

>A child is not its parents, but sum of their conjoinèd shames. A figure of speech. Their manner of speaking. No wonder I'm heterodoxical.
I'm too much of a /lit/let to know what to make of this. I want more of this idea; where do I look?

>> No.23242996

I’m caught in this weird place where I can pretty easily go get a job that makes a lot of money and that would allow me to really take care of my family like I’ve always wanted and that is really important to me but I also think doing this would stop me from doing what I really want to do with my life. So I’m stuck between these two choices.

>> No.23243005

Bad day.

>> No.23243009

In my experience it's not that bad, at least at 5'7". Of course I'd rather be taller and especially physically stronger, mostly for practical purposes, but there are other conditions to consider, for instance being fat, stupid, poor, violent, inarticulate, socially inept, prone to mental illness, or fascinatingly ugly. It also helps if you're not intimidated by size in other guys. Almost everyone of either sex respects that.

>> No.23243014
File: 54 KB, 512x512, wdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The passenger side door clicks, and with a steady motion, I sit inside. My killer, whose face has remained unknown to me, is finally revealed. He is a white, overweight, middle aged man with a bulbous nose, an unkempt and poorly growing beard, medium length hair, and faded clothes. Although he is ugly, I consider him more attractive than myself. My heart races as he begins driving and, in a feeble attempt to make conversation, I ask him how he plans to evade detection.
>"I have a pre-recorded livestream playing at home. I'll have an alibi. I'm going to check if you brought your phone, just in case."
My anxiety is intense, and several times I feel as though I will pass out from nausea. I realize that it would be trivially easy for him to kidnap and torture me, instead of simply kill me; I push these thoughts aside.

I am lying in the back of the van while he sits on top of me. I feel that he may be as anxious and awkward about this as I am, although I cannot be certain— the way his hands very tentatively encircle my neck reinforces the suspicion. His grip tightens, and I can feel my airway closing; when I can no longer breathe, I feel my body reflexively tense, and I gently place a hand on his wrist. I am disappointed by the overall feeling— although there was some satisfaction in it, I expected something more "intimate"; the warmth of his hands definitely carried the overall "feel" of intimacy, even if to a small degree. At least, this is how I had always imagined it— I have never personally experienced intimacy. I focus on this feeling as my vision darkens and grows hazy. My body reflexively tenses again, and it takes a few seconds for me to quell my muscles. I wonder what will

>> No.23243024

g'morning. another day of nothing

>> No.23243029

What’s the Touka Kirishima archetype? It’s not goth.

>> No.23243055

No reply from her to my text last night; kill me.

>> No.23243064

I think my morality is completely gone, I feel kinda empty, I have transcended

>> No.23243078

You trifling

>> No.23243080
File: 186 KB, 866x926, B2733CAF-DDE2-4D49-93FE-680454003656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might already be 29 years old but damnit I will be a great man and people will remember me. I’m rescuing a lost ambition and I’m putting down the weed. This is my declaration and prediction

>> No.23243091

What sort of man do you think qualifies as a “great man” in 2024? Do you see any “great men” out there in the world?

>> No.23243097

My brother died of an intention drug overdose in a tent in a homeless camp at 29. You're already doing fine man. As long as your family loves you you're a great man

>> No.23243102

---- Solaria ----
Dance Music

To relax completely into synethetic vision
Seems to me the best of possible
States, except for this:

To be among friends who do both, if neither all the way.

>> No.23243106


>> No.23243126

I want to have a great affect on the outcome of the world, either through art philosophy or politics. I tried music but it didn’t work out and I’ve let that depress me for too many years
I get it I’ve just been very ambitious my whole life and if I am that way I believe it’s cause subconsciously I recognize my potential, it’s just been directed wrong so far. Ever since I watched my mother die at 6 I just felt compelled to make sure I do something that’s remarkable and inspiring and lives on
Thank you, anon

>> No.23243127


>> No.23243132

Why are you finding it difficult?

