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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 500 KB, 773x1000, keyword1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22207628 No.22207628 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /lit/! Recently the horrid state of the magazine situation around here really made me think, we need a magazine that actually PAYS submitters and SUPPORTS the community by developing its professional output instead of just riding /lit/ writers coattails and getting credit for other peoples work.
I present to you Keyword Magazine.
Contributors will be paid $40 per page that contribution takes up. I intend to hit 50 pages of content provided from /lit/, and other 4chan artists. That's $2000 per issue. The editor/graphic designer will be paid $1200 per issue. That's $3200 per issue, enough for almost 22 months of issues with the money I've raised already.
I will have a team of people reading over this, including me, deciding what (and who) is good enough for print.
I look at this money as a business expense that will be paid back 100 fold when the magazine is established. I can easily see this being a new Vice magazine now that there is a hole in the market with them collapsing and creating that hole.
A website should be up and running by the middle of July, and we should have our first issue ready for August 1st!
In the meantime, we are looking for submissions. Keyword Magazine wants micro stories (200 to 2000 words), short stories (2000 to 6000 words) and long form stores (6000 words or more). There is no theme, write what you love! Please send your submissions to:

>> No.22207649

Do you accept essays and criticism?

>> No.22207660

Yes, absolutely.

>> No.22207669

What’s the deadline for submissions?

>> No.22207706

Rolling deadline, circa August 1st.

>> No.22208355
File: 100 KB, 629x827, f-gardner-kabbalah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong, Frank?
Got blown out in the last thread >>22197111 and trying again?
You'll never run from your awful reputation.
You really think the people here don't know what a racist brainlet you are?

>> No.22208456

the only posters worse than unreal/&amp discord shitters are the people who are constantly sperging out about them.

>> No.22208582

That categorically includes you.

>> No.22208720

i've yet to sperg out about them even once. pointing out that they suck isn't sperging. what op is doing is

>> No.22208742

No, what OP is doing is called a "sick burn".
It's parody.
Nothing disgraceful about it at all.
The subject of the parody, on the other hand...

>> No.22209158

F Gardner making a magazine? What are you talking about?

>> No.22209163

It's not going to happen. Move along.

>> No.22209287

>Gardner’s attempts to make something are making other people look bad!

>> No.22209303

More like Gardner's promises to make something, and acting like it's already happened, makes him look like the poser he has always been.

>> No.22209444

Do what you must, I’ve already won.

>> No.22209494

>it was some kind of
you get to tell us what kind it is
that's what writing is

>> No.22209590

You haven't actually produced a magazine.
Thinking nothing can go wrong betrays a childlike naivete.

>> No.22209722

Anyone who bullies Discord faggots off this site is a friend of mine.

>> No.22210091

You are mistaken.
You don’t get to pretend that I’m both Frank and his Adversary.
Keyword Magazine is a pretend periodical invented by people dedicated to trolling FEG.

>> No.22210608

This. Fuck off you hentai pedo porn wanking trannies. Discord is fucking cancer.

>> No.22210624

thank you for providing opportunity to creative neurotics and retards. i will try to submit something fun and tasteful

>> No.22210628

how is discord a problem? i am out of the loop

>> No.22210640

You don't even bother to buy a custom domain for your email, why should I trust you?

>> No.22210644

The last two months of &amp has been a group of discord faggots doxing each other. If you hung around the threads at all you'd probably have seen a mustachioed Cannuck and his cum covered ex-GF. All of these people have Discord brain rot.

>> No.22210645

what do you have to lose? he reads your wonderful editorial and tributes it? he hides it away? if only you made a copy before sending it off..

>> No.22210657

A domain is cheaper than any of the listed expenses and will tie in directly with their plan for a website. Why wouldn't they have one? The lack of domain only suggest their lack of readiness, which puts in question the credibility of all the other claims.

>> No.22210795

I don't know anything about this but man that is just a good image

>> No.22210874

Yeah this.
OP please post source.

>> No.22211097

So >>22197111 wasn't Frank?
Is what's happening on Discord fundamentally different than what happens here?
Seems like you're arguing dog shit vs. dog food.

>> No.22212266


>> No.22212334

If that's the most creative way you can think of to keep a thread alive, then you don't belong on /lit/.

>> No.22212446

You should be happy Boswell. This thread is going to bury Frank. Keep it bumped.

>> No.22212607

Frank is the only one that ever mentions Boswell.

>> No.22212685

Bro, it's obvious. We know how you type.

>> No.22212731

>Only one person on 4chan types in proper English
Sure, whatever.
I thought Frank was the only one pathetic enough to think he can spot anons.

>> No.22212736

Boswell bro, we don't hate you. Come join the discord. We can take frank down together.

>> No.22212747

1) I'm not who you think I am
2) I'm not a joiner
3) I don't care who "wins" a slime-vs.-slime battle

>> No.22212760

Admit that you're Boswell right now. I know it. Everyone knows it. People keep saying you're Zulu and you won't deny it. You're embarrassing us. Fucking say it.

>> No.22212771
File: 246 KB, 600x903, wojak-seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-admit it!
This is just sad.

>> No.22212781

Fine. I'm Boswell. I'm sorry for embarrassing you guys. I just got carried away. I know you guys weren't pestering Frank. It was all me.

>> No.22212941

Keep it up and you're next Boswell.

>> No.22212991

I'm Boswell.

>> No.22213001

Hello Steven Boswell. Please explain to the class why you're seething at Frank and pretending to be Zulu. We're waiting.

>> No.22213016

>cum covered ex-GF
gib link

>> No.22214169


>> No.22214949

It was Unreal Press who did all of that

>> No.22215047

Not gonna post it cuz I’ll get a two day vacation but if you go to the archive and look at the current &amp thread it was posted there a few days back and got taken down.

>> No.22215972

Ari did that. He posted his face and school to hurt Unreal.

>> No.22216957

He posted the girl’s dox too? Why?