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/lit/ - Literature

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23101513 No.23101513 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /lit/'s top 50 children's books. This is a poll created to determine our board's favorite children's books. Conditions:
- You can vote for a maximum of 5 books and a minimum of 1.
- Duplicated votes don't count (example: using your 5 votes for The Big Cat will only be counted as one vote).
- Please format your votes like this: Book - Author (example: The Little Fairy - John Smith, or The Little Fairy - Smith if you're in a hurry).
- Why not 100 books? This poll is intended to be a smaller version of the annual chart.
- The poll will close in February 23 (Friday), then the next day (Saturday) we'll have the tiebreakers, and the chart will be posted the next day (Sunday).

Vote here: https://forms.gle/kDKSZssgZbaCgKnx7

>> No.23101530

We have 42 books with 2 or more votes (so far). We didn't get to 50 but it's a good number.

>> No.23101579

My Princess Boy. by Cheryl Kilodavis
Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story About Gender and Friendship
Jacob’s New Dress
It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity

>> No.23101611

I was going to give five votes and then I realized that The Little Prince is the only children's book that isn't slop and I don't want to accidentally meme some Dr Seuss shit to the top.

>> No.23101746

Just So Stories - Kipling
The Jungle Books - Kipling
Horton Hears a Who - Seuss
The Phantom Tollbooth - Juster
Calvin and Hobbes - Watterson

>> No.23101761

You can vote in the link. No login required.

>> No.23101879


>> No.23101923

Swiss Family Robinson

>> No.23102011
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The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
Roverandom - J.R.R. Tolkien
The Coral Island - R.M. Ballantyne
The Phantom Tollbooth - Norton Juster
Freddy Goes to Florida - Walter Brooks

>> No.23102020

t.only read le petit prince

>> No.23102027
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The Stinky Cheese Man

>> No.23102114

Thanks for voting, fren.

>> No.23102130

Can we do entire series? E.g Redwall.

>> No.23102138 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23102145
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The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Phantom Tollbooth - Norton Juster
Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
Holes - Louis Sachar
Voyage of the Dawn Treader - CS Lewis

>> No.23102150

Sure. See:
>Votes will count towards whatever entity has more votes. For example, if there are 5 votes for the first book, 2 votes for the second book, and 1 vote for the whole series, there will be 8 votes for the first book.

>> No.23102152

are you illiterate?

>> No.23102155

See: >>23101761

>> No.23102165

The Boxcar Children - Gertrude Warner (The Boxcar Children series was what got me into reading chapter books back in first grade. I read dozens of the books in the series)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas - Jules Verne (This book got me into sci-fi)
The Magician's Nephew - C.S. Lewis (I'm not sure why, but this one is my favorite out of all the Chronicles of Narnia books. The Horse and His Boy is also really great)
The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling (I loved so many of the stories in this book; Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was my favorite story, Tiger! Tiger! is also really great)
The Education of Little Tree - Asa Carter (This story got me really emotional as a kid. It was the first story to make me cry)

>> No.23102180

Guys, I'm beginning to question this rule >>23102150. Should all the votes go instead for the entire series (if there are different votes for different books)? what do you think?

>> No.23103047

"Tales from Shakespeare" by the Lamb siblings should be the quintessential choice for this particular poll.

>> No.23103155
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Kalila wa Dimna - Ibn al-Muqaffa'
1001 Nights - Anonymous
اخ رجلي - امل فريجي Ouch My Leg! - Amal Freeji
Aesop's Fables - Aesop
Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Seuss.

>> No.23103204

Harry Potter and You Will Never Be a Woman

>> No.23103515

You already voted. Why did you vote twice?

>> No.23103528

You're an evil, disgusting person.

>> No.23103542

The Holy Bible - King James Version
The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Beatrice Potter (and her other tales)
Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes
Redwall, The Book Series - Brian Jacques

>> No.23103569

It was hard just picking one book from some of the authors I chose.

>> No.23103597

I'm a different anon :)

>> No.23103619

No, you're the same guy. You voted for the exact same things, including the one with the Arabic title or whatever.

>> No.23103627

No I changed my gender

>> No.23103634

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.23103643

Nigga obviously I made a mistake and assumed if you couldn't vote multiple then the google form wouldn't allow it which is how it is usually done, and you made no mention of only voting once. My apologies. Also be specific next time.

>> No.23103669
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>you made no mention of only voting once.
Come on.

>> No.23103681

Nigga they don't count why does it matter.

>> No.23103692

You're correct, the second vote will not count.

>> No.23103704

I voted in the children's books election.

>> No.23104061
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i vooooted for:

The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin - Beatrix Potter
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carrol
Down With Skool - Geoffrey Willans
Winnie-the-Pooh - A A Milne
Goodnight Moon - Margaret Wise Brown

>> No.23104908


>> No.23104973

Something I noticed about peoples votes is the lack of really young Childrens books. Why is everyone posting books meant for 8-12 year olds or books that are arguably better for adults to read and analyze like Pinnochio? I would argue theirs books meant for 3-6 year olds that are way better than other peoples picks

>> No.23104981

There's a bit of everything in the actual votes.

>> No.23104987

Those books are more about learning to actually read. No book meant for a 5 year old has literary merit

>> No.23104996

I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully, something like Giving Tree or a really good Dr. Seuss book is in the top ten

>> No.23105006

How many Mein Kampfs?

>> No.23105053

Artistic merit, especially from childrens literature, isn't even just the writing. The art, education, and how well told a moral is for a childs development are just as important. The prose may not be as refined as something meant for 8-12 year olds, but that doesn't mean it lacks artistic merit.

>> No.23105518


>> No.23105958
File: 321 KB, 1003x1436, Pinocchio_illustrato_da_Jacovitti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted Pinocchio because not only it's an endearing children's book, and a really fun one at that, but also because it's a book that has many references to italian folklore and even more interestingly, the bits about pedagogy are pretty good.
Obviously it is a children's book, one would be saying false claiming anything else, but that characteristic it has of being able to be analysed over and over for clever wordplay and political quips elevates it for me as a true great book.
Kinda like how the religious readings of Le Petit Prince make that book also great for both children who just simply enjoy the plot, and more grown up people that will have fun analysing it.
At least to me this is what makes a children's book interesting.
>I would argue theirs books meant for 3-6 year olds that are way better than other peoples picks
I'd have to disagree unless we are talking about books with great illustrations and so on.
I really can't see the appeal of reading one in adulthood besides nostalgia or deciding to buy it for a nephew or child of yours.

>> No.23106791


>> No.23107202

We know you are :)

White straight cismale voices have always been prioritized and listened to over queer authors of color. You're only throwing a mantrum because we finally have a platform which threatens the heteronormative patriarchy you benefit from. We're here to stay whether you like it or not, and you WILL respect us, or face accountability for your prejudices and subsequently die alone. Keep crying you testerical manbaby.

>> No.23107267

In the spirit of this thread, here are some more LGBTQIA+ friendly books!

Pink is For Boys - Robb Pearlman
Sparkle Boy - Leslea Newman
Princess Princess Ever After - Katie O'Neill
My Two Moms and Me - Michael Joosten
Stonewall: A Building. An Uprising. A Revolution - Rob Sanders
The GayBCs - M.L. Webb