>> No.23243158

So many of the problems in my life could be fixed by simple just having more money

>> No.23243160


>> No.23243161

So when people on this board rail against 'technocrats' and use the term as a pejorative, what exactly is their complaint? That instead of rule by leaders and ministers guided by moral, political, and perhaps spiritual beliefs, instead it is managers and bureaucrats whose sole principle is the chase for 'efficiency?' Or is there something else more to it?

>> No.23243162

Yes i am poor thats exactly what i said

>> No.23243168

To be fair, plebs weren't necessarily poor, you could make good money, and if you wanted to run for the triumvirate, it's cheaper to buy the plebiscite. Hence why that patrician commited incest at the women's festival, to get knocked down to pleb to win a seat.

>> No.23243172

Im calling you pleb not in the economic sense but in the aesthetics sense,I'm not rich just make enough to get by and don't think money will solve any of my problems

>> No.23243183

Being a wagecuck is at its worst in positions of a more servile nature. I make the same money I did at my past job but the work is remarkably more demanding, yet I barely give a passing thought to going into work now. Retail jobs and customer service seem to be the highest form of cuckoldry in western society.

>> No.23243186

I have a ton of fun working a restaurant job. Plus tons of rotating young, qt coworkers to flirt and sleep with.

>> No.23243199

Godspeed, anon. Here's a piece of unsolicited advice so you don't waste your time on Earth: to do great things, think in a smaller, durable way. If there's a smarter way to do something faster and with the same results, go for it, even if you think you're going to lose in appeal. You won't even remember you had those concerns when you first started. Don't waste your time talking about your projects with people who don't give a shit. Don't waste your time debating on the internet with retards who have nothing to teach, but don't dump all your friends either. Balance is key.

And enjoy yourself. Surround yourself with interesting people who are as passionate as you are and can teach you stuff. Preparation is key. Do you want to move to another country? Buy books about living and working in that country. Learn skills. Do you want to do art? Buy a book written by a master on how to do art the practical way. Take time to reflect on what you did from time to time. Life is a rabbit hole. On my part, most of the great stuff I achieved was out of obsession. There was always the next smaller step to take before 'bieing good' - "Okay, I do this, then I'm good for now," I would say.

I never listened to faggots telling me something was too hard to do, or useless. It wasn't that I believed I would do it because most of the time I didn't know shit. I only wanted to get as far as possible on the line. Failure is acceptable. Setbacks are fine, you're never restarting stuff from zero. I never realized how far I got from the starting line until an ex called and said "That's funny. You did everything you wanted to do five years ago!". I did, or at least I'm on the path of finishing what I started five years ago.

>> No.23243206

>I want to have a great affect on the outcome of the world, either through art philosophy or politics. I tried music but it didn’t work out and I’ve let that depress me for too many years
Okay but what do you imagine that looks like in 2024 and beyond. This isn’t really the world of young upstart cavalry officers and commanders of legions anymore.

>> No.23243212

I get it FWIW. I’ve been a really ambitious person for most of my life, even with delusions of grandeur. I’ve been struggling a lot with how to make some of my dreams happen though.

>> No.23243215

Good luck. Really stay away from that weed though.

>> No.23243221

A technocrat is someone who rules by technocracy. He doesn’t inspire authority so much as he extracts it through technology, even when it’s undeserved. A technocrat installs a police surveillance state as a way to dominate the lives of free citizens, while a natural leader inspires discipline in free citizens and only when it’s due. Technocracy is tyrannical by nature.

>> No.23243224

Most of my problems couldn't be fixed by more than what I've got. My physical health is kind of shit, and two of my (4) siblings are far worse off. One killed herself due to congenital depression while safely ensconced in one of the wealthiest suburbs of the Great Lakes region, and the other has been paranoid schizophrenic since her late teens. Though a NEET retired to the country I'm kind of a cheerful little prick, compared to even the surviving other two, both of whom are grinds even by the average standard.

