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/lit/ - Literature

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23095294 No.23095294 [Reply] [Original]

Well writers of /lit/, which is it?

>> No.23095430

What's the difference? (earnestly)

>> No.23095439

You should get checked by a mental intelligence professional for retardation (sincerely)

>> No.23095482

Go read Moby Dick and then a Brandon Sanderson novel. Report back with your findings.

>> No.23095486

I thought that was Ethan Ralph for a second.

>> No.23095493

That hurt(matter of fact-ly)

>> No.23095701

Who the fuck is Ethan Ralph?

>> No.23095708

I am describing an anime.

>> No.23095721


>> No.23095765

Honestly, that’s the best definition I’ve heard for “Light Novel” in a long time

>> No.23096053

>Brandon Sanderson
Only Melville work I've read is Bartleby and it left an impression that should've spurred me to read more works by him or his contemporaries, except I felt wholely disinclined to go through the trouble of familiarising myself with the requisite nautical cant. I've only read a random excerpt by Sanderson and it just couldn't excite a similar sentiment. It's the difference between an anime on the level of Baccano! and your random fotm shounen. An anime analogy probably defeats my purposes but I couldn't think of a better one.

>> No.23096158

I was also randomly recommended this

>> No.23096538

It wasn’t randomly

>> No.23096555

If I’m right in assuming what he’s saying then he’s right.

>> No.23096614

Read Typee by Melville. His first book. Very enjoyable prose. Most of it is set on the island so not much boat talk.

>> No.23096735
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This is fresh and original. I bet you're not even Japanese, either.

>> No.23096739

I'm writing a description of me fucking your mother.

>> No.23096744

Is he saying that it's only a real book if you write unfilmable stuff like 5 page monologues and the internal state of the characters?

>> No.23097157

The fact you phrase your question around the idea of “real” books tells me I don’t have to take you seriously

>> No.23097268

I've been recommended the kingkiller chronicles and stormlight archives. I'm assuming this means sanderson's a hack and I should stick with Rothfuss?
could you expand?

>> No.23097361

Just watched the vid, he's speaking facts

>> No.23097384
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More like life with screens has caused writers to describe movies over writing a book

>> No.23098012

Are you implying that the old masters were simply writing books that described paintings or books that described sculptures?

>> No.23098028
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Books were literally movies being described to you, because movies hadn't been invented yet.

>> No.23098039

Jim's gay crush.

>> No.23098061

both are hacks actually

>> No.23098071

I think writers got too obsessed with the show over tell rule so they write over described actions in every scene which drowns the flow of the prose.

>> No.23098501

I say they lost that obsession, have you read the latest booktoks?

>> No.23099518

so where should I start then? Haven't read fanstasy since my youh, open to recommendations!

>> No.23099627

Black Company by Glen Cook is good
i used to enjoy Joe Abercrombie and Mark Lawrence but i havent read them in a few years so take that with a grain of salt.
But desu Rothfuss was pretty fun to read when i was a teen ngl lol and same goes for Sanderson.
Although Sandersons latest works are very mid, i remember enjoying Warbreaker and the first 2 Stormlight Archives.
You can read them if you're willing to just give up on literary integrity but just kinda have fun.
Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe is probably the one that you should read but I haven't read it either so i cant vouch for it.

>> No.23099633

How does that work? Wouldn't that be tell over show

>> No.23100749

Thanks for the recs! Much appreciated. I used to read the Dragonlance series back in the day and enjoyed them quite a bit depsite some shortcomings haha

>> No.23100761
File: 185 KB, 394x373, 11ea01854b381fa350ca6ed8c77fe13b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one of those guys who can't visualize things so hates when books ask him to to follow them?

>> No.23101363

anytime man, hope you have fun and find something you like!

>> No.23101372


>> No.23101566

totally based take.

>> No.23101624
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He's not wrong. A good piece of media is one that isn't translatable to another format. If your book, a piece of written text, is adaptable to film, that's not a very good book, you did not use all the tools of "bookness" available to you. Likewise, a movie, a visual medium, that can be novelized, isn't a very good movie. If your images can be translated to the written form with ease then you did not utilize fully the image factor of film, see Into the Void. Video games are the same thing, the best video games, that ones that have the most essence of video gameness, are those early titles such as Pong. You can't make a movie out of Pong in the same way you can make a movie about Mortal Kombat or Pokemon.

>> No.23101628

People who pickup writing because they think its easier and because theyre too lazy to become a director or learn a new skill like animating/drawing are pathetic and will always fail. They'll write a terribly written story coming from "their heart" and only they will ever give a shit.

>> No.23102002

>A good piece of media is one that isn't translatable to another format


>> No.23103546

The cool thing about books is that they can do things that are unvisualalizable

>> No.23105069

Objectively incorrect.