>> No.23243235

Have you ever seen the text? It’s in between modern English and another language. Even the grammar is different than what we are used to

>> No.23243243

10 years in retail, don't be me

>> No.23243247

sincere question, why? Going to school or finding something just generally new to try something else is a kick in the dick for sure but it seems worth it in the long run.

>> No.23243251

Yeah I was just wondering if that's all it was. There are interlinear translations and stuff, it's definitely not insurmountable if one really wants to read it.

>> No.23243254

It's old English

>> No.23243257

Someone told me that after turning 26 time starts to move very fast. Is this true?

>> No.23243259

I planned to go to uni but i had to care full time for my mum because she got sick so i started working retail because i could do it part time. She passed a few years ago but now im stuck.

>> No.23243263
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1710502316121212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, more or less.

>> No.23243265

It just moves faster as you get older there is no specific number. Doesn't help that as you get older your life is most likely to get more and more routine which makes it worse

>> No.23243268

Middle English. Old English is a different language
The translations take away what make Chaucer Chaucer. I can struggle my way through but it just makes for a choppy reading experience

>> No.23243269

I have problems that money won't solve but it could solve a good chunk of them.

>> No.23243274

Depends on the level. Sure, 10 years is too much, but 5 years working in a Marshall Field or some such is a whole lot better than any sentence in an Amazon distribution center.

>> No.23243276

Had nothing to do with a specific age for me. Just the sheer act of going to a job daily and wanting each day to be over with as soon as it can be so you can do things you enjoy generally causes a degree of increased sense that time is passing quick. "Just gotta get to thursday/friday" etc causes you to not really live in the moment.

>> No.23243285

>can't wait for the day to be over so i can go and do shit i want to do
>have no energy after work so can't do anything

Love being a wagie me

>> No.23243286

cheer up buddy you'll have all the time you need to be happy once you're 65 (or 70 most likely) and you'll be able to make your dreams come true then :)

>> No.23243287

Weird. When I had endless free time my life passed by like it wasn't there

>> No.23243289

Once you get into the routine of life chunks fly away. Good things is the weeks go fast. Bad thing is so do the weekends. Part of it is just your perspective. A 70 year old has seen many winters and their past is large. A 16 year old can remember like 10 winters. It’s a percentages thing at a certain point

>> No.23243293

Thanks buddy tomorrow is another day a penny goes into my pension pot

>> No.23243315

I no longer feel anything when i ejaculate. Masturbation brings no pleasure. I have ascended.

>> No.23243321

I just mean you can glance at the translation and then understand what the original means and process it directly via the original wording, that's why it's interlinear. Imo this is very smooth and I don't much notice it and once you get used to the common words it's not even necessary to do it very often.

>> No.23243329

It depends partly on how fast fashion & conditions change. Overall I think the effect is overrated, until you're at least 70.

>> No.23243333

don't like negros after 26 years of indoctrination made for me to love them

>> No.23243367

Descended more like it. If anhedonia is a blessing, let me be damned.

>> No.23243418

Do you think any metaphysical questions will ever be answered with the same certainty as scientific or msthematical questions? I can't even imagine a serious newspaper publishing an article about how philosophers proved the existence of God and the majority of the readers then helieving it, just like they believe in atoms or the speed of light.

>> No.23243423

I wish I had a boyfriend :(

>> No.23243438

I sincerely doubt it.

>> No.23243446


>> No.23243449


>> No.23243451

They already have. But you will never hear that from the newspapers because they don’t want you to know.

>> No.23243452

so many "creative" people are delusional. i have a couple friends who i liked hanging out with but they have absolutely no output and so i have no respect for them creavitely. there's people i dislike in my scene but at least they constantly show up and do work so even if i dislike hanging out with them I know they aren't bullshitting me. i can't say the same with my friends who the minute i ask them for something they've told me they could do, i never hear back or have to bug them to get off their fucking ass.

>> No.23243454

Math can be considered metaphysical

>> No.23243461

Literally me

>> No.23243467

Most people lack the creative ability to make anything of value whatsoever and in many cases ought to be barred from doing so for the sake of those that may actually have some potential. Cluttering up every educational institution and art scene with wannabe famous hacks is disgusting.

>> No.23243468
File: 137 KB, 659x692, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video i'm watching goes NIGGERS! out of nowhere
>proclaim "Oh my word, racism!! I never!!" so person walking by in apartment building hallway thinks i disapprove of it
Can't even listen to the niggerword in my own home. That is true defeat. The west has finally truly fallen.

>> No.23243479
File: 78 KB, 473x648, IMG_2884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I had a mystical revelation: Women don’t exist. The vaginal creatures that you see walking around are in fact bestial copies of goddesses who live in the stars (they used to live on Earth ages ago but left after the Fall of Man). So, dear friends, you should reject the creature called woman, sing to the stars, and, if you are lucky, you will be blessed.

>> No.23243480

>Do you think any metaphysical questions will ever be answered with the same certainty as scientific or msthematical questions?
It's mathematically proven that this can't happen. We can only have certainty inside our limited constructed scopes.

>> No.23243491

I wish I had gf :(

>> No.23243499

this is what zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.23243502

Philosophers talk about God all the time. It's extremely common for people to be convinced or unconvinced about God per philosophical argument.
>but people disagree!!!
Yeah and people disagree about science. Uncertainty is literally built into the scientific method. Developing an epistemological system of probability was a major project of the enlightenment because prior to that anything other than deductive certainty was dismissed as mere opinion. The word science comes from scientia which literally meant perfect deductive certain knowledge before Newton hijacked the word.

>> No.23243540

Hi (male)

>> No.23243543

how does one balance the things they want to do vs the things that they should be doing, because it's the right thing to do? i ask this because i have no reason to be unhappy, everything on the surface is great. but i am just tired. i wake up and tell myself today is the day i will call in sick so i have time for myself, but talk myself out of it every time. why? because even if i have time for myself, there's still more work for my to do

it's gotten so bad i've begun to dread weekends. always something to do, always something this or that. yes i know the quick fix is to just not do any of that, it's my time, it's my right, but the consequences add up and the relationship hit will hurt. i am not a social person but now i'm in a position where being a social butterfly yields an objectively better quality of living than the hermitmaxxing i had held for years prior. and i am exhausted. there is no peace in this, the lives of other people are so turbulent and as much as i love them, i dislike the tangle of their nature

so on my off time i procrastinate and just do something else, knowing in the back of my head the things i should be doing is building up. i distract myself with work, knowing when i get home i have to do deal with things again. it's all so tiresome

>> No.23243547

I am aloof but I wish I was a loofah

>> No.23243548

I keep accidentally writing his name as Benjamin Frankling

>> No.23243575

I appreciate the reply but I feel like that's sidestepping whatever fundamental issue people seem to have with the whole thing. I get what you're saying about 'undeserved' authority, and use of deep state mechanisms and totalizing management aka tyranny of the souls of the people, but what is the actual content of what they are using this power for, which people seem to find so abhorrent? As I saw in a post from the other day, they were referred to as 'vampire technocrats' -- why?

>> No.23243582

you just ignore stuff and then feel like shit when you have let an insurmountable mountain of shit you need to deal with pile up but continue to ignore it anyway because you might not even be alive in a year, heck even a week, who knows?

>> No.23243583

Based gourd anon

>> No.23243607

Because only vampires know how computers work, which is why the screens are designed to make you nocturnal

>> No.23243611 [DELETED] 

i can't watch as girls do their makeup; the eyeliner pencil right next to their eye, using the burning hot straighteners right by their ear not even looking

>> No.23243620


>> No.23243624

True crime and makeup channels are the only time I see makeup channels, so I think it's just girls being gorey details freaks to do either

>> No.23243625

i can't watch as girls do their makeup; the eyeliner pencil right next to their eye, the medieval looking eyelash clipper things, using the burning hot straighteners right by their ear not even looking

>> No.23243626

You know it's true, Thiel is openly buying blood off zoomers

>> No.23243627

For me it's that I can't watch women try out different outfits in front of the mirror, because the frivolous indecisiveness, the narcissism, and most of all the way that they yank shit out of the closet/drawer and just leave it cavalierly strewn about the bed or floor, makes me want to exit them off the premises and use their head to open the door like they did to the rude cowboy in Casino

>> No.23243654

What was the beef even centered around? Knowing Prince it could be anything.

>> No.23243657

I think that has more to do with makeup footage communicating a subconscious message of "the girl creating herself into an object of beauty, how pure and innocent" before it is snuffed out by the abhorrent criminal fiend.

>> No.23243663

I think it might just be you receiving that message bud

>> No.23243665

I'm not the anon, but I'll give a better explanation of the problem.
There are many issues raised against technocracy, but the primary one attacks the idea that Technocracy itself— "rule by the experts"— is a positive thing. The trouble here is that being an expert does not imply that a politician will make good policy; a political leader is still a human that may or may not make positive decisions based on his own personal interests. Technocratic thinking causes people to put more trust in "the experts" than is due— should a nuclear physicist make decisions regarding nuclear energy policy? You would be inclined to say yes, but there is nothing that he can do that a normal person cannot through scientific advisement, and neither is any more or less likely to be corrupt. In fact, how does a nuclear physicist know how his nuclear energy policy will affect the agricultural industry? Or the environment? Or transportation? Or the economy as a whole? Even worse— he is going to need essentially the same level of general advisement as any other person in his position to understand how policy will affect the country as a whole.
Further, you only limit these offices (public or bureaucratic) to a specific slice of elite society. This then intertwines political interests with technical ones, increasing the politicization of science and technology. (Which is bad, but if you don't see it that way I don't give a shit this is an auxiliary point)

Even worse is when we begin to take a "scientific" approach to the goals of the state as a whole. What is the function of a state? What is the role of the citizen in relation to the state? The "technocrats" might reduce it to very scientific terms. The state must increase "pleasure" or reduce "suffering," and the people must increase the state's efficiency in so attaining these goals. The problem is that the role of the state and citizen are not scientific issues, but philosophical ones. Science has no place in it, and a technocrat has no better say on what the state SHOULD do than a country bumpkin.

This is one form of technocracy, but the other is the more pedestrian sort which, very loosely, means "rule by those who control technology." This is really a complaint against technology itself, even if those who use it don't know it.

>> No.23243666

Do you guys ever get the urge to express yourself but find that you are unable to do so in a way that satisfies the urge?
Sometimes I'll get caught up in a wordless vision of beauty, all these flashes of bright dazzling fantasy and a world-rending grounding of the ineffable in time and space, colors beautiful on fire, and I'll try to bring it to word or image and find myself stumped, unable to bring the right words to mind despite a great pressure to make this thing which I have seen visible to others as well. Maybe I'll manage some poetic flourish without grounding in anything greater, maybe I'll pen some letters with my old calligraphy nibs and see for a second the stirring of something more in them, but the frustration at my own inability to make the tangible world participate in the ideal form which is in my mind will soon overcome me and I'll put it away. This sounds pretentious as fuck but if I try to frame it any other way I probably won't write anything better to describe it.

>> No.23243669

I'm explaining why they have so many shots of women doing their makeup and getting dressed up in true crime shows.

>> No.23243670

My family abandoned my brother and then he killed himself. Imagine that.

>> No.23243673

I'm talking about the genre of makeup tutorial and true crime that's a huge chunk of youtube. I haven't noticed it at all in true crime documentaries

>> No.23243674

Yeah. I'm constantly struck by waves of depression and misery without the ability to express it in any meaningful way.

>> No.23243676

Thank you, I appreciate it.

>> No.23243679

>True crime and makeup channels
never heard of that before. why do you watch that

>> No.23243686

I don't, but if you watch a lot of stuff with crime in it, they'll be recommended. I watch a lot of history stories, so some king gets assassinated, and the next video will be the same story but also how to do x makeup

>> No.23243715

IMO, it's when you fall in line and never let go. Maybe the following example will tell you how it is. I swear I'm not trying to sound like some dolt proposing to abandon civilization, it's just that I think it's an accurate example.
The difference between some random rural man from centuries ago and some random person nowadays is that, while the former measured the passage of time in slower, longer and fewer pulses (agricultural/lunar cycles, seasons, livestock growth/farming, and other seasonal events like merchants visiting, festivals...), the latter measures in quicker and shorter pulses which come abound in the form of a daily, samey routine: you're basically doing very similar if not outright the same things, handling similar/same problems, and maybe things develop a little over time, maybe nothing ever happens, but you're always busy with the next thing. The rural man once worried that the coming summer might scorch his crops; you're worried that you'll arrive late at work, or that you'll fail a deadline. It's not just living in the present, it's living as close to the present second as possible, no matter the mental and emotional cost, but also not having enough time to invest into the current thing before you have to move on to the next thing, and having way too many tasks to perform to ever catch a breath, to contemplate what just happened and ponder on what might become. This, in turn, suffocates your spirit slowly but surely, and before you know it, your personality dims, and things go on as if you just turned on the autopilot.
Before you know it, you're having a midlife crisis. Blink, you're 50.
This is not just restricted to poor workers, it could hit you whether you're a NEET or some obscenely rich CEO. But it's not impossible to escape the curse of the eternal present. Some other anon asked about technocrats and efficiency earlier, and I think it's related.

>> No.23243726

there are enormous parts of youtube/the internet that one gender has no knowledge of. have you heard of subliminals? like hypnosis videos to slow+reverb crystal castles tracks that make you 'adriana lima, but better' or an '⋆ ˚。⋆ angel of chaos ⋆ ˚。⋆'
there are millions. quite unnerving.

>> No.23243737

---- Solaria ----

Taking walks around the lake
In deads of night quiet, cool, clear, serene

i shared his sense of humor
And fantasy.


>> No.23243749

they have that for men too, boost your confidence with bionic beats or alpha male affirmation loop 8hrs. those aren't even really weird parts
letting people have access to a broadcasting system was never going to be less strange than local public access always was

>> No.23243755

Long shot, but does anyone have a regimen when improved their intellectual stamina? Like what should someone do to have more stamina in a white collar job or as a writer for example? I’m not talking about physical stamina really.

>> No.23243762

I noticed when I go camping time passes really slowly. I can only imagine that low tech rural society a lifetime feels like forever

>> No.23243778

healthy diet full of fruit, vegetables and lean protein
limit intake of heavy metals and inflammatory foods, processed shit seed oils etc
vitamin D3 supplements if you live in a region with poor sunlight and cannot get access to natural light
30-50 minutes per day of natural sunlight exposure if you do happen to live in an area with it
walk 10-15k steps per day
some evidence to suggest medium level intensity weightlifting can help neurological function as well but I mostly recommend it as filling out a sedentary frame with a reasonable level of muscle mass usually increases mobility and decreases risk of injury/physiological function especially with age
drink lots of water to maintain proper hydration
maintain a healthy bodyfat% (this is wildly important, being fat not only impaires neurological function but assists other damaging factors as well)
sleep a consistent 8-9 hours per night at the same time (just as important as duration of sleep, time being the same every night is non-negotiable, this is also wildly important like being fat)

you can't increase your genetic potential for IQ afaik but most people will find their unhealthy lifestyles limit them dramatically.

>> No.23243790

seems different. it's like a scene.
what else is there?
the best youtube videos are the ones with 20 views, actual insane people talking to their phone vamping out on the street at 5am and shi
youtube peppers them on my homepage now and then

>> No.23243798

Ive managed to only go on 4chan maybe once a week for about 15 minutes. I feel like ive probably missed out on some funny moments, or an insightful post or good recommendation but this year has already been much better for me. Scrolling past cuck posts and women hate threads was definitely doing damage to my psyche. Good luck with the reading goals anons

>> No.23243810

Is HEMA gay?

>> No.23243812

fat (animal fat) is important
vegetables are inflammatory
d3 supplements are toxic
drinking lots of water just flushes out nutrients
being fatter is healthier than skinny

>> No.23243827

>fat (animal fat) is important
>vegetables are inflammatory
pure broscience in almost every situation
>d3 supplements are toxic
find a good retailer, every study on supplement toxicity finds fault in production and sourcing, not the bioavailability of the nutrients in the form of a supplement
>drinking lots of water just flushes out nutrients
wrong unless you drink an unhealthy amount of excess water which is highly unlikely to a point of being largely irrelevant
>being fatter is healthier than skinny
unless by 'skinny' you mean malnourished congolese cobalt miner then no being fat is not being better than skinny you stupid nigger

>> No.23243831

I wonder what it would be like to go actual camping. Indeed the farthest I've ever gone off the grid is touring a nearby wildlife preserve in a heavy car, with the heat roaring, just after a big snow was cleared by a shitload of heavy equipment. As for low tech rural society, there's not such thing, at least anywhere in North America.

>> No.23243834

Yeah. Back when I was a kid, now and then I'd travel with my dad to his birthplace, some countryside town, for a full month, usually along with my brother, some cousins and uncles. Even back then I'd feel mortally bored, freed from the shackles of the modern society before I ever dreamed of knowing what exactly that amounted to. One day felt like a full week. I couldn't wait to be back home, and I wondered how exactly did my local cousins endure it. Nowadays, I think I get them. That's also why I don't think it has anything to do with age. I felt all that as a kid, and meanwhile my grandma was serene like all was right in the world.

>> No.23243848

I’m already doing all of these except weightlifting and getting good sleep. I can start weightlifting a couple of days per week, but I don’t know what I can possibly do about my sleep. I’ve tried everything. Benzodiazepines and 12+ hours of sleep per night are the only things that work.

>> No.23243860

>pure broscience in almost every situation
even if you don't look at antinutrients, flavonoids, etc. there's agrochemical concerns. and have you looked at the bioavailability of vitamins in plant foods? you only eat them because you're told they're healthy
>find a good retailer
maybe rosita cod liver oil
but synthetic vitamins are very toxic, they're chemicals. they're just gonna create more imbalances in the body
>wrong unless you drink an unhealthy amount of excess water which is highly unlikely to a point of being largely irrelevant
water is a solvent, it leeches everything.
>being fat is not being better than skinny
fat is a layer of protection, it stores toxins. if you're very skinny your toxins go straight to your organs.

>> No.23243876

>it’s a back and forth point by point greentext argument between two food autists

Thank goodness it’s time for a new thread

>> No.23243878

This nigga wouldn't eat a banana that contains DNA.

>> No.23243880

head to the netherlands

>> No.23243886


>> No.23243887

use 'reification/reifying' in a sentence NOW

>> No.23243889

diet is very important

>> No.23243890

I am using reifying in a sentence right now

>> No.23243897

nooooo not like that

>> No.23243898

Art may have its own course, but its course can only exist within the sandbox that economics and politics allotted it. If its course lies outside that sandbox, then it won't budge an inch until the sandbox shifts in accordance with it as a result of the everchanging nature of politics, economics, and social conflict.

>> No.23243900

I figured it out.

>> No.23243913

>Instead of studying democracy in its contingent cultural and historical manifestations while maintaining it as an ideal type, you reified it as a kind of substantial form lying above and beyond the historical process, and merely instantiating within history.
>As I began reading his book I took it for a rather nominalist or conceptualist category theory, but by the halfway point I believe he had reified not only his concepts but his syncategorematic expressions!
>Vulgar Marxism reifies "the dialectic" instead of treating it as a metaphor for the aggregate effects of individual human choice.
>Vulgar Weberianism reifies the ideal type instead of mindfully maintaining Weber's methodological individualism.

>> No.23243919

>Vulgar sociologists "society" and vulgar political theorists reify "the state," as if these are hypostatic entities or substances and not just useful ideal types.

>> No.23243947

i suppose those are quality examples of its explanatory and elucidating value

>> No.23243949

so, thank you :)

>> No.23243976

the perception of the passage of time is NOT directly tied to age per se, but rather to EXPERIENCES which is indeed INDIRECTLY tied to age. let me explain. it is known that the brain filters repetitive activity because there's no need to waste brainpower on things the brain expects to see again and again with no large enough difference

if you lead a monotonous lifestyle where you wake up go to work go home go to sleep, time will not only speed up, but you will find a kind of natural memory loss for things not novel enough. do you remember the last thing you ate? what you late last week? a month ago? i doubt it

but say you are bad food, you will remember that because it was different. or if heaven forbid, you get robbed, you will remember that day. this is why as people get older they feel a need to travel or go on more novel experiences, because that is literally the only way to keep stimulating themselves so time passes in a way that's satisfying

but even travel can get mundane if you do it often enough such as travelling for business. the same effect can be achieved as well in the comfort of your own home if you initially encountered novel ideas or a book that gives you some perspective, then things get old. is there a solution to this? to live forever by having such perception that everything is always as novel as when you first encounter it? some might say this is a kind of enlightenment talked about in religion, but certainly it is theoretically possible that if one's perception is structured in such a way they can control their own perception of time, they can both live forever or as fast as a blink if they so desire it

the role of age however, is simply a default means to go about it. naturally when one is young, everything is new, you are learning a lot. an old man may have spent a lot of time on earth, but their memory of it very short if they have not lived well

>> No.23244025

>if you lead a monotonous lifestyle where you wake up go to work go home go to sleep, time will not only speed up, but you will find a kind of natural memory loss for things not novel enough. do you remember the last thing you ate? what you late last week? a month ago? i doubt it
There's more to this. You could follow a strict diet, and you would still remember what you last ate, what you had last week, etc; have two or even one meal a day, and chances are higher you'll remember your meals. Devour one meal after the other like a glutton and at best you'll remember it was something delicious. Perhaps I've simplified too much, but I think you get my point.
I believe it isn't just the experiences themselves and their quality ("how well you live"), but the duration and the amount of experiences; how long they're allowed to last in your mind as novel, and whether there's any gap between your current experience and the next. The issue with traveling so much that it becomes mundane is also about you might be traveling so much, you're not allowing yourself enough time to properly register what you've gone through before moving on. (It doesn't help that a lot of famous cities out there look increasingly similar to all other famous cities across the globe.)

>> No.23244041

since OP didn't do it, here's link to new bread:

>> No.23244051

something to this. i've always intuitively rejected the advice of 'get into a routine' they usually give to depressed people.

also found diaries from periods of my life that were a blank slate, only to find they were days crowded with incident that i can vividly recall just from reading an entry.

i think it's mostly subconscious and psychosomatic though and time isn't real, basically.

>> No.23244065

i agree but mostly when it comes to architecture, the most costly of all arts in the scenic sense. It also depends on the available technology and building materials. I remember a conversation I had with a guy about how outrageously over-engineered the building we were in was, with enough steel, ornately displayed, to hold up 10 times more stories easily. It's as if Mies had a gigantic budget, if not so much control over the details.

>> No.23244283

Yep. The sense of novelty determines interest, how much you learn from the experience and how well you remember it. More densely recorded memories mean a longer perceived passage of time.
How people determine what is interesting and novel is interesting to me. We can probably correlate our sense of aesthetics like musical tastes with what apparently unrelated subjects interest us. There's probably a larger genetic component than to most mental